Top 10 Strategies for Networking Your Way into Taipei's Tech Scene

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

A vibrant network of connections illustrating strategies for entering Taipei's tech scene

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Discover the Taipei tech scene with strategies like attending meetups and tech talks, leveraging LinkedIn, participating in hackathons, joining tech communities, volunteering, enrolling in coding bootcamps, exploring co-working spaces, utilizing social media, engaging with university tech clubs, and networking through personal connections for career growth.

The tech scene in Taipei is straight . It's recognized globally for being hella innovative, ranking 4th in East Asia and 24th worldwide, which is dope AF. At the core of this ecosystem, you got sectors like hardware and IoT where Taiwan is killin' the game with global leadership.

It's a vibrant startup culture with big-name manufacturers and a government that's all about encouraging entrepreneurship and tech advancement, making Taipei a prime spot for professionals and innovators to thrive.

Networking here ain't just about making casual connections. It's about building meaningful professional relationships that can level up your career. You gotta hit up the top tech meetups, engage with the legit online platforms, and get actively involved in community initiatives.

That's how you unlock new career paths, find mentors, and maybe even land some dope collabs.

Here's the tea: Taipei's ecosystem is more than just a tech hub; it's a startup success story waiting to happen, thanks to solid government support and strategic industry alignment.

This blog series is gonna guide you through the key networking moves you need to slay in this competitive yet rewarding landscape, just like the Nucamp articles talk about the ecosystem's value and global standing.

Stay tuned!

Table of Contents

  • Attending Meetups and Tech Talks
  • Leveraging LinkedIn for Connections
  • Participating in Hackathons and Coding Competitions
  • Joining Local Tech Communities and Forums
  • Volunteering for Tech Conferences and Events
  • Enrolling in Tech Education and Coding Bootcamps
  • Exploring Co-Working Spaces and Tech Hubs
  • Utilizing Social Media Platforms Beyond LinkedIn
  • Engaging with University Tech Clubs and Societies
  • Networking Through Friends, Family, and Acquaintances
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Attending Meetups and Tech Talks


Check it out! If you're a techie living in Taipei, you gotta get on platforms like and Eventbrite. They're like a goldmine for finding all the cool tech events happening in the city.

Just hop on and you'll see tons of gigs every month, from chill networking seshes like "Coffee & Code" and the "Taipei DevOps User Group" to more serious tech talks and workshops with groups like the "Taiwan IoT Technology and Industry Association".

And if you're a girl in tech, there are dope groups like Taipei Women in Tech and Women Who Code Taipei that are all about supporting and empowering you.

Face-to-face networking is key in this game. The Harvard Business Review even says that meeting people IRL is like 34 times more effective than just shooting emails when it comes to making a solid impression and building your network.

To make the most out of these events, here are some pro tips:

  1. Do Your Homework: Before you go, research the event topic and speakers. That way, you can ask some smart questions and really show off your knowledge.
  2. Be Approachable: Slap on a smile and keep it friendly. Dress comfy but still look professional to make a good first impression.
  3. Follow-Up: After the event, hit up the people you vibed with on LinkedIn. A quick message reminding them of your meetup can help solidify that connection.

And don't be afraid to engage with the speakers! Ask them questions during Q&A or even stick around after to dive deeper into the topic.

Speakers love when people show genuine interest and enthusiasm for the subject matter. It's like the most rewarding part of their gig. So be proactive, soak up that knowledge, and let your tech passion shine through!

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Leveraging LinkedIn for Connections


If you're looking to build your network in the tech scene here in Taipei, LinkedIn is the place to be. Like, over 70% of the pros in this city rely on it for career moves, so you know it's legit.

To find the right peeps, start by searching for keywords related to your interests, like "software dev," "data science," or "AI tech," along with "Taipei" to keep it local.

This'll help you connect with the right profiles and groups that are plugged into the Taipei tech vibe.

Now, when you're shooting your shot to connect with someone, you gotta make it personal, feel me? Studies show that personalized requests have a 50% better chance of being accepted than generic ones.

So, try mentioning any mutual connections or shared interests, or even give a shout-out to something specific on their profile that caught your eye. Show 'em you're genuinely interested in learning from their experience in the Taipei tech game.

Engaging with the content shared by Taipei tech legends on LinkedIn can really level up your visibility and street cred.

Data says that commenting on posts can boost your profile views by 21%. So, don't be shy – like, comment, share articles, and tag the OG poster with your hot takes.

Oh, and writing recommendations for your peers or mentors, especially those with sick accomplishments like cybersecurity certs, is a surefire way to get some love back.

It's all about that quid pro quo, ya dig?

By following these tips, your LinkedIn game will be on fleek, and you'll be connecting with the movers and shakers in Taipei's tech realm before you know it.

As one tech boss once said, "Networking ain't just about connecting people. It's about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities." So, use LinkedIn as your gateway to unlock all the dope opportunities waiting for you in Taipei's tech scene.

Participating in Hackathons and Coding Competitions


Taipei's tech scene is poppin' right now, and it's the perfect place for you to get your foot in the door. One of the best ways to do that is by joining hackathons and coding competitions.

Events like the ETHTaipei Hackathon 2024 and the ones at Taipei Hackerspace are opportunities to network and level up your skills.

These events aren't just about sitting in front of a computer all day.

They're places where you can meet people who share your interests and work on real-world problems. Studies show that hackathon participants see a massive boost in their problem-solving abilities and professional connections.

Here are some benefits of participating in hackathons:

  • Leveling up your coding and problem-solving game.
  • Chances to connect with industry pros and potential employers.
  • Exposure to new tech and ways of doing things.

But it's not just about the technical side of things.

The social aspect of these competitions is huge. A 2023 study found that over 60% of hackathon participants made meaningful connections that helped their careers in the long run.

Working together as a team under intense time pressure to create innovative solutions is a great way to build solid relationships. Making lasting connections through teamwork is a big part of the hackathon experience, offering:

  1. The chance to show off your work ethic and skills to peers and industry leaders.
  2. The opportunity to learn from the diverse skill sets of your team members.
  3. The ability to contribute to a project that could catch the eye of potential employers or investors.

If you join the Taipei tech scene through hackathons like the ETHTaipei Hackathon 2024 and Taipei Hackerspace events, you're not just gaining experience – you're becoming part of a community of forward-thinking people.

As one attendee put it, "The connections you make at a hackathon are the ones that propel your career forward." You get personal and professional growth, making hackathons a must-do if you want to make your mark in the tech world.

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Joining Local Tech Communities and Forums


Taipei's tech scene is lit AF! There are so many dope communities and forums for coding geeks and startup nerds to connect and collaborate. Key players in this vibrant space include, Taiwan Startup Stadium, and now we've got the deets on the fire Meetup groups and the legendary National Taipei University of Technology's campus life. is the go-to hangout for devs, with threads covering all kinds of programming languages and tech discussions. Taiwan Startup Stadium hooks up startups with the resources and connections they need to slay the global game.

The Meetup platform is where techies connect IRL at events like startup workshops and coding meetups, leveling up their personal and professional game. And Taipei Tech is fostering a dope student community with all kinds of clubs and associations dedicated to tech and innovation, making the tech culture in Taipei even more fire.

But to really ball out in these communities, you gotta follow these tips:

  • Contribute Meaningfully: Don't just be a lurker, add value by answering questions, sharing insights, or giving constructive feedback.
  • Stay Consistent: Gotta show up and be present on the regular. The more people see you, the more you'll be respected in the community.
  • Respect the Culture: Every community has its own vibe and rules. Get familiar with them to interact like a pro.

Building street cred in these tech communities takes time and real effort.

A TechInAsia survey showed that 78% of tech professionals in Asia-Pacific believe networking has had a major impact on their career growth. So don't just be a fly on the wall, get involved and make it count.

As Kevin Kelly, the OG executive editor of Wired magazine, once said, "opportunity comes from people more often than from your solitary efforts." This rings true in Taipei's tech scene, where connections made through platforms like, Taiwan Startup Stadium, Meetup groups, and within the active student community at Taipei Tech can lead to job offers, collabs, and dope mentorships.

By following these tips and being an active, respectful community member, you'll be setting yourself up for a killer career in Taipei's tech ecosystem.

Volunteering for Tech Conferences and Events


If you're a young tech geek trying to make moves in Taipei's scene, volunteering at conferences and events is a total power move. Check out platforms like Accupass for a ton of dope volunteer gigs, from small workshops to major annual shindigs like the EmberConf, where you'll rub shoulders with big names and high-energy crowds.

Did you know that a whopping 93% of organizers admit that volunteers make events way better for attendees? That's how crucial you peeps are!

Over 75% of volunteers have scored valuable connections that helped level up their careers.

Talk about a networking goldmine! Here's what you can get from volunteering:

  • Pro Dev: You'll gain hands-on exp in diverse tech environments and learn the ins and outs of event management.
  • Network Game Strong: You'll meet tech pros from up-and-comers to industry legends, potentially scoring mentors, job leads, and collab opportunities.
  • Knowledge Gains: You'll get access to exclusive talks and tech demos that only attendees get to see.

Don't just take my word for it.

Christopher Lee, a dedicated volunteer, says it opens doors to new tech and the community vibes, setting you up for dope connections. Fact: Over 60% of volunteers land job offers directly from their involvement! That's some real-world impact on your career in Taipei's tech scene.

If you're trying to break in, join groups like the Taipei Tech Club for the inside scoop on local events and a supportive community.

Get out there and make some moves!

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Enrolling in Tech Education and Coding Bootcamps


So you're looking to get into the tech game in Taipei, right? Well, let me tell you, coding bootcamps like Nucamp and other programs in this city are the way to go.

It's not just about leveling up your coding skills, though. These places are like networking hubs, where you can link up with people in the industry. Check this out - a recent study showed that over 60% of bootcamp grads landed their current gigs through connections they made during their training.

That's some real talk right there.

But it doesn't stop there. Nucamp is taking things to the next level with their AGI School initiative, where they're using AI to create their curriculum.

When it comes to networking, though, you gotta put in the work. Here's the game plan:

  1. Get involved in those project collabs: Working in teams on real-world scenarios is the move. It'll help you build those bonds with your classmates and mentors.
  2. Show up and show out at bootcamp events: Nucamp and others host regular networking shindigs where you can rub elbows with industry bosses and alumni. Their "Campfires" event is a prime example of where the connections happen.
  3. Tap into that mentor knowledge: Your instructors have been in the game. Pick their brains and leverage their industry contacts.

"Creating connections with classmates and instructors can exponentially amplify your visibility within the tech ecosystem," says a Nucamp rep.

A whopping 85% of jobs are filled through networking. Crazy, right? Platforms like Accupass and Eventbrite also list tech workshops and seminars in Taipei, expanding your networking game even further.

So, by enrolling in places like Nucamp, you're not just leveling up your skills; you're opening doors to a whole network that'll help you get your foot in the door in Taipei's tech scene.

Exploring Co-Working Spaces and Tech Hubs


Taipei's tech scene is thriving, and it's all thanks to these co-working spaces and tech hubs like WeWork, BizHub, and Home Sweet Home.

These spots are like a golden ticket for anyone trying to break into the local tech ecosystem and get their network on point.

But these places aren't just about scoring a desk and some Wi-Fi.

They're the secret sauce for making connections, learning new skills, and getting your collaboration game strong. WeWork, with its sleek and transparent design that lets in all that natural light, is always hosting professional events and networking gatherings in Taipei.

Whether you're a digital nomad, representing a fresh startup, or holding it down for an established business, WeWork's got you covered with options ranging from hot desks to private offices.

It's like a one-stop shop for building that tight-knit community vibe.

And BizHub and Home Sweet Home are also excelling.

They've got great amenities and state-of-the-art facilities tailored for remote workers, complete with ergonomic furniture that'll keep you comfortable and productive.

BizHub is known for its sleek modern aesthetics and flexible membership options, plus they're always hosting networking events and workshops. Home Sweet Home, on the other hand, is the perfect casual spot for businesses and freelancers, with their open-plan work facilities that are prime for networking and collaborations.

You'll be expanding your professional network in no time, getting the inside scoop on the latest tech trends, and maybe even linking up with a potential mentor or collaborator.

These co-working spaces have a vibe that can't be replicated in more traditional setups.

The casual atmosphere encourages spontaneous conversations and connections that could lead to some game-changing opportunities. It's like an electric current running through these hubs, sparking fascinating discussions that might just be the start of something big.

If you're new to Taipei or trying to dive deeper into the tech scene, hitting up these co-working spaces and tech hubs is the move. It's the surefire way to link up with like-minded individuals and stay ahead of the curve.

Utilizing Social Media Platforms Beyond LinkedIn


Wanna get connected with the dope tech scene in Taipei? Then you gotta get social media savvy! Facebook groups like Taipei Tech Club and Taipei Tech Student Exchange are where it's at.

These groups are a goldmine for networking, sharing ideas, and staying in the loop with all the cool tech stuff happening around town. Here's how you can get in on the action:

  • Follow and engage with the tech influencers in Taipei on Facebook. They'll keep you updated on the latest trends and events.
  • Join those Facebook groups I mentioned earlier and start contributing to the conversations. Ask questions, share your thoughts – it'll make you stand out in the group.
  • Share relevant content regularly, like news about upcoming tech events, cool articles, or your own takes on tech trends. Use hashtags like #TaipeiTech or #TechInTaiwan to get more eyeballs on your posts, and tag the influencers or companies you're talking about to get them involved.

As the Taipei Tech Club says,

"Social media platforms are our digital agora, facilitating global connections with a local touch."

By being active on these platforms, you'll not only stay in the know about what's happening in the Taipei tech scene, but you'll also start building connections with other tech enthusiasts and professionals.

It's all about showing your passion and knowledge. Keep it real, and the opportunities will come knocking!

Engaging with University Tech Clubs and Societies


If you're tryna break into Taipei's lit tech scene, uni tech clubs and societies are the move. NTU is like the spot. They got the Computer Science Society which is super active with students and the whole tech community.

But it's not just NTU, NTUST also has a Google Developer Student Club for tech geeks to share their knowledge and network.

Even if you're not a student, these clubs often let non-students join in on public events and lectures. Just keep an eye on platforms like the NTU website or their FB pages for deets on open tech talks, workshops, and seminars.

Here's how to get involved:

  • Stay active: Follow their social media for updates on upcoming tech events. Engage with their posts to get on their radar.
  • Hit up public lectures and workshops: Not only will you learn some dope stuff, but you'll also meet other tech-savvy peeps and potential mentors.
  • Contribute: Volunteer for their events or join in on open discussions. It'll help you make connections and get your foot in the door.

Participating in these events lets you interact with profs and industry pros, giving you invaluable insights into Taipei's tech scene.

One attendee at last year's NTU Computer Science Society open lecture said,

"The real-world applications discussed here opened my eyes to the vast possibilities in tech."

These platforms bridge the gap between classroom concepts and industry applications, making them essential for any tech enthusiast trying to network their way into Taipei's tech ecosystem, as backed by insights from the Fifteen Hundred Hours blog on NTU student organizations.

Networking Through Friends, Family, and Acquaintances


Using your personal network to score some sick intros is a legit move, especially when you're tryna break into Taipei's lit tech scene. Check it out, over 85% of jobs are landed through networking, so tapping into your circle is crucial.

Whether it's your friends, family, or random acquaintances, let 'em know you're on the hunt for that dream gig. Who knows, they might hook you up with some dope opportunities you can't find on the regular job sites.

Having a solid network is key for leveling up your career.

It opens doors to job openings, insider advice, and mad resources. To work that network like a pro, here's what you gotta do:

  • Be Crystal Clear: Tell your people you're eyeing the Taipei tech scene. Drop some fire updates on social media, shoot some texts, or hit 'em with an email letting them know what you're aiming for. Share your passion and goals in a way that'll make them wanna lend a hand.
  • Ask for Intros: Don't be shy! Ask if they can put you in touch with their professional contacts in the tech world. A warm intro can go a long way. Plus, dope networking events like the Taiwan IoT Technology and Industry Association Meetings are perfect for making those connections.
  • Bring Value: Networking is a two-way street. Always be ready to offer your skills, knowledge, or whatever else you got in exchange. Show off your expertise and willingness to contribute, and they'll be more likely to hook you up.

But hold up, maintaining those connections takes some slick people skills, like empathy, communication, and gratitude.

Shoot a thanks after a solid intro or keep your contacts in the loop about your progress. It's just good manners, y'know? Plus, as the experts say in effective networking intros, it's all about connecting people with people, ideas, and opportunities.

In Taipei's fast-paced tech scene, those soft skills will keep the doors open and opportunities flowing. Don't forget to check out Nucamp's articles on launching your tech career in Taipei and finding your dream tech job in Taipei for more solid tips!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some effective networking strategies for thriving in Taipei's tech scene?

Effective networking strategies include attending premier tech meetups, engaging with online platforms, participating in community initiatives, participating in hackathons and coding competitions, joining local tech communities, utilizing social media platforms, enrolling in tech education programs, exploring co-working spaces, and networking through friends and family.

How can I maximize the benefits of attending tech events and meetups in Taipei?

To maximize the benefits of attending tech events and meetups in Taipei, you should do your homework by researching the event topics and speakers, be approachable by wearing professional attire and being friendly, and follow up with speakers or attendees you connected with on LinkedIn after the event.

What role does LinkedIn play in networking within Taipei's tech ecosystem?

LinkedIn is a pivotal tool for networking in Taipei's tech ecosystem, with over 70% of professionals in Taipei considering it essential for career development. Using targeted keywords related to tech interests and Taipei can help identify relevant profiles and groups in the tech scene.

How can volunteering at tech conferences and events benefit networking efforts in Taipei?

Volunteering at tech conferences and events in Taipei can enhance professional development, create networking opportunities with tech professionals, and foster learning and growth. Over 75% of volunteers have reported forming valuable connections that furthered their career paths.

Why is engaging with university tech clubs and societies important for networking in Taipei's tech scene?

Engaging with university tech clubs and societies in Taipei provides opportunities to network, learn from professors and professionals, and gain insights into the local tech industry. These organizations serve as bridges between academic concepts and real-world tech applications, facilitating valuable connections and learning experiences.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible