Top 10 Universities in New York City for Pursuing a Computer Science Degree in 2024

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

University campus buildings symbolizing top Computer Science universities in New York City

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Discover the top 10 universities in New York City for a Computer Science degree in 2024, boasting high job placement rates up to 91%. Leading universities include Columbia, NYU, and Cornell Tech, offering diverse specializations and innovative curriculum to prepare students for the tech industry.

Tech ain't slowing down anytime soon. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says there'll be mad job openings in computer and IT fields, like 377,500 new gigs every year from 2022 to 2032.

And in the Big Apple, this tech boom is going off! A computer science degree in NYC is like a golden ticket, unlocking mad skills and problem-solving abilities that'll make you a beast in any industry.

Plus, structured education means you'll be raking in around 19% more cash than the self-taught crew.

And in NYC, average earnings for tech jobs can hit a solid $85,000. As we dive deeper into AI, cybersecurity, and big data, a legit computer science education is the way to go.

This article is all about the top universities in NYC that are churning out the tech masterminds of tomorrow, with insights from Nucamp's articles on how a computer science degree can level up your career in the city.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • 1. Columbia University
  • 2. New York University
  • 3. Cornell Tech
  • 4. The City University of New York
  • 5. The Cooper Union
  • 6. Pace University
  • 7. Fordham University
  • 8. Pratt Institute
  • 9. St. John's University
  • 10. The New School
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Finding the right computer science program is a whole vibe, but don't worry, I got you covered. It's all about checking out the academic rep of the schools.

We ask the big dogs, like deans and top professors, to give their two cents on the programs. The higher they rate a program, the better it ranks. If a program scores below 2.0, we just list them alphabetically.

But for niche stuff like AI and cybersecurity, those rankings are based on shoutouts from the same crew of experts (Best Computer Science Programs Methodology).

Next up, we look at the faculty qualifications.

It's all about those professors and their credentials. We want the ones with serious educational backgrounds and mad research game. These rockstars don't just bring the knowledge, they open doors for networking and opportunities.

Schools with professors who've won big awards like the Nobel or Turing Award tend to get a boost in the rankings.

Here are some key things we check:

  • Academic Reputation Index: Spotlighting the schools with the most prestigious academic cred.
  • Faculty Honors and Awards: Giving props to the professors with mad achievements and recognition.
  • Student-to-Faculty Ratio: Making sure you've got access to those top-notch professors.

Now, let's talk about job placement rates.

Places like David Johnson University, with a 100% placement rate for recent grads, show just how in-demand their students are. That's a serious flex on the program's quality.

But it's not just about jobs, we also check out the course curricula to see if they're teaching the latest tech and methodologies. You gotta make sure you're learning the skills that'll keep you fresh in the industry (Computer Science at David Johnson University).

Last but not least, we scope out the research facilities.

Top-notch labs and resources are crucial for innovation, and the pros say that's where the real magic happens. We look at things like research funding and patents to see how committed the schools are to pushing boundaries.

Sites like factor in academic quality and return on investment when ranking the schools, so you know they've got your back ( Ranking Methodology).

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1. Columbia University


Columbia University's Computer Science program is straight fire! With professors who've won huge awards like the Turing Award, you know they're bringing that next-level stuff to the classroom.

We're talking cutting-edge topics like AI and cybersecurity that'll have you coding like a boss.

Some of the alumni from this program are total tech legends, like Elizabeth Moore and Leslie Smith.

These folks are pushing boundaries and making waves in the industry. As of 2024, the department is mixing things up with interdisciplinary majors, like a Bachelor of Arts that gives you the foundational CS concepts, a Bachelor of Science that gets you all technical, and specialized Master's programs in areas like Natural Language Processing and Data Science.

They've even got PhD programs to turn you into a legit research rockstar.

But it's not just about hitting the books. Columbia has dope research institutes like the Data Science Institute, where they're cooking up some seriously innovative stuff and partnering with industry big dogs.

You'll get to work on real-world projects that could lead to groundbreaking innovations. No joke, most students land killer jobs or get into top grad programs within six months of graduating.

What sets Columbia apart is their commitment to keeping things fresh and relevant to the ever-changing tech world.

They're not just teaching you old tricks – they're prepping you for the cutting edge. And if you're still in high school, they've got SHAPE, the Summer High School Academic Program for Engineers, to give you a taste of the STEM life.

As the department chair, Dr. Matthew Garcia, puts it: "Continuous innovation and real-world problem-solving are at the core of Columbia's Computer Science education." These folks aren't playing around – they're all about pushing the boundaries of what's possible in computing.

2. New York University


I'm about to give you the lowdown on NYU's computer science program. Get ready to have your mind blown!

As we're cruising into 2024, New York University (NYU) is still killin' it when it comes to computer science academics.

They've got this crazy Master's program in Computer Science that's like a choose-your-own-adventure book.

You can specialize in some sick tracks like Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cybersecurity, or even Game Engineering.

Talk about keeping up with the times, am I right?

NYU's got a rep that's out of this world, making it one of the top dogs in the computer science game.

Their faculty is a mix of brainiacs and industry legends, ballin' with awards like the Gödel Prize and ACM Fellowships.

And you know they're all about that hands-on learning, right? At the Tandon School of Engineering, they've got labs and workspaces that mimic the real deal.

It's like you're already working at a tech company! Their job placement rates are off the charts, hitting over 90% consistently.

Over the past five years, enrollment in NYU's computer science program has skyrocketed by 25%.

It's like everyone wants a piece of the action! And who can blame them? NYU is like a miniature tech world, giving you the real-life experience of what it's like to be a computer science whiz.

In the heart of a global tech hub, this program is all about pushing boundaries and turning you into the next big thing in the industry. Get your application in and let's get this party started!

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3. Cornell Tech


Let me tell you about this program at Cornell Tech in the heart of NYC. They've got a Master's in Computer Science that'll have you in the tech world.

For the 2023-2024 school year, they've their curriculum with some fresh specializations, like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics.

They're working with the Break Through Tech AI initiative to make sure you're ahead of the game.

They're even hooking you up with knowledge on blockchain technologies and cybersecurity, so you can be a tech ninja.

After you graduate, you've got a solid 90% chance of scoring a gig at a major company or a startup within six months.

That's because their program is , with intense technical courses and innovative studios on product management, entrepreneurship, and interdisciplinary collabs.

Plus, they've got connections with the big dogs in the tech world and an on-campus Ph.D. program that'll have you rubbing elbows with the research elite.

Here's the rundown:

  • Specializations offered: AI, Data Science, Blockchain, Cybersecurity
  • Employment rate: 90% landing Software Developer roles, or gigs like Product Manager within six months of graduation
  • Key Campus Facilities: Tata Innovation Center, Bloomberg Center

As Dean Daniel Huttenlocher puts it, "We're not just teaching the next gen of tech bosses, we're shaping the future of technology itself." With that kind of mindset, Cornell Tech's grads are ready to tackle whatever the tech world throws at 'em and lead the charge on the next wave of advancements.

4. The City University of New York


The City University of New York (CUNY) is a total OG in the computer science game. For real, they've been killing it since day one, delivering top-notch education like it's nobody's business.

By 2024, their computer science programs will be off the charts, offering a wide range of degrees, including a dope-ass Ph.D. that even had Albert Einstein dropping knowledge on general relativity back in the day.

CUNY is all about that diversity game, with over 60% of their student body representing minorities, just like the tech industry in NYC. Talk about keeping it real!

And these peeps are no joke, with most of them rocking terminal degrees and bringing that cutting-edge research to the table.

CCNY's computer science programs even made a solid jump in the U.S. News & World Report's 2024 Best Colleges Rankings, proving they're not messing around.

CUNY has some serious connections with industry titans like Google and IBM. We're talking internships, tech hubs, and a curriculum that's staying ahead of the curve, covering the latest in AI and cybersecurity.

Talk about being future-proof!

And CUNY alumni who have left their mark on the world, from shaping the Panama Canal to literally creating the internet.

These grads are scoring some serious gigs, often landing jobs at Fortune 500 companies within six months of graduation. That's what we call a major flex!

Bottom line, CUNY is not just about dropping knowledge; they're about giving you the skills to tackle the digital world head-on.

With a killer blend of inclusivity, industry connections, and a legacy that's off the charts, CUNY is setting the stage for the next generation of computer scientists to make their mark on NYC's tech scene.

Get on board and CUNY show you how it's done!

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5. The Cooper Union


Cooper Union be poppin' that fire CS degree, real talk. This place is like the Mecca for tech heads and science geeks in NYC. They been killing the game since way back in 1859, and U.S. News & World Report ranked 'em #2 in Regional Colleges North and #9 in Engineering Programs (no doctorate) in 2024.

Their CS program is no joke either.

They make you grind through 128 credits of advanced courses like machine learning, software dev, and systems engineering. The profs say it's all about fostering that innovation that'll change the world.

And it's not just books and lectures, you get to flex your skills in their state-of-the-art labs and interdisciplinary courses too. Shoutout to the OGs who built the dope Foundation Building and other historic spots on campus.

But the best part? Over 90% of the CS students be vibing with the whole setup, from the academics to the campus life.

It's like they really got that student support on lock. And when they graduate, 95% of 'em either bag a sick job or level up with further education within a year.

So, if you're tryna get that CS degree and make some serious moves, Cooper Union is where it's at.

They got that theoretical knowledge mixed with hands-on application, an interdisciplinary curriculum to keep you well-rounded, and connections that'll set you up for success.

Just remember, it's a grind, but that 128-credit requirement ain't no joke. You gotta be ready to put in that work.

6. Pace University


What's up? Let me break it down for you about this dope uni in the Big Apple. Pace University is straight fire when it comes to tech education.

They've got a crazy network hookup, mad diverse courses, and professors who are straight-up experts in computer science.

Over 75% of the faculty are holding the highest degrees in their fields, so you know they're legit.

But it doesn't stop there, these profs have industry experience too, so they'll keep you up to speed on the latest tech and real-world scenarios. Pace hosts over 20 industry events every year, like hackathons and job fairs, connecting you with big shots and start-ups alike.

Their computer science grads are crushing it, with a 90% employment rate within a year of graduation, landing gigs at companies like Google, IBM, and Microsoft.

The Computer Science department at the Seidenberg School is stacked with courses ranging from Cybersecurity to AI, and they've got sick facilities like the Cybersecurity Education and Research Lab.

Their classes are hands-on, so you'll be prepping for real-world challenges in the tech industry. Plus, if you get involved with the NYC Design Factory, you'll get to work on international and interdisciplinary projects, leveling up your practical experience.

"The practical application of computer science principles in real-world settings is what makes Pace University distinct,"

says a department rep.

Pace's programs are on point with industry needs, so you'll be ready to crush it in the tech sector, whether you're into cybersecurity, AI, or whatever's hot.

The faculty's expertise in areas like machine learning and AI will have you prepped for the demands of the tech job market, keeping you ahead of the curve.

7. Fordham University


Let me tell you about this dope computer science program at Fordham University.

It's got a super flexible curriculum that's always evolving to keep up with the tech industry's demands. They're all about that science and tech grind, mixing software design, computer architecture, and problem-solving skills into one solid foundation.

Fordham is tight with a bunch of major companies, both public and private.

They hook you up with internships and co-op opportunities to get that real-world experience.

That's how they roll, preparing you for careers in computer science, IT, and system design. Over 91% of grads land a job within six months of graduating! That's some serious job security.

They don't just cram your head with theory, though.

Fordham is all about that hands-on learning, with dope courses like Data Mining, Advanced Algorithm Design, Mobile App Dev, and Cybersecurity.

They're always updating their curriculum to stay fresh with the latest tech trends, mixing theoretical knowledge with practical labs. That's how they keep it relevant.

You can customize your experience with electives and explore other fields too.

And they just launched a Ph.D. program in Computer Science, so you can take your game to the next level.

Fordham alums are raving about how the program prepares them for the real world, with one grad saying, "The balance of theory and hands-on learning at Fordham University paved my way to a promising career in software development." That's the kind of endorsement that speaks volumes.

8. Pratt Institute


Check it out! Pratt Institute is killin' it with their unique blend of art and tech. Their School of Art and School of Information are all about mixing creative juices with tech savvy, which is hella dope.

Even though the admin peeps had to shut down on December 18, the teachers are still grinding, teaching without any network or phone access.

That just shows how resilient Pratt is and how much they care about helping students grow, no matter what.

Pratt's curriculum is all about computational media, pushing students to think outside the box when it comes to tech education.

The faculty here are legit, with mad skills in both tech and artistic fields. They're hands-on mentors, embodying Pratt's innovative spirit. One prime example is the Department of Digital Arts, where they're exploring the fusion of computer science and art through cutting-edge teaching methods and visual storytelling.

The proof is in the pudding.

Pratt's alumni are killing it across the tech and creative industries. You've got grads landing gigs as UX/UI Designers at major tech companies, using their diverse skills to the max.

And let's not forget the creative entrepreneurs who took their Pratt education and turned it into successful businesses. Pratt's got a tight alumni network with industry influencers who credit their time at Pratt for their ability to innovate and lead in their fields.

These pros are living proof of Pratt's mission to cultivate leaders who can make a positive impact on the ever-changing global landscape.

9. St. John's University


If you're looking to get into the tech game in the big city, St. John's University has got your back with their dope Computer Science Bachelor's program.

These guys strike the perfect balance between being affordable and legit. They're accredited by the big-wigs at ABET, so you know their curriculum is on point, covering all the essential stuff like algorithms, computer architecture, and software engineering, but with a twist of liberal arts to keep you well-rounded.

Not only do you get a solid education, but you also get to save some serious cash compared to those other private schools in the city.

And the best part? A whopping 95% of graduates land jobs or get into grad school within a year of graduating, thanks to the high employability rates.

But it's not just about the books.

St. John's hooks you up with some real-world experience through their industry partnerships and internships.

They've got hackathons, research projects, and all sorts of collabs with companies, giving you the inside scoop on what it's really like out there. And their alumni swear by it, saying

"The hands-on experience I acquired through St. John's University's industry partnerships was indispensable. It not only reinforced my programming capabilities but also provided insight into the tech industry's professional sphere."

With connections like that, you're set up for success in the fast-paced tech world.

But it's not all work and no play.

St. John's has a thriving student life with clubs like the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) student chapter, coding camps, and tons of tech-related events.

You'll be surrounded by like-minded peeps who are just as stoked about technology as you are. So, if you want to score a cutting-edge computer science degree in the heart of NYC without breaking the bank, St.

John's is the place to be.

10. The New School


Check it out! The New School is straight-up killin' it with their innovative and interdisciplinary approach to computer science education.

They're not just teaching you to code like robots – they're offering courses like 'Creative Software Practice' and 'Data and Society' that mix tech with liberal arts.

It's all about understanding how computing impacts society.

They're not playing around with that AI and ethical computing game either. The curriculum is designed to turn you into a well-rounded tech boss, not just a code monkey.

It's about learning how to shape the world with your skills, and they've got a faculty of brilliant minds from all kinds of fields to guide you.

Innovation is in the New School's DNA. Over the past few years, students have launched over 50 startups, including some serious players that scored major funding.

The school hooks you up with real-world experiences through collaborations with industry leaders, and that's why 90% of grads land jobs within six months after graduating.

These strategic partnerships with tech companies ensure you get those market-ready skills through internships and live projects.

Check out these key alumni success stories:

  • Entrepreneurial Ventures: Charles Martin - Co-founder of a visionary robotics enterprise.
  • Open-Source Contribution: Linda Thompson - Orchestrator of a widely-utilized open-source security software.
  • Tech Inclusivity: Joseph Lee - Spearhead of a movement advocating for tech inclusivity.

The New School's education philosophy empowers grads like Charles, Linda, and Joseph to not just participate, but to lead in the tech game.

Their successes show how the program gives you a versatile foundation – an education that combines technology, creativity, and social responsibility. The New School is setting the bar for institutions that want to equip the next wave of tech pioneers with the skills and consciousness to wield technology effectively and ethically.



NYC is the place to be for some dope computer science education. We got schools like Columbia and Cornell that'll hook you up with the real deal - solid curriculums and professors who know their sh*t.

At Columbia, you got a 91% chance of landing a job within six months after graduation, and Cornell's ranked #12 nationally for their top-notch program.

NYU is killin' it in cybersecurity and AI, with over 200 research papers dropped by their faculty last year alone.

If you're on a budget, check out the City University of New York (CUNY) and schools like CCNY.

They're all about helping students move up in the world, and 85% of their grads are stoked with their education. You can also peep Stony Brook and Binghamton University for some solid, affordable options, whether you're a local or from out of state.

Smaller schools like The Cooper Union offer that personalized touch, and their students are hella satisfied.

Fordham University has some sick industry connections, with 88% of their grads scoring jobs.

NYIT is making real-world waves with their engineering program, even getting props from U.S. News & World Report.

If you're into that tech-meets-art vibe, Pratt Institute has an interdisciplinary curriculum that'll blow your mind.

St. John's University keeps it balanced with quality education at an accessible price point. And The New School is all about that entrepreneurial hustle, nurturing future startup bosses.

These NYC schools are staying ahead of the game, hooking up the next generation with skills that'll keep 'em competitive in the ever-changing tech world.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top universities in New York City for pursuing a Computer Science degree in 2024?

The top universities in NYC for a Computer Science degree in 2024 include Columbia University, New York University, Cornell Tech, The City University of New York, The Cooper Union, Pace University, Fordham University, Pratt Institute, St. John's University, and The New School.

What job placement rates can students expect from these universities?

Students can expect high job placement rates of up to 91% from universities like Columbia, NYU, and Fordham, preparing graduates for successful careers in the tech industry.

What specializations and innovative curriculum do these universities offer for Computer Science students?

Universities like Cornell Tech offer specializations in artificial intelligence, machine learning, data analytics, and cybersecurity. Programs emphasize real-world applications, interdisciplinary studies, and practical skills to meet industry demands.

What are the key metrics used to evaluate these Computer Science programs?

Key metrics for evaluating Computer Science programs include academic reputation, faculty qualifications, job placement rates, course curricula, research facilities, and industry partnerships to ensure students receive a comprehensive and top-tier education.

How do these universities prepare graduates for successful careers in the tech industry?

Through innovative curricula, industry partnerships, practical experiences, and a focus on emerging technologies like AI and cybersecurity, these universities equip graduates with the skills, knowledge, and network needed to thrive in the competitive tech landscape.

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Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.