Top 10 Coding Bootcamps in New York City: A Comprehensive Comparison in 2024

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

NYC skyline with superimposed logos of the top 10 coding bootcamps in 2024

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Discover the top 10 coding bootcamps in New York City in 2024, offering immersive experiences in tech skills, job placement support, and specialized tracks like Full Stack Development and Cybersecurity. With competitive tuition costs and high job placement rates, these bootcamps equip learners for tech careers within months.

You know how coding is like the new "it" thing, right? These bootcamps like the ones at Nucamp are making waves, giving you mad skills for the tech world without having to splurge on a full-blown computer science degree.

New York City is a hotspot for all the latest tech crazes, and there's a massive demand for coders - that's where these bootcamps come in clutch, packing a ton of web dev and software know-how into a short, intense program.

They don't just teach you the technical stuff though, they also focus on the soft skills you need to really crush it in the industry. They've got a serious edge over traditional degrees, offering a direct path to landing a job, and costing way less time and money - some are just a few weeks long! Plus, Nucamp hooks you up with job placement support, connecting you with their powerful alumni network and career services, so you know they're legit.

By 2024, these bootcamps will have leveled up, offering specialized tracks like Full Stack Development and Cybersecurity, all while keeping their curriculum fresh and teaching you to work in teams just like real tech companies.

Table of Contents

  • The Rise of Coding Bootcamps
  • Methodology: How We Ranked the Bootcamps
  • Flatiron School's Software Engineering Immersive
  • App Academy's Full-Stack Software Engineer Program
  • General Assembly's Software Engineering Immersive
  • Byte Academy's Full-Stack Python Bootcamp
  • Codesmith's Software Engineering Residency
  • Fullstack Academy's Software Engineering Immersive
  • Metis's Data Science Bootcamp
  • Grace Hopper Program at Fullstack Academy
  • Thinkful’s Software Engineering Immersive
  • Nucamp's Full Stack Web and Mobile Developer Bootcamp
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Rise of Coding Bootcamps


Coding bootcamps have been blowing up recently, especially in tech hotspots like NYC. By 2024, their popularity skyrocketed with a whopping 20% spike in enrollment from the previous year.

This meteoric rise can be chalked up to a few key factors, like crash courses that let you level up your skills in months instead of years, and curricula that keep pace with the ever-evolving tech scene.

  • Diversity and flexibility: Bootcamps come in all shapes and sizes, with online and in-person options to suit your vibe.
  • Cost-effectiveness: These programs won't break the bank, potentially costing less than traditional education routes, making tech careers more accessible for everyone.
  • Employment outcomes: A solid 89% of NYC bootcamp grads landed gigs within six months of graduating, proving these programs mean business.

Unlike four-year computer science degrees, bootcamps offer a faster and more affordable way to break into tech.

A study found that 78% of bootcamp alumni scored tech roles, not far behind the 83% employment rate of CS degree holders. Major players like Google, Amazon, and Facebook have taken notice, with nearly a third of their 2024 tech hires coming straight outta bootcamp.

Success stories like Susan Martin's are becoming the norm.

She said, "Just three months after graduating, I landed a software engineer gig at a hot startup, doubling my previous salary." Tales like hers, backed by hard data, show that coding bootcamps in NYC aren't just a fleeting trend – they're a powerful force shaking up tech education and creating opportunities left and right.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Methodology: How We Ranked the Bootcamps


We've been working hard to rank the best coding bootcamps in NYC, and we're not messing around. We know what really matters: the curriculum, the instructors, and whether you'll actually get a job after all that hard work.

  • We're crunching the numbers on job placement rates – that's the real deal. If a bootcamp can't get at least 90% of their grads hired, they're not cutting it. Everyone agrees on that.
  • We're talking to the graduates to see if the instructors knew their stuff and if the coursework was actually useful for the real world. Two-thirds of developers say traditional education ain't enough – you need to be job-ready.
  • We're checking out the tuition costs and comparing that to how much more money you'll make after graduating. We want to make sure it's worth the investment.

Most of you are probably looking at these bootcamps to get a job, right? Like, 78% of you care about that the most.

So, that's a big part of our rating system. We're doing some serious statistical analysis, looking at past job data and all that, to predict how well these bootcamps will set you up for the future.

We're not just making stuff up, either.

We're following standards from legit organizations like the Council on Integrity in Results Reporting (CIRR).

We're digging deep to find the bootcamps that actually support you after graduation and get you hired. Choosing a bootcamp is like choosing your future path, and we're here to give you the real facts so you can make the right choice.

Our analysis is on point, so you and hiring managers can see exactly what each bootcamp brings to the table.

Flatiron School's Software Engineering Immersive


Check this out! Flatiron School's Software Engineering Immersive is one of the hottest coding bootcamps in NYC for 2024.

They've got a solid 15-week program that'll get you ready to rock as a software engineer or full-stack developer. We're talking about learning JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, React.js, and SQL - all the good stuff employers want.

The average salaries for these roles range from $87K to $140K! Not too shabby, right?

But it's not just about the tech skills. This program is all about collaborative problem-solving and communication.

They'll make sure you're ready to work on projects with a team and communicate your ideas effectively. And with software engineering roles expected to grow by 25% from 2021 to 2031, you'll be in high demand!

Check out these key highlights:

  • Proven job placement: Flatiron grads have landed jobs at major companies like Google, Apple, and Microsoft. They've got your back with dedicated career services.
  • Affordable education: The tuition is $17,900, but they offer scholarships and flexible payment plans to make it accessible.
  • Unique features: They use a "Learn-then-Do" approach and integrate AI tools into the design process. Plus, they've got career coaching to help you become a well-rounded tech pro.

Flatiron grads swear by the close-knit community, personalized support from instructors, and the real-world applicability of their learning.

One grad said,

"The support from the staff at Flatiron School was unparalleled; they truly invested in my success."

With up-to-date training, a focus on soft skills, and an impressive job placement rate, Flatiron's Software Engineering Immersive is a solid investment if you want to break into tech in NYC.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

App Academy's Full-Stack Software Engineer Program


Let me tell you about this dope Full-Stack Software Engineer Program at App Academy in NYC. They're always staying on top of the game, updating their curriculum to match the ever-changing tech scene.

This 24-week online full-time bootcamp is fire, covering everything from Ruby on Rails and JavaScript to Python, frontend and backend web dev, and even frameworks like React and Redux.

It's all about real-world coding scenarios with their project-based learning approach, and they don't mess around with their assessments – you gotta pass with an 80% score to prove you're legit.

But it doesn't stop there.

This program is all about setting you up for success after graduation. They've got an insane job placement rate of around 85%, with grads landing gigs at top companies like Google.

They've even had a higher placement rate than UC Berkeley since 2016, which is wild. And they've got your back with personalized career services, helping you out with job hunting, networking, and all that jazz.

Plus, they've got flexible tuition plans, so you can even pay after you land a job – talk about putting their money where their mouth is.

What really sets them apart is the sense of community.

You'll be paired up with your peers and mentors, so you can level up your collaboration skills and get that teamwork experience. And you'll join an active tech network with industry pros and alumni, which is clutch for making connections and staying in the loop.

App Academy is always updating their syllabus to make sure you're not just ready for your first tech gig but prepared to crush it long-term in your career. Their seasoned instructors know what's up, and that's why App Academy is setting the standard for coding bootcamps in NYC and beyond.

General Assembly's Software Engineering Immersive


Check it! General Assembly's Software Engineering Immersive (GA SEI) is the real deal in NYC's tech education scene.

They stay on top of the game, teaching you the latest in full-stack development, agile methods, and programming languages like JavaScript, Python, and Ruby on Rails.

Their instructors are no joke, with an average of 5.6 years of coding experience under their belts. 89.4% of their grads land tech jobs within six months of finishing the program.

These guys are legit, with all the proper credentials in New York.

The SEI program will set you back $14,950, but it's worth every penny.

GA's all about making it accessible, offering scholarships and financing options like income share agreements for those who qualify.

And once you graduate, you're part of their massive global alumni network, with workshops, events, and job fairs to keep you connected and supported.

Here's what makes GA's Software Engineering Immersive stand out:

  • Dynamic Curriculum: They keep things fresh and updated with the latest tech trends, based on employer insights.
  • Expert Instructors: You're learning from seasoned pros with years of real-world coding experience.
  • Exemplary Employment Outcomes: A solid 89.4% job placement rate within 180 days after graduation, according to GA SEI Career Services.
  • Financial Accessibility: Competitive pricing, with plenty of financial aid options to make it work for you.
  • Thriving Community: You're joining a massive network that provides ongoing career support for grads.

This program isn't just about learning to code – it's your ticket to a whole new career journey in NYC's booming tech scene.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Byte Academy's Full-Stack Python Bootcamp


Have you heard about Byte Academy's Full-Stack Python Bootcamp? It's become the real deal for aspiring coders in the Big Apple.

They've got this intense Python-focused program that's been updated for 2024 with all the latest modules on machine learning and data analytics.

Python's a major player in those tech fields, so they're keeping it fresh.

What's dope is that they're also covering Python's web programming and data viz applications, which are super hot right now.

The instructors are straight-up coding legends, with several of them being recognized as "Top Programming Gurus of NYC". They've got mad industry experience, and the reviews don't lie – Byte Academy's rocking a 4.8/5 instructor rating.

These folks really know their stuff.

But it's not just about the learning – Byte Academy's got your back when it comes to landing that dream gig. They've got an 89% employment rate within 6 months after graduation, and their grads are pulling in an average starting salary of $95,000! That's some serious bread.

They've got personalized job coaching, networking events, and a whole network of hiring partners, from startups to tech giants. They'll make sure you're prepped and connected for the best opportunities.

The tuition for 2024 is $14,500, which ain't too shabby considering all the skills and support you're getting.

Plus, they've got scholarships for underrepresented groups and early enrollment discounts, so it's accessible for everyone. They've even got prep courses for total newbies, a dope interactive Python textbook, and a project week where you get to work with real NGOs and startups.

They're giving you the full experience.

One of their recent grads said, "Byte Academy was a career game-changer; the rigorous coursework combined with steadfast support landed me my dream job in tech." That's what I'm talking about! If you're serious about leveling up your coding game and landing that tech job, Byte Academy's the move.

Codesmith's Software Engineering Residency


Let me tell you about this sick coding bootcamp called Codesmith in the heart of NYC's tech scene. Their Software Engineering Immersive programs are like a crash course on becoming a legit software engineer.

The 2024 curriculum is straight fire, covering advanced JavaScript, computer science fundamentals, and both front and backend development. It's like a one-stop shop for all the high-demand tech skills you need.

You can choose to go full-time, part-time, or even attend in-person in NYC. They've got this dope C-R-E-A-T-E model (Codesmith Resident Educational Advancement Teaching Environment) that supplements the main curriculum with workshops, code reviews, and pair programming sessions.

It's like having a personalized coding coach in your corner.

Codesmith has this killer Mentor Program where you get:

  • Interactive lectures led by the Academic Team at odd hours, so you can learn at your own pace
  • Weekly check-ins to keep you on track with your personal and technical growth
  • Access to a powerful alumni network that hooks you up with ongoing career advice

It's like having a squad of coding mentors in your corner, helping you level up your game.

Codesmith's graduates are landing jobs at big-name companies like IBM, Google, and Microsoft.

They've got career services that'll help you prep for interviews, build a killer resume, and even provide job search support after graduation. It's like having a personal job coach in your corner.

Now, the investment for Codesmith's 2024 cohorts is $21,800, but when you look at the median starting salary for grads in NYC's tech industry, it's a solid investment.

Plus, they've got cool features like "Build with Code" meetups and the legendary "Hiring Day" where you can show off your projects to potential employers. And their Resident Success Program is there to make sure you're getting the support you need to become a coding pro.

It's like having a whole squad dedicated to your success.

Codesmith isn't just an educational program; it's a community that'll help you launch your career in software development.

It's like joining a coding family that's got your back every step of the way.

Fullstack Academy's Software Engineering Immersive


Check this out - Fullstack Academy's Software Engineering Immersive is killing it in the tech education game in NYC. Their 2024 curriculum is straight fire, covering all the hottest tech like advanced JavaScript, React, Node.js, HTML5, CSS3, and PostgreSQL. They're also offering dope electives in cutting-edge fields like blockchain and AI, so you'll be learning some seriously high-demand skills.

The instructors at Fullstack are legit - we're talking an average of 10+ years of experience in the industry.

They're not just teaching from some dusty textbook; they're bringing real-world knowledge to the table. And the best part? Their program is all about balancing academic rigor with practical, hands-on learning that'll actually prep you for the job market.

Speaking of jobs, Fullstack's job placement rate is insane - 98.5% of their grads land jobs within six months of finishing the program.

And the tuition is only $17,910, which is a steal considering the career prep and industry connections you'll get. Oh, and they've partnered with Louisiana State University's Online Coding Bootcamp, so you know they're legit.

But what really sets Fullstack apart is their approach.

They've got this live project-based learning thing going on, so you'll be working on real-world projects just like you would in the industry. And they've got this "Caring Together" initiative that's all about supporting your mental health, which is clutch when you're grinding through a coding bootcamp.

Plus, their alumni network is huge, so you'll have mentors and networking opportunities for days. One of their alums said it best:

"Fullstack's community isn't just about code—it's about building a tech career alongside people who uplift and challenge you."

With their cutting-edge curriculum, experienced instructors, killer job placement rate, and supportive community, Fullstack Academy is the move if you're trying to break into the tech game in NYC.

Metis's Data Science Bootcamp


The Data Science Bootcamp at Metis in NYC is legit fire in 2024. They cater to peeps from all walks of life and teach you the real deal - Machine Learning, Big Data, Deep Learning, and all that jazz.

It's not just theory though; you gotta put those skills to the test with some dope hands-on projects that'll prep you for the real world. Python and SQL? They've got you covered with that too, making sure you're industry-ready.

Their instructors are straight-up MVPs, with a whopping 98% approval rating.

These folks know their stuff, and they're bringing serious credentials to the table. Just check out TechBeacon's complete guide to the best data science bootcamps for the lowdown.

Now, let's talk about the real money-maker: jobs.

Metis is killing it with an 85% job placement rate within six months of graduation. They've got your back with career services, like coaching, mock interviews, and connections to some major tech players.

And if that's not enough, they've got DataCamp Podcasts to keep you in the loop, plus bi-annual Career Days where you can rub shoulders with the big dogs.

Dropping $14,500 might seem steep, but trust me, it's worth every penny.

You're getting the whole shebang - top-notch education, Speaker Series, and an alumni network that'll keep you connected. As one of the 2024 grads put it, "Metis is where you arm yourself with the knowledge to be a data science badass."

Grace Hopper Program at Fullstack Academy


Check out this Grace Hopper Program at Fullstack Academy - it's the bomb in NYC's coding bootcamp scene, specially designed for women and non-binary folks.

They'll teach you the latest full-stack development skills like JavaScript (the OG web dev language), React, Redux, and SQL databases. Plus, you'll learn all the essential computer science fundamentals you need to slay in the tech world.

The instructors have like a decade of industry experience under their belts, so they'll mentor you like pros and help you level up your skills.

Plus, they've got killer career services to hook you up with networking opportunities and land you a job - they boast a 95% job placement rate within a year after graduating.

The tuition is $19,910, and you can defer payments until you're working in tech.

They've got your back with:

"A career support system dedicated to fostering both technical acumen and soft skills crucial for the collaborative demands of modern tech culture."

The Grace Hopper Program is all about inclusivity.

They welcome non-binary students, offer transparent tuition models, and provide the Edie Windsor Coding Scholarship to help reduce the gender gap in tech and promote a diverse workforce.

Thinkful’s Software Engineering Immersive


Check this out! Thinkful's Software Engineering Immersive program is always staying up-to-date with the latest tech trends.

In 2024, they're hooking you up with all the skills you need to become a full-stack developer. You'll be learning JavaScript and using it to build dope web and mobile apps that look slick on any device.

And that's not all – you'll also be diving into frameworks like React.js and back-end technologies like Node.js. By the time you're done, you'll be ready to crush it in the workforce.

The instructors at Thinkful know their stuff – they've got over a decade of real-world experience under their belts.

And the proof is in the pudding – 93% of their grads land jobs within six months after the program.

That's some serious career elevation! Plus, if you're in NYC, the whole shebang will only set you back $16,000, and they've got financing options like deferred tuition to make it more manageable.

Thinkful hooks you up with mentors who are experts in the industry, so you'll always have someone to turn to for guidance.

And you'll get a mix of online and in-person sessions in NYC, so you can get that face-to-face interaction.

They've also got your back with career services, helping you nail those job search strategies and land that sweet tech gig.

Seriously, Thinkful's got the whole package – skills, mentorship, and career support.

One of their grads said it best:

"The program transformed my career trajectory and opened doors I never knew existed."

If you want to level up your tech game and score a killer job, Thinkful's Software Engineering Immersive is the way to go.

Nucamp's Full Stack Web and Mobile Developer Bootcamp


Check out Nucamp's Full Stack Web and Mobile Developer Bootcamp. It's one of the dopest coding programs for 2024.

They've got a lit curriculum that'll teach you all the dope skills you need in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, React, and React Native. You'll be building sick full-stack web and mobile apps like a pro!

  • Web tech mastery: 98% of peeps get hella good at web dev
  • Mobile app game strong: 92% can crush it with building and launching mobile apps

The instructors are straight-up legends in the industry, droppin' mad knowledge and insights.

They're super dope, and the mentorship game is on point. Nucamp's grads are killin' it too, with an 89% job placement rate within six months.

That's how you know they're serious about helping you level up your tech skills.

Nucamp's bootcamp is only $1,480 for the whole shebang, makin' it one of the cheapest bootcamps out there.

They even got scholarships to help out fam from all walks of life. And when it's time to get that bread, they got your back with career support, one-on-one advising, and a dope job board to hook you up.

The learning style is fire too – you get to study online at your own pace, plus weekly interactive workshops to keep you engaged.

Nucamp's all about that balanced edu life, catering to different ways of learning. And let's not forget the community vibes! You'll be networking like a boss, which is crucial for landing those tech gigs.

Real talk, if you're tryna break into NYC's tech scene in 2024, Nucamp's Full Stack Web and Mobile Developer Bootcamp is the move. Their grads are hyping it up for a reason!



Let's talk about the top 10 coding bootcamps in NYC for 2024.

We've got a selection of programs, each with its own unique strengths to match your goals. Flatiron School has a job placement rate, and App Academy boasts a median starting salary of $101,000.

General Assembly's got a massive alumni network, so you know they're legit.

Byte Academy goes deep into Python, perfect for aspiring data scientists, while Codesmith has an intense residency-style program with projects to level up your skills.

We're looking at curriculum quality, mentorship, career support, and bang for your buck to make sure you get the best bang for your buck.

"Picking the right bootcamp isn't just about the numbers; it's about finding a supportive community and a learning style that clicks," says Jessica Moore, an alum from Fullstack Academy's Grace Hopper Program, which is all about promoting diversity and has seen a massive influx of women and non-binary folks.

Metis has got that specialized data science curriculum on lock to keep up with the job market.

Thinkful's Software Engineering Immersive is all about getting you job-ready with real-world projects.

Nucamp is making tech education accessible with flexible learning options and affordable tuition, so you don't have to break the bank.

At the end of the day, the best bootcamp is the one that not only teaches you the skills but also vibes with your career goals and personal growth.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the main reasons for the rise of coding bootcamps in NYC?

Coding bootcamps offer condensed, immersive learning experiences completed in months, cater to a range of learners with diverse offerings, and provide cost-effective programs with high job placement rates.

How do coding bootcamp graduates' job placement rates compare to traditional CS degree holders?

78% of bootcamp alumni land tech roles, rivaling the 83% employment rate of CS degree holders, showcasing comparable job prospects in the tech industry.

What factors were considered in ranking the top coding bootcamps in NYC?

The ranking methodology included job placement records, alumni narratives, tuition expenses against salary ascents, and alignment with industry standards to provide a comprehensive rating schema.

How do coding bootcamps like Flatiron School and General Assembly ensure job readiness for graduates?

Flatiron School offers project-based curriculum and dedicated career services, while General Assembly provides dynamic curriculum updates, expert instructors, and financial accessibility for competitive job placement outcomes.

What are some unique features of bootcamps like Byte Academy and Nucamp in NYC?

Byte Academy emphasizes personalized job coaching and industry networking events, while Nucamp provides a comprehensive curriculum at an affordable cost and flexible learning options to support diverse talent.

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Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.