What are the Top 10 Tips to Improve Remote Work-Life Balance in New York City?

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: July 9th 2024

A silhouette of New York City skyline with a balance scale, representing work-life balance

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Discover top tips for remote work-life balance in bustling New York City. Essential strategies include setting a regular schedule, defining separate workspaces, exploring flexible hours, prioritizing physical activity, utilizing remote tools, fostering social interactions, engaging in mindfulness activities, setting boundaries, prioritizing healthy eating, and taking regular breaks for productivity and well-being.

For all my remote workers grinding in the heart of this concrete jungle, balancing that work hustle with some chill vibes is a real mind-bender. With all the noise and chaos that comes with living in the Big Apple, it's mad easy to get stressed out and lose focus, according to some fancy study.

But don't trip, there's a way to make it work. This Harvard Business Review study says that embracing that remote life and taking some well-deserved time off can actually prevent you from burning out, which apparently costs companies billions in healthcare costs each year.

Crazy, right?

Over half of New Yorkers work through their vacations, according to this survey mentioned by Therapy Group of NYC. That's just not the move.

But there's a silver lining: a Buffer report claims that 75% of remote workers have struck that sweet work-life balance by setting some strict boundaries and adapting to the city grind.

This blog's got your back with ten solid tips, from building a consistent routine to practicing some mindfulness exercises, all to help you crush that remote work game while vibing in the city that never sleeps.

By rethinking how you juggle work demands and personal zen, we're here to guide you through turning those obstacles into stepping stones, so you can flow to the rhythm of productivity and peace.

To truly master this balance, dive into our collection of agile strategies, including insights from Nucamp's articles on remote working in the city that never sleeps.

Stay focused, stay fresh, and keep grinding!

Table of Contents

  • Tip 1: Establish a Regular Schedule
  • Tip 2: Define Separate Workspaces
  • Tip 3: Explore Flexible Working Hours
  • Tip 4: Prioritize Time for Physical Activity
  • Tip 5: Utilize Remote Working Tools
  • Tip 6: Foster Social Interactions
  • Tip 7: Engage in Mindfulness Activities
  • Tip 8: Set Boundaries
  • Tip 9: Prioritize Healthy Eating
  • Tip 10: Regular Breaks
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Tip 1: Establish a Regular Schedule


If you're living that remote life in the concrete jungle of NYC, having a solid routine is key to keeping your work and personal lives from turning into a hot mess.


It's easy to let the lines blur when you're working from home, and that can seriously stress you out. But - 68% of remote workers say having a fixed schedule helps them keep that work-life balance in check.

Setting up a regular routine at home gives you that predictability and structure you need to stay on top of your game and not let the flexibility of remote work turn into chaos.

Here's what you gotta do to keep that balance on lock:

  • Start your day right: Wake up, shower, get dressed like you're heading to the office. It'll get your mind ready for the grind, according to Grow Remote.
  • Set up a dedicated workspace and plan breaks: Find a spot that works for you, and make sure to take breaks to recharge. Try 25 minutes of deep focus, then a 5-minute break, like Ariel Camus suggests.
  • Fuel up and move that body: Don't skip meals. A 30-minute lunch break can boost your afternoon productivity. And get some exercise in there too - it's good for your mind and body.

Having a set schedule does wonders for remote workers, according to the American Psychological Association.

It can reduce stress by giving you a sense of control and predictability. Plus, employees with a regular routine tend to report higher job satisfaction and less procrastination.

And let's not forget the physical benefits - better sleep patterns, anyone?

As the man Jim Rohn said, "Either you run the day or the day runs you." A solid routine is your compass through the remote work jungle of NYC. It'll help you crush it professionally while still living your best life.

With the right routine, you can have it all - success in your career and personal fulfillment. That's how you thrive in the remote tech game from NYC.

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Tip 2: Define Separate Workspaces


For all you city hustlers balancing that remote work grind in NYC, having separate spaces to work and chill is key. This BBC article talks about how your workspace can make or break your remote work experience.

Some of you might dig the peace and quiet, but others might struggle with the cramped apartments we got here in the city. Working from home isn't just about setting up a workspace; it's about making sure it's a spot that keeps you productive and mentally fit.

  • Go vertical: Use floating shelves or wall-mounted desks to maximize that vertical space when square footage is tight.
  • Multi-functional furniture is your friend: A Murphy bed that doubles as a desk can be a lifesaver in those tiny city apartments.
  • Good lighting is crucial: Not only does it reduce eye strain, but it can also boost your mood and performance. Try to position your workspace to catch as much natural light as possible.
  • Block out that noise: Fight the constant city chaos with white noise machines or noise-canceling headphones, especially when setting boundaries is key to mentally checking out from work.

But it's not just about the physical setup; you gotta be intentional with it too.

Color psychology and ergonomic choices can seriously impact your performance. Go for calming blue tones and supportive furniture to avoid that nagging discomfort from sitting all day.

Experts from Iconic Workspaces swear that having a dedicated office space can boost that sense of community and collaboration, which is crucial in NYC's diverse work scene.


"With all the challenges of remote work in the city, setting up a dedicated workspace is a manageable task that can seriously boost your productivity and job satisfaction," says Michael White, a NYC-based productivity expert. The best way to recreate that office vibe at home is to cultivate a space that helps you focus while being clearly separate from your chill zones – a key move for maintaining that work-life balance.


Tip 3: Explore Flexible Working Hours


In the fast-paced grind of NYC, flexible working hours are the move if you wanna keep your work-life balance on point, especially for remote workers.

The perks of flexible work arrangements are becoming clear as day – a third of workers feel the pressure to be available 24/7, and studies show that this rigid grind can mess with your mental health.

But with flexible schedules, you can manage your personal responsibilities and work when you're at your most productive, potentially boosting your productivity and well-being.

The American Psychological Association says remote work flexibility can lead to positive mental health outcomes, with employees reporting lower stress levels when they have flexible schedules.

A survey in NYC revealed that 40% of remote workers with flexible hours experienced less stress and improved mental health. Plus, policies like Berkeley's Fair Workweek Ordinance ensure workers have predictable schedules, helping them avoid burnout and juggle other life demands.

The impact on work-life balance is real when flexible hours lead to benefits like reduced commuting times and stronger ties to your local community.

An analysis in NYC, where remote workers save an average of 15 hours per week that would've been spent in transit, proves these advantages. When you have better work-life balance, you can expect:

  • More control over your time, leading to a 25% increase in leisure activities.
  • Better parental involvement, with over 30% of working parents reporting more time spent with their kids.
  • Stronger community engagement as flexible work models reshape urban environments.

All these facts show that flexible work hours are a major advantage for thriving in NYC's remote work landscape.

"By embracing flexibility, employees are reclaiming their time and rewriting what it means to live and work in a metropolis," says Nancy Gonzalez, a leading industry expert.

This contemporary approach emphasizes individual and company benefits, suggesting a paradigm shift towards a more adaptive working model in urban centers.

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Tip 4: Prioritize Time for Physical Activity


Lemme break it down for ya. This whole work-life balance thing for remote workers in the Big Apple ain't just about managing your time right, ya dig? It's also about embracing the crucial role of regular physical activity in keeping your mind and body on point.

A study shows that exercise can help counteract the couch potato lifestyle that comes with all that sitting, and it can boost your mental game, leading to some serious productivity and creativity gains.

The science is solid - exercise ain't just about getting your heart pumping and your blood flowing, it can also reduce stress levels and lower the risk of chronic illnesses.

Even the CDC is saying that remote workers should use their newfound flexibility to catch some extra Zs and sweat it out, 'cause that's the key to being healthy and creative.

New York City is a playground for outdoor exercise.

You can jog along the Hudson River Park or cycle through Central Park, feeling the city's vibe. There are even free yoga classes at Bryant Park, so you can get your stretch on and connect with the community.

If indoor action is more your jam, or the weather ain't cooperating, you can smash out a HIIT session at home or join virtual classes and build that crew.

Neuroscientists like Dr. John Ratey are onto something - taking short breaks to move your body acts as a turbo boost for productivity and mood.

The APA says that employees who exercise regularly are more productive and happier with their jobs. So, my NYC peeps working from home, take advantage of the city's amenities and the benefits of regular exercise.

Keep that work-life balance on lock by living that active lifestyle, even in the heart of this concrete jungle.

Tip 5: Utilize Remote Working Tools


What's up? In this crazy remote work world NYC's livin' in, having the right tools is like having a golden ticket to getting sh*t done.

After that pandemic hit, most office workers in NYC said "peace out" to the office grind, with only 8% of them still clocking in full-time.

68% of remote workers here think having the right software is key to killing it at their job. So, people are turning to dope tools like Slack, which has seen a 25% increase in use by remote teams in NYC, and project management platforms like Asana and Trello, with Asana's user base skyrocketing by 30%.

Time tracking is a must for staying on top of your game, so tools like Insightful.io provide some serious employee monitoring and productivity analytics that remote workers love for keeping themselves in check.

And for organizing the chaos, Notion is becoming the go-to all-in-one workspace, thanks to NYC's forward-thinking approach to decentralized work. Here are the essential tools for NYC's remote work squad:

  • Communication: apps like Slack and Zoom keep the team vibing and collab'ing
  • Task Management: platforms like Asana and Trello make sure your projects stay on track
  • Time Tracking: software like TimeDoctor and Insightful.io help you stay accountable
  • Organization: apps like Notion and Evernote keep your info neat and tidy

One remote worker in NYC said,


"Using these tools has not just streamlined my workflow; they've reimagined what I can achieve in a day."


With the city changing to fit this new remote life, integrating these platforms into your daily grind can totally transform your work experience.

This combo of tools keeps the collaboration strong and your organization on point, helping you achieve that coveted work-life balance while NYC evolves into a more efficient and equitable future.

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Tip 6: Foster Social Interactions


Working remotely from a city like NYC can be a real trip, but you gotta stay connected with your squad. Real talk: studies show that over 65% of remote workers feel straight-up disconnected from their colleagues.

The pandemic made that isolation hit even harder.

That's why you gotta put in the work to link up with other remote workers in the city. Sites like Meetup and LinkedIn are clutch for finding dope networking events.

They've got everything from industry panels to chill virtual mixers, so you can expand your network and make some new connections.

But it's not just about networking.

You gotta stay connected with your crew. Use chat apps and join employee resource groups to keep that social interaction going strong. Real ones at Harvard Business Review say socializing isn't just for fun – it's a straight-up career advantage.

People with a solid network are better informed, more creative, and can get better results.

And don't sleep on video calls, either. Researchers say they can help you feel more connected and boost your productivity and mental health.

It's all about finding ways to fight off that loneliness, like the experts in 'Forge' by Alexandra Samuel were talking about.

But let's be real, sometimes you gotta get out of the house and see some people in the flesh.

Coworking spaces like The Wing and WeWork are clutch for that hybrid life – you can work remotely but still link up with other remote workers for events and stuff.

Mental health experts say we're social beings at the end of the day, and we need that community and sense of belonging.

So don't sleep on building your social network.

It's not just about your career – it's about your mental health too, especially when you're working remotely and at risk of feeling isolated. Stay connected, stay balanced, and keep grinding!

Tip 7: Engage in Mindfulness Activities


Mindfulness isn't just some trendy buzzword – it's a real deal game-changer for your mental health and productivity, especially if you're working remotely. Activities like meditation, journaling, and yoga can be total lifesavers in the midst of New York City's fast-paced chaos and the potential isolation of remote work.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health found that meditation can decrease anxiety in a major way, which is clutch for staying chill amidst the city's constant hustle and the potential loneliness of remote work.

  • Meditation can lead to a whopping 30% reduction in anxiety symptoms. Not too shabby, right?
  • If you're hitting the mat for some mindful yoga three times a week, you could see a 15% boost in your work productivity. Talk about a win-win!
  • Journaling daily can give your cognitive skills a serious upgrade, potentially making you a more efficient and sharper decision-maker on the job.

New York has no shortage of virtual and in-person options for getting your mindfulness fix, like listening and breathing exercises that are perfect for remote workers.

Companies have noticed that employees who take part in mindfulness sessions are way more focused and energized, which is backed up by some solid research.

According to the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, there's a definite link between mindfulness exercises and better decision-making abilities.

Plus, experts agree that bringing mindfulness into the workplace can foster innovation and help resolve conflicts, which is a major win.

"Incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine could be a game-changer for work-life balance," says Richard Lee, a psychologist who's all about workplace wellness.

"It's about taking control of your mental health, which can have a seriously positive impact on how you perform at work." By embracing mindfulness activities tailored to remote work, New Yorkers can achieve a solid balance, supporting their well-being and setting themselves up for success in the dynamic world of remote work.

Tip 8: Set Boundaries


Real talk, keeping your work and personal life separate ain't easy when you're working remotely in the big city hustle of New York. But Inc.com says setting up a dedicated workspace and sticking to a consistent schedule is key to drawing those lines.

Skillcrush backs that up and adds dressing the part and keeping your team in the loop with your schedule to maintain that balance.

So, on setting boundaries for remote work:

  • Identify and communicate your boundaries, both physical and mental. Set specific hours and stick to 'em religiously, like We Work Remotely says.
  • Leverage tech like email auto-responders and status updates on messaging apps to let your crew know when you're available, and take breaks to keep your productivity and mental health on fleek.
  • Create a ritual to mark the start and end of your workday, like changing out of your work threads or a quick stroll, to reinforce that mental transition between work and personal time.
  • Be proactive and get your family on the same page with household boundaries when you're working from home.

In NYC, where living spaces can be tight and the lines between work and home life get blurred easily, implementing these strategies is clutch.

Reflect on how you work best and set "If>Then" agreements with your teammates to keep it professional, even when you're remote. A Buffer survey found that 22% of remote employees struggle to unplug after work, but establishing strong boundaries can help with that.

So, maintaining strict boundaries isn't just good for your personal well-being, it boosts productivity and keeps your work relationships solid.

As Anne Donovan said:"

The key to remote work is boundaries. Both physical and temporal boundaries are not just important, they're mandatory."

Tip 9: Prioritize Healthy Eating


Maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for keeping your energy levels up while working from home. Studies have shown that what you eat can seriously impact your productivity and mood.

With the fast-paced lifestyle in the city, it's easy to fall into unhealthy eating habits, but experts say you gotta be mindful about your diet and exercise routine.

One simple tip is to stick to a structured eating schedule and avoid hanging out in the kitchen while you're working, so you don't get tempted to snack all the time.

Also, keep a water bottle at your desk to remind yourself to stay hydrated, which can help you focus better and feel fuller.

A study found that professionals who consumed fruits, veggies, and lean proteins saw a 25% boost in productivity! The World Health Organization even says that proper nutrition can increase your output by 20%.

Living in NYC, you've got access to places like the Union Square Greenmarket, so it's easier to find healthy options. But you still gotta plan your meals ahead of time to fit them into your busy schedule.

To make it easier, try prepping healthy snacks like cut-up veggies and lean proteins, setting specific times for meals and snacks, and portioning out your food so you don't overeat.

Nutrition experts suggest organizing your meals, eating according to your body's energy needs, and using food delivery services like FreshDirect to avoid the temptation of unhealthy takeout.

When you do order out, go for places like Sweetgreen or Dig Inn that offer nutritious options. And always keep healthy snacks within reach to avoid hitting up the vending machine.

Remember Jamie Oliver's motto: "Real food doesn't have ingredients, real food is ingredients." By following these tips and nourishment tactics, you can keep your diet aligned with your health goals and maintain a good work-life balance.

In the city that never sleeps, a balanced diet isn't just about fueling your body – it's about fueling your mind and spirit to tackle the challenges of remote work head-on.

Tip 10: Regular Breaks


Break time is like the secret sauce that'll keep y'all slayin' those remote work tasks, especially if you're hustlin' in the concrete jungle of NYC. Science has straight-up proven that taking regular short breathers can boost your productivity game like crazy.

Techniques like the Pomodoro Method or other hacks from a mega-study can help you punctuate your grind with well-timed pauses that'll recharge your creativity and energy levels.

A solid break isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a crucial part of keeping your mind sharp, avoiding burnout, and maintaining that coveted work-life balance – which is essential when you're navigating the non-stop hustle of NYC. An effective break should leave you feeling refreshed and focused AF, whether you're zoning out by the window or treating yourself to a quick escape from your remote workspace.

Studies show that even a brief mental reset can boost your work quality, which is clutch when you're operating in high-intensity environments like the Big Apple.

The pros suggest mixing things up with physical activities or socializing to recharge those batteries.

For NYC's remote crew, here are some dope break ideas:

  • Mental Rejuvenation: Quick meditation seshes or yoga with killer city views
  • Physical Refreshment: Short walks in nearby green spaces like Central Park or the High Line
  • Community Support: Grab a coffee from a local café and support those small businesses
  • Cognitive Engagement: Quick, interactive brain games online to keep those neurons firing

Research shows that even something as simple as walking can boost your creative output by a whopping 60%, so it's clear that these break practices are key to fostering creativity and maintaining that energy buzz.



Dr. Leigh Weisz says, "The idea is to work smarter, not harder,"


which means giving our brains the rest they need to perform at their peak.

So, don't sleep on deliberately incorporating these pauses into your workday – it's not just beneficial, but essential for thriving while working remotely in a city that never sleeps.



Working remotely in the Big Apple ain't no joke, and maintaining that work-life balance can be a real struggle. But trust me, getting that equilibrium right can do wonders for your productivity, mental health, and job satisfaction.

It's like a cheat code for success!

Did you know that around 35% of US workers are now permanently working from home? That's wild, right? And we've got the lowdown on how to crush it while working remotely in the city that never sleeps.

Check out our guide for some mad tips.

First up, establish a regular schedule.

Studies show it can reduce stress by a whopping 25%. Setting up a dedicated workspace is also key for staying focused and productive. There's more, embracing flexible working hours can give you a 10% productivity boost! That's what we call a "work-life fit," and companies are all about it these days.

Don't forget to stay active.

Exercise isn't just good for your health; it can help you destress too. And in this city, remote working tools are a must. Mastering those can make you a real pro.

But don't forget about your social connections and mental well-being practices. They're essential when you're flying solo.

Setting boundaries is also crucial for a healthy home office vibe.

And let's talk about healthy eating. Fueling up with fruits and veggies can boost your creativity game. Finally, take breaks regularly. Studies show it can increase focus by 16% and prevent burnout.

Implement these tips, and you'll be unstoppable, turning NYC into your own personal productivity and wellbeing paradise.

Trust me, it's the way to go!

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is establishing a regular schedule important for work-life balance while working remotely in New York City?

Maintaining a regular schedule helps in managing work-life boundaries, reducing stress, and enhancing control and predictability in remote work scenarios.

How can setting boundaries between work and personal life impact remote work in New York City?

Setting boundaries helps in maintaining personal well-being, enhancing productivity, and fostering better relationships with coworkers in a bustling city like New York.

Why is prioritizing time for physical activity crucial for remote workers in New York City?

Regular physical activity can counteract a sedentary lifestyle, reduce stress levels, improve mental health, and enhance productivity and creativity in the dynamic environment of New York City.

How do mindfulness activities contribute to work-life balance for remote workers in New York City?

Engaging in mindfulness activities like meditation, journaling, and yoga can significantly enhance mental health, reduce stress, and boost productivity, particularly for remote workers in the fast-paced city of New York.

What are the benefits of utilizing remote working tools for professionals in New York City?

Utilizing remote working tools like communication platforms, task management tools, time tracking software, and organizational applications can significantly enhance efficiency, collaboration, and work-life balance for remote workers in the bustling environment of New York City.

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Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.