The Top 10 Best Colleges in Bellevue for Tech Enthusiasts

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Bellevue's top tech colleges and their campuses

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Bellevue's tech sector thrives with a 7.6% increase in tech employment. Top colleges like Bellevue University offer diverse programs in cybersecurity and data science. Strong industry connections provide internships and high job placement rates. Academic quality, facilities, and diverse programs are key considerations for tech enthusiasts.

The tech scene in Bellevue is blowing up like crazy! It's becoming a major tech hub that's not just competing with Seattle but actually challenging its dominance.

With a whopping 7.6% increase in tech jobs and big players like Microsoft setting up shop, Bellevue's tech industry is a huge deal for Washington's economy. The demand for tech education is skyrocketing too, with local colleges like Bellevue University expanding their programs to churn out grads who are ready to kill it in fields like cybersecurity, data science, and software dev.

With tech jobs being twice as concentrated here compared to other regions, these schools are stepping up their game to meet the needs of the tech workforce.

  • Academic quality is non-negotiable – accreditation and expert faculty are a must.
  • State-of-the-art facilities give students hands-on experience that aligns with Bellevue's tech demands for industry-relevant skills.
  • Strong industry connections hook students up with invaluable internships and kickstart their careers.
  • Diverse program offerings cater to the many specialized sectors within tech.
  • Proven by positive student outcomes – high graduation rates and alumni success stories speak for themselves.

This high demand has shaped tech education in Bellevue to the core.

Schools are focused on giving students both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to navigate the constantly evolving tech landscape. As we check out the rankings of the top tech colleges in Bellevue, these factors are key in our analysis, highlighting the city's commitment to churning out a highly skilled tech workforce.

Table of Contents

  • Bellevue College: A Diverse Range of Tech Programs
  • City University of Seattle: Real-World Tech Education
  • Northwest University: Integrating Tech and Creativity
  • Seattle University: A Hub for Computer Science Excellence
  • University of Washington, Bothell: Innovation in Technology Education
  • Lake Washington Institute of Technology: Hands-On Technical Training
  • Cornish College of the Arts: Technology Meets Artistic Vision
  • Renton Technical College: Preparing Skilled Tech Workforce
  • Green River College: Bridging the Gap Between Tech Education and Industry
  • Digipen Institute of Technology: Pioneering Interactive Media Education
  • Methodology Behind Ranking the Top Tech Colleges in Bellevue
  • Conclusion: Finding the Right Tech College in Bellevue
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Bellevue College: A Diverse Range of Tech Programs


Bellevue College is where it's at if you wanna get your tech game on point. They've got a crazy selection of degrees and certs that'll prep you for the tech world.

From Computer Science Bachelor's to IT Associate's, and even specialized Certs in stuff like Application Support, Network Support, and Cloud Services, they've got you covered.

These programs aren't just about coding and tech mumbo-jumbo; they'll also hook you up with sick communication skills, business knowledge, teamwork vibes, and problem-solving chops – all the goods you need to slay in the ever-changing tech scene.

Bellevue College keeps it real with state-of-the-art facilities where you can get your hands dirty with the latest tech toys.

And guess what? They've got industry connections with big dogs like Microsoft and Amazon, so you can get insider deets and maybe even score a sweet internship.

Past students have gone on to become total bosses in the tech world, thanks to the college's tight curriculum that stays fresh with input from industry experts.

Whether you're looking to land a sick tech job straight outta college or level up your education game, Bellevue College has got your back.

Their transferable degrees and constantly updated programs will keep you ahead of the curve. They're legit leaders in tech education.

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City University of Seattle: Real-World Tech Education


Check this out! City University of Seattle is killing it when it comes to tech education. They've got this hands-on learning approach that gets you solving real-world problems from day one.

U.S. News even ranked their online Bachelor's programs among the top in the game. Their tech degrees are lit, like:

  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
  • Master of Science in Computer Science
  • Doctor of Information Technology, tackling leadership challenges with a focus on cybersecurity and analytics.

The best part? These cutting-edge programs are led by professors who've actually been in the industry trenches, and even their grad-level cyber labs are available online for remote students.

CityU is all about bridging the gap between academia and industry, partnering with tech giants to bring that real-world know-how straight into the classroom.

CityU's alumni are proof that their training is fire.

One former student, now a CTO at a hot Seattle startup, said CityU's "matchless industry immersion and expert faculty mentorship" were game-changers for their career.

With that perfect blend of rigorous academics and hands-on experience, City University of Seattle is equipping grads to tackle tech challenges head-on and drive innovation like bosses.

Northwest University: Integrating Tech and Creativity


Check it out, Northwest University is where it's at if you're looking to get your tech game on with a side of creativity. Nestled in the heart of Kirkland, this place is straight-up plugged into the buzzing tech scene.

They've got some dope-ass graduate programs that'll take your skills to the next level while mixing in that Christian faith vibe.

Whether you're into business, nursing, or business management, they've got you covered.

You'll be ready to slay it in any industry once you're done.

  • Their career services crew hooks you up with sick internships at major players like Microsoft, Google, and Nintendo.
  • The faculty crew is stacked with experts who'll make sure you're industry-ready, just like their fancy Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs recognition.
  • You'll get to network like a boss with real-world experiences like international business studies.

Northwest University is straight-up vibing with the tech giants out there.

You'll get to work on projects that push the boundaries of innovation – like, mind-blowing stuff. Their Bachelor of Arts in Creative Digital Media is the real deal, combining tech skills with that artistic flair.

You'll have internship opportunities in areas like Software Engineering, Digital Marketing & Media, and Game Development, with direct lines to the big dogs in the industry.

But it's not just about churning out skilled workers.

Northwest University is all about shaping visionary leaders. Their alumni are out there killing it, thanks to the dope internships and mentorship they got. One grad even said, "Northwest University equipped me with the tech skills and creative thinking I needed to land a role at a major tech firm," and that's just a taste of how they'll set you up for success.

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Seattle University: A Hub for Computer Science Excellence


Have you checked out the Computer Science Department at Seattle U? It's straight-up fire! They've got a killer curriculum and tons of dope research opportunities.

With a squad of industry pros and top-notch scholars as professors, you know you're gonna be learning the real deal.

Small classes mean you get that one-on-one attention, and it's all about innovation and hands-on learning.

Their Bachelor of Science in Computer Science is legit.

You get to work on industry-sponsored projects for a whole year at the Project Center. That's some real-world experience right there. And a whopping 93% of grads land jobs at major companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google.

Talk about a winning combo!

But it doesn't stop there. Seattle U's tech programs are on another level. Even their Master's degrees let you take electives from 5000-level CPSC courses.

And for those new to coding, they've got a Career Change Certificate to get you up to speed. Practical applications are the name of the game, with multiple grad certs and an impressive 87% employment rate for their MSCS program.

With mentorship, career support, and the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, you'll be industry-ready in no time.

An Amazon-endowed chair is now leading the department after a massive donation.

That just shows how tight the connection is between the school and the tech industry. Seattle U is definitely one of the top spots for tech education.

University of Washington, Bothell: Innovation in Technology Education


UW Bothell is the spot if you're all about that tech lyfe. They've got some serious innovative tech programs that'll prep you for the fast-paced tech industry.

We're talking STEM majors like Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering, plus a bunch of Business degrees with specializations in cool stuff like Leadership & Strategic Innovation and Supply Chain Management.

It's not just theory either, they'll have you working on real-life projects and prototypes for actual companies.

  • You'll get your hands dirty solving real-world problems, giving you a serious edge when you graduate.

  • They've got dope facilities like the Beardslee Building's makerspaces where you can innovate and troubleshoot with your crew.

  • They've got a mentorship program where you can learn from industry vets who've been there and done that.

But it's not just about the academics.

UW Bothell has some serious corporate connections, like with Microsoft. You'll get sick internship opportunities and a chance to network with the big players, setting you up for a killer job after graduation.

Speaking of jobs, their grads are landing gigs at top companies left and right, thanks to UW Bothell's focus on combining classroom knowledge with real-world skills.

They've got impressive job placement rates within six months of graduation, proving they know how to bridge that gap between theory and hands-on experience.

If you want to be a future tech innovator, UW Bothell is where it's at.

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Lake Washington Institute of Technology: Hands-On Technical Training


Check this out! Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWTech) is the real deal when it comes to getting some serious tech skills.

They've got an epic range of technical training programs, from baking to architecture and everything in between - over 40 areas of study! These guys are legit when it comes to teaching you the ropes for whatever industry you're gunning for.

But here's the kicker - they've got these dope apprenticeship opportunities lined up with major tech companies. So, you're not just hitting the books, you're getting hands-on experience that'll make you a total boss when you hit the job market.

  • Applied Design: Where tech meets creative problem-solving.
  • Electronics Technology: Get your circuit and control system game on point.
  • Digital Gaming & Interactive Media: Dive into the nitty-gritty of game design and multimedia awesomeness.

LWTech is packing some seriously cool labs and equipment that'll make you feel like you're already working at a major tech firm.

Their cybersecurity lab is next-level, setting you up for success in the real world. As one of their instructors put it, "Working with legit industry tools gets our students ready to crush it in their careers." These guys mean business when it comes to applied learning, teaming up with major companies and offering killer apprenticeship programs that'll make you a total asset when you graduate.

With forward-thinking resources and a focus on practical, industry-relevant education, LWTech is the place to be if you're a tech geek looking to level up your skills and make your mark in the game.

Cornish College of the Arts: Technology Meets Artistic Vision


This is about an art school that's straight fire. Cornish College of the Arts is killing it with their programs that merge tech and creativity.

Situated in the heart of Seattle, a dope spot for art school innovators, they're redefining how education blends digital innovation with artistic talent. They've got a wild range of programs like Art, Dance, Design, Film, and Interior Architecture, preparing students to be artist-citizen-innovators.

Courses like Interactive Media Design and Animation are seeing mad growth because combining tech with art is where it's at.

  • Design and Digital Arts: Interdisciplinary learning environments and modern studio experiences, check out their Visual Arts Foundations Program.
  • Performing Arts Technology: Mastering skills across various media, seamlessly blending stagecraft with technological advancements.
  • Digital Music: Exploring music production and new media, aligning with how tech is integrated into audio arts these days.

It's not just theory, though.

They also hook you up with industry connections and tech-community collabs, setting you up for a dope career. Their grads are career-ready, and one alumni even credited Cornish's tech-infused artistry for their success in digital art entrepreneurship.

Students at Cornish aren't just keeping up with industry changes; they're leading the way in merging art and technology into uncharted territory.

Renton Technical College: Preparing Skilled Tech Workforce


Let me break it down for you about this dope tech college called Renton Technical College (RTC). They're pioneers when it comes to churning out a skilled tech workforce that's ready to slay the ever-changing game of the industry.

With over 60 career training programs across various sectors, including an associate degree in Application Development and programs in Cloud Network Technology, RTC is all about aligning their curriculum with what the tech sector needs.

A whopping 85% of their grads land a job within six months of graduation! That's some serious commitment to helping you succeed in those hot tech careers.

But it doesn't stop there! RTC has got some serious industry partnerships and cutting-edge facilities that bridge the gap between theory and real-world application.

They're all about that hands-on experience.

And let's not forget their collabs with some major industry giants! These partnerships not only level up the learning experience but often lead to direct job opportunities for the grads.

RTC's alumni are out there killing it in the information technology and cybersecurity sectors, bringing that innovative fire.

But it's not just about the academics.

RTC has got your back with resources like counseling, advising, disability services, and veterans support. Their mission statement says it all: "We prepare a diverse student body for high-wage careers." They're serious about equipping you with the skills and confidence to slay in the tech sphere.

So, if you're looking to level up your IT game, check out RTC's Information Technology programs.

They'll have you coding like a boss and ready to take on the tech world.

Green River College: Bridging the Gap Between Tech Education and Industry


This Green River College is killing it in the tech game. They've got tech programs like software dev and network admin that are all about that real-world shit.

They've teamed up with over 30 local tech companies to make sure their curriculum is on point, balancing theory and practicality like a boss.

These partnerships are taking their learning to the next level, and Green River is influencing the regional tech scene.

They just scored a $400,000 grant from Strada Education Network, so these collabs are about to get even crazier. That means you'll have access to all the latest and greatest resources and work-based learning opportunities.

Green River is all about that hands-on project-based learning life.

Their Applied Baccalaureate in Software Development program saw a massive 73% enrollment boost last year, so you know it's lit. With their advanced lab setups and new programs under Washington State's Centers of Excellence model, they're fostering a tight bond between academics and the tech industry's needs.

Green River's got a whopping 92% job placement rate! Their mission is all about equipping you with the skills to slay in the real world.

Their Engineering Technology programs can set you up for some serious careers with median salaries up to $82,830 annually in places like Seattle-Tacooma-Bellevue.

One grad even said, "Green River didn't just teach me about technology; they connected me with it." That's how you know Green River is empowering folks and shaping the Bellevue tech scene!

Digipen Institute of Technology: Pioneering Interactive Media Education


Check this out. DigiPen Institute of Technology is a school that specializes in interactive media education. They offer degrees in stuff like game design, computer science, and digital art.

They're like a hotbed for talent and innovation in the gaming industry, with campuses all over the place – Redmond, Washington, Singapore, and even Spain. Their collaboration with the Singapore Institute of Technology is super cool, showing how they can work with schools globally.

And they've got connections with big names like Nintendo, so their grads can slide right into tech careers.

But it's not just theory – their Computer Engineering program is all about combining hardware and software skills for real-world applications.

DigiPen's approach is super practical, and it shows – 89% of their grads land jobs within six months of graduating. They've got some wild interdisciplinary stuff too, like the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in Interactive Media and Game Development.

It's like a dynamic education tailored to what the industry needs.

This place is a total powerhouse – ranked 4th for Game Design by The Princeton Review in 2021 and named a "College of Distinction." They've got a crazy range of specialized courses that keep up with the digital era's challenges.

Their alumni have even worked on projects like Netflix's "My Dad the Bounty Hunter." DigiPen isn't just about churning out grads – they're shaping pioneers who'll redefine interactive media.

Former students say it's like a crucible for creativity that launches careers into the gaming stratosphere.

Methodology Behind Ranking the Top Tech Colleges in Bellevue


Check it out! We've got this system for ranking the tech colleges in Bellevue, and it's like a whole vibe, ya feel me? We're not just looking at one thing, but hitting it from all angles to make sure we're getting the real deal.

First up, we've got the Academic Quality: how many peeps are graduating and what the profs are packing in terms of credentials.

The top dogs usually get shout-outs on those fancy lists like Young University Rankings, and their academics are way above the national average.

Next, we've got the Student Reviews: the real tea straight from the mouths of those grinding through the courses.

The best programs get slapped with ratings of 4.5 or higher, which lines up with what students are digging, according to these rankings.

Then there's the Tech Infrastructure: the labs gotta be on point, like straight outta the industry itself.

We're talking cutting-edge stuff that'll have you feeling like you're already working in the real world, like Illinois Institute of Technology's whole vibe.

Don't sleep on the Industry Relations either! The top dogs are tight with the big dogs in tech, scoring dope internships and research gigs.

It's like how Microsoft's really involved in the Bellevue scene, ya dig?

Last but not least, Job Placement Rates: we're talking about schools that'll have you locked and loaded with a job within six months of graduation, like a solid 90% placement rate.

It's a major key, just like U.S. News & World Report's whole ranking thing.

These schools gotta be on the cutting edge, teaching the latest and greatest in AI, machine learning, and big data analytics.

That's what the industry's all about, and the big dogs like ABET are keeping an eye on it. With this whole system, we're not just spotlighting the best schools, but giving you a roadmap to get industry-ready from day one.

It's a whole vibe, trust me.

Conclusion: Finding the Right Tech College in Bellevue


In this digital age we're living in, having a solid tech education isn't just a bonus – it's a must-have. The CTE Data Story from the U.S. Department of Education shows that students with a career and technical education background make more money and have higher employment rates.

That's a pretty good incentive to get your tech game on point, right?

If you're looking to level up in Bellevue, their tech programs are great. You'll get to develop your skills and be ready to take on whatever challenges come your way in this ever-changing digital world.

Here's what you need to do:

  • Check out coding bootcamps as an alternative or supplement to traditional college. That way, you get the best of both worlds – theory and hands-on learning.
  • Take a closer look at how each school is staying ahead of the game. Visit the campuses, talk to the professors, and see if they're keeping up with the latest tech like AI and data science.
  • See what kind of internship opportunities they have with big tech companies. That's the kind of real-world experience you need. Bellevue's got some great internships to check out.

When you're picking a tech college in Bellevue, make sure it aligns with your interests and career goals.

They should be prepping you for the latest and greatest tech advancements, with top-notch resources and collabs with industry leaders.

  1. Talk to current students and get the inside scoop on what it's really like to go from school to the tech workforce in Bellevue.
  2. If you're into research, find out what kind of research-focused courses they offer.
  3. Check out their job placement rates. That'll give you a good idea of how strong their connections are in the tech community.

As Dr. Christopher Smith says, "Choosing the right tech college is like mapping out your whole future career." So take your time, weigh your options, and pick the school that'll help you excel in Bellevue's booming tech scene.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the key considerations for tech enthusiasts looking at colleges in Bellevue?

Tech enthusiasts should consider factors such as academic quality, state-of-the-art facilities, strong industry connections, diverse program offerings, and positive student outcomes when evaluating colleges in Bellevue.

What tech programs does Bellevue College offer?

Bellevue College offers diverse programs in areas such as system administration, technical support, network administration, cloud services, IT security, and also includes foundational coursework in communication, general business, teamwork, and problem-solving.

How does City University of Seattle differentiate itself in tech education?

City University of Seattle sets itself apart in tech education by offering hands-on learning approaches, real-world problem-solving scenarios, immersive degree programs, and partnerships with global tech leaders for industry-relevant knowledge.

What opportunities does Lake Washington Institute of Technology provide for students?

Lake Washington Institute of Technology offers hands-on technical training with over 40 areas of study, apprentice opportunities with tech sector partners, cutting-edge labs, and equipment that mirror industry environments to enhance students' readiness for their careers.

How does Digipen Institute of Technology prepare students for the gaming industry?

Digipen Institute of Technology offers degrees in various game development areas, practical application-oriented programs like Computer Engineering, partnerships with industry giants like Nintendo, and innovative interdisciplinary studies to train students for success in the interactive media and game industry.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.