The 10 Best Freelance Platforms for New York City-Based Remote Workers

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

New York City skyline with illustration of various freelance platforms logos

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The rise of remote work in NYC impacts 1/3 of the workforce. Companies embrace remote/hybrid models. 1 in 3 professionals freelances, earning 20% more. Top platforms include Upwork, Fiverr,, TopTal. Factors for choosing: fees, project diversity, payment security, growth, networking. NYC's freelance scene thrives.

Have you heard about the massive shift happening in NYC's workforce? It's all about remote work, and the numbers are mind-blowing. The pandemic accelerated this trend, and now one-third of NYC's workforce could be operating remotely, according to The New York Times.

Industries like tech, finance, and media are embracing this change big time.

But it's not just about working from home – it's changing the way people live.

With remote work, more New Yorkers are ditching the city life for cheaper digs in places like Austin and Denver. It's also impacting the job market, with rising rents and shifts in the socioeconomic fabric of urban centers.

Companies are either going all-in on remote work or trying to figure out hybrid models to keep employees happy with that flexibility.

And here's where it gets really interesting – freelance platforms are booming.

They've become a go-to resource for NYC's remote workforce. As this remote work culture solidifies in the city, these platforms are guiding professionals through this redefined job landscape.

In fact, Nucamp Coding Bootcamp has been covering the top platforms that New Yorkers love, giving you the inside scoop on the ever-evolving remote work scene.

Table of Contents

  • Why New York City Remote Workers Prefer Freelance Platforms
  • Top 10 Freelance Platforms for Remote Workers in New York City
  • How to Choose the Right Platform
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Why New York City Remote Workers Prefer Freelance Platforms


New York City is lit, man! It's always popping with new opportunities, especially for freelancers. With the rise of remote work, there's been a surge in these dope digital labor-sharing platforms catering to the city's freelance crowd.

Commuting in NYC can be a nightmare, so these platforms are a game-changer, offering flexibilty and freedom to choose where you work. A recent survey showed that 75% of NYC freelancers dig the control over their schedules and workspace, a major plus compared to being chained to a cubicle all day.

These freelance platforms are a goldmine, opening up a ton of job opportunities for remote workers in the city, with a 40% spike in local listings.

The money's legit too – skilled freelancers in NYC can rake in an average of 20% more than their 9-to-5 counterparts. They get to set their own rates, showing off the value of their skills – 65% of NYC freelancers feel empowered by this autonomy.

But the perks don't stop there, these platforms also offer:

  • Freedom to choose your gigs.
  • Access to clients worldwide.
  • Networking with other like-minded hustlers.
  • Multiple income streams for that financial security.

1 in 3 NYC professionals are freelancing, either as a side hustle or their main gig.

These platforms are a game-changer, making it easier to connect with clients and get paid, plus offering co-working spaces with support services.

As one freelancer put it, "The flexibility and opportunities are essential for thriving in NYC's fast-paced life." For remote workers in the city, freelancing isn't just a fad; it's a lifestyle that embraces independence, fat paychecks, and balancing work and play in a city that never sleeps.

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Top 10 Freelance Platforms for Remote Workers in New York City


As remote work becomes the new norm, NYC's hustlers are flocking to freelance sites that cater to their fast-paced lifestyle. Among the top 10 freelance platforms, Upwork is the real deal, offering a wide range of gigs and boasting 5 million registered clients with a 90% success rate for freelancers in cities like NYC. Fiverr, known for its quick turnaround, matches the city's rapid tempo and often delivers projects within 24 to 48 hours. has some sick tools like live chat and a milestone payment system, attracting all kinds of talents, while Toptal is all about the elite, offering the top 3% of freelancers - perfect for NYC's competitive markets.

With over 5,023 freelance experts ready to hustle on Guru and the personalized job matches from FlexJobs, which covers 50 career categories, NYC's diverse workforce has plenty of options.

LinkedIn ProFinder lets you tap into LinkedIn's massive professional network, connecting freelancers with clients locally and globally. SolidGigs hooks you up with practical tools like contract templates, and PeoplePerHour is all about efficiency with their straightforward task posting system.

Making waves is the Freelancers Union, especially their Freelancers Hub in NYC, designed to help the city's freelancers thrive, solidifying NYC's rep as a hotspot for independent work.

Tech freelancers, remote work platforms for tech pros are on the rise, with Stack Overflow Jobs and GitHub Jobs serving as hubs for NYC's thriving community of devs and engineers.

NYC's remote workers also seek secure platforms that guarantee reliable payments and clear job outlines, with sites like Contently and Skyword thoroughly vetting opportunities for content specialists, reflecting the evolving work culture in the aftermath of the pandemic.

How to Choose the Right Platform


Freelance game in NYC is no joke. With the rise of remote work, finding the right platform to hustle on is crucial. Let's break it down:

  • Commission Fees: Platforms hit you with fees ranging from a chill 5% to a hefty 20% cut. Do your math and pick the one that won't leave you broke.
  • Project Diversity: NYC ain't cheap. You need a platform with mad variety to keep that cash flow steady. Match your skills to the gigs, and you're golden.
  • Payment Security: Escrow and trusted payment options are a must. No freelancer wants to get played after putting in that work.
  • Professional Growth: Upskilling opportunities are key to leveling up your game. Over 65% of freelancers agree it improves their hustle.
  • Networking Potential: NYC is all about connecting with the right people. Over 75% of your work could come from that network.

Check out guides like the NYC freelance platform guide to find the perfect platform.

Low fees, diverse gigs, secure payments, learning resources, and a dope network – that's the sweet spot.

At the end of the day, it's about more than just landing a quick gig.

You need a platform that'll help you thrive in this fast-paced city. Secure that bag, level up your skills, and build that network. That's how you win the freelance game in NYC.

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Freelancing in NYC is about to blow up! The Freelancers Union has got your back with the Freelance Isn't Free Act, so you don't have to worry about getting stiffed on payments.

Tech is making it even easier, with dope tools on freelance platforms that make remote work a breeze.

By 2027, most workers in the U.S. will be freelancing, and the user base for freelance platforms in NYC alone is growing by 20% every year.

These platforms are about to get even cooler with AI matching your skills to global gigs. NYC's remote workers can look forward to:

  • Personalized job matching using machine learning to connect you with the perfect projects.
  • Financial tools for seamless payments and tax compliance, so you can focus on your work.
  • Community support systems to network and level up your skills with other freelancers.

NYC is always reinventing itself, and freelance platforms are evolving with it.

These platforms are becoming essential for building your dream career. Industry experts say the freelance revolution is here, and more and more NYC professionals are turning to them for remote opportunities.

This digital, decentralized infrastructure isn't just a tool – it's the future of work.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why do New York City remote workers prefer freelance platforms?

New York City remote workers prefer freelance platforms for the flexibility, autonomy, higher earnings, job selection independence, access to a global client base, networking opportunities, and multiple income sources that these platforms provide.

What are the top 10 freelance platforms for remote workers in New York City?

The top 10 freelance platforms for remote workers in New York City include Upwork, Fiverr,, Toptal, Guru, FlexJobs, LinkedIn ProFinder, SolidGigs, PeoplePerHour, Stack Overflow Jobs, and GitHub Jobs.

How should New York City-based remote workers choose the right freelance platform?

New York City-based remote workers should consider factors such as commission fees, project diversity, payment security, professional growth opportunities, and networking potential when choosing the right freelance platform. Analyzing platform options with tailored guides is recommended for informed decision-making.

What are the key features for NYC's remote workers on freelance platforms?

Key features for NYC's remote workers on freelance platforms include personalized job matching with machine learning, financial tools for payments and tax compliance, and community support systems for networking and personal growth.

What are the implications of freelance platforms for New York City's workforce?

Freelance platforms are poised to transform New York City's workforce, with the majority of U.S. workers expected to engage in freelance by 2027. These platforms are predicted to integrate AI-powered solutions, personalized job matching, financial tools, and robust community support, reflecting the city's innovative spirit.

You may be interested in the following topics as well:

  • With flexible learning options, part-time coding bootcamps meet the needs of diverse learners in New York City.

  • Discover how a Regular Schedule may just be the key to harmonizing your personal and professional life in the Big Apple.

  • New York City's tech industry growth is creating an unprecedented demand for skilled data scientists.

  • Uncover the secrets to effective learning with Nucamp's adaptable curriculum for remote workers.


Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.