Top 10 Strategies to Land Your First Remote Tech Job from Taipei

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

A person from Taipei preparing for a remote tech job interview

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10 strategies to land a remote tech job in Taipei: optimize LinkedIn, build a strong portfolio, ace remote job interviews, use remote job boards like We Work Remotely, engage in personal projects, freelance on Upwork, keep learning with Coursera, network, and master communication skills for remote collaboration.

Let's talk about the lit remote tech gigs out there. Working from home or wherever you want is all the rage these days. Thanks to COVID, everyone's hopping on the telecommuting train, and it's a sweet deal.

You get to ditch the stuffy office, work in your PJs if you want, and have a better work-life balance. Plus, they say it boosts productivity, so you can slay those coding projects like a boss.

For those of you in Taipei, this remote work thing is a game-changer.

You can tap into job opportunities worldwide without having to pack your bags and move. With Taipei's dope digital infrastructure and thriving tech scene, you're in the perfect spot to kill it remotely.

And don't sleep on the startup culture here – having a strong online presence and network is key. That's why you gotta be on that LinkedIn grind, making connections left and right.

Check out Nucamp's networking tips to level up your game.

This blog is all about landing that remote tech gig you've been dreaming of.

We'll drop some knowledge on how to up your digital communication skills and build a sick tech portfolio that'll make employers drool. The remote work takeover is real.

Table of Contents

  • Leveraging LinkedIn
  • Building a Strong Portfolio
  • Mastering Remote Job Interviews
  • Utilizing Remote Job Boards
  • The Significance of Personal Projects
  • Gaining Experience through Freelancing
  • Continuous Learning and Certification
  • Networking and Community Engagement
  • Effective Communication and Collaboration Skills
  • Conclusion: Taking Action
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Leveraging LinkedIn


Are you tired of being stuck in the same old grind? Well, buckle up 'cause I'm about to drop some serious knowledge on how to pimp out your LinkedIn game and land that sweet remote tech gig you've been dreaming of!

First things first, let's talk about your profile.

LinkedIn says that listing your current gig can get you up to 8 times more views, and having more than 5 skills listed makes you 27 times more likely to get spotted by recruiters.

So, make sure your headline is on point – something like "Software Dev Who's Down for Remote Collabs" will do the trick. Check out this dope guide from EPAM Anywhere for more pro tips on nailing your headline, summary, and overall profile game.

When it comes to the job search, specificity is key.

Remote Rebellion says filtering for "remote" jobs can increase your chances by 75%. Here's how you do it:

  1. Search for your niche area using the 'Jobs' tab.
  2. Filter results by selecting 'Remote' under 'Location'.
  3. Let LinkedIn know you're open to remote opportunities in your settings for maximum visibility.
  4. Set up job alerts to stay ahead of the game.

Networking is where it's at.

According to LinkedIn, a whopping 85% of jobs are filled through connections. So, get out there and engage with industry groups, share your insights, and show off your tech prowess.

Commenting on discussions and connecting with professionals and recruiters can be a game-changer. Olby's got your back with tips on optimizing your headline and summary to catch those recruiter eyes.

By leveling up your LinkedIn game, searching strategically, and networking like a boss, you'll be well on your way to scoring that remote tech job of your dreams.

Go forth and conquer!

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Building a Strong Portfolio


In this cut-throat tech world, having a killer portfolio ain't just a flex—it's a straight-up necessity if you wanna get hired. Check this out, Codecademy's technical portfolio guide says that a well-built portfolio is crucial for showing off your skills and capabilities through projects that highlight your interests and abilities.

And 87% of hiring managers consider a candidate's portfolio the most crucial factor when hiring for tech roles. Your portfolio ain't just about flexing your technical skills; it's also about showing off your problem-solving game and project management prowess.

To make your portfolio stand out, LEARN academy says to start with a clean and professional website that has sections like 'About', 'Projects', and 'Contact'.

This way, you can showcase your skills, projects, and give potential employers a way to hit you up. It's also a good move to include a variety of technical projects relevant to your field, like software development, web design, or data analysis tasks you've crushed.

Secondly, include code samples or project links to show off the quality and complexity of your work. Thirdly, testimonials or feedback from your homies or clients can add some credibility and showcase your communication skills.

Moreover, an article by Recruiting Daily says that incorporating portfolios into the hiring process is a game-changer.

It allows recruiters to quickly spot the most qualified candidates by showcasing skills and experience in a more engaging and informative way than a traditional resume.

Remember what Steve Jobs said, "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." Your portfolio ain't just a collection of projects; it's a reflection of your passion, dedication, and your professional journey.

It's not just what you've done, but how you present it that can make a significant difference in landing your dream remote tech job from Taipei.

Mastering Remote Job Interviews


In this digital age where working from home is the new normal, you gotta master the art of nailing those remote job interviews if you wanna land that sweet tech gig in Taipei.

The most common formats are video interviews on platforms like Zoom or Skype, and phone interviews. According to FlexJobs, being prepared to answer questions about your home office setup or how you deal with distractions can seriously boost your chances.

And The Muse says it's crucial to show off traits like reliability, independence, and organization, which are key for remote roles.

Did you know that 70% of employers now consider video interviews as a standard part of their hiring process? That's a stat from LinkedIn.

To slay these video interviews, make sure your background looks professional, the lighting is on point, and test your gear beforehand. And don't forget to dress like you're going for an in-person interview.

For phone interviews, keep that tone confident and have your resume nearby for quick reference.

The real secret sauce is nailing those communication skills.

We're talking clear, concise, and intentional with your words. A survey by Software Advice found that 91% of recruiters can judge your communication game within the first five minutes of the interview.

Highlight your experience with remote collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams or Zoom, as Vantage Lens recommends.

And don't forget to rehearse your responses to common interview questions, emphasizing your remote work skills like self-discipline, time management, and being a pro at digital collab tools like Slack and Trello.

Here's a quick checklist for you Taipei tech job seekers:

  • Optimize Your Environment: Make sure your interview spot is quiet and professional-looking.
  • Technological Readiness: Test your internet and any software or apps you'll be using beforehand.
  • Showcase Communication Skills: Prepare stories that showcase your problem-solving skills and teamwork experiences.

"Showing that you can adapt and communicate in various scenarios is what will make you stand out in remote interviews," says career coach Thomas Martinez.

Follow these tips and master the art of effective communication, and you'll be slaying those remote job interviews in Taipei like a boss.

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Utilizing Remote Job Boards


If you're a techie looking to score a sweet remote gig, you gotta check out the right job boards. With more and more companies going remote, these sites are your ticket to the good life.

First up, we've got We Work Remotely,, and RemoteOK.

These bad boys are the kings of remote tech jobs.

  • We Work Remotely is a beast, with millions of visitors every month. It's like the holy grail of remote work, covering all kinds of tech gigs.
  • is a bit more curated, so you'll find a nicely tailored list of tech jobs that are right up your alley.
  • RemoteOK is a real gem, aggregating over a thousand tech jobs from all over the interwebs. Talk about variety!

Now, to land that sweet gig, you'll need to bring your A-game:

  1. Tailor your resume and application with the right keywords from the job descriptions. It'll make you look like a total pro.
  2. Show off your remote work skills, like being a self-motivated beast and a communication master. Employers love that.
  3. Do your homework on the company culture and let them know you're a perfect fit. It'll make you stand out like a boss.

As this hiring manager from a top tech company said, "The best way to crush it on these sites is to flaunt your tech skills and show you've got what it takes to slay remote work." has some solid tips on avoiding rookie mistakes, like spamming your resume or being too casual.

Follow the right moves, and you'll be living the remote dream in no time!

The Significance of Personal Projects


In this fast-paced digital era, showcasing your skills through personal projects can seriously level up your tech resume, especially if you're trying to land that first remote tech gig from Taipei or anywhere else on this big blue marble.

A Stack Overflow survey reveals that 82% of hiring managers consider personal projects a crucial factor in evaluating a tech candidate's abilities.

Whether you're building web apps, mobile apps, or coding tools, personal projects don't just flex your technical muscles but also demonstrate soft skills like initiative, creativity, and the ability to work independently.

Adding these to your resume is a pro move, as Sunny Beatteay from Better Programming explains, having used this approach to successfully transition into the tech industry.

Check out these personal project ideas suggested by

  • Building a unique web or mobile app that solves a real-world problem.
  • Creating a developer tool to make coding more efficient.
  • Contributing to an existing open-source project by adding features or improving functionality.
  • Developing games or interactive websites that showcase innovative tech.

Contributing to open-source projects is a serious career booster.

A study highlighted in Forbes showed that participants who contribute to open-source projects experience a 55% improvement in their career opportunities, proving the value of such contributions.

Not only do these open-source contributions showcase your technical skills, but they also signal your willingness to collaborate, a highly sought-after trait in remote tech positions.

As Linux creator Linus Torvalds once said, "Talk is cheap. Show me the code." This mindset reflects the tech industry's preference for demonstrable skills over mere qualifications.

Whether you're looking to level up your existing skills or pivot to a new tech domain, personal projects offer a proactive way to bridge the gap between theory and real-world application, significantly boosting your attractiveness to potential employers in the remote work landscape.

Additionally, Eric Normand's guide on including programming projects on your resume can help you position these endeavors to showcase your capabilities in a compelling way.

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Gaining Experience through Freelancing


I know freelancing might seem like a grind, but hear me out. Think of platforms like Upwork and Freelancer as your gateway to scoring that sweet remote tech gig you've been dreaming of.

Turns out, people with fully loaded profiles on these sites are 40% more likely to get job offers. So, let's get you set up, shall we?

  • Pimp your profile: Show off your tech skills and experience, throw in a dope headshot, and write a killer summary about yourself. Upwork says you should highlight up to 10 skills, set a rate that reflects your awesomeness, and keep it short and sweet to stand out.
  • Show and tell: Display your past projects to flex your expertise and versatility in the tech game. According to Upwork, freelancers with at least five portfolio pieces are 50% more likely to get hired. Craft unique proposals for each job to prove you're the perfect fit.
  • Client love: Positive reviews can make or break your chances of getting hired. Data says freelancers with 10 or more reviews have a 50% higher chance of landing gigs. Don't forget to network and build solid relationships too – it's the key to turning one-time clients into loyal fans, keeping that cash flow steady.

Building a client base is all about consistency and networking, my friend.

Deliver killer work, and those repeat clients and referrals will start rolling in, setting you up for a stable freelancing career. When it's time to level up to a full-time remote tech job, your freelance experience will be your golden ticket.

Flaunt your projects and client testimonials during interviews to show off your expertise and ability to work independently. 73% of hiring managers actually dig freelancing experience when considering candidates for remote roles.

Not only will you sharpen your tech skills, but you'll also develop crucial soft skills like time management, communication, and self-motivation, making you a total catch for remote positions.

Freelancing isn't just a pit stop; it's a launchpad for skill-building, networking, and creating a portfolio that'll make your transition to that dream remote tech job a breeze.

Stay on top of the freelancing game, keep learning, and market yourself like a pro, and you'll be landing that coveted remote gig in no time.

Continuous Learning and Certification


In this crazy-fast tech world, keeping up with the latest trends isn't just a suggestion; it's a must-do. LinkedIn's got some real stats showing that tech job postings are asking for up-to-date skills 63% more than before.

That means if you want to stay relevant, you have to keep learning. Indeed's got the scoop on how staying techie can keep your skills fresh, and they're all about research, updating that resume, networking, and having an open mind for tech gigs outside the usual suspects.

When it comes to online learning, platforms like Coursera, Udacity, and edX are where it's at.

They've got over 15 million users diving into tech courses, from basic coding to advanced AI stuff. That's a lot of people trusting these sites for legit knowledge.

But what sets them apart? Let's break it down:

  • Coursera brings the heat with courses from top universities and tech companies, giving you that academic flavor with real-world applications.
  • Udacity is all about those nano-degree programs, gearing you up with industry-specific skills to land those niche tech roles.
  • edX is similar to Coursera, offering university-level courses, but with a twist: MicroMasters, which can lead to an actual university degree. Boom!

Getting certified through these platforms can seriously boost your job prospects.

The Global Knowledge IT Skills and Salary Report found that certified IT pros were raking in 22% more cash than their non-certified buddies. When you're navigating all these tech trends, it's clear that ongoing education through sites like Coursera, Udacity, and edX, plus staying up-to-date with tech news, webinars, and networking, isn't just a nice-to-have; it's essential.

Certifications validate your skills and make you way more competitive for jobs and that sweet, sweet salary. Whether you're trying to score a remote tech gig from Taipei or anywhere else, keeping that education game strong is the key to unlocking those tech career doors.

Networking and Community Engagement


If you want to get your hands on some sweet remote tech gigs, you've got to join the right online communities. We're talking places like GitHub, Hacker News, and Stack Overflow.

These are where all the cool remote workers hang out, sharing knowledge, collaborating on projects, and sharing tech knowledge.

But here's the thing, it's not enough to just lurk around.

You've got to get active! Share your insights, ask questions, and help solve problems. Seriously, people who actually contribute are like 70% more likely to get hit up for job opportunities compared to those who just sit back and watch.

And don't overlook other platforms for networking either.

Check out the MakeUseOf guide for finding remote worker communities on Reddit, LinkedIn groups, and Discord channels.

Or check out the 15 Best Slack Communities for some real-time interaction with thousands of remote workers and freelancers.

If you're all about that Taipei tech scene, you've got to get involved in discussions on The Hive Index too.

Keep an eye out for virtual tech meetups and conferences coming up in 2024.

We're talking events like the Remote Tech Summit, the Global Developers Conference, and CodeCon Virtual. Not only can you learn from the best in the business, but you can also network with tech people from all over the world.

A 2022 survey showed that 85% of tech job seekers said these virtual events were a goldmine for networking.

  • Register early and get involved in the pre-event online forums.
  • Engage like a boss during sessions by asking questions and sharing your two cents.
  • Follow up with your new contacts on LinkedIn or via email to keep those connections tight.

"Networking is not about just connecting people. It's about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities," says Michele Jennae, a networking pro.

It's all about making meaningful connections.

That's the key to landing those remote tech jobs you've been dreaming of. For all you Taipei-based tech professionals, getting involved in online communities and virtual events is the way to go if you want to make it big in the global remote work scene.

Effective Communication and Collaboration Skills


In today's remote work hustle, clear communication is the real MVP for keeping that productivity and teamwork game strong with your tech squad. According to the latest stats, nearly 30% of remote workers are struggling with communication.

That's where tools like Slack and Zoom come in clutch. Mastering these platforms isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a must for creating a dope remote work vibe.

Here's how to level up your Slack game:

  • Organize those convos by setting up dedicated channels for different projects, basically creating your own digital office space within Slack.
  • Keep it readable and make sure replies flow smoothly by using threads. Show some love with emoji reactions to keep the good vibes rolling.
  • Update your status to signal when you're available or need some deep work time. Striking that balance is key.

When it comes to Zoom, making those video calls lit is all about:

  1. Keeping your camera on to maintain that personal connection.
  2. Active listening game strong with nods and verbal affirmations to show you're locked in.
  3. Screen sharing to make discussions crystal clear and bring those points home.

But real talk, nailing online collaboration in tech teams is a combo of clear communication and using those digital tools to their max potential.

According to's remote team comm methods, embracing a variety of platforms is clutch.

We're talking GitHub for code sharing, Google Docs for real-time document editing, and Trello for task management. These tools, coupled with a strategic comm approach, enable seamless teamwork no matter where you're at.

By integrating these platforms and tailoring your communication strategies, remote tech teams can boost efficiency and productivity, proving that top-notch communication skills are the real MVPs in the remote game.

Conclusion: Taking Action


Lemme break it down for ya on how to score that sweet remote tech job from Taipei. First up, you gotta optimize your LinkedIn profile to make it poppin'.

Build a kickass portfolio showcasing your mad skills, and ace those remote job interviews like a pro. Check out dope remote job boards like We Work Remotely,, and RemoteOK to find your dream gig.

Get your hands dirty with personal projects, flex your freelancing game on platforms like Upwork and Freelancer, and keep leveling up your skills on Coursera, Udacity, and edX. Don't forget to get involved in the tech community and master communication tools to stay connected.

The global remote job market has skyrocketed over 250% since 2020, according to FlexJobs.

Tech giants and startups are all about that remote life, so opportunities in software development, data analysis, and cybersecurity are poppin' off! RemoteOK even featured a Taipei-based software engineer who landed a sick gig with a Silicon Valley startup, scoring a 70% pay raise and mad flexibility.

So, Take action today and implement these strategies, hustle for opportunities, and embrace the grind. Securing that remote tech job might seem daunting, but with the right approach and persistence, you'll be killing it and living your best life in no time.

If you need a more personalized approach, consider enrolling in the Nucamp coding bootcamps – they'll jumpstart or level up your tech career from Taipei like a boss.

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I optimize my LinkedIn profile for remote tech jobs?

To optimize your LinkedIn profile for remote tech jobs, ensure your headline clearly states your specialization and interest in remote work. Specify your current title, use job-related keywords, and incorporate a persuasive first-person summary. Adding relevant skills, projects, accomplishments, and endorsements can significantly boost your visibility.

What steps should I take when utilizing LinkedIn's job search feature for remote jobs?

When using LinkedIn's job search feature for remote jobs, start by searching for your niche area using the 'Jobs' tab. Filter results by selecting 'Remote' under 'Location'. Specify that you are open to remote opportunities in the LinkedIn settings for wider visibility. Activate job alerts for immediate notification of new listings.

Why is having a strong portfolio crucial for landing a remote tech job?

Having a strong portfolio is crucial for showcasing your skills and capabilities through projects that highlight your interests and abilities. A well-crafted portfolio not only showcases your technical skills but also highlights your problem-solving capabilities and project management acumen. It allows recruiters to quickly identify the most qualified candidates by showcasing skills and experience in a more engaging way than a traditional resume.

What are some effective strategies for mastering remote job interviews?

To master remote job interviews, prepare answers to specific questions about remote work, discuss traits like reliability, independence, and organization, and emphasize effective communication skills. Maintain a professional background and good lighting for video interviews, and demonstrate proficiency in remote collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams or Zoom.

How can I effectively utilize remote job boards for finding tech jobs?

To effectively utilize remote job boards for finding tech jobs, customize your application and resume with keywords related to remote tech job descriptions, showcase remote work skills prominently, and research the company culture to align with it in cover letters or interviews. Tailoring your application to highlight technical expertise and capacity to thrive in remote work environments is key.

You may be interested in the following topics as well:

  • Get ahead in your tech career by understanding the Taipei's Tech Job Market and the importance of tailored job hunting strategies.

  • See how Gogoro's smart solutions are revolutionizing urban mobility and energy use.

  • Solidify your career by diving into mobile app development, with high demand for skills in both Android and iOS platforms in Taipei.

  • Be inspired at TEDxTaipei, where ideas worth spreading ignite discussions beyond just technology, fostering community and inspiration.

  • Demonstrate your commitment to software development by contributing to open source projects, a valuable addition to any tech portfolio.

  • Engage with university tech clubs in Taipei for enriching experiences and networking opportunities.


Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible