Top 10 Coding Bootcamps in Bellevue: A Comprehensive Comparison

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

The skyline of Bellevue highlighting the top coding bootcamps in the city

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In Bellevue, coding bootcamps like Nucamp offer short-term, immersive experiences with high job placement rates. Data-driven comparison of top bootcamps considers curriculum, job placement, and costs. Bellevue’s tech industry demands skillful developers, making these bootcamps vital pathways to tech careers in the region.

Check it out! Bellevue's tech scene is poppin' off like crazy. It's where all the hot coding action's at! Not only is it the fastest-growing industry in town, but it's also the heartbeat of the city's economic hustle.

Coding bootcamps are shaking things up big time when it comes to education. Places like Codeup and Hack Reactor are opening doors for anyone to break into the tech game, no matter where you're coming from.

Instead of slogging through a four-year degree, these bootcamps hit you with an intense, immersive experience that'll have you landing sweet gigs in no time – Codeup's got an 87% job placement rate!

In Bellevue's competitive tech hub, coding bootcamps like Nucamp are the real MVPs.

They'll hook you up with all the hands-on coding skills you need to impress employers in just two or three months, teaching you the hottest tools companies are craving.

With the crazy high demand for tech workers in the area – around 95% of Washington's tech impact is centered right here in the Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue metro – you'll be jumping straight from the classroom into shaping the digital future.

These bootcamps don't just teach you to code; they'll also help you level up your soft skills through real-world projects, making sure you're fully prepped to slide seamlessly into the tech jobs that keep thriving no matter what's going on in the industry.

Nucamp's curriculum is tailored to fit Bellevue's job market like a glove.

They'll connect you to bootcamps focusing on the essential technologies and provide all the support you need, from job placement services to career coaching. One local grad put it best: "Nucamp's blend of affordability and quality curriculum bridged the gap to my tech career." They're the real MVPs, helping aspiring coders like you turn your dreams into reality in Bellevue's booming tech landscape.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Comparing Bellevue Coding Bootcamps
  • 1. Nucamp Coding Bootcamp Bellevue
  • 2. Coding Dojo Bellevue
  • 3. Skillspire Bellevue
  • 4. Code Fellows Bellevue Campus
  • 5. Kal Academy
  • 6. Byte Academy Bellevue
  • 7. TLG Learning
  • 8. Grand Circus Bellevue
  • 9. Green River College Bootcamps
  • 10. The Tech Academy Bellevue
  • Conclusion: Choosing the Right Bellevue Coding Bootcamp for You
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology for Comparing Bellevue Coding Bootcamps


When it comes to coding bootcamps in Bellevue, we got a solid system to figure out which ones are legit. We look at all kinds of stuff, both numbers and real-life experiences, to make sure our rankings are on point and unbiased.

Here's the deal:

  • Curriculum: We check if the courses are teaching the latest tech skills that companies actually want. Places like Nucamp stay up-to-date with hot languages like JavaScript and Python, and give you a chance to work on real projects. That's the kind of practical experience we're looking for.
  • Credibility: Some bootcamps are backed by big names like Georgia Tech, which can be a good sign. But even if they're not officially accredited, we still consider them if they deliver quality training and help people get jobs.
  • Job Placement Rate: This is huge. We dig into the numbers from places like CIRR and review sites like Coursereport and SwitchUp to see how many grads actually land jobs. That's the whole point, right? Getting your money's worth.
  • Instructor Quality: We scope out the instructors' backgrounds to see if they've got legit industry experience and are committed to constantly improving their teaching game.
  • Cost Efficiency: We break down the costs and look for good deals like Nucamp's competitive pricing. But it's not just about being cheap – we consider if the value you get is worth the investment, and if there are options for financial aid or payment plans.
  • Mentorship & Support: Having people in your corner can make a huge difference. We check if bootcamps offer career services, mentors, or other support to help you transition smoothly into a tech job after graduating.

We get our info from solid sources like CIRR, experts in the field, and real students who've been there.

With this approach, you can feel confident in choosing a Bellevue coding bootcamp that fits your goals and budget, and sets you up for success in the tech world.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

1. Nucamp Coding Bootcamp Bellevue


Check this out - Nucamp Coding Bootcamp in Bellevue is killin' it with their mission to make tech education accessible to everyone. They're offering affordable online bootcamps that'll get you ready to crush it in the tech world.

Their practical and flexible curriculum covers everything from Web Development Fundamentals to Full Stack Web and Mobile App Development, and they've got a sick blend of online content and instructor-led weekend workshops that work with your busy schedule.

It's not just about the knowledge, bro.

They're all about building a community with small class sizes capped at 15 people, so you get that one-on-one attention and support. Their tuition is up to 80% less than other bootcamps, so you don't have to break the bank to get that tech education.

Plus, they've got a stellar student satisfaction rate of over 4.7 stars, so you know they're delivering quality without compromising on affordability.

Nucamp doesn't just teach you the skills, they've got your back with career launchpad services.

They've got a job placement rate of 78% within nine months after you finish the course.

One of their alumni even said, "Nucamp bridged my trajectory from learning phases to earning stages." And with partnerships with companies like Google Cloud, you know they're legit.

So if you're looking to level up your career in tech, Nucamp is where it's at.

2. Coding Dojo Bellevue


Here's the deal with Coding Dojo Bellevue. Their multi-stack curriculum is dope AF. They'll teach you Python, MEAN/MERN, and C#.NET - like a coding sampler platter.

This makes you a versatile dev, which is super valuable in this ever-changing tech world. Leading companies love that sh*t.

But what really sets Coding Dojo apart is their hands-on learning approach.

Instead of just theory, you'll be building real projects from day one. That's how you really learn and retain those coding skills.

  • 94% of their grads use multiple stacks at their new jobs, which is insane!
  • Each student works on like 180 projects before graduating, so you'll have a solid portfolio to show off your skills.

Their alumni have mad respect for Coding Dojo, saying it totally transformed their careers.

And with an 89.1% job placement rate within six months, it's easy to see why. Plus, they hook you up with mentors and networking events to help you land that dream job.

That said, some peeps on Reddit have called out Coding Dojo for not living up to the hype and being overpriced.

But overall, they've got a solid 4.7-star rating, so it's worth checking out. Just do your research. If you're in Bellevue, maybe try out their trial classes or look into Nucamp's offerings to see if it's a better fit for your coding goals and budget.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

3. Skillspire Bellevue


At the core of Skillspire Bellevue, they're all about diversity and inclusion, with dope initiatives to make tech education accessible to everyone, no matter their background.

They're on the same wavelength as organizations like the Washington Technology Industry Association (WTIA), offering programs that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Thanks to their strategic partnerships, Skillspire has seen a 35% increase in enrollment from underrepresented communities. Their curriculum is lit, focusing on emerging tech domains like data analytics and cybersecurity, with courses designed to give you the practical skills that companies are dying to have.

  • 90% of Skillspire graduates land tech jobs within 6 months,

  • 80% report a significant salary boost after getting certified, and

  • a whopping 60% say Skillspire's extensive network helped them score their first tech gig.

Inspired by the success stories of their alumni and the supportive learning environment, Skillspire ensures that students, like those at the New Tech Northwest educational programs, not only gain skills but also the confidence to pursue tech careers they never thought possible.

After graduation, they've got your back with mentorship from industry pros, dedicated career counseling sessions, and interview prep workshops tailored specifically for data and security job markets.

  1. Mentorship with industry professionals,

  2. Dedicated career counseling sessions, and

  3. Interview prep workshops tailored to data and security job markets.

Their impact on the community is off the charts, with ongoing outreach programs to demystify technology for everyone, making Bellevue a tech-savvy hotspot.

By continuously leveling up their post-graduation support services, Skillspire doesn't just boost individual careers but also powers up the local economy – a virtuous cycle of empowerment and innovation.

4. Code Fellows Bellevue Campus


Let me tell you about this place called Code Fellows Bellevue Campus. They're with their progressive education model, designed to turn you into a legit software developer.

Their full-time tech industry in Bellevue is no joke, and their 20-week full-stack program has you coding for like 40 hours a week.

That's some serious grind, but it's what you need to make it in the demanding tech world.

One of the biggest things about Code Fellows is that they hook you up with connections.

Their alumni network is massive, and they've got tight relationships with major hiring partners. Tech giants and hot startups are always looking to snatch up Code Fellows grads.

They even let companies come in for tech talks and stuff, so you can start networking before you even graduate. Most of their grads land tech jobs within six months after finishing the program.

That's what I call results.

But it's not just about the skills. Past students have mad love for Code Fellows. One alum said, "The intensity mirrored real-world tech intensity," which just shows how well they prepare you for the real deal.

People are always raving about the supportive learning environment and how the curriculum is straight fire. Code Fellows is like the epitome of Bellevue's tech scene, and they're always keeping things fresh by updating their offerings to match what's hot in the industry.

If you want to level up your career and get into the tech game, Code Fellows is the move.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

5. Kal Academy


Kal Academy is all about empowering women and minorities in tech. It's a sad fact that women make up only 26% of the computing workforce, and minorities are at a measly 16%.

That's just not right. That's why Kal Academy is on a mission to change the game. They offer workshops to help marginalized groups get the skills and confidence they need to succeed in the tech world.

Their "Coding for Women" program is excellent, with over 70% of the participants landing jobs in the industry. Kal Academy has teamed up with tech giants like Microsoft and Amazon to promote diversity in their hiring practices.

It's a significant move.

But it's not just about getting jobs. These alliances are about building a diverse pool of talented professionals with unique perspectives, which is crucial for pushing the boundaries of tech innovation.

And Kal Academy's curriculum is no joke – they've got courses covering everything from Full Stack Web Development to Machine Learning Workshops. It's like a buffet of technical knowledge.

  • Full Stack Web Development
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Machine Learning Workshops

The alumni are singing Kal Academy's praises, talking about how it's more than just learning to code – it's about opening doors and supporting your journey.

One former student said, "Kal Academy didn't just teach me to code; they opened doors for me I hadn't perceived, supporting my journey." That's what it's all about.

Kal Academy isn't just churning out coders; they're shaping visionaries who are going to shake up the tech world. By focusing on diversity and education, they're not only creating careers but also paving the way for a more innovative and inclusive future for technology itself.

Especially in places like Bellevue, where the tech scene is thriving, and initiatives like those at NYU Langone Health and Shoreline Community College are also pushing for diversification and excellence in their respective fields.

6. Byte Academy Bellevue


Byte Academy Bellevue is where it's at if you wanna get your Python programming game on point. They're all about those intensive Python courses that'll prep you for the real world.

And fintech is blowing up right now, with the market set to grow like crazy by 2025. So, if you're looking to get in on that action, learning Python at Byte Academy is a solid move.

But it's not just about learning the language.

Byte Academy is all about that hands-on experience, with projects that'll make you feel like you're already working in the industry. And once you're done, they'll hook you up with mentors, help you pimp out your resume, and get you ready to slay those job interviews.

The proof is in the pudding, too – 89% of their grads land tech gigs within three months of graduating. Talk about a win!

Byte Academy has connections with some major players like JPMorgan Chase and Google, not to mention all the up-and-coming local companies.

So, you'll have plenty of opportunities to score internships and entry-level jobs straight out the gate. One of their recent grads even said the real-world projects gave them the confidence to tackle any technical challenge head-on.

That's the kind of swagger you want in this game, right? Byte Academy is setting their grads up to be tech legends.

7. TLG Learning


TLG Learning is excelling in Bellevue with their veteran-focused training programs that are receiving praise for their excellent approach to IT and network training.

They're assisting the veterans with their transition into the tech field, partnering with programs like Apprenti to ensure their curriculum is relevant for those high-demand roles.

Many of their courses are covered by funding options like the VET TEC program, so you can get your tuition and housing allowance sorted if you qualify.

Here's what they're offering:

  • In-depth training on the latest IT and network tech, with courses ranging from 4 to 18 weeks,
  • Customized learning paths to match your career goals, with an average starting salary of $70,000 after job placement,
  • Exclusive job fairs and networking events with their partner companies.

With these partnerships, TLG Learning graduates are not only well-prepared but also highly valued by Bellevue's tech giants as prime candidates for those high-paying positions.

Their curriculum is designed to match what employers want, and their job placement rate is excellent at 91% within two months after graduation. So veterans can transition into a tech career with confidence.

One Army veteran said, "Transitioning from a military to a civilian tech career was daunting, but TLG Learning's dedicated support and the community knowledge bank made it possible," highlighting the solid post-graduation support that truly enhances the veterans' education experience.

If you're looking for Bellevue coding bootcamps with veteran support, TLG Learning is the place to be.

The statistics demonstrate their ability to set veterans up for success in the tech industry, equipping them with the skills they need and helping them land meaningful jobs where they can excel.

Check out what one of their graduates had to say about how the collective wisdom helped them succeed at TLG's veteran benefits page.

8. Grand Circus Bellevue


Tell you about this bootcamp called Grand Circus Bellevue. It's part of this company called Dexian, and they're excelling with their immersive full-stack dev courses.

They got a real tight-knit community vibe goin' on, and their curriculum is excellent, with all the essential tech skills you need to succeed in the industry.

  • Foundation of Front-end Technologies
  • Server-Side Languages and Frameworks
  • Database and API Integration
  • Capstone Project Execution

These professionals really know their stuff, and their capstone project execution is on point.

Check out these excellent reviews they got for that. They boast an 89.1% job placement rate within six months after graduation, which is impressive.

The demand for instructors like theirs who can teach content creation or software dev is through the roof, according to

You'll be building real-world apps that solve actual problems, so you'll level up your coding skills and employability.

In Bellevue's booming tech scene, Grand Circus has got solid connections with local tech companies.

They'll hook you up with job search support, career coaching, and an excellent employment network after you graduate. One of their former students said, "The practical experience and extensive support system at Grand Circus were pivotal in landing my first tech role." Grand Circus Bellevue is the place to be if you want to break into the tech world.

9. Green River College Bootcamps


Green River College is killin' the game in Bellevue's tech scene with their bootcamps and certificate programs.

They're not just teaching you the skills, but they're also setting you up with library resources like expert guides on software development, UI/UX design, and data analytics.

What sets Green River apart is that they're not just giving you a basic bootcamp experience.

They're combining real-world application with academic rigor. You get access to state-of-the-art labs and research tools that are usually reserved for degree students.

Plus, they have a mentorship program that connects you with seasoned pros and faculty advisors who know the ins and outs of the tech world.

Don't just take my word for it – their graduates are crushing it.

They have an impressive job placement rate within six months of completing the program, and it's consistently higher than other programs in the area. And with their coverage of multiple tech domains, you'll be ready to take on whatever the job market throws your way.

It's not just about the skills – Green River College bootcamps are all about fostering a community-rich learning experience.

You'll get hands-on guidance from industry veterans while also having access to transitional studies resources.

It's the perfect blend of academic foundations and real-world preparation to help you launch your tech career in Bellevue and beyond.

10. The Tech Academy Bellevue


The Tech Academy in Bellevue is killing it with their self-paced learning vibe.

You can grind at your own pace while still getting a solid education on the real deal.

  • They'll take you through the coding basics
  • And teach you some sick UI/UX design skills

When it comes to coding, you'll get your hands dirty with the hottest programming languages and frameworks that employers are thirsting for, just like Beast Academy's advanced curriculum.

And if you're into design, their UI/UX courses will teach you how to create user-friendly experiences that companies can't get enough of.

But here's the real deal – job placement is where The Tech Academy shines.

They've got a crazy good success rate for getting their grads hired, thanks to their solid support system and industry connections (kinda like Tacoma Public Schools' self-paced programs).

They'll hold your hand through the whole job hunt process. Around 72% of their grads land a sweet gig within six months of finishing the program.

These guys have some serious industry ties, so you'll get the inside scoop on what's poppin' in the tech world.

It's like Tesla START, where you get to work on real-life challenges from companies like Tesla. One grad said, "The hands-on learning didn't just prepare me for a job; it prepared me for a career." If you're trying to make moves in the tech game, The Tech Academy in Bellevue is where it's at.

Their dope learning vibes and killer job placement program will have you set for success.

Conclusion: Choosing the Right Bellevue Coding Bootcamp for You


so we're wrapping up our look at the coding bootcamps in Bellevue. Each one has its own vibe and caters to different types of learners and career goals. Nucamp has a solid 78% job placement rate, which is pretty dope if you're looking to land a gig after graduating.

Kal Academy is all about empowering women and minorities, which is awesome for promoting diversity and inclusion in the tech world.

When you're trying to pick the right bootcamp, you'll want to consider factors like the curriculum, quality of instruction, cost, and how well their grads do in finding jobs.

Coding Dojo boasts an impressive 84% employment rate for their alumni, which speaks volumes about their program.

Check out some alumni testimonials too – those can give you real insights into how transformative these bootcamps can be for people's careers and salaries.

You might even want to visit the campuses in person to get a feel for the overall vibe and teaching style. That hands-on experience can be key in figuring out which bootcamp vibes with your goals.

Stats show that bootcamp grads have a competitive edge when it comes to landing tech jobs – one survey found an 89% employment rate within six months of graduating.

Here are some tips for evaluating your options:

  • Dig into reviews and rankings to get the real deal on people's experiences.
  • Consider the scheduling flexibility, which places like Nucamp and The Tech Academy offer to fit with your lifestyle.
  • Ask about career services they provide to help you transition smoothly into the industry after graduating.

Your tech journey starts with commitment, but choosing the right bootcamp can be the boost that takes you from newbie to in-demand talent.

As one advisor from Green River College Bootcamps said, "Choosing a bootcamp is a big deal that aligns with your career goals – visit, engage, and look beyond the marketing hype to find the perfect fit." That hands-on approach is key in picking the learning path that's right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions


What factors are considered when comparing Bellevue coding bootcamps?

When comparing Bellevue coding bootcamps, factors like curriculum relevance, accreditation status, job placement rates, instructor quality, cost efficiency, and mentorship & support services are considered. This ensures a comprehensive analysis for prospective students.

What makes Nucamp Coding Bootcamp in Bellevue stand out?

Nucamp Coding Bootcamp in Bellevue stands out for its accessible technology education, practical curriculum, small class sizes, cost-effectiveness, and strong career launchpad services. Its commitment to student satisfaction and successful job placements sets it apart.

What are the key features of coding bootcamps like Coding Dojo in Bellevue?

Coding Dojo in Bellevue offers a multi-stack curriculum, hands-on learning approach, high job placement rates, continuous career support, and a focus on developing versatile developers. While receiving positive reviews, it is important for prospective students to be aware of individual experiences and course quality.

How does Skillspire Bellevue differentiate itself in the tech education sector?

Skillspire Bellevue stands out for its commitment to diversity and inclusion, partnerships for underrepresented groups, emphasis on data analytics and cybersecurity, high job placement rates, and post-graduation support services. Its impact extends beyond individual careers to enriching the local tech economy.

What distinguishes the Green River College Bootcamps in Bellevue?

Green River College Bootcamps in Bellevue offer a blend of industry demands with academic rigor, real-world application, mentorship programs, and a community-rich learning environment. The focus on versatility in an evolving job market and graduates' success stories with high job placement rates make it a standout choice in tech education.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.