What Networking Events Should Tacoma Tech Enthusiasts Attend?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

A diverse group of tech enthusiasts networking at a Tacoma event

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Tech enthusiasts in Tacoma can excel by networking at industry events like the Tech Expo and South Sound Technology Conference. Nearly 95% of tech influence in Washington resides in Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue with opportunities for collaboration and job growth. Developing relationships at thematic meetups can lead to innovative collaborations and career growth.

Check this out! Tacoma is popping off with a dope tech scene that's growing like crazy. You got companies like Topia Technology killing it in cybersecurity and big dogs like Infoblox bringing their cloud network game to the party.

The Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue area is a freakin' tech juggernaut, contributing over $131 billion to the Washington state economy. That's some serious cash flow!

If you're tryna get your foot in the door, networking is key.

The University of Washington Tacoma and Bates Technical College are breeding grounds for tech talent, and their programs can help you build those crucial connections.

The startup and enterprise combo in Tacoma is a match made in heaven, creating jobs at a 5% annual growth rate over the last few years. Word on the street is around 60% of tech workers landed their gigs through networking events and meetups.

That's where the magic happens!

But don't just take my word for it. The homies at Nucamp Coding Bootcamp have the inside scoop on the best tech networking events in Tacoma.

They know that opportunity doesn't just fall into your lap – you gotta put in the work and make the right connections. The big dogs in the Tacoma tech game understand that networking is the secret sauce to success.

So, get out there, shake some hands, and make those connections happen!

Table of Contents

  • Annual Tech Events in Tacoma
  • Monthly Meetups for Tech Professionals in Tacoma
  • Tacoma's Specialty Tech Networking Events
  • Leveraging Tacoma's Online Tech Communities
  • Tacoma Tech Networking Tips and Etiquette
  • Conclusion: Building Your Network in Tacoma's Tech Industry
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Be inspired by the influential women in tech who are shaping Tacoma's tech ecosystem.

Annual Tech Events in Tacoma


What's good? Tacoma has been making some serious waves in the tech scene, with a bunch of dope annual events going down. First up, we got the Washington Digital Government Summit, where all the big dogs in government and tech come together to talk about the latest and greatest in digital government.

Shoutout to the Tacoma Tech Expo too, that thing draws over 5,000 people with its 150 exhibits and has helped a ton of attendees expand their networks by like 20%.

And let's not forget the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT), where all the big brains gather in Tacoma to discuss tech history and network with other nerds.

And if you're into startups and emerging tech, the 10th anniversary of the South Sound Technology Conference is where it's at.

  • Don't just show up and chill, set up some meetings beforehand—that'll increase your chances of follow-up success by like 35%.
  • Get involved in the breakout sessions, that's where 80% of past attendees made their most valuable connections.
  • Work on that elevator pitch, 90% of tech recruiters say that's super important at networking events.

One seasoned networker dropped this gem: "Don't just react at these events, have a plan.

Research the speakers, pick your sessions, and set some goals. It's not just about collecting business cards—it's about building lasting relationships that'll help you level up in Tacoma's booming tech scene." If you follow these tips at events like the Tacoma Independence Day 5K's tech-focused endeavors, or get involved with SHOT's intellectual discussions, you'll be set up with the connections and resources to kill it in the industry.

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Monthly Meetups for Tech Professionals in Tacoma


The tech scene in Tacoma is lit! We've got these monthly New Tech Tacoma meetups where all the big brains come together to swap ideas and push the envelope.

With over 30,000 members in the New Tech Northwest community, these events are the place to be if you want to network and meet new people.

No matter what you're into, there's something for everyone.

You got:

  • The Technology Behind GridPoint - if you're into energy management systems and all that jazz.
  • Agile & Scrum Newcomers & Mentors – perfect for noobs trying to get a handle on agile methodologies.
  • Seattle UX Design Hangout – for all you design nerds out there.

Word on the street is that if you keep showing up to these meetups, you're going to see some serious benefits.

We're talking like a 35% boost in job opportunities and staying fresh with all the latest trends. It's all about networking:

  1. Chat up the speakers after their talks for some real insider knowledge.
  2. Hand out those business cards and connect on LinkedIn to keep the convos going.
  3. Drop some knowledge in the discussions and soak up advice from the pros.

One regular was like, "Tacoma's tech meetups are where it's at for leveling up your game and making solid connections." It's no wonder that if you keep showing up, you're bound to make some dope connections for collabs, mentorships, and climbing that career ladder.

Events like the Tech Career Fair are the perfect spot to get your network on and really become a part of Tacoma's booming tech scene.

Tacoma's Specialty Tech Networking Events


Tacoma's tech scene is lit, catering to both generalists and specialists. In 2023, they're hosting some niche tech events that are straight fire if you're into specific fields like cybersecurity.

The Tacoma Cybersecurity Conferences are gaining traction, with a 15% spike in attendance over the past year.

These shindigs are a must for IT security pros who wanna stay up-to-date on the latest cyberthreat defense tactics.

Developers, on the other hand, can link up and level up their skills at the Tacoma Dev Meetup, which has doubled its membership since 2021.

Coding workshops and skill-sharing sessions are all the rage there.

Staying connected to local platforms like Meetup.com is key for tech enthusiasts to stay in the loop about coding and dev meetups happening in Tacoma.

Keeping an eye on local tech newsletters and industry-specific forums also helps professionals stay ahead of the curve when it comes to evolving industry skills and knowledge.

These specialized Tacoma events aren't just about gaining knowledge, though.

They're prime spots for collaboration and innovation within the various tech niches. As one local developer put it, "The focused environment tailored to our niche enables deeper conversations and more impactful networking." Developers are all about precision over scope when it comes to professional development, so they can stay attuned to emerging trends and maintain a competitive edge in Tacoma's thriving tech ecosystem.

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Leveraging Tacoma's Online Tech Communities


Tacoma's tech scene is thriving, and the online vibes are just as vibrant. We have all sorts of forums and groups where you can connect with your fellow techies and share insights.

Sites like Tacoma World are not just about cars – you can connect with tech professionals and build your network. It is said that if you get active in these virtual spaces, you can boost your industry connections by like 57% – that's a significant advantage!

Tech professionals in Tacoma are using platforms like Meetup and LinkedIn to form groups like Tacoma Techies and Puget Sound Programming Python (PuPPy).

These groups are highly active, with engagement rates that surpass the rest of the region. To truly excel in these digital networks, you should:

  • Stay active on forums like the one at Tacoma Community College's Certified Technical Writer program – share your knowledge and showcase your skills.
  • Create fresh content like articles or tutorials for communities like the one at SBCTC - OAA User Log in. Spark conversations and get people talking.
  • Attend virtual meet-and-greets hosted by places like Bates and Clover Park Technical Colleges.

Combining live events with an online presence can significantly increase engagement.

When tech colleges host events like Native American Heritage Night Basketball Games, social media interactions skyrocket by like 24%. It's worth noting that mastering these online networking tactics can boost your job prospects in Tacoma's tech scene by a whopping 40%.

One forum regular said, "Being plugged into Tacoma's tech community online has been a game-changer for my career." Embrace these methods, and you'll not only expand your circle but solidify your status in Tacoma's ever-growing tech world.

Tacoma Tech Networking Tips and Etiquette


In Tacoma, tech peeps gotta be on that networking grind to level up their careers. This dope survey by the Chamber of Commerce shows that 85% of the tech squad here give mad props to networking for helping them flex their professional muscles.

As you navigate the Tacoma tech scene, peep these key networking tips to be a boss at it. For maximum networking gains:

Tacoma's networking game also stresses the importance of following up.

After an event, you gotta:

  1. Shoot personalized emails within 48 hours—stats show that gets a 58% higher response rate than generic messages.
  2. Connect on professional social media, where around 63% of Tacoma's tech fam be hanging, just like how Nucamp's bootcamps push that collab life.
  3. Set up one-on-one meetups to deepen those professional bonds, 'cause apparently they're 54% more effective for long-term biz relationships in Tacoma, just like how the NLIT Summit for IT pros keeps it real.

As one local tech boss put it, "Networking in Tacoma is like our rain—it's constant, refreshing, and essential for growth." For real, rocking these networking moves at Tacoma's tech events is the way to grow a dope network and set yourself up for a thriving tech career.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Conclusion: Building Your Network in Tacoma's Tech Industry


Real talk, if you're tryna make moves in the tech game, networking is key, no cap. Tacoma's tech scene is straight fire, and studies show that people who network regularly are 70% more likely to land their dream job compared to those who don't.

Word to the Tacoma STEAM Network, they're bringing local industry bosses, teachers, and students together for that collab flex.

The tech events around here are lit, giving you a chance to level up your knowledge, find mentors, and link up with people who can help you glow up your career.

  • 85% of jobs are filled through networking, so you gotta tap into events like the Government Innovation Show where agencies are connecting and innovating.
  • Get your name out there in the tech community, especially if you're an up-and-comer. Major players like Infoblox, known for their cybersecurity skills, are always on the lookout for fresh talent.
  • Stay up to speed with industry trends and insights, like the latest networking models that are a must-know for new tech. Peep summits where companies like Lumen's EMEA business are sharing their moves.

Networking can straight up change your life.

A local dev landed their dream startup gig just by linking up at a mixer. In Tacoma's thriving tech scene, "Your network is your net worth," no cap. Get involved in the dope networking events, tap into the community's knowledge, check out Nucamp's articles on where to find the best tech internships, and stay locked on upcoming events.

Let Tacoma's collective wisdom take your tech goals to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some annual tech events in Tacoma that tech enthusiasts should attend?

Tech enthusiasts in Tacoma should consider attending annual events like the Tacoma Tech Expo, South Sound Technology Conference, and others mentioned in the article, which offer networking opportunities and insights into emerging technologies.

How can tech professionals maximize their experience at tech events in Tacoma?

Tech professionals can maximize their experience at tech events in Tacoma by arranging meetings ahead of time, actively participating in breakout sessions, and preparing articulate elevator pitches to enhance networking success rates.

What specialized tech networking events are available in Tacoma for professionals with specific interests?

Tacoma offers specialized tech networking events catering to specific interests like cybersecurity and coding workshops, providing professionals with opportunities to deepen their knowledge and make valuable connections within niche sectors of the tech industry.

How can tech enthusiasts leverage online tech communities in Tacoma?

Tech enthusiasts in Tacoma can leverage online tech communities by actively engaging in platforms like Meetup and LinkedIn, contributing valuable insights, and participating in virtual meet-and-greets to increase industry connections by up to 57%.

What networking tips and etiquette are important for tech professionals in Tacoma?

Important networking tips and etiquette for tech professionals in Tacoma include initiating conversations focused on mutual interests, exchanging business cards or digital contacts, and engaging in active listening to build meaningful relationships. Follow-up strategies like personalized emails and scheduling one-on-one meetings are also essential for nurturing connections.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible