Bellevue's Top 10 Startups That Tech Professionals Should Watch Out For

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Bellevue skyline with top 10 startups highlighted.

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Bellevue's evolving startup ecosystem in 2023 showcases innovation, financial stability, scalability, and market influence. Top performers include Auth0, OfferUp, Icertis, Apptio, BitTitan, Smartsheet, Acumatica, Qumulo, DreamBox Learning, and CoreStack. They lead in tech advancements, driving industry norms and high-value careers.

The tech scene in Bellevue is on fire, rivaling hotspots like Silicon Valley.

It's become a major hub for startups and experienced pros alike. With tech giants like Microsoft and Amazon calling it home, the city is a breeding ground for opportunities.

The startup ecosystem is exploding in 2023, with new ventures popping up left and right, and established companies scaling like crazy. Bellevue is also carving out a niche in the gaming industry, with big players like Unity Technologies and Valve Corporation making it a creative and technical powerhouse.

When we were evaluating startups for our top 10 list, we were looking for innovation, financial stability, scalability, and market impact – the keys to success.

And Nucamp's coding bootcamps are the perfect way to get in on the action.

These startups we picked are the real deal, pushing tech forward with cutting-edge solutions. They're creating high-paying jobs and giving us a glimpse into the future of the industry – proof that Bellevue is the place to be for tech innovation.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology: How We Chose Bellevue's Top 10 Startups
  • 1. Auth0 - Revolutionizing Identity Authentication
  • 2. OfferUp - Simplifying the Online Marketplace
  • 3. Icertis - Leading Contract Lifecycle Management Software
  • 4. Apptio - Streamlining IT Financial Management
  • 5. BitTitan - Facilitating Cloud Services Adoption
  • 6. Smartsheet - Redefining Collaborative Work Management
  • 7. Acumatica - Trailblazing Cloud ERP Solutions
  • 8. Qumulo - Innovating File Data Management at Scale
  • 9. DreamBox Learning - Transforming Education Through Technology
  • 10. CoreStack - Pioneering Cloud Governance Solutions
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology: How We Chose Bellevue's Top 10 Startups


I was checking out the top startups in Bellevue's tech scene, and let me tell you, it was a whole process. We had to analyze a bunch of key criteria to figure out which companies were actually killing it.

But don't worry, we expanded our evaluation to include some extra critical factors that industry experts and big dogs recommended. Here's what we looked at:

  • Companies that offer low latency solutions and secure video streaming capabilities, like the ones Bart van Oosterhout mentioned, since handling data efficiently is crucial nowadays,
  • Startups with unique social contributions and innovative intellectual property, as highlighted by Red Herring's assessments of tech disruption,
  • Financial performance, based on funding rounds and financial statements,
  • Innovable strength, determined by the number of patented technologies,
  • Market presence, judged by customer acquisition rates and partnerships,
  • Workforce expansion, using LinkedIn data on employee growth,
  • Impact on the tech community, evident from awards, media mentions, and recognition by groups like the Technology Pioneers community.

We gathered data from a bunch of reliable sources, like Crunchbase, PitchBook, Red Herring Top 100, and the World Economic Forum's Technology Pioneers program.

We also looked at insights from experts, like the ones shared by YourStory. To really get a sense of their growth, we tracked year-over-year revenue increases and customer base expansions.

We even calculated the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) to see how fast they were accelerating. Industry experts gave us their two cents through peer reviews, and we talked to people at the startups to get a feel for their company culture and innovation skills.

We also interviewed some big shots to understand the startups' future plans for scalability and global reach – important stuff that Sloboda Studio emphasized.

After putting all this data together, we ranked the startups based on their current success and their potential to disrupt the tech ecosystem in a major way.

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1. Auth0 - Revolutionizing Identity Authentication


Auth0 has been killin' the game in the identity authentication biz, hookin' up companies with some serious tools for user auth and access control.

With like 30+ SDKs and quickstarts, they got a stacked suite that covers universal login, single sign-on, multi-factor auth, and even passwordless options, all compatible with a ton of different tech stacks.

Auth0's all about that customer identity grind, focusin' on givin' users a smooth experience while keepin' their data locked down tight. They even teamed up with Okta to offer a complete customer identity and access management solution.

These dudes are makin' waves, with Forrester sayin' their solutions delivered a 548% return on investment over three years. Crazy, right?

  • They got props from an economic impact study for bringin' the financial gains to their customers.
  • People are lovin' their tailored identity infrastructure, which is clutch for B2B2C customer acquisition strategies.
  • They got a global reach, with over 9,000 enterprises across 70+ countries trustin' Auth0's scalable platform to handle billions of transactions every month.

Auth0's the real deal.

In this digital age where cybersecurity threats are poppin' off left and right, havin' a solid authentication solution is crucial. Gartner gave them mad props for servin' up dope solutions to customers of all shapes and sizes, sayin' their agile approach is key to their success.

"Auth0's ability to scale their operations while keepin' customers satisfied AF shows they're drivin' innovation in the industry," they said, highlightin' how this startup is settin' the tone for the future of digital identity management.

Their trajectory ain't just interestin', it's lightin' the way for where this whole cybersecurity game is headed.

2. OfferUp - Simplifying the Online Marketplace


Have you heard about OfferUp? It's this app that's totally changing the game when it comes to buying and selling locally. They've got a mission to make the whole experience way better for their community, and they're crushing it – millions of transactions happen on the app every year! OfferUp isn't just about growing their user base and racking up downloads, though.

They're all about empowering people to connect and make some cash. In fact, they're the biggest mobile marketplace for local buyers and sellers in the U.S. right now.

  • They really listen to their users, too. 60% of their employees say there's a clear purpose behind what they do, based on surveys. That's because OfferUp incorporates feedback from all kinds of people.

  • They've built up a ton of trust in their community by keeping things transparent with profiles that show ratings and histories. Plus, they've partnered up with places like the City of Westworth Village's Safe Exchange Zone, so you can feel safe when you're meeting up to make a trade.

But it's not just about making money.

OfferUp is all about sustainability, too. They're helping products last longer by keeping them in circulation, and they've got cool new features for high-volume sellers.

Companies like OfferUp are gonna keep attracting investors who are into cutting-edge tech, user safety, legit partnerships, and supporting local economies. If you're looking to invest in something that's at the intersection of tech and personalized commerce while still being conscious about consumption, OfferUp is definitely worth checking out.

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3. Icertis - Leading Contract Lifecycle Management Software


Let's talk about something super dope in the business world - Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM). In this competitive arena, Icertis is killing it, straight up redefining how companies handle contracts.

They've got this sick platform that manages contracts from start to finish, leveraging AI to make complex processes smooth as butter. They handle over 7 million contracts worth a mind-blowing $1 trillion across 90 countries! That's insane!

Icertis is packing some serious heat with features like advanced analytics, seamless integrations with other enterprise systems, and predictive risk management.

Major players like Microsoft and Adobe are on their client list, solidifying their rep as the go-to solution for businesses looking to level up their contract game.

And when you've got partnerships with industry giants like Mercedes-Benz, SAP, and Salesforce, you know they're the real deal.

Industry experts are giving Icertis mad props, even getting featured in Gartner Magic Quadrant reports.

That's like winning the contract management Olympics! With the CLM market set to hit $2.9 billion by 2024, Icertis is positioning itself as a major player in this rapidly growing space.

They're straight-up transforming the foundation of global commerce with their cutting-edge tech and automation game. It's like they're the rockstars of contract management!

4. Apptio - Streamlining IT Financial Management


Check it out - Apptio, now part of the IBM squad, is straight-up disrupting the IT Financial Management (ITFM) game. Their dope products like ApptioOne and Targetprocess are dropping some serious knowledge bombs about where all that tech money is going.

With their intel, companies have been able to save up to 30% on IT expenses by making smarter moves and investing their cash in the right places.

You can peep the Apptio sales playbook to get the full scoop on how their tech is hooking up businesses with the lowdown on IT finances, cloud management, and keeping it all tight.

Apptio has helped major players like a Fortune 20 conglomerate slash 20% off their IT costs while keeping their budgets on point.

As the digital world keeps evolving, Apptio is staying ahead of the curve by integrating artificial intelligence for automated data insights and rolling out fresh product updates that keep investments aligned with business goals.

These innovators are straight-up leading the charge in the ITFM realm.

Key Highlights:

  • Cutting-edge ITFM solutions like ApptioOne and Targetprocess
  • Data-driven strats delivering up to 30% savings on IT budgets
  • Proven track record of cost-cutting and budget precision for major corps
  • Staying ahead of the game with AI integration and innovative tech

With Apptio aligning their tech with what businesses need, they're cementing their status as the hotspot for tech pros in Bellevue's booming scene.

As one CFO put it, "Apptio helped us go from flying blind to seeing the full picture on our IT spend," proving that smart investments pay off in major ways.

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5. BitTitan - Facilitating Cloud Services Adoption


Check this out! BitTitan, that tech company from Bellevue, has gone from zero to hero with their flagship product MigrationWiz. This product is trusted in over 187 countries and has helped migrate a whopping 25 million users to Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace.

Talk about a game-changer!

These guys are smooth operators when it comes to migrating mailboxes and public folders, which is a pretty big deal in the cloud migration game.

The market for cloud migration services is projected to be worth a mind-blowing $9.5 billion! BitTitan is definitely in the right place at the right time.

BitTitan has some serious clout in the IT world, thanks to their partnerships with big dogs like Microsoft and Amazon Web Services.

Plus, they've got a killer reputation for helping local service providers with their user-friendly tools. They're raking in awards left and right, like the Deloitte Technology Fast 500.

Industry experts are giving BitTitan props for their ability to keep up with the ever-changing cloud game.

Whether it's handling complex migrations during corporate mergers or providing top-notch reliability with features like high SLA support and comprehensive audit trails, BitTitan is excelling.

Their commitment to delivering efficient yet powerful cloud solutions has them leading the pack in this dynamic field.

6. Smartsheet - Redefining Collaborative Work Management


Have you heard about Smartsheet? This collab work management platform is changing the game when it comes to teamwork and project management.

It's not just about tracking tasks; they've got features for managing content, coordinating digital assets, optimizing resource allocation, and automating tasks.

And they've got users in 190 countries! Talk about a global reach.

Smartsheet plays nice with big players like Microsoft Office 365 and Google G Suite, making it a must-have for industry leaders.

And if you need proof, they're serving 90% of the Fortune 100 companies. That's some serious scalability and security cred right there.

These guys are always pushing the envelope, like with their new GenAI features that unlock data viz and automation possibilities.

And their revenue is up 38% year-over-year, so they're clearly killing it. With tailored solutions like Smartsheet Gov for the feds and advanced AI tech, Smartsheet is a sweet spot for ambitious workers and savvy investors.

They made it to Forbes's Cloud 100 list – they're all about innovation and customer success. Pretty dope, right?

7. Acumatica - Trailblazing Cloud ERP Solutions


has been making waves in the cloud ERP game since 2008, catering to small and mid-sized businesses with their flexible cloud-based ERP solutions.

After getting scooped up by EQT Partners, they've been killing it with their innovative industry-specific solutions, offering real-time access to biz data and a slick mobile-friendly user interface.

These guys are on fire, rocking an annual growth rate over 60% and positioning themselves as major players in the ERP arena.

  • They snagged the SIIA CODiE for "Best Cloud ERP Solution" in 2019
  • The IDC MarketScape crowned them a Leader in 2020 for SaaS and Cloud-Enabled Medium-Sized/Midmarket Business ERP Apps

Acumatica is all about that unlimited user licensing model, breaking free from the rigid pricing structures that other platforms impose.

Plus, their comprehensive tool suite is on point; check out the Acumatica Construction Edition and Acumatica Manufacturing Edition, tailored to specific industry needs.

Acumatica is the real deal in Bellevue's tech scene, consistently recognized by tech pros as a dynamic company shaping the future of modern business management solutions.

8. Qumulo - Innovating File Data Management at Scale


Qumulo is killing it when it comes to managing files and data at a massive scale. These guys have a high-performance file data platform that's built for handling insane amounts of data.

Their real-time analytics game is on point, helping companies optimize their workflow while managing storage like bosses.

  • From media to healthcare, Qumulo's versatility is lit. They've got modern file applications covered across industries.
  • Big names like Hyundai MOBIS and the University of Utah are all over Qumulo's ability to handle high-demand data environments. They're nailing those cloud and on-premises integrations.

Customers are raving about Qumulo's user-friendly interface and scalable performance.

They're seriously shaking things up in the file data management game. Traditional sectors like finance and manufacturing, as well as cutting-edge fields like AI and IoT, are all looking for robust data handling capabilities, and Qumulo's got their backs.

Industry experts are predicting major growth in the file and object storage market—potentially hitting over $38 billion by 2025.

Tech analysts are calling Qumulo a game-changer, with a platform built not just for today's demands but also for the future's needs.

They're always updating their software every two weeks, offering services like snapshots, replication, quotas—the whole shebang. Sources like are hyping them up big time.

Qumulo is solidifying its place in organizational data ecosystems and proving its market potential is off the charts.

9. DreamBox Learning - Transforming Education Through Technology


Have you heard of DreamBox Learning? This dope Bellevue startup has been shaking things up in the EdTech game since 2006.

Their adaptive learning platform is like a personal tutor for K-12 kids, tailoring math and reading lessons to each student's needs.

It's legit – DreamBox Math has helped students level up by an average of 1.58 grade levels across the US. And they've got a massive user base of over 6 million students and 600,000 educators, with over 1.5 billion lessons completed.

Talk about making waves!

They are now part of Discovery Education's product lineup, spreading their educational goodness worldwide. And the investors are feeling it too – with major funding from The Rise Fund and TPG Growth, it's clear the market sees DreamBox as a game-changer and a socially impactful boss.

So, what's the big deal about DreamBox Learning?

  • Innovation in Adaptive Learning: It's like your lessons are custom-made for you, adapting to your needs on the fly.
  • Scalable Impact: With their user base growing like crazy, they're poised to influence more and more students.
  • Funding Success: Those fat investment rounds prove DreamBox has a solid value proposition that investors can't resist.

At the end of the day, DreamBox Learning is redefining education as we know it, using tech to make learning more equitable and engaging for everyone.

10. CoreStack - Pioneering Cloud Governance Solutions


CoreStack is killing it in the Bellevue tech scene, reinventing how companies manage their cloud game with their CloudOps solutions.

They've got some serious AI-powered compliance frameworks and cost-tracking tools that make navigating the cloud's complexities a breeze. With their Cloud-as-Code approach, CoreStack ensures companies not only follow strict standards but also use predictive insights to manage costs, which is why their FinOps services are getting props from industry heavyweights like former Microsoft CIO Jim DuBois.

It's clear CoreStack is setting new standards for enterprise-level cloud governance.

CoreStack's commitment to making governance a tool for growth instead of a constraint is evident across their entire product line.

Their solutions are perfect for industries bogged down by regulations, turning compliance from a pain into a tool for operational efficiency. Gartner predicts over 75% of organizations will demand advanced cloud governance tools by 2025, which aligns with the growing interest we're seeing today, solidifying CoreStack's position in this rapidly evolving market.

Their CEO summed it up perfectly, saying they want to "empower organizations to rapidly unlock innovation through seamless governance" – a philosophy that fits perfectly with Nucamp's educational approach of developing flexible, forward-thinking skills for tomorrow's tech leaders.

Frequently Asked Questions


How were the top 10 startups in Bellevue chosen?

The top 10 startups in Bellevue were chosen based on rigorous standards focused on innovation, financial robustness, scalability, and market influence. The selection criteria also considered indicators such as low latency solutions, distinctive social contributions, financial performance, innovational strength, market presence, workforce expansion, and impact on the tech community.

What are some notable achievements of Auth0 in the field of identity authentication?

Auth0 has significant achievements, including a 548% three-year return on investment highlighted by Forrester, recognition in the Total Economic Impact study for delivering financial impact to customers, and a global presence with over 9,000 enterprises in over 70 countries trusting Auth0's scalable platform to handle billions of transactions monthly.

How does OfferUp impact the online marketplace landscape?

OfferUp simplifies the online marketplace experience by empowering local buyers and sellers. They focus on transparency through user profiles, trust-building partnerships, and sustainable practices. OfferUp's commitment to user expansion, community empowerment, and strategic partnerships positions them as a key player in the online marketplace.

What sets Icertis apart in the realm of contract lifecycle management software?

Icertis stands out in contract lifecycle management with its adaptability, leading technologies like artificial intelligence, management of millions of contracts worth over $1 trillion, and notable client partnerships. Their revolutionary approach to contract management places them at the forefront of the industry, catering to diverse business needs across various sectors.

How does Apptio contribute to IT financial management through innovative solutions?

Apptio redefines IT Financial Management through innovative solutions like ApptioOne and Targetprocess, which offer deep insights leading to cost savings in IT spend, enhanced operational efficiencies, and strategic decision-making. Their commitment to integrating artificial intelligence and aligning IT investments with business strategies places them as a leader in the sector.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.