The Best Tech Blogs and Websites for Davao, Philippines Residents

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

A lively tech community event in Davao, Philippines

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The tech industry in Davao, Philippines, is booming with a focus on Software & Data, Fintech, and AI. Key blogs and websites like and Davao Geek Hub provide valuable insights and community engagement. Stay updated with local tech events, newsletters, and networking to thrive in Davao's tech ecosystem.

The tech game in Davao City is on fire! It's turning into a dope hub for all things innovation and startup hustle. The number of tech startups and companies killing it here is skyrocketing.

According to the stats, Davao's tech scene is flexing hard in areas like Software & Data, Fintech, and even AI-driven moves. That's a whole lotta opportunities for all you tech geeks and pros out there.

Thanks to Davao's prime location in Southeast Asia, the region's got a steady flow of skilled tech talent and a bunch of government initiatives pushing for more tech innovation and investment.

Shout out to the city for embracing AI and fintech innovations – that's proof this place has the potential to be a future-proof tech ecosystem.

If you're tryna navigate this booming landscape, you gotta understand the local tech dynamics. Peep the Nucamp-recommended articles on kickstarting a coding career in Davao.

They'll give you the 411 on the market demands, educational paths, and career opportunities, so you can make the most of Davao's expanding tech environment.

Table of Contents

  • Top Tech Blogs in Davao, Philippines
  • Influential Tech Websites in Davao, Philippines
  • Local Tech Events and News Platforms in Davao, Philippines
  • Tips for Davao Residents to Stay Updated on Tech
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Elevate your learning and networking by diving into resources specifically tailored for aspiring developers in Davao, Philippines.

Top Tech Blogs in Davao, Philippines


In the heart of Davao, where tech rules supreme, we've got some dope blogs that are straight fire. Sites like Davao Geek Hub, DigitalDavao, and Davao Bloggers Society are the top dogs in the local tech blog scene.

They're dropping sick content on everything from the latest coding trends to gadget reviews, tech event deets, and tutorials that'll make you a coding ninja. These blogs aren't just lit, they're repping Davao's tech game hard.

But hold up, you gotta play it smart:

  • Bookmark and Follow: Keep these blogs on your radar and follow 'em on socials to stay up-to-date with the freshest tech news and trends.
  • Engage and Participate: Get in the mix by dropping comments and hitting up forums to score that insider knowledge and link up with other tech heads.
  • Utilize Filters and Tags: Use their sorting tools to cut through the noise and zero in on the content that's relevant to your interests or needs.

One tech mogul in Davao said it best: "In this tech-driven world, being clued in ain't just a perk, it's a necessity.

Davao's tech blogs are your GPS through the ever-changing tech landscape." These blogs aren't just spitting facts, they're building a community of tech-savvy peeps in Davao.

As tech keeps evolving, making these resources part of your daily digital grind will level up your tech game and keep you plugged into the local tech scene.

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Influential Tech Websites in Davao, Philippines


Check this out! Davao's tech game is on fire, and staying plugged into the right websites is crucial if you want to stay on top of the action. One of the biggest players is, a hotspot for startups and innovators in the area.

They've got the inside scoop on everything from mind-blowing articles to upcoming tech events you won't want to miss. Then there's Davao Geek Hub, serving up fresh tech news, product reviews, and guides tailored for the local tech community.

These sites aren't just info hubs, they're like a virtual hangout for all the tech geeks and pros in Davao. And let's not forget the Pop Online Portal of Davao City, bringing diverse coverage from product launches to industry insights, keeping the tech buzz alive in the city.

Here are some stats to show how these platforms are making waves:

  • hosted over 100 mind-blowing tech events last year alone, helping Davao's tech community level up their networking and skills.
  • Davao Geek Hub saw a 40% spike in website traffic last quarter, proving that Davao's appetite for tech is only growing, thanks to their on-point insights and updates that hit home with the locals.

As one tech professional put it, "Staying looped in with these sites doesn't just boost your knowledge, it opens doors for collaborations and innovation in Davao's tech scene." The whole community agrees that engaging with these influential websites is the way to stay ahead of the game in this ever-changing industry.

And let's not forget YugaTech, the Philippines' top source for tech news and reviews, keeping Davao in the loop with their comprehensive coverage.

By tapping into the wealth of information on these excellent tech websites, Davao's tech enthusiasts and professionals can navigate the digital world like experts, seizing every challenge and opportunity that comes their way.

Local Tech Events and News Platforms in Davao, Philippines


Davao's tech scene is lit AF with a dope mix of events, new platforms, and educational avenues for tech enthusiasts of all levels. The year 2024 is especially hype with an array of engineering and technology conferences like the International Conference on Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (ICOAME) and the International Conference on Mechanical, Aerospace and Production Engineering (ICMAEROPE) going down in Davao City.

These events are a sick opportunity to network, learn, and discover the latest industry trends right in your own backyard. Adding to this, the Davao Digital Summit and specialized Code Camp in Davao continue to be clutch in bringing tech professionals together to share knowledge and collab.

Beyond events, Davao's digital landscape is leveled up by platforms like TechDavao and the Davao Tech Blog, which are key for disseminating tech news, reviewing the latest gadgets, and providing tutorials.

Key strategies for staying connected include subscribing to newsletters from these dope sources, participating in local online tech communities, and attending workshops and seminars geared towards tech advancements.

Plus, for those looking to dive deep into coding and software development, Nucamp Coding Bootcamp's articles like "How to Start a Coding Career in Davao, Philippines: A Beginner's Guide" offer insightful advice on navigating the local tech landscape.

Engaging with Davao's tech ecosystem through these dope channels enhances your knowledge, fosters community involvement, and opens doors to new career paths.

The collective vibe among Davao's tech enthusiasts is clear: embracing both digital platforms and participating in tech-focused events is essential for anyone eager to crush it in the fast-paced world of technology.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Tips for Davao Residents to Stay Updated on Tech


Check it out - Davao's tech scene is lit AF! With all the dope advancements happening, like Smart Comms pushing for that eSIM tech and over 2,300 peeps getting involved in the IDEAS Davao initiative, it's a whole vibe.

Davao's committed to being an innovative tech hub.

Stay in the loop by subbing to tech newsletters like SunStar Davao and keeping tabs on IDEAS Davao's achievements.

There are like 30 tech-related events happening monthly in Davao, from coding bootcamps to startup incubator sessions. It's a whole world out there!

  • Leverage local news and newsletters to get the latest tech updates and insights.
  • Engage with community initiatives like IDEAS Davao to contribute and learn from the startup scene.
  • Attend local tech events and workshops to stay on top of the latest trends and technologies.

With projects like Smart Comms' eSIM revolution and the active participation in IDEAS Davao, Davao residents are proving they can drive tech advancements.

The community is hyped about cultivating a vibrant tech ecosystem. By embracing these tips, Davao can level up their expertise and contribute to the region's booming tech landscape, securing a bright future for both aspiring and established tech pros.

Stay woke!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top tech blogs in Davao, Philippines?

Prominent tech blogs in Davao include [List of top tech blogs]. These blogs cover a wide range of tech-related topics and provide valuable insights for both beginners and experts in the tech field.

How can individuals engage with tech blogs effectively?

Individuals can engage with tech blogs by bookmarking and following them for regular updates, actively participating in discussions through comments and forums, and utilizing filters and tags to navigate content based on their interests.

What are some influential tech websites in Davao, Philippines?

Influential tech websites in Davao include [List of influential tech websites]. These platforms offer valuable resources, news, and insights catered to the local tech community, fostering collaboration and innovation within the tech industry.

How can Davao residents stay updated on tech developments?

Davao residents can stay updated on tech developments by subscribing to local tech newsletters, engaging with community initiatives like IDEAS Davao, attending tech events and workshops, and leveraging resources like Meetup and Eventbrite to stay connected with the tech ecosystem.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible