Are There Part-Time Coding Bootcamps Available in New York City?

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

A cityscape of New York City with symbols of code overlaying, representing coding bootcamps in the city.

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Part-time coding bootcamps in New York City cater to professionals balancing work and education needs. With flexible schedules, robust curricula, and high job placement rates, these bootcamps offer a swift path to technical careers. Graduates fill 12% of NYC tech jobs. Choose wisely for desired outcomes.

In this digital age, coding bootcamps are a game-changer, especially in tech hotspots like New York City. With the Big Apple's tech scene booming, there's a high demand for programs that can teach you the skills you need quickly while still fitting your busy schedule.

Part-time coding bootcamps are clutch for this, offering flexible learning options that Nucamp has covered in this article.

These bootcamps aren't slacking on the curriculum either – they pack a punch just like traditional programs. Nucamp also highlights how coding bootcamps are shaping remote work, providing a fast-track to a tech career.

If you're worried about job support, they've got you covered too, with options for choosing the right bootcamp with solid job assistance.

A 2019 study by Course Report showed that bootcamp grads landed around 12% of all tech jobs in New York State! That's how big of a deal these intensive, skill-focused programs are.

Table of Contents

  • What is a Part-Time Coding Bootcamp?
  • The Benefits of Part-Time Coding Bootcamps
  • Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in New York City
  • How To Choose The Right Bootcamp in New York City
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

What is a Part-Time Coding Bootcamp?


Part-time coding bootcamps are like crash courses in programming, but they're designed for people who already have a bunch of other stuff going on, like a job or taking care of family.

Unlike full-time bootcamps where you gotta commit 40 hours per week, these part-time ones in NYC only require 10 to 20 hours a week, spread out over several months to a year.

With tech jobs in New York growing like crazy (57% in the last decade, way more than the overall 12% job growth), there's a huge demand for people with coding skills.

That's where these bootcamps come in, giving folks a quick way to level up their tech game.

The beauty of part-time coding bootcamps is that they offer:

  • Flexibility to balance learning with your other responsibilities
  • Better job prospects by teaching you in-demand tech skills
  • Career support like coaching and networking events

Places like Tech Elevator have options for evening and weekend classes, so you can find something that fits your schedule.

These programs are all about giving you practical coding knowledge while still letting you handle your busy life.

Just take it from William Miller, a former bootcamp student who's now a developer at a major NYC tech company.

He said,

"Doing a part-time bootcamp was clutch for me to switch careers without quitting my job. It paid off big time – I landed a tech gig just six months after finishing."

His story is like a lot of people's these days, trying to keep up with the tech world without risking their financial stability.

The rise of part-time bootcamp options shows it's not just possible to learn new skills while keeping your life in order – it's becoming essential in today's digital age.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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The Benefits of Part-Time Coding Bootcamps


Have you heard about those part-time coding bootcamps in NYC? They're legit! Check them out - they're super flexible and let you keep your work-life balance on point.

Like, 65% of the people who attend them do it to keep their day job while upgrading their skills. Pretty neat, right?

75% of the students think these bootcamps are way more practical and hands-on than regular school.

You get to apply what you learn right away, which is great. And here are some other perks:

  • Schedule convenience: Evening and weekend classes, so you can fit it in with your busy city life.
  • Accessible timeframes: You can wrap it up in like 20-30 weeks, which is way quicker than regular college.
  • Cost-efficiency: Cheaper than full-time programs, so you can save some cash and avoid those nasty student loans. Check out the tuition.

A survey found that part-time students actually felt better about their personal life during the bootcamp, which is pretty great.

In a city like NYC, being able to balance learning and life is key. Places like Columbia Engineering offer solid job support and flexible options, so you can really make the most of it.

One student said it was "a rejuvenating challenge that let me level up without putting my life on pause." That's what I'm talking about!

So if you're looking to get your tech game on without sacrificing your social life or career, part-time coding bootcamps in NYC are the way to go.

They're like a golden ticket to becoming a tech boss while still living your best life in the city that never sleeps.

Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in New York City


NYC is where it's at for those tryna level up their coding skills while still hustlin' with their 9-5 grind. The city's got a dope selection of part-time coding bootcamps that let you juggle work and education like a boss.

You got spots like General Assembly slingin' evening and part-time classes for their Software Engineering Immersive program.

And let's not forget App Academy Open, where you can study at your own pace. Flatiron School's also killin' it with their innovative bootcamps that focus on gettin' you hired.

These places get it - they know not everyone can rock up to class during the day, so they've got your back with flexible schedules tailored for workin' stiffs.

Part-time bootcamps in NYC have seen a 20% jump in enrollment over the past year, so they're clearly doin' something right.

But it's not just about convenience.

These bootcamps pack a serious punch when it comes to landin' you a sweet tech gig. Like, check this out: 89.1% of Flatiron School grads scored full-time software engineering roles within six months of graduating, according to the 2022 Course Report market study.

That's some serious heat!

And don't just take my word for it. Peep what this one student had to say on SwitchUp:

"The part-time program allowed me to upskill without sacrificing my current job, which was a game-changer."

Real talk, these bootcamps are routinely scoring 4.5 out of 5 or higher in satisfaction rates, so you know they're bringin' the fire.

Bottom line? If you're tryna make moves in the tech game without ditchin' your day job, these part-time coding bootcamps in NYC are where it's at.

They'll hook you up with the skills and connections to take your career to the next level. This is your chance to level up and slay in the NYC tech scene.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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How To Choose The Right Bootcamp in New York City


Picking the right coding bootcamp in NYC is a major deal for your tech career. There are factors to consider, so you gotta do your research.

Curriculum is where it's at; a study shows that the top bootcamps in NYC teach languages like JavaScript and Python, which are essential for web development these days.

Next up, think about duration and scheduling. Part-time programs usually last around 24 weeks, with evening and weekend classes for those of us who have a job.

When it comes to cost, Course Report says the average price of NYC coding bootcamps is around $13,584, which is a hefty investment, but tech salaries in NYC are higher than most places, so it could be worth it.

Job placement services are a crucial factor too.

Places like Fullstack Academy show that the best NYC bootcamps not only have high job placement rates but also offer ongoing support through coding events, groups, and meetups to help you keep growing in your career.

Here's what you should consider:

  • Curriculum Relevancy: Make sure the skills they teach are up-to-date and include hands-on projects.
  • Duration and Flexibility: Choose a format that fits your lifestyle, like fully online if you need it.
  • Investment and ROI: Compare the bootcamp cost to the potential salary increase and career growth after graduation, keeping in mind that coding salaries in NYC are higher than average.
  • Job Support: Check testimonials to see if their career services, coaching, and learning environment are legit.

As one expert said,

"The right bootcamp should not only teach you the ropes but also help you climb them in your career."

When you're deciding, use data and testimonials to guide you.

A part-time coding bootcamp in NYC should set you up for success, giving you the skills you need while also being a solid career investment in the long run.



Let's talk about these part-time coding bootcamps in NYC. It's a whole vibe. In this city that's all about that tech life, these flexible programs are where it's at.

Places like Fullstack Academy and Nucamp get that you gotta hustle and juggle that work-life balance.

They let you keep your 9-to-5 or handle your fam duties while still leveling up your tech skills.

  • Work-life balance: You can keep your job or family on lock while you're learning to code.
  • Flexible learning: Pick a schedule that works for your hustle and personal deets.
  • Cutting-edge education: These part-time bootcamps serve up the same fire curricula as the full-time ones.

It's not just about the now, though.

These bootcamps are reshaping tech ed and how we prep for careers. Grads from these NYC part-time programs are spitting straight facts about how it helped them switch lanes.

One former student, now balling at a major tech company, said:

"Attending a part-time coding bootcamp allowed me to pivot my career into tech, without sacrificing my financial stability during the learning process."

Mic drop.

An insane 88% of bootcamp grads land a sweet tech gig within six months of finishing up. With average salaries ranging from $59,000 to $150,000, depending on your role and skills, that's some serious bread.

Outcome Percentage
Employment in Tech Post Graduation 88%
New Career Path Post Bootcamp 74%
Salary Increase within One Year 65%

Part-time coding education is no joke, especially in NYC where innovation and career moves are everything.

Even the remote work wave is being surfed by bootcamps like Nucamp, offering remote learning options to fit your lifestyle.

With stats like these, part-time bootcamps are a must for anyone tryna get their tech skills on point.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is a Part-Time Coding Bootcamp?

A part-time coding bootcamp in New York City is an educational program designed to teach programming skills in a format that accommodates individuals with work or caregiving commitments. These programs typically require 10 to 20 hours per week over several months to a year.

What are the Benefits of Part-Time Coding Bootcamps?

Part-time coding bootcamps in NYC offer schedule flexibility, allow for harmonizing personal obligations with learning, enhance earning prospects, provide professional-centric offerings like coaching and networking events, and cultivate current coding expertise while supporting individuals in managing their busy lifestyles.

Are There Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in New York City?

Yes, there are part-time coding bootcamps available in New York City that cater to professionals seeking to enhance their technical abilities while balancing other commitments. Institutions like Software Engineering Immersive and Flatiron School offer part-time and evening classes to accommodate working professionals.

How To Choose The Right Bootcamp in New York City?

When selecting a coding bootcamp in NYC, consider factors like curriculum relevance, program duration and scheduling, cost, job placement services, and overall investment and return on investment. Research and evaluate options based on these criteria to ensure the chosen bootcamp aligns with your career goals and lifestyle.

What are the Job Placement Rates of Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in NYC?

Part-time coding bootcamps in NYC have notable job placement rates, with institutions like Flatiron School boasting a 89.1% placement rate for full-time software engineering roles within six months post-graduation. These bootcamps provide robust curricula and job support, contributing to successful career transitions for graduates.

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Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.