How Do New York City Coding Bootcamps Compare to Traditional Computer Science Degrees?

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Comparison chart between a New York City coding bootcamp and a computer science degree

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New York City coding bootcamps offer concentrated training in 4-24 weeks, costing around $13,500, enabling swift entry into tech careers. Traditional computer science degrees, with tuition potentially exceeding $50,000, offer a robust foundation over four years, reflecting differing paths to entry and cost efficiency in NYC's dynamic tech industry.

Look, the tech scene in NYC is pretty dope, accounting for around 5% of all jobs in the city, but it's not all rainbows and unicorns.

Yeah, tech employment took a hit, dropping by 3% between December and February, but coding bootcamps are still a major deal. In fact, 67% of software engineering job postings are now considering bootcamp grads alongside those fancy university kids.

Places like Nucamp are hooking peeps up with intense training, ranging from a speedy 4 weeks to a more chill 22 weeks, way shorter than the years you'd spend on a traditional degree.

The average coding bootcamp in NYC costs around $13,500, while those university degrees can easily set you back over $50,000. Bootcamps are like the cool, affordable cousin that's showing you the ropes.

As one industry pro put it, "In NYC's ever-changing tech world, coding bootcamps are a must. They give learners the hot skills they need to score jobs lightning-fast." This coding bootcamp craze is all about keeping up with the latest trends and valuing practical skills over fancy letters after your name, which is a real vibe in the city's dynamic job market.

Table of Contents

  • Defining The New York City Coding Bootcamp Experience
  • Understanding Traditional Computer Science Degrees in New York City
  • Comparing New York City Coding Bootcamps and Computer Science Degrees
  • Conclusion: Which is Right for You in New York City?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Defining The New York City Coding Bootcamp Experience


Wanna dive into the dope world of coding in NYC? These bootcamps are where it's at, packed with mad skills and a tight schedule to get you job-ready in no time!

These intensive camps like Flatiron School and Fullstack Academy cram all the juicy coding knowledge into just 12 to 24 weeks, a breeze compared to those dragged-out college degrees.

The curriculum is straight fire, covering all the essentials you'd learn in a computer science degree, but in a more hands-on way.

Check out the dope topics:

  • Front-End Web Development: Get the skinny on HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Back-End Programming: Dive into Node.js, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Mobile App Development: Get your app game on with React Native, Swift
  • Database Management: Master SQL, MongoDB like a boss
  • Software Engineering Principles: Learn the core concepts for quality coding
  • Version Control Systems: Get familiar with Git and GitHub

The price tag for these NYC coding bootcamps is a major win, ranging from $10,000 to $20,000.

That's a steal compared to those crazy university fees that can hit over $70,000 per year. And the best part? Around 80%-90% of grads land a sweet gig within months after finishing the program, proving these bootcamps are the real deal.

As one coding enthusiast put it,

"Bootcamps are a game-changer for those looking to break into tech fast, without the massive time and money suck of traditional routes."

Joining a coding bootcamp in New York is more than just learning – it's an investment in your skills and employability, keeping you hungry for innovation and career growth, just like Steve Jobs envisioned.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Understanding Traditional Computer Science Degrees in New York City


If you're lookin' to get into the tech game in the Big Apple, a computer science degree is a solid way to go. City College, the OG of CUNY, offers a dope Bachelor's in Computer Science that's accredited and all.

The interest in this field has been blowin' up, with way more graduates coming out in recent years. Like, in 2021, there were over four times as many grads compared to 2012! The traditional computer science programs in NYC, like the ones at Columbia and NYU, often let you specialize in hot topics like AI, machine learning, and cybersecurity.

These prestigious schools usually take four years for full-time students, but part-timers might need a bit longer to wrap it up. While Columbia's tuition is crazy expensive, City College is known for being way more affordable, giving more people access to quality education.

And the job opportunities in NYC can make it all worth it, with median salaries around $115,000 per year! Each school has its own vibe:

  • Columbia University is all about that interdisciplinary learning life.
  • New York University flexes its strong industry connections and startup incubators.
  • The City College of New York is the affordable option with a diverse student body.

With so many choices, you can find the program that fits your career goals.

One Columbia alum even said,

"The comprehensive curriculum and the prestige of the degree opened doors for me that otherwise would've been inaccessible."

Comparing New York City Coding Bootcamps and Computer Science Degrees


In the Big Apple, there's a major debate going down about whether coding bootcamps or traditional computer science (CS) degrees are the way to go. Let's break it down:

On the money tip, coding bootcamps are way more affordable, costing around $15K to $18K, while a CS degree at a private NYC uni can easily run you over $100K.

Time-wise, bootcamps are intense but quick, cramming everything into 3 to 6 months, whereas a CS degree takes a solid four years.

Now, about getting that bag (a job).

Bootcamp grads often land gigs fast, with a 79% employment rate within a year after finishing. CS degree holders in NYC do slightly better at 85%, but it might take longer.

Employers look at bootcamp certs and CS degrees differently, depending on the role.

Some are cool with bootcamp grads for entry-level positions where hands-on skills matter most. But for roles that need deep theoretical knowledge, they might prefer uni degrees.

By the way, some bootcamps like Codesmith and Devmountain are killing it, with grads getting hired as much as or even more than top university peeps.

At the end of the day, it's all about weighing the costs, time commitment, job prospects, and employability factors based on your goals and situation.

Both bootcamps and CS degrees can prep you for the NYC tech scene, but you gotta choose what works best for you. Just make sure to do your research and keep hustling!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Conclusion: Which is Right for You in New York City?


You're trying to decide whether to enroll in a coding bootcamp or go for the full-on computer science degree, right? Well, let me break it down for you.

If you're looking to get into the tech scene quickly and without breaking the bank, a coding bootcamp in NYC might be the way to go.

These intensive programs, like the ones covered in Nucamp's articles, are designed to teach you the essential skills in just a few months.

We're talking around 14 weeks, and you'll be job-ready. The average cost? About $13,580, which is a steal compared to a traditional degree.

On the other hand, a computer science degree from one of NYC's universities is a more in-depth, four-year journey.

You'll gain a broader understanding of the field, but it'll cost you a pretty penny – we're talking over $100,000 in some cases. That's a serious investment!

Now, let's talk about the return on investment (ROI).

Bootcamps are known for getting you into the workforce faster. According to the stats, 74% of bootcamp grads land a job within 180 days of graduating. Not too shabby, right? With a degree, it might take a little longer to see those gains, but you'll have a solid foundation for a diverse and potentially more lucrative career.

  • Cost-Efficiency: Bootcamps are way more affordable if you want to break into tech without going broke.
  • Career Focus: Degrees offer a deeper educational base, which could lead to more opportunities for growth and advancement down the line.

A study from Switchup showed that major tech firms hire from both pools at similar rates, with salaries ranging from $78,300 to $109,020, regardless of whether you went the bootcamp or college route.

Some bootcamp alumni have landed jobs in as little as two months after graduating. Talk about a fast track!

So, if you're itching to pivot into a tech role ASAP and want to keep your expenses low, a coding bootcamp might be the perfect fit.

But if you're looking for that comprehensive computer science knowledge and long-term career development, investing in a traditional degree could be the right move for you.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the main differences between New York City coding bootcamps and traditional computer science degrees?

New York City coding bootcamps offer concentrated training in 4-24 weeks, costing around $13,500, enabling swift entry into tech careers. Traditional computer science degrees, with tuition potentially exceeding $50,000, offer a robust foundation over four years, reflecting differing paths to entry and cost efficiency in NYC's dynamic tech industry.

What subjects are covered in New York City coding bootcamps?

New York City coding bootcamps cover subjects like Front-End Web Development, Back-End Programming, Mobile App Development, Database Management, Software Engineering Principles, and Version Control Systems.

What is the average cost of a coding bootcamp in New York City?

The average coding bootcamp in NYC costs around $13,500, which is more accessible compared to traditional computer science degrees potentially surpassing $50,000.

What are the employment rates post-completion for coding bootcamp graduates versus traditional computer science degree holders in NYC?

Coding bootcamp graduates often see an employment rate of 80%-90% within a few months post-completion, while traditional computer science degree holders in NYC have a slightly higher employment rate of 85% over a more extended time frame.

Which path should I choose between a New York City coding bootcamp and a traditional computer science degree?

If you seek a swift pivot into a tech role with contained educational expenses, a coding bootcamp may be the right choice. For comprehensive computer science knowledge and longer-term career development, a traditional degree may be more suitable.

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Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.