Ranking the Top 10 High-Paying Tech Jobs in Bellevue

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Tech professionals in Bellevue discussing high-paying job opportunities

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The tech job market in Bellevue is booming with 145,000 tech-related jobs. Software engineers in Bellevue average $139,478 per year. Top high-paying tech jobs in Bellevue include Cloud Solutions Architect earning $190,455, Data Scientist at $132,308, DevOps Engineer at $125,000, and more. Exciting career opportunities await in Bellevue's tech industry.

Bellevue's tech scene is popping like crazy these days, and the competition for jobs is hotter than ever. With Seattle's shadow looming over it, Bellevue ain't just a chill backdrop anymore – it's a straight-up tech dynamo blazing with innovation.

Behemoths like Amazon and Microsoft are staking their claim, but the startups listed on Built In Seattle are also making some serious noise.

With 145,000 tech jobs propping up Washington's economy, this city is more than just a pretty face – it's a powerhouse driving the tech revolution. The number of tech job postings in Bellevue skyrocketed last year, making it a prime hunting ground for skilled techies.

Our ranking system crunches all the crucial data, like average annual salaries – according to Indeed, software engineers can rake in an average of $139,478 per year – job vacancy rates, and growth projections, to give you the lowdown on the baddest tech gigs Bellevue has to offer.

  • Why we're ranking: To shine a light on the most lucrative tech careers in Bellevue, whether you're a job-hunting rookie or a seasoned pro considering a move.
  • The stats: Tech employment in Bellevue has exploded by 35% in just two years, matching Colliers International's prediction of rising commercial real estate demands due to the influx of tech companies.
  • Our approach: We're pitting salaries against demand and growth trajectories to craft the ultimate guide to the crème de la crème of tech roles in this pulsating city.

This sets the stage for our deep dive into Bellevue's top-tier, high-paying tech jobs, with all the juicy details right here in this blog.

You don't want to miss this essential read if you're plotting your next move in the tech game.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • 1. Cloud Solutions Architect
  • 2. Data Scientist
  • 3. DevOps Engineer
  • 4. Machine Learning Engineer
  • 5. Full Stack Developer
  • 6. Cybersecurity Analyst
  • 7. Software Development Manager
  • 8. Systems Architect
  • 9. Network Architect
  • 10. Product Manager
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Let me break it down for you on how we ranked these high-paying tech jobs in Bellevue. We did our homework, diving deep into the local scene and the bigger picture.

We based our rankings on three key factors:

  1. Average Salary: We looked at the real deal numbers for Bellevue, like what the Bureau of Labor Statistics was spitting. Software engineers in Bellevue are raking in the big bucks, even more than those in the major tech hubs.
  2. Demand within the Tech Scene: We kept it real and scoped out the hottest hiring trends in Bellevue. Major players like Nintendo of America are out here hiring like crazy. We checked out recent job postings and market research from sources like CBRE's Scoring Tech Talent report. Bellevue's tech scene is booming, and they need skilled folks to fill those specialized roles.
  3. Future Growth Potential: We analyzed forecasts from industry experts, peeping those employment projections all the way up to 2035 from Bellevue's community development data. Jobs like Machine Learning Engineers are expected to blow up in the next decade.

It's not just about the money and the jobs.

Bellevue is becoming a legit tech hub, with spots like Bellevue College churning out a skilled workforce ready to take on this fast-moving industry.

Our rankings are on point, giving you the 411 on the hottest tech careers in Bellevue's thriving market.

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1. Cloud Solutions Architect


You know that Cloud Solutions Architect job is like the bomb right now, especially in Bellevue where tech is just going crazy. These guys are the ones who design and build all those complex cloud-based systems.

It's not just about making things run smoothly and scale up, it's also about helping businesses grow by bringing in new tech innovations. The money they make in Bellevue is insane - between $117,571 and $152,839 on average, with top earners raking in around $190,455 per year.

That's some serious dough.

With Bellevue's tech scene blowing up, the demand for Cloud Solutions Architects is skyrocketing too. Job listings for these roles have gone through the roof, and it's expected that cloud computing will become a $947 billion industry by 2026.

So these guys are like the ones steering the future of all this digital stuff. The reason they get paid so much is because they need to:

  • Know their stuff about different cloud services like Azure and AWS
  • Have mad skills to combine different systems into one big scalable infrastructure
  • Play a key role in helping companies grow by leading digital transformations

With the tech boom happening in Bellevue, it's clear why Cloud Solutions Architects are so in-demand and irreplaceable.

They're like the architects of the entire digital ecosystem, designing the pathways for businesses to innovate and grow within the vast cloud universe.

2. Data Scientist


In the data-driven tech scene of Bellevue, being a Data Scientist is where it's at. These peeps are raking in an average of $132,308 – not too shabby! They're the masterminds behind all the analytics and business intel that keeps the big dogs like Microsoft running.

Speaking of Redmond, their senior data scientists are scoring an insane $187,063 on average. Companies like Chewy and Valve are constantly on the hunt for data whizzes, offering solid salaries around $120,085 and $106,104 respectively.

The future looks bright for data science careers.

Experts are predicting a major boom in job opportunities over the next decade. These data gurus are essential for developing predictive analytics and machine learning models that'll shape the tech world of tomorrow.

Bellevue-based firms are desperate for data superstars who can not only handle massive datasets but also turn them into cold, hard cash – boosting revenue and driving innovation like nobody's business.

Here's why being a Data Scientist in Bellevue is a total win:

  • Fat paychecks that reflect their mad skills and major impact on business metrics
  • Crazy demand from cutting-edge companies like T-Mobile who need data wizards to tame their data beast
  • Promising growth projections that guarantee these sought-after pros will be living the dream for years to come

As one exec from a top Bellevue tech firm put it, "Data Scientists are the prophets of the digital age." Their ability to transform mountains of data into game-changing business insights makes them total rockstars in Bellevue's booming tech scene – a playground ripe with opportunities for savvy analysts who can navigate the complex world of big data.

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3. DevOps Engineer


The DevOps Engineer is the real MVP in this fast-paced tech game, fusing software development and IT operations to make things run smoother than a fresh jar of Skippy.

In Bellevue's booming tech scene, these professionals are the backbone, keeping everything scaled up and running like a well-oiled machine. Their skills are worth some serious dough, with an average salary of $125,000 annually, according to the latest stats.

The demand for DevOps Engineers is only going to skyrocket, with a projected growth rate of 24% over the next five years, says the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

A DevOps Engineer's job is like a Swiss Army knife, with multiple features.

From deploying code seamlessly to automating processes, they're all about making things run like clockwork, delivering reliability, efficiency, and top-notch security.

Big players like Microsoft and Amazon in Bellevue are always on the hunt for these tech wizards to meet the ever-growing demand. As one executive from a major Bellevue tech company put it, "DevOps Engineers are the heartbeat of our operational excellence..." Their role isn't just about keeping up with current demands; it's about staying ahead of the game as tech keeps evolving:

  • Building and maintaining infrastructure that's crucial for rapid software development and release cycles, like a well-oiled pit crew
  • Monitoring systems to keep cybersecurity on lockdown and deploying updates faster than you can say "patch me up"
  • Mentoring teams to implement solid CI/CD pipelines, passing on their wisdom like a tech sage
  • Advancing system resilience by staying proactive and evaluating processes

This role isn't just about making things work; it's about pushing the envelope and reaching peak operational domination.

With Bellevue's tech landscape evolving faster than a Kardashian's hairstyle, the DevOps Engineer's role is more vital than ever for staying ahead of the innovation curve.

4. Machine Learning Engineer


The Machine Learning Engineer gig is where it's at these days if you're into that AI stuff. And if you're in Bellevue, you're laughing all the way to the bank with an average salary of $173,429, plus an extra $20K in cash bonuses.

Talk about making it rain! These peeps are the real deal, crafting complex algorithms and predictive models that make your head spin. With tech giants like Microsoft and Amazon leading the way, Bellevue is thirsty for ML talent, and they're willing to pay up big time.

Built In Seattle says the total comp can hit $193,429 – that's some serious cash for being a data whisperer.

Bellevue is basically the new Silicon Valley when it comes to cutting-edge tech firms hunting for Machine Learning Engineers to make their data dreams come true.

The industry is expecting a mind-blowing 22% job growth from 2020 to 2030, so these ML wizards are going to be in high demand.

  • They're building insane algorithms that level up multiple industries at once
  • They can decipher massive data sets like it's nothing – a must-have skill in our digital world
  • They're pioneering autonomous systems that upgrade everything from consumer gadgets to industrial machines

Keeping up with the latest trends and nurturing this talent pool is crucial, because Bellevue is solidifying its rep as a tech powerhouse.

Industry experts are saying "Machine Learning Engineers are the ones building our technological future." Their prominence in Bellevue isn't just a passing fad – it's a core part of the region's innovation story.

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5. Full Stack Developer


Listen up, this is the real deal about being a Full Stack Developer. These dudes are straight-up rockstars, handling both the frontend and backend like a boss.

In Bellevue, the demand for these tech ninjas is off the charts, and for a good reason - they can make digital products shine brighter than a diamond.

The Full Stack Developers in Bellevue are raking in some serious cash, reflecting their mad skills in coding languages, frameworks, and software development.

They're like the ultimate glue that holds tech teams together.

Major tech giants and up-and-coming startups in Bellevue are fiending for these versatile coders.

According to some fancy analyst, Full Stack Devs are hotter than a freshly baked pizza right now, with job listings increasing by 7% every year. Companies like T-Mobile know these multi-talented devs are the real MVPs when it comes to streamlining production processes.

The future is looking bright for Full Stack Developer careers. As technology keeps evolving at lightning speed, the demand for these tech wizards is expected to soar by a whopping 13% over the next decade.

That's way higher than most other jobs out there. If you're in Bellevue and want to level up your career game, becoming a Full Stack Dev is a solid move. Just keep sharpening those skills and staying ahead of the curve with the latest trends and advancements.

6. Cybersecurity Analyst


In the crazy world of tech, Cybersecurity Analysts are the real MVPs, and in Bellevue's popping tech scene, they're raking in some serious cash, 'cause protecting a company's digital assets is no joke.

A Cybersecurity Analyst in this town can expect to earn a fat paycheck way above the national average - info that's crucial if you're considering joining the cybersecurity squad in this dope region.

The demand for these cyber warriors is off the charts, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicting a 32% job market growth from 2022 to 2032 - proof that these tech ninjas are absolutely essential in the digital realm.

Bellevue's top tech companies and fresh startups are on a mad hunt for cybersecurity skills, meaning job security in this field is on lock.

Job listings for cybersecurity roles have been skyrocketing, showing that companies are investing big bucks in beefing up their cyber defenses. The stats don't lie - there's been a 20% spike in job postings for Cybersecurity Analysts over the past two years, and the demand for experienced pros who can handle advanced threats is off the charts.

As cyber threats keep evolving and getting more complex, the need for Cybersecurity Analysts will only keep rising.

It's not just a lucrative gig, it's a crucial one. Bellevue's tech industry is all about that cybersecurity life, 'cause the stakes are sky-high with the risk of cyber attacks that could cost companies a mind-blowing $10.5 trillion annually by 2025, according to McKinsey & Company.

With these kinda numbers, it's crystal clear why Cybersecurity Analysts are the real deal in today's high-stakes tech game.

7. Software Development Manager


Let me break down this gig as a Software Development Manager in Bellevue's tech scene for you. It's like a whole juggling act, keeping the dev teams tight while aligning their moves with the big picture goals.

These bosses gotta have the tech smarts and leadership skills to foster agile squads that can innovate like crazy. As Full Scale says, they make sure devs got the resources they need and keep bureaucratic BS from slowing them down.

In Bellevue, these managers can score a seriously fat average salary over $145K—proof that they're valued AF in this tech hub.

Their day-to-day involves managing projects from start to finish and dropping tech knowledge bombs. But it doesn't stop there, they also get a say in big-picture product decisions and architectural choices, as Indeed.com lays out.

The job market in Bellevue is favorable for Software Development Managers, with plenty of chances to level up to senior management or specialise in hot fields like AI or cloud computing if that's your jam.

Bellevue stays an innovation powerhouse partly thanks to bosses like these who can steer complex software projects, as Nucamp Coding Bootcamp points out.

To sum it up, Bellevue's tech scene is where it's at, offering fat paychecks and mad respect for Software Development Managers—the visionaries driving tech progress and nurturing rising talents.

As one industry veteran puts it, "Bellevue's tech climb depends on strong leadership like these managers bring to the table."

8. Systems Architect


Welcome to the cutting edge of tech, where Systems Architects reign supreme. These savvy masterminds are like the rockstars of coding, designing the blueprint for mind-blowing computer systems and networks that keep our digital world spinning.

In Bellevue, the tech capital of the PNW, these whiz kids are rolling in the dough, raking in an average salary between $125K and $145K annually – not too shabby, eh? With tech giants and hip startups scattered all over, the demand for System Architects is through the roof.

Folks in this gig have a clear path to climb the corporate ladder, potentially becoming the big cheese as a Chief Technology Officer or IT Director.

"Systems Architects in Bellevue are the real MVPs, bridging the gap between vision and execution, crafting solid yet forward-thinking systems that keep tech companies ahead of the game," says a local talent scout.

Their skills are mad valuable, with:

  1. nearly 70% of local tech firms looking to level up their digital game
  2. over 85% viewing advanced system architecture as a top priority in the coming years

If you're a coding wizard with a knack for system design, Bellevue is the place to be.

It's not just about the fat paychecks; it's a breeding ground for professional growth in an industry that's constantly pushing boundaries.

9. Network Architect


The Network Architect gig is hella important. These tech wizards are responsible for designing and building the complex networks that keep organizations running, like LANs, WANs, and intranets.

They make sure data flows smoothly and securely, which is crucial in a tech hub like Bellevue. The median annual wage was a whopping $126,900 as of May 2022.

These folks are the backbone of Bellevue's tech veins, building the sturdy and scalable networks that keep the city's tech companies thriving.

The future for Network Architects in Bellevue's tech scene looks lit.

With all the advancements in cloud tech and IoT, there's gonna be a growing demand for more advanced network infrastructures. The job market is expected to grow by around 5% from 2019 to 2029.

That means Network Architects are gonna be in high demand, making them a vital part of Bellevue's booming tech ecosystem. It opens up all sorts of career opportunities:

  • You could climb the ranks and become a Chief Technology Officer or Senior IT Project Manager
  • Or you could dive into niche specializations like cyber security and become a hacker-busting badass
  • Heck, you could even go the consultant route and work with some of the biggest multinational corporations out there

With job stability and growth prospects on the up and up, being a Network Architect in Bellevue's tech scene is a solid career choice.

It's a high-paying, future-proof gig that puts you right at the heart of the city's tech revolution.

10. Product Manager


Let me break it down for you about these Product Managers in Bellevue. They're the real MVPs! These guys are the masterminds behind all the dope tech products coming out of this city.

With an average salary of $120K, they're ballin' hard! They're like the CEOs of product development, keepin' everything tight from start to finish.

It's more than just a job, it's about taking an idea and turning it into a market-smashin' success!

In Bellevue, these Product Manager dudes have mad career opportunities, like becoming Senior Product Managers or even Chief Product Officers.

They're always learning and adapting to the ever-changing tech game, keeping up with market trends and analyzing tons of user data.

The companies here want peeps who can handle all that complex stuff, and Nucamp's coding bootcamps can give you the skills to slay in this field.

With Bellevue's tech scene blowin' up, there's like a 20% annual growth in demand for these insightful Product Managers.

They're not just filling a role, they're the architects designing the future of tech! As ProductPlan says, they gotta have the technical knowhow and strategic mindset to create products that users love while driving innovation.

These guys are holding the compass, leading companies into uncharted territories and paving the way for Bellevue's prosperous tech future. If you're ready to captain the product management ship, the opportunities are endless!



Let's talk about the hottest tech jobs in Bellevue. That place is straight-up poppin' right now. The top 10 high-paying tech gigs are where it's at.

Analysts are saying Bellevue is the new tech hub, and the job market is lit! Web Devs and Cybersecurity peeps are in high demand, with crazy job growth on the horizon.

Big dogs like Amazon and Facebook are killin' it there, making Bellevue super cool for young pros, according to GeekWire.

  • Cloud Solutions Architect
  • Data Scientist
  • DevOps Engineer
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Cybersecurity Analyst
  • Software Development Manager
  • Systems Architect
  • Network Architect
  • Product Manager

Software Engineers in Bellevue are raking in an average of $102,700 per year! Nucamp can hook you up with the 411 on how to cash in on Bellevue's job scene.

Check out their articles on software engineer salaries and top tech companies in the area.

If you're tryna level up your career, Bellevue's tech sector is where it's at – fat stacks and epic opportunities for growth. For the digital innovators out there, Bellevue is more than just a paycheck; it's a launchpad for your career in the fast-paced tech game.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the average salaries for tech jobs in Bellevue?

Software engineers in Bellevue average $139,478 per year, with top high-paying tech jobs like Cloud Solutions Architect earning $190,455, Data Scientist at $132,308, and DevOps Engineer at $125,000.

What is the purpose of ranking the top high-paying tech jobs in Bellevue?

The ranking aims to spotlight financially advantageous tech careers in Bellevue for job seekers and professionals considering relocation, providing insights into lucrative career paths within the city's tech market.

What factors were considered in ranking the top high-paying tech jobs in Bellevue?

The ranking methodology integrated factors like average salary data specific to Bellevue, demand within the tech scene from leading companies, and future growth potential based on industry forecasts up to 2035, providing a comprehensive assessment of the best tech roles in Bellevue.

What are some key skills and responsibilities associated with high-paying tech jobs in Bellevue like Cloud Solutions Architect, Data Scientist, DevOps Engineer, and others?

Key skills include in-depth knowledge of various technologies, integrative skills to merge systems, championing corporate growth through digital transformation, building infrastructure, monitoring systems for cybersecurity, mentoring teams, developing algorithms, interpreting data sets, and more, showcasing the diverse and essential skills required in Bellevue's tech roles.

What are the projected job growth rates for tech roles like Machine Learning Engineer, Network Architect, Product Manager, and others in Bellevue?

Roles like Machine Learning Engineer, Network Architect, and Product Manager are projected to experience significant growth rates in Bellevue, reflecting a positive outlook for these occupations within the city's tech landscape.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.