Top 10 Must-Attend Tech Meetups and Conferences in Taipei

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Illustrative image of tech enthusiasts at a conference in Taipei

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Discover the top tech gatherings in Taipei! MEET Taipei draws 75,469 attendees and 1,024 startups. Computex Taipei rivals global giants with 1,600 exhibitors and 40,000 visitors. Taipei Game Show hosts 360,000 attendees and highlights AI and blockchain. OpenStack Taiwan Day attracts 1,700 IT experts!

My tech-savvy friend! Attending meetups and conferences is a total game-changer for anyone serious about their career in the tech biz. These events are more than just a bunch of nerds hanging out – they're a breeding ground for networking, idea-sharing, and leveling up your industry knowledge.

And let's not forget about those sweet job opportunities that might come your way.

Taipei is an absolute hotspot for these tech gatherings. It's like the Silicon Valley of Asia, with its prime location, killer infrastructure, and a government that's all about supporting tech and innovation.

Plus, there's been a major shift in the tech landscape, with a focus on high-value electronics and logistics amidst the global supply chain chaos.

Taipei is also home to a thriving startup scene, with over $1.5 billion in investments in the past five years alone.

Talk about a tech paradise, right? And you know we've got your back when it comes to finding the best meetups and conferences in town. We've got a list of the top 10, handpicked based on their relevance to current trends, opportunities for professional growth and networking, and the quality and diversity of speakers and topics.

Get out there and immerse yourself in the heart of technological advancement and industry evolution.

This is your chance to stay ahead of the game and make those career dreams a reality.

Table of Contents

  • MEET Taipei Startup Festival
  • Computex Taipei
  • Taipei Game Show
  • Taiwan IoT Technology and Industry Association Meetings
  • InnoVEX
  • TEDxTaipei
  • Taipei Tech Arena Events
  • MOPCON (Mobile Open Platform Conference)
  • OpenStack Taiwan Day
  • 5G Summit Taipei
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Don't miss out on valuable learning and networking opportunities at events like the Taiwan Mobile Summit.

MEET Taipei Startup Festival


Let me tell you about this lit event called the MEET Taipei Startup Festival. It's been around for a decade now, and it's become the biggest innovation and entrepreneurship party in Asia.

This year, they've got over 500+ exhibitors from Asia's startup scene, and even 93 international startups joining the fun. That's right, it's a global affair with attendance of over 75,000 people and 1,024 startup companies showing off their stuff.

The festival's themes are on point with what's hot in the tech world right now.

They're focusing on sustainable futures, digital talents, and how AI is changing the game for businesses. One of the most hyped sessions was called "Open the Future," where a panel of big shots talked about the struggle to get funding for startups and how AI is driving innovation like crazy.

MEET Taipei is all about interactive experiences.

You've got pitch competitions, keynote speeches, and panel discussions that'll give you the insider scoop on navigating the ever-changing tech scene. It's the perfect place for startups to mingle with the tech giants, network like crazy, and maybe even score some sweet collabs.

This year's festival is showcasing how Taiwan is a major player in the global tech ecosystem.

Startups from all sorts of fields like AI, healthcare, and fintech are repping Taiwan hard. It's proof that MEET Taipei is helping put Taipei on the map as a top-tier tech hub.

If you're a startup founder looking to pitch your game-changing idea, an investor hunting for the next unicorn, or just a tech nerd who loves staying on top of the latest innovations, MEET Taipei is the place to be.

It's where tech, innovation, and entrepreneurship come together in one epic party. Trust me, you don't want to miss out on this shindig.

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Computex Taipei


Have you heard of Computex Taipei? This computer expo started way back in 1981, but it's grown into one of the biggest tech events in the world, rivaling Germany's CeBIT. It's a massive B2B platform for all things Information Technology and Communications, and it's played a huge role in pushing the global tech industry forward.

But it's not just about the numbers, which are crazy by the way - over 1,600 exhibitors and 40,000 visitors from 171 countries! Computex is where the big dogs like Intel, AMD, and NVIDIA come to unveil their latest and greatest products and technologies.

It's like the epicenter of tech innovation.

Here are some of the coolest highlights from Computex Taipei:

  • You get to hear keynotes from CEOs like Pat Gelsinger from Intel and Dr. Lisa Su from AMD, setting the trends for the upcoming year, according to COMPUTEX's official site.
  • They have the Computex d&i awards, recognizing the best in design, energy efficiency, and innovative tech.
  • There's InnoVEX, a dedicated section for startups, helping them get exposure and connect with global buyers, investors, and manufacturers.

They also have a 'SmarTEX' segment showcasing the latest IoT innovations, and a 'Gaming & VR' section where you can check out the cutting edge in gaming and virtual reality.

Computex happens every June, and it's not just about showing off the mid-year tech progress, it sets the tone for what's coming next. As COMPUTEX TAIPEI - Building Global Technology Ecosystem shifts its focus to AI Computing, Future Mobility, and advanced Connectivity, its role as the "bellwether for the global IT ecosystem" is more important than ever.

If you're into tech, this is one event you can't miss.

Taipei Game Show


Have you heard about the Taipei Game Show? This epic gaming event has been around since 2003, but it's grown massively over the years.

It's not just a big deal in Taipei - it's become a major player in the global gaming scene. Bringing together gamers, developers, and industry pros, it's the place to be for anyone who's into gaming and wants to check out the latest and greatest games, tech, and trends.

The 2024 edition was insane - they had a whopping 360,000 attendees and 377 exhibitors from 26 different countries.

Talk about scale! It's officially Taiwan's biggest gaming event, and it's only getting bigger. Highlights included first looks at unreleased titles from major international game studios, and a B2B Zone that was buzzing with over 1,800 business visitors from 35 countries.

If you're looking to network or find potential partners in the industry, this was the place to be.

But it's not just about the games and exhibitions. The conference sessions at Taipei Game Show 2024 were engaging.

They covered everything from the future of gaming content to how emerging techs like AI and blockchain are shaking things up. It was a forward-thinking vibe, pushing the global gaming industry into new frontiers.

They really dived deep into the intersection of gaming and new tech paradigms like the metaverse, showing that this show is all about staying ahead of the curve.

And let's not forget the exhibitions and competitions.

They had esports tournaments and exclusive game showcases that had everyone excited. The Indie Game Awards were a highlight, celebrating the creativity of indie devs.

Plus, the esports competitions brought out the competitive spirit, and the B2B Zone was the place to be for international collaborations and business opportunities.

All in all, the Taipei Game Show is more than just a gaming event - it's a reflection of where the industry is at right now, and a glimpse into where it's headed.

If you're involved in gaming in any way, this is the place to be to catch the latest trends, tech, and connections shaping the future of gaming.

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Taiwan IoT Technology and Industry Association Meetings


Check this out! The Taiwan IoT Technology and Industry Association (TwIoTA) is a badass organization that's been driving innovation in the Internet of Things (IoT) space since 2016.

Their mission? To make Taiwan a global leader in IoT tech and applications. Pretty sick, right?

TwIoTA's all about promoting IoT research, bringing industries together, and putting Taiwan's IoT game on the world stage.

Their meetings are like a goldmine of info and networking opportunities, covering a ton of topics that matter to IoT peeps:

  • The latest IoT tech and how it's being deployed across different sectors
  • Regulatory changes and how they impact IoT innovation and distribution
  • Success stories of kickass IoT adoptions and the lessons learned
  • Potential challenges and opportunities in the IoT world

From intimate workshops to massive conferences, TwIoTA's got something for everyone in the IoT ecosystem.

Attending their events is like getting a front-row seat to the cutting-edge tech, best practices, and strategic insights that'll help you crush it in IoT. They cover everything from emerging tech to regulatory changes and even IoT security standards like Taiwan's IoT cybersecurity policy.

But that's not all! TwIoTA's meetings are like a networking goldmine.

You get to rub shoulders with key players – from startups to industry giants – and exchange knowledge, make connections, and maybe even score some sick partnerships.

As one IoT expert put it, "Being part of TwIoTA meetings doesn't just keep you in the loop, it opens doors to the industry's biggest influencers." With this kind of access and info, TwIoTA events are a must-attend for anyone who wants to stay ahead of the game in the ever-evolving tech world.

And let's not forget, TwIoTA's collaborating with global giants and pushing for smart application development, showing just how transformative IoT can be for Taiwan and beyond.



Check this out! InnoVEX is like the coolest part of Computex Taipei, this massive tech show. It's become the go-to event for startups and innovative peeps in the tech world.

As a part of Computex, which is one of the biggest B2B tech trade shows globally, InnoVEX is all about giving startups a boost and helping them get noticed. Since it kicked off in 2016, it's had 400 startups from 113 different countries showcasing their dope ideas.

It's a platform that celebrates diversity and gives startups, no matter their stage, the chance to show off their tech to investors, industry bigwigs, and tech nerds from all over.

It's not just about exhibiting, InnoVEX also has these intense pitch contests and networking events that are lit! The pitch contest is the highlight, where startups battle it out for a prize pool of over $100,000 in cold hard cash.

It's their chance to impress the big dogs and maybe even score some investment. Plus, they get valuable feedback and exposure. Alongside these high-stakes pitches, there are networking events where startups can connect with tech leaders and investors, potentially landing partnerships or collaborations that could take them to the next level.

There are also workshops and interactive sessions where they can learn from the experts.

InnoVEX isn't just a small part of Computex, it's a game-changer for startups.

It's a platform that sparks innovation, fosters collaboration, and helps new tech ventures grow. With its pitch competitions and networking opportunities, InnoVEX is all about empowering startups to navigate the competitive tech landscape and pave the way for the next big thing.

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Let me rap to you about TEDxTaipei, that beacon of dope ideas and mad innovation in Taipei's lit tech scene. It's a spin-off of the legendary TED crew, and they've been killing it by bringing the realest local and global thought leaders, innovators, and changemakers together.

From sustainability to education, art to social justice, their diverse-ass themes have turned TEDxTaipei into a melting pot where dope ideas collide to spark some seriously fire action.

Over the years, they've hosted over 100 speakers, from Nobel laureates to grassroots activists, each dropping their unique perspectives to light up the crowd's curiosity and get those convos popping off.

This event's impact on the local community is significant.

It's like a catalyst for crucial convos and fosters an ecosystem that's prime for knowledge-dropping and innovation. If you hit up TEDxTaipei, you'll walk away not just with fresh insights but also charged up to bring that change to your community.

The topics they cover are as varied as the speakers themselves, showcasing their commitment to exploring "ideas worth spreading," like:

  • Environmental sustainability and green tech
  • Emerging trends in education and digital learning
  • The symbiosis of art and technology
  • Principles of social entrepreneurship and community enrichment

One observation from a TEDxTaipei event perfectly captures the essence of this platform: "Innovation starts with seeing the world not as it is, but as it could be." This philosophy is all about not just spreading dope ideas but also empowering folks to make those ideas happen.

By embracing a wide range of topics and promoting inclusivity, TEDxTaipei keeps leveling up its status as an essential pillar of inspiration within Taipei's dynamic tech ecosystem and beyond, as seen by its affiliation with other prestigious TEDx events and its global outreach through TEDx talks.

Taipei Tech Arena Events


Have you heard about the Taipei Tech Arena (TTA)? This place is where all the action is happening – from getting your startup noticed to rubbing shoulders with big shots in the industry and scoring some sweet resources.

TTA is celebrating its 5th Anniversary this year, and they've got a ton of events and workshops lined up to help startups like you crush it.

Here's what's going down:

  • The Startup Bootcamp – a program that'll hook you up with all the essentials you need to slay in business strategy, fundraising, and product development.
  • Innovators Connect – your golden ticket to networking with investors, mentors, and partners from all over the globe.
  • A series of Technology Workshops that'll keep you in the loop with cutting-edge topics like AI, blockchain, and IoT. Talk about staying ahead of the game!

These events are proof that TTA is all about putting Taipei on the map as a global tech powerhouse.

By giving startups like yours a solid platform to innovate, they're shaping the future of Taiwan's tech scene. Word on the street is, "TTA has become synonymous with technological innovation in Taipei." And with the launch of TTA South, focusing on Smart Tech and Precision Medicine, and hosting some killer events, TTA is making sure that Taipei's tech ecosystem stays competitive on a global scale.

MOPCON (Mobile Open Platform Conference)


Have you heard of MOPCON? It's this massive tech conference held every year in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Ever since 2012, it's been the biggest event organized by the software community down south.

It's like the premier gathering for anyone who's into mobile tech, covering everything from app development and operations to digital content in the mobile market.

MOPCON started as a small meetup with just 160 mobile devs, but now it attracts thousands of people! That's insane growth, but it makes sense considering how mobile apps have exploded in every sector, from e-commerce to digital content and beyond.

The conference covers a ton of topics, so it's relevant for anyone in the mobile tech space. You'll find sessions on development frameworks, UX strategies, AI integration, and even machine learning in mobile ecosystems.

The themes they've had are pretty dope too.

In 2016, it was "Connect Everything," which was all about interconnectivity and innovation. And in 2018, they went with "Interconnect, Interact, Integrate," showing that MOPCON is leading the conversation on the next big wave of mobile tech.

Whether you're a developer, designer, tech enthusiast, or project manager, MOPCON has something for you.

They've got immersive workshops, panels, and talks that give you the full scoop on emerging mobile technologies, development methodologies, and where mobile computing is headed.

And the speakers? They're a diverse bunch, from industry leaders to innovators, sharing their knowledge and experiences. It's the perfect place to learn and network.

MOPCON is where ideas meet execution, pushing the boundaries of mobile tech across industries.

It's fueling the growth of innovative mobile solutions and startups, and you don't want to miss out.

OpenStack Taiwan Day


OpenStack is the bomb when it comes to cloud computing. It's an open-source project that lets you build insanely scalable and flexible cloud services. Whether you need to spin up some virtual machines or handle more complex cloud stuff, OpenStack has got your back.

OpenStack Taiwan Day is where all the cool kids in the cloud computing world gather to talk about the latest tech and the awesome community behind OpenStack.

The second annual OpenStack Day Taiwan, held at the Taipei International Convention Center, was a massive hit with over 1,700 people showing up.

That's some serious growth, and it just goes to show how hyped the Taiwanese IT folks are about cloud tech. At this event, you get to hear keynotes and breakout sessions from industry legends and innovators, like Mark Collier and Tom Fifield, who'll give you the inside scoop on OpenStack's achievements and what's going on in the community.

The event is a goldmine of knowledge, covering stuff like:

  • Optimized infrastructure strategies to make your cloud computing game strong.
  • Emerging trends in cloud computing, so you can stay ahead of the curve.
  • Best practices for deploying OpenStack, straight from the experts.

But it's not just about learning; it's also a prime networking opportunity.

You can rub shoulders with industry bigwigs and connect with like-minded peeps who share your passion for cloud tech.

The keynote presentations are where the real magic happens, with speakers tackling the nitty-gritty challenges and opportunities in cloud computing.

And if you're into more specialized topics like security, networking, or cloud architecture, the breakout sessions are where you'll find your tribe.

As one speaker put it, "OpenStack Taiwan Day isn't just about innovation in cloud computing; it's about the power of community and working together to overcome industry challenges." That's what it's all about – learning, growing, and pushing the boundaries of tech, all while being part of a global movement.

If you want to know more about these epic gatherings happening worldwide, check out the official OpenStack Days page.

5G Summit Taipei


Check this out - the 5G Summit Taipei is where all the cool kids in telecom and 5G are gonna be hangin' out.

It's not just about geeking out over the latest 5G tech, but also how this crazy fast internet is gonna change the game for real.

We're talking internet speeds that'll make your head spin - like, up to 100x faster than 4G! Plus, lower lag times for your online gaming seshes, remote work, and even telemedicine.

And let's not forget the Internet of Things (IoT) stuff that's gonna make our cities and industries way smarter. It's wild!

Taiwan's gonna open up the "Open Networking Lab" and become the first TIP Community Lab in Asia-Pacific.

Talk about keeping it real in the 5G game!

Now, here's the juicy part - the summit's agenda is stacked! You've got:

  • Keynote speeches from the OGs in 5G, droppin' knowledge bombs about the latest and greatest tech.
  • Real-life demos showing you how 5G is changing the game in industries like healthcare, transport, and entertainment.
  • Panel talks with experts dishing out the deets on the global rollout of 5G - what's working, what's not, and what's next.

And the networking potential? Off the charts! You'll get to rub shoulders with industry bigwigs, decision-makers, and innovators who are shaping the future of connectivity.

Who knows, you might just score your dream job or land that killer collab!

Past attendees have said it's where the "future of connectivity becomes reality." If you're serious about staying ahead of the tech curve, this is a must-attend event for any self-respecting telecom pro or 5G geek.

The tech scene in Taipei is lit, and this summit is your golden ticket to witness the 5G revolution firsthand. Check out Nucamp's guide for more insider deets on Taipei's thriving tech community.

Don't sleep on this – get your tickets and get hyped!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top 10 tech meetups and conferences in Taipei?

The top 10 tech meetups and conferences in Taipei include MEET Taipei Startup Festival, Computex Taipei, Taipei Game Show, Taiwan IoT Technology and Industry Association Meetings, InnoVEX, TEDxTaipei, Taipei Tech Arena Events, MOPCON (Mobile Open Platform Conference), OpenStack Taiwan Day, and 5G Summit Taipei.

What is the significance of MEET Taipei Startup Festival?

MEET Taipei Startup Festival is Asia's largest innovation and entrepreneurship carnival, attracting over 75,000 attendees and providing a platform for entrepreneurs, investors, and tech enthusiasts to network and explore groundbreaking ideas.

Why is Computex Taipei considered a crucial event in the global tech industry?

Computex Taipei is crucial due to its role as a B2B platform, attracting over 1,600 exhibitors and 40,000 international visitors, featuring keynotes by industry CEOs, hosting awards for design and technology innovation, and providing opportunities for startups to showcase their technologies.

What makes TEDxTaipei an essential event for innovation and ideas?

TEDxTaipei bridges local and global thought leaders, hosting speakers on diverse themes like sustainability, education, and social justice, inspiring action and fostering crucial conversations, making it a catalyst for innovation and knowledge exchange.

Why is InnoVEX significant for startups in the tech industry?

InnoVEX, part of Computex, accelerates the growth of startups by providing a platform for them to showcase their technologies to investors and industry leaders, offering pitch contests, networking events, and workshops to empower startups navigating the global tech landscape.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible