Top 10 Essential Tech Skills Taipei Employers Seek

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

A collage depicting various tech skills in demand in Taipei

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The tech job market in Taipei seeks professionals skilled in AI, HPC, EVs, Java, Python, JavaScript, SQL, cybersecurity, CompTIA Security+, CEH, cloud computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), AI, ML, and Blockchain for digital transformation and sustainability in a rapidly evolving industry.

The tech job scene in Taipei is promising right now. Check this out, the 2024 forecast is showing a strong demand for individuals knowledgeable in AI, high-speed computing (HPC), and electric vehicles (EV), along with the usual tech roles.

The entire industry seems to be embracing digital transformation and sustainability. Here are the details:

  • Software Development skills remain crucial, but now proficiency in languages like Java, Python, and JavaScript is necessary. This aligns with the rise of digital products, and even major tech firms in Taipei are seeking innovative coders like you.
  • Data Analysis is where it's at. SQL, Python, and Tableau are your new best friends. With tech and communications job postings seeing a whopping 26.62% year-over-year increase, data is the new gold for making those critical decisions.
  • Cybersecurity is a must these days, with all the digital threats out there. Get yourself certified with CompTIA Security+ and CEH to become a digital bodyguard for those precious assets.
  • Cloud Computing knowledge is essential, especially in platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Companies are moving to the cloud for efficiency and scalability, so you better hop on that train!

This ever-changing tech world isn't just about having solid tech skills, though.

You must stay on top of the latest and greatest like AI, Machine Learning (ML), and Blockchain. It's a constant grind to keep learning and leveling up your skills if you want to succeed in Taipei's tech industry.

Table of Contents

  • Software Development
  • Data Analysis
  • Cybersecurity
  • Cloud Computing
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)
  • Mobile Application Development
  • Network and Systems Administration
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Software Development


In the lit tech scene of Taipei, coding is the real MVP. If you wanna level up your career, you gotta be a coding machine. The industry is thirsty for devs who can slay it with Java, Python, and JavaScript.

These programming languages are the real deal, perfect for building dope apps that can handle whatever you throw at 'em. According to the homies at Source, software devs in Taipei gotta have more than just killer coding skills.

You need to be a communication boss and understand what the local market wants. It's a whole package deal. The squad says software engineers in Taipei can rake in anywhere from NT$1,086,420 to NT$2,206,851.

That's some serious cash! It's not just about the skills and the money. As the folks at Forumosa point out, you gotta embrace the Taiwanese work culture if you wanna slay in Taipei's tech game.

Here's the cheat code:

  • Level up your Java for those enterprise-level apps
  • Become a Python pro and get your data science and AI game on point
  • JavaScript mastery for front-end and full-stack web dev domination

With these skills and the right mindset, you'll be unstoppable.

Not only will you land that dream job in Taipei's tech scene, but you'll also be shaping the digital future. It's time to get coding and make your mark!

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Data Analysis


In Taipei's tech scene, data is the new oil, and everyone's scrambling to get their hands on it. If you want to make some serious cash in this town, you gotta level up your data analysis skills.

It's not just a fad, it's the key to staying ahead of the game.

The city's big wigs just dropped a major report, and what's at the top of their wish list for tech jobs? Data analysis skills, baby! That's right, you'll be hot property with those skills under your belt.

It's like having a superpower in this data-driven world.

It gets better! Data visualization is the new cool kid on the block, making it easier to understand all those numbers and trends.

Taiwan's already embracing this tech, so you better hop on that bandwagon too. It'll make you look like a total data rockstar!

Now, let's talk tools. These babies are your new best friends:

  • SQL is the boss when it comes to managing databases. You gotta master this one if you want to play in the big leagues.
  • Python is like a Swiss Army knife for data handling. Companies dig it for its versatility and data manipulation powers. You can even use it to build cool algorithms for predictive maintenance and feature extraction, just like the nerds at Taiwan Tech.
  • Tableau is a total game-changer for data visualization. It'll make all those numbers and charts look slick as hell.

Nail these three, and you're golden.

Even the big shots at Deloitte Taiwan are raving about using programming languages like Python for industrial and commercial data analysis.

If you're a newbie, don't sweat it.

There are tons of online courses and bootcamps in Taipei to get you up to speed. Take it from this industry pro:

"Master SQL, Python, and Tableau, and you'll be well-equipped to tackle real-world data challenges and captivate Taipei employers."

Keep learning, keep grinding, and you'll be swimming in job offers from finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and all the hottest tech companies in town.

Data analysis is the future, my friend, and Taipei is where it's at!



Taipei's got a serious cybersecurity game going on, and it's intense! With hackers coming at us from every angle, protecting our digital goodies has become a full-on battle.

We're talking about 30 million cyber attacks per month - that's insane!

It's like we're in the middle of a digital warzone, and the stakes are high.

Top tech companies in Taipei are on the hunt for certified cybersecurity pros who can handle these threats like total bosses. Certs like CompTIA Security+ and Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) are the real deal - they show you know your stuff when it comes to locking down systems, finding weak spots, and kicking cyber bad guys to the curb.

Last year, over 60% of Taipei businesses got hit by some kind of cyber threat. That's a scary stat, but it just means we gotta step up our game even more.

During the presidential election, the attacks went through the roof, making cybersecurity an absolute must-have for the city's survival. Here are some key moves to stay ahead of the cyber crooks:

  • Update and patch your systems regularly to fix those pesky vulnerabilities.
  • Tighten access controls so only authorized people can get in.
  • Train your crew on security awareness to keep them sharp.

Certs like CompTIA Security+ and CEH will give you the knowledge and skills to make these protective measures a reality.

They cover everything from network security to threat analysis and ethical hacking, making you a total asset to Taipei's top tech firms. With Taiwan being a prime target for cyber attacks, having a squad of skilled cybersecurity pros is crucial for keeping our digital defenses strong against those sneaky threats.

As one cybersecurity expert from a leading Taipei tech firm puts it, "In today's digital age, being able to protect data and systems from cyber threats is not just a skill, it's a necessity." That sums up the vibe in Taipei's tech scene - they want certified cybersecurity warriors who can navigate the complex cyber landscape with confidence and kick some serious hacker butt.

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Cloud Computing


The tech game is always switching it up, and here in Taipei, we're seeing a major shift towards this cloud computing. As we roll into 2024, the job scene is all about that cloud life, reflecting what's going down globally.

This trend is fire because cloud platforms offer mad scalability, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. The big dogs leading the charge are top cloud companies in Taiwan like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, all battling for a bigger slice of Taipei's growing cloud market.

With the rise of cloud services, powered by AI and sustainable computing, the Taiwanese IT service market is expected to see some serious growth in 2024.

Not to mention, global spending on cloud infrastructure is set to cross the $1 trill mark for the first time in 2024, fueled by more organizations going hybrid and multi-cloud for flexibility and cost savings, plus the growing adoption of AI-as-a-service to make innovation accessible to all.

For tech peeps in Taipei, staying relevant means mastering a dope set of skills to manage cloud resources like a boss.

Beyond the basics of Cloud Service Management (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), understanding IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS models, you gotta navigate containerization tech like Docker and Kubernetes, implement DevOps practices, and ensure security and compliance management.

According to Forbes, the future is also leaning towards serverless models, privacy management, and edge computing, expanding the skillset required for cloud computing mastery.

This wide range of skills ensures you can handle the complexities of deploying, managing, and optimizing cloud resources, which is crucial in today's tech landscape.

Mastering these areas will make you stand out in a competitive job market, making you a highly sought-after tech pro.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)


Have you been keeping up with the tech scene in Taipei lately? AI and Machine Learning (ML) are taking over the game, and knowing how to use frameworks like TensorFlow and coding in Python is turning into a major flex for employers.

It's a whole vibe backed by data and innovation, making Taipei a smart city and putting it at the forefront of tech advancements. A recent study showed that industries like healthcare, finance, and manufacturing are relying more and more on AI and ML to solve complex problems and up their efficiency game.

Like, in healthcare, AI apps are being used to predict patient outcomes, personalize treatment plans, and streamline the admin grind, which is a total game-changer for patient care.

Companies like Appier and iKala are killing it, using AI to revolutionize marketing and e-commerce, respectively.

But it's not just about the tech itself – the tools and languages used in the AI and ML world are becoming essential skills too.

TensorFlow, Google's creation, is super popular among Taipei devs for its flexible framework that's perfect for building and training ML models. And Python, with its simplicity and versatility, is a cornerstone in AI and ML development, packing a punch with libraries like SciPy and NumPy that are clutch for data analysis and manipulation.

The demand for these skills is real, with job postings requiring Python and TensorFlow expertise on the rise across Taipei's tech industry, showing how the city's market needs are shifting.

The ways AI and ML are being used in Taipei are diverse:

  • Automated customer service platforms using chatbots for instant response and interaction
  • Precision agriculture with ML algorithms predicting crop health and optimizing farm resources
  • Advanced fraud detection systems in finance, using ML models to spot fraudulent transactions with pinpoint accuracy

Taipei is serious about integrating AI and ML into its industrial landscape, signaling a major growth trajectory for these technologies.

If you're trying to get into the tech game in Taipei, leveling up your AI and ML skills is a must, aligning you with the industry's forward-thinking vibe. Checking out opportunities at leading AI development companies in Taipei could be a solid starting point for those keen to join this booming field.

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Mobile Application Development


The mobile app game in Taipei is straight-up fire right now. Businesses are scrambling to get their apps out there, so developers who can work with Android and iOS are in high demand.

If you're looking to code some slick and user-friendly apps, you need to get down with Kotlin and Swift, the lingo for those platforms.

But it's not just about coding.

Employers in Taipei want devs who can:

  • Design dope user experiences (UX) and interfaces (UI). That stuff is like catnip to managers - they're all about that smooth app flow.
  • Roll with agile methodologies, so projects stay flexible and efficient.
  • Work that cross-platform magic with tools like Flutter or React Native. With Android and iOS both poppin' off in Taipei, you gotta cater to that wide audience. Check out some mobile dev courses to level up your skills.

Just look at these stats from a 2023 survey in Taipei:

PlatformEmployer Preference
Knowing both platforms is a serious flex.

As one industry pro put it, "Building sick apps is about more than just coding - it's understanding what users want and staying ahead of the trends." That's the real key to crushing it in Taipei's mobile app scene.

With the city's booming tech ecosystem and resources for learning cutting-edge tech, it's a prime time to get your dev hustle on and make waves in the app market.

Network and Systems Administration


In this digital age where hackers be wildin', the backbone of IT systems in Taipei's techin' scene is riding hard on mad skilled pros in network and systems admin.

According to the Bureau of Labor Stats, these roles be raking in a median pay of $90,520 per year, showin' how much they value keepin' digital assets safe and networks running smooth.

The top skills in demand include Linux and Windows Server admin, highlighting the need for tech savviness and a solid grip on cybersecurity.

Courses and certs for these platforms are becoming essential for aspiring tech heads in Taipei, with schools and online platforms offering specialized training to match the demand.

The importance of network security measures can't be stressed enough, with the current digital scene in Taipei requiring a multi-layered approach to cybersecurity.

Employers be on the hunt for peeps who not only know the basics of network admin but can also implement and manage tough security protocols. Essential skills highlighted by local employers and industry trends include being a pro at configuring and managing Linux and Windows servers; being able to deploy and maintain network security tools and practices; and having a solid understanding of network protocols, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems.

Plus, as detailed by KnowledgeHut, the role of system admins now includes a wider range of responsibilities like automation, cloud computing, and scripting—tasks that are crucial for today's dynamic IT environments.

Studies and industry feedback highlight the vital role these skills play in keeping IT systems in Taipei's tech companies running smooth and secure.

"The ability to navigate and secure complex network environments is not just preferred but essential," notes a leading Taipei-based IT recruiter, emphasizing the growing importance of specialized network and systems admin roles.

This evolving landscape suggests that for those looking to make it big in Taipei's tech scene, gaining expertise in Linux and Windows server management alongside solid network security measures is the way to go.

The push towards cloud services and the integration of AI and machine learning into network management further amps up the need for continuous learning and adaptation among IT pros.

Blockchain Technology


Taipei's got this dope new trend called blockchain technology that's shaking things up big time. This revolutionary tech is like a fortress for secure transactions, and it's making waves in finance and supply chains.

It's not just about keeping data legit; it's also about making processes smooth as butter.

In the finance world, blockchain is like a superhero swooping in to speed up transactions, take down fraud, and keep things transparent.

Over 60% of Taipei's financial institutions are either studying, adopting, or have already unleashed blockchain solutions to boost efficiency and build trust with their customers.

And when it comes to supply chains, blockchain's immutable ledger system is like a badass tracker, following the journey of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer with mind-blowing accuracy.

You can't fake that kind of transparency.

The Hack Taipei event showed off Taiwan's mad blockchain skills and its tight global connections, proving that the country is all in on fostering tech innovation.

The upcoming Taipei Blockchain Week 2023, with the theme "Scale," is set to explore uncharted territories in blockchain and AI tech.

Taipei's influence in the global blockchain community is skyrocketing.

The Taiwan Blockchain Alliance is teaming up with regulators to create a smooth playing field for innovation in blockchain and FinTech, recognizing these as the rising stars of the financial tech scene in Taipei.

It's a whole new ball game.

If you're thinking about diving into the blockchain world, you gotta wrap your head around the fundamentals of Ethereum and Smart Contracts.

Ethereum is like the king of platforms for developing dope apps, and Smart Contracts automate agreements between parties, slashing time and costs compared to traditional contracts.

This game-changer isn't just limited to finance; it's also making waves in healthcare, real estate, and beyond. Mastering Ethereum and Smart Contracts is the key to navigating Taipei's dynamic blockchain landscape like a boss.

Internet of Things (IoT)


Taipei is killing it with this Internet of Things (IoT) game! It's like merging the real and digital worlds, taking a huge step towards becoming a legit smart city.

With all these everyday objects connected to the internet, sending and receiving data, the demand for skills in sensor tech, data crunching, and cybersecurity is going through the roof.

According to industry experts, the hot skills you need to include machine learning, NoSQL databases, and cloud tech. Taipei's IoT market is expected to grow by a whopping 16.7% annually, thanks to the city's commitment to smart city initiatives and green efforts like the Civil IoT Taiwan for air quality monitoring.

  • Sensor tech wizardry: You gotta understand how these sensors work, collecting environmental data. It's essential for projects like developing dope micro sensors for monitoring air quality in homes, with long-lasting battery life and mad accuracy.
  • Data processing prowess: Analyzing and making sense of the complex data generated by IoT devices is where machine learning and NoSQL come into play, letting you crunch those numbers.
  • Network security know-how: With everything connected, protecting data integrity and privacy is crucial. Cybersecurity skills are a must to keep things locked down tight.

Taipei's smart city game is on point, leveraging IoT to improve city life and efficiency across projects like intelligent traffic systems, smart lighting, and environmental monitoring.

The collab between Taiwanese IoT startup Ubiik and Taipower is a prime example, blending innovation and storytelling to scale the business. This initiative aligns with the mayor's vision of creating a healthier, greener urban environment, showing the city's commitment to using IoT for public health.

If you're a tech pro looking to specialize in IoT, Taipei is the place to be, reflecting the broader trend towards urban digitalization and setting the blueprint for other cities to follow.

User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design


In this fast-paced tech world of Taipei, User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design are the real MVPs. It's not just about making apps look fly; it's about creating dope experiences that make life easier for the end-users.

Word on the street from IGEx Solutions is that solid UI/UX design is the key to keeping users stoked, leading to more user sign-ups.

The UX Design CC Bootcamp backs this up, saying that intuitive and visually appealing products get users hyped and satisfied, which is a major deal for tech companies in Taipei.

A Forrester study dropped some serious knowledge, revealing that for every dollar invested in UX, companies rake in a whopping 100 bucks in return.

Talk about a solid investment!

To slay this UX/UI game, you gotta follow some best practices, like understanding how users roll for empathetic solutions, rocking that iterative process, and making sure everything's accessible.

And let's not forget the tools of the trade, like Sketch and Adobe XD, with their dope libraries and collab features. These bad boys can make or break your design game.

Studio14 breaks it down even further, discussing how UI and UX are tight like peanut butter and jelly in user-centric product development.

Their analysis is on point with Bill Buxton's wisdom: good design should be invisible, seamlessly blending into the user experience without drawing too much attention to itself.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top software development skills Taipei employers seek?

Taipei employers seek professionals proficient in Java, Python, and JavaScript for software development roles. These languages are essential for building scalable, high-performance applications in Taipei's tech industry.

Why is data analysis important in Taipei's tech industry?

Data analysis is crucial in Taipei's tech industry as it helps in making strategic decisions based on data insights. Skills in SQL, Python, and Tableau are indispensable for professionals aiming to excel in data-driven roles in Taipei.

What cybersecurity certifications are valued by Taipei employers?

Taipei employers value certifications like CompTIA Security+ and CEH for cybersecurity roles. These certifications validate expertise in implementing security practices and thwarting cyber threats, which are increasingly prevalent in Taipei's tech landscape.

What cloud computing skills are sought after in Taipei?

Proficiency in platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud is vital in Taipei's tech industry as businesses transition to cloud solutions for operational efficiency. Understanding cloud service management, IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS models, along with containerization technologies, is essential for tech professionals in Taipei.

Why are Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) skills in demand in Taipei?

AI and ML skills are in high demand in Taipei as these technologies drive innovation and operational efficiency across industries. Proficiency in frameworks like TensorFlow and languages such as Python is highly sought after by Taipei employers for solving complex problems and advancing technological capabilities.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible