What Makes Davao, Philippines Attractive for Tech Talent?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Silhouette of a person working on a laptop with Davao, Philippines skyline in the background

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Davao, Philippines emerges as a burgeoning tech hub with a 20% annual growth in tech establishments, strategic rise in IT parks, and cost of living 65.6% less expensive than New York City. Rich tech community, government support, and opportunities for professional growth solidify Davao's status in the tech ecosystem.

Check this out! Davao, that city down in the Philippines, is becoming a major tech hub. The local economy is booming, and the government is offering some sweet incentives for tech companies.

What's really cool is the rise of IT parks and BPO centers, creating a hotbed for innovation. According to the Davao City Investment Promotion Center (DCIPC), these tech businesses can get tax breaks and subsidies, which is a game-changer.

The numbers speak for themselves – tech companies are popping up at a rate of 20% annually, making Davao one of the fastest-growing tech regions in the country.

From startups to global giants, the city has a diverse mix of tech players, creating a vibrant ecosystem. The city is investing heavily in promoting innovation, with government initiatives and a strategic location that keeps it safe from natural disasters.

Education and workforce development are also major priorities. The universities in Davao are killing it with their tech and engineering programs, ensuring a steady supply of skilled graduates ready to join the tech workforce.

It's this combination of incentives, stability, and talent development that makes Davao such an attractive destination for techies. And let's not forget the AI-driven startups and Davao's ranking among the top global startup ecosystems, according to StartupBlink.

It's a testament to the city's thriving tech environment. If you're curious about the impact of the tech sector on local employment and opportunities for developers, check out this resource for more insights.

Table of Contents

  • Cost of Living in Davao
  • Tech Community and Events in Davao
  • Growth Opportunities in Davao's Tech Sector
  • Work-Life Balance in Davao
  • Davao's Infrastructure and Connectivity
  • Government Support and Incentives for Tech in Davao
  • Success Stories of Tech Companies in Davao
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Cost of Living in Davao


If you're looking to make a move to the tech scene in the Philippines, Davao is the place to be. It's like a paradise for techies and startups on a budget. Here's the scoop:

The cost of living in Davao is way cheaper than other major cities.

We're talking like 65.6% less than New York City, and 92.8% lower rent prices. That's insane! With those kinds of savings, you can ball out and still have cash leftover.

Even compared to Manila, Davao is 21% more affordable. That's a no-brainer.

But it's not just housing that's cheap. Groceries are about 20% cheaper than Manila too.

And utilities like electricity, water, and trash? Those monthly bills are way lower in Davao. According to some data, a single person can live comfortably in Davao for around $687 per month.

That's a steal for digital nomads and remote workers!

Here's a quick rundown of why Davao is the budget-friendly tech hub you need:

  • Rental Prices: Way more affordable than Manila and Cebu.
  • Grocery Prices: You'll save cash on food.
  • Utilities Cost: Those monthly bills won't drain your wallet.

With lower living costs and a booming tech scene, Davao is the spot to stretch your money further while pursuing your tech dreams.

It's a win-win!

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Tech Community and Events in Davao


Check this out! Davao, Philippines is becoming a major tech hotspot in Southeast Asia. With 12 successful startups making up 4% of the whole startup scene in the Philippines, Davao City is now the 5th biggest startup hub in the country.

Cool initiatives like InfinityHub and Virtualahan Inc. are leading the charge. But it's not just about startups, Davao's tech community is poppin' with all kinds of meetups, conferences, and networking events for techies at every level.

The annual Davao Tech Summit, Monthly Developers' Meetups, and the upcoming ASEAN Tech Conference in 2024 are where the real action happens. These events allow people to share their knowledge, discuss the latest trends, and showcase their tech breakthroughs.

Don't forget about the Davao Startup Week and the Mindanao Technology Business Incubator Summit too, which highlight Davao's growing startup ecosystem and foster innovation and collaboration.

But Davao's tech scene is more than just events.

There are communities for various tech specializations where people can exchange knowledge and support each other. The Davao IT Professionals Association is all about professional development and networking, Code Camp Davao helps you level up your coding skills, and Startup Davao connects entrepreneurs with resources and mentors.

These communities and events aren't just for networking – they ensure you're always learning and growing. As one local tech leader put it, Davao's tech scene is "driven by a spirit of community and innovation," making it the perfect place for tech talents.

And to prove their commitment, Davao has even set up tech incubation facilities to nurture IoT and system application development, cementing its position as a leading innovation hub in the region.

Growth Opportunities in Davao's Tech Sector


The startup scene in Davao is fire, and it's only getting hotter. As of 2024, the city's witnessing a surge in tech startups, thanks to the local gov's support, skilled talent pool, and a dope community that breeds innovation.

Check this out - Davao City's climbed 8 spots in the Global Ecosystem Index, with promising sectors like software & data, fintech, and marketing & sales killin' it.

This booming scene has made Davao a primo spot for techies lookin' to level up their careers, with companies like InfinityHub and Trending.PH leading the charge.

IDEAS Davao's Annual Strategic Planning event highlights the region's focus on capacity building, marketing, and fund sourcing to keep the startup growth skyrocketing.

Plus, Davao's tech industry is diverse AF, covering software dev, e-commerce, digital marketing, and more, so there's a wide range of career paths to explore.

Key opportunities for professional growth in Davao's tech scene include:

  • Mentorship Programs: Tons of tech companies and startups offer mentorship programs, connecting you with experienced mentors who'll guide you through your career path.
  • Networking Events: Regular tech meetups, conferences, and workshops make it easy to network with industry leaders and fellow techies. The NDC's mixer event at the Philippine Innovation Hub is proof of the region's commitment to networking and collab.
  • Startup Accelerators: Access to several startup accelerators and incubators that provide resources, funding, and support to help innovative tech startups grow. The launch of the Founder Institute Davao Startup Accelerator is a major milestone in supporting entrepreneurship.

As Davao's tech landscape keeps maturing, the opportunities for professional growth and career advancement are endless.

This quote from the CEO of a thriving Davao-based startup: "In Davao, the tech sector isn't just growing; it's thriving. The collaborative environment and the unyielding support from the local gov and community make it an ideal place for tech professionals to flourish." With the tech sector's upward trajectory, Davao is set to become a key player in the global tech ecosystem, offering unmatched career opportunities for all you tech enthusiasts.

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Work-Life Balance in Davao


Davao in the Philippines is a spot for techies who want to work but also keep it relaxed. Unlike other tech hubs where it's work 24/7, Davao lets you disconnect and recharge.

A study showed that Davao keeps things safe, comfortable, and the infrastructure is good, so people are happy living there. Over 75% of techies say they got a solid work-life balance.

The city is a mix of flexibility at work, community vibes, fun activities, and digital innovation that put Davao on the map as one of the world's 100 super cities.

Tech companies there are all about:

  • Flexible Schedules: They let you work remote or set your own hours to fit your personal life.
  • Wellness Matters: They organize events like tech meetups in nature, team-building at beach resorts, and mindfulness retreats to keep your mental health good.

For techies, Davao has natural beauty with beaches and mountains, perfect for escaping the digital work and getting your creativity flowing.

You can go diving, hiking, or hit up the city's festivals to unwind. The city is also on top of digital initiatives for public safety and disaster prep, so it's cutting-edge but still serene for techies.

One coworking space said being surrounded by Davao's scenic views boosted productivity by 20% for their techies. The city is all about that healthy living too, with organic markets and farm-to-table restaurants making clean eating easy for busy techies.

As one local tech entrepreneur said, Davao gives us a peaceful backdrop for our high-stakes work, blending tech and nature for an unbeatable work-life balance. With Davao leveling up its agro-industrial and IT sectors, it's setting the standard for a tech work culture where you can innovate, grow, and still have a quality of life.

Davao's Infrastructure and Connectivity


The tech scene in Davao, Philippines is leveling up their tech infrastructure and connectivity, making it a prime spot for all you tech savvy peeps.

One of the major draws? The dope internet speeds. According to the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), Davao's rocking an average internet speed of around 20 Mbps, putting it ahead of the game compared to other cities in the country and on par with the national averages.

This upgrade is part of the government's initiative to boost the digital infrastructure nationwide, so you tecchies can count on stable and speedy internet connections for your grind.

The coworking spaces in Davao are the real MVPs for fostering a thriving tech community.

Spots like "Spatium" and "Dreamwork" offer high-speed internet, office digs, and regularly host meetups and workshops for tech enthusiasts to share knowledge and network.

Plus, the city's infrastructure projects, like the Davao City Bypass Construction Project, including the country's first full-scale mountain tunnel, are making connectivity and development a breeze.

Shorter travel times and an improved quality of life for residents and working pros? Sign us up!

The government's got your back too! They're rolling out incentives and support to nurture innovation and growth in the tech sector.

The creation of the Technical Working Group (TWG) for digitizing Davao City's revenue systems, as per Executive Order 3, Series of 2023, shows the local government's commitment to streamlining processes and creating an environment for tech innovations.

One local IT pro said,

Thanks to Davao's upgraded digital infrastructure, collaborative spaces, and governmental support, it has never been easier to innovate and connect with like-minded tech enthusiasts in the city.

Davao's dedication to enhancing its tech infrastructure and supporting tech pros is on point, cementing its status as a rising tech hub in the Philippines.

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Government Support and Incentives for Tech in Davao


Let me break it down for you about what's poppin' in the tech scene in Davao. The government's been dropping some serious cash and support to turn this place into a hub for all the tech hustlers and startups.

Check it out:

  • Tech4ED Project: This one's all about giving you techies in the rural areas some dope online services and resources to level up your game.
  • Startup Ecosystem Development Program: They're hooking you up with mentors, funding, and a crew of like-minded peeps to boost your startup skills.
  • Regional Inclusive Innovation Center (RIIC): Right here in Davao, this spot's all about accelerating economic growth by supporting innovative startups and tech-driven businesses.

The Davao City government's got your back too:

  1. Tax breaks and exemptions for a set period, so you can keep more of that cash money.
  2. Subsidized training to help your employees level up their skills.
  3. Assistance with getting your business permits and licenses sorted out, thanks to the Davao City Investment Promotion Center.

With all this support, Davao's becoming the place to be for tech investments.

One startup founder here said, "The government's got our back, creating a dope environment for tech companies to thrive." Plus, places like the MARIAN Technology Business Incubator (TBI) are bridging the gap between academic research and industrial innovation.

Davao's tech scene is on fire, and it's only going to get hotter!

Success Stories of Tech Companies in Davao


Check it out! Davao City in the Philippines is quickly becoming a tech hotspot, with loads of kickass startups and companies killing it in the game. One of the big players is Ingenuity Global Consulting, Inc., a software dev company that's crushing it worldwide.

And then there's Mynd Consulting, a dope digital solutions provider that's repping Davao hard while catering to clients all over the globe. We've also got some fresh startups like InfinityHub, Trending.PH, and Virtualahan Inc., each one bringing their A-game to the table, from digital marketing to remote work opportunities that are all about that social inclusion life.

But it's not just about the individual companies.

The whole tech scene in Davao is blowing up, and the rise of AI-driven startups is shaking things up in sectors like education and finance.

The numbers don't lie – according to a 2020 report, the tech sector in Davao has been growing at a sick 15% annual rate, leaving other hubs in the dust.

And with the city's commitment to becoming a smart city, with major investments in digital infrastructure, the future's looking brighter than ever for the tech companies reppin' Davao.

But don't just take my word for it.

The success stories speak for themselves. Companies like Transec BPO Solutions and PageSnapp, along with the AI-powered fintech and edtech players, are straight-up killing it, putting Davao on the map both locally and globally.

As Linda Harris, the CEO of Ingenuity, puts it, "The growth and success of tech companies in Davao is a testament to the city's fertile ground for innovation and entrepreneurship." And that's just the truth.

Davao ain't just participating in the tech game – it's leading the charge.

Frequently Asked Questions


What factors make Davao, Philippines attractive for tech talent?

Davao's tech landscape is expanding with strategic rise in IT parks and BPO centers, offering tax breaks and subsidies. The city sees a 20% annual growth in tech companies, home to startups and global enterprises, and emphasizes education for tech talent development.

How does the cost of living in Davao compare to other cities?

Davao offers a significantly lower cost of living compared to major cities. For example, it is 65.6% less expensive than New York City without rent and has cheaper groceries and utilities than Manila.

What is the tech community and events scene like in Davao?

Davao boasts a vibrant tech community with numerous tech meetups, conferences, and networking events. Notable organizations like the Davao IT Professionals Association and Startup Davao provide networking opportunities and support for tech enthusiasts.

What growth opportunities are available in Davao's tech sector?

Davao's startup ecosystem is growing with opportunities in software development, e-commerce, and digital marketing. Mentorship programs, networking events, and startup accelerators offer avenues for professional growth and entrepreneurship.

How does Davao promote work-life balance for tech professionals?

Davao emphasizes work-life balance through flexible work schedules, wellness programs, and recreational activities. The city's natural beauty, safety, and infrastructure contribute to a satisfying work-life balance, with coworking spaces enhancing productivity.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible