How to Land a Remote Tech Job from Las Vegas: A Step-by-Step Guide?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

A technology worker in Las Vegas finding remote jobs

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Las Vegas is rising as a tech hub with a 29% growth in tech employment over five years. Remote tech job opportunities surged by 140% in 2021. High demand for software development, database administration, and cybersecurity experts. Key skills include cloud computing, data analytics, and soft skills for remote roles.

Las Vegas is rapidly becoming a legit tech hub, thanks to its strategic location and diversifying economy. It ranks #16 on CBRE's list for up-and-coming tech talent markets, with a 29% growth in tech jobs over the past five years.

Even during the pandemic in 2020, high-tech businesses grew by 7.2%, according to the Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance. With remote work becoming the norm, there are now more opportunities than ever for skilled tech professionals in Vegas.

CompTIA's Tech Town Index 2021 shows a whopping 140% increase in remote job postings for the city, proving it's a thriving digital hub. If you're considering a tech career in Vegas, here are some key insights:

  • A booming tech sector, expected to grow 22% over the next five years, means plenty of remote work prospects.
  • High demand for skills in software development, database administration, and cybersecurity, following national trends.
  • An environment where Vegas tech pros can now compete nationwide without being limited by location; as a local tech CEO revealed, remote work allows you to play in the big leagues without geographical constraints.

This perfect storm of factors not only shows that Vegas is a prime spot for remote tech work but also sets the stage for discussions on specialized tech fields, in-demand skills, and educational pathways to snag these opportunities, which we'll cover in detail later in this guide.

Table of Contents

  • Understanding the Tech Sector in Las Vegas
  • Required Skills for Remote Tech Jobs
  • Education & Training Opportunities in Las Vegas
  • Networking in the Tech Industry
  • Job Searching Strategies
  • Key Takeaways
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Understanding the Tech Sector in Las Vegas


The tech game in Vegas is blowing up like crazy! From gaming tech to health stuff, this city is becoming the new hotspot for tech geeks. Big names like Zappos and Switch are already killing it here, making bank and bringing in a ton of skilled workers who are all about that cutting-edge life.

The tech workforce grew by a massive 29% over the past five years, with 18,430 people working in tech and related fields like finance, according to CBRE's annual Scoring Tech Talent report.

The jobs that are in high demand here are sick.

Software Developers, for example, are raking it in with an average salary of $89,151, which is up 9.1% in the last five years. This lines up with the national trend, where the 2023 State of the Tech Workforce report by CompTIA projects 9.4 million tech jobs in the U.S. and tech workers earning 103% more than the national median wage.

But it's not just the big dogs – startups are killing it too! These innovative companies raised a whopping $330 million in funding at events like CES, cementing Vegas's status as a major tech hub.

One economic report put it perfectly: "Las Vegas is rapidly evolving beyond its casino roots to become a hub of technological innovation." The city's transition was on full display at CES, where digital health and other cutting-edge sectors took center stage.

The startup scene here is firing on all cylinders, not just shaping the digital landscape but also creating jobs and driving tech advancements that are boosting the whole Nevada economy.

As Vegas continues to build its tech ecosystem, the range of roles and industries just keeps expanding.

From advanced manufacturing to cybersecurity, there are diverse and plentiful opportunities for skilled workers. The city's focus on nurturing tech talent and innovation is a clear sign that the tech sector in this glittering desert metropolis is not only thriving now but also has a bright future ahead.

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Required Skills for Remote Tech Jobs


The tech world is changing, and if you wanna score those sweet remote jobs, you gotta be on top of your game. In 2023, it's all about having that perfect blend of tech skills and soft skills, kinda like being a superhero with superpowers and a charming personality.

First off, let's talk about the tech side of things.

You gotta be a pro at data analytics, cybersecurity, and know your way around AI and machine learning. These are the hottest skills right now, and companies like Dynamite Jobs and Forbes can't get enough of 'em.

If you're into coding, you better level up your full-stack development, UI/UX design, and DevOps practices.

Oh, and don't forget about containerization technologies like Docker and Kubernetes – those are like the secret sauce for remote work.

It's not just about the tech skills.

You gotta have those soft skills on lock too. A survey by FlexJobs showed that the best remote tech workers have mad communication skills, can work autonomously, and have crazy self-discipline.

You also gotta be a pro at time management and be ready to adapt to whatever gets thrown your way when working with a remote team.

And don't forget about being a data communicator/storyteller and knowing your way around digital marketing – those skills are like the cherry on top.

In the end, it's not just about being a tech genius; you gotta be a well-rounded badass who can handle the human side of work too.

If you can master both the tech skills and the soft skills, you'll be unstoppable in the remote tech job market. So, get out there, level up your game, and prepare to slay those remote tech job interviews!

Education & Training Opportunities in Las Vegas


Las Vegas is more than just a party town. It's becoming a major hub for techies, with a ton of schools and programs teaching people the skills they need to land remote tech jobs.

From coding bootcamps like National Technical Institute and UEI College that train you up quick, to full-blown degree programs at UNLV and places like Coding Dojo, Vegas has a wide range of options for anyone looking to get into tech.

But it's not just about traditional education either.

You've got continuing ed courses at the College of Southern Nevada and the Southeast Career Technical Academy keeping people up-to-date with the latest tech trends.

And events like the Las Vegas Tech Summit and various workshops are great for networking and learning from other professionals in the field. Vegas is seriously stepping up its tech education game, offering:

  • University degree programs - For that in-depth, comprehensive tech knowledge.
  • Coding bootcamps - Quick, career-focused training to get you job-ready fast.
  • Trade schools and vocational programs - Gain those essential technical skills.
  • Professional development events - Connect with other techies and keep learning.

With all these educational opportunities popping up, tech job postings in Vegas are on the rise.

The city is quickly becoming a prime spot for remote tech workers, thanks to the perfect mix of training and job opportunities. As they say in the tech world, Vegas is the place to be if you want to level up your career.

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Networking in the Tech Industry


The tech scene in Vegas is lit, and networking is the way to go if you want to score that dream job. According to LinkedIn, over 70% of people get hired at companies where they know someone.

That's how important networking is for tech jobs in Vegas. If you're a tech bro or sis, Vegas hosts dope events like CES, the biggest tech trade show in the game, drawing thousands of techies every year.

The city also has a bunch of tech events and networking mixers, covering everything from big data and healthcare startups to cybersecurity.

It's a goldmine for meeting industry peeps and bosses.

Besides the major expos, Vegas has local meetups like Tech Alley, where programmers, entrepreneurs, and tech geeks can chill, learn, and network.

Tech associations like the Technology Business Alliance of Nevada (TBAN) and orgs featured on Startup Vegas are all about fostering innovation and professional growth through regular meetups and workshops.

To get the most out of networking, aspiring tech talents should try these tactics:

  • Attend local tech conferences and workshops to meet like-minded pros.
  • Join tech hubs and co-working spaces to collaborate and share knowledge.
  • Participate in hackathons and project showcases to flex your skills and catch the eye of potential employers.
  • Use social media platforms like LinkedIn to connect with local tech leaders and recruiters.

Doing this can seriously boost your visibility in the tech market.

An Eventbrite survey shows that 78% of millennials find in-person connections more effective than online ones. So, physically showing up to Vegas's tech events can be a game-changer.

"It's not just about showing up; it's about engaging with the community and creating meaningful relationships," says Karen Smith, a Vegas tech industry vet.

Her advice is straight fire, especially in an era where personal branding and networking can set you apart from the competition in the tech job market.

Job Searching Strategies


Las Vegas might be known for its lit nightlife and casinos, but its tech scene is blowing up, making it a sweet spot for people looking to score remote tech gigs.

To up your job search game from the Entertainment Capital, check out these data-backed moves. Use platforms like Powderkeg, where you can find companies offering perks like remote work and diversity programs – clutch in today's tech world.

Your resume and cover letter are your virtual handshakes, so make 'em stand out. Connect with local tech bosses at Fidelity Careers, known for their customer service game and tech innovation, or check out ADP, praised for their inclusive culture and tech transformation focus.

Networking is still a major key – 70% of professionals say they got hired at companies where they had a connection, according to a recent Jobvite survey.

Tech meetups and virtual events by groups like #VegasTech are prime for building relationships with industry insiders. When applying for remote tech jobs from Vegas, stand out by being active on professional networks like LinkedIn, where recruiters scout for talent.

Highlight Vegas' booming tech industry growth, including local community involvement, like Nordstrom Careers, which values relationship-building and positive work culture in their tech departments.

As Vegas tech recruiter John Harris says, "In the up-and-coming Vegas tech community, 'showing genuine interest and understanding of a company's vision can seriously boost a candidate's chances.'" Whether you're after that startup hustle or the stability of an established firm, your remote job search strategy from Vegas should start with insight and be backed up with intentionality and persistence.

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Key Takeaways


We've been breaking down how to land a sick remote tech gig in Sin City, and let me tell you, there's some juicy intel you need to know. First up, the Vegas tech scene is blowing up, with a 17% surge in tech companies over the past five years.

We're not just talking about the flashy Entertainment and Hospitality tech, but also hot fields like Healthtech and Fintech.

If you're trying to get in on the action, you gotta level up your skills.

The data shows that software development, cybersecurity, and cloud computing are the holy trinity for remote jobs. Vegas has got your back with solid education and training options too.

UNLV and Nucamp Coding Bootcamp are hooking people up with career-focused programs, and tech education enrollment has spiked by 22% in the last couple of years.

But it's not just about the book smarts.

Networking is key in this city. Local tech meetups like the ones hosted by Women in Technology International (WITI) are poppin' off, showing how tight-knit the Vegas tech community is.

When you're hunting for that remote gig, make sure you're tapped into platforms like Tech Alley and Innovate Vegas to connect with potential employers. Your job search strategy should include:

  • Regular attendance at Vegas tech community events
  • Active participation in online tech forums and job boards
  • Building a killer LinkedIn profile that highlights your skills and experience, optimized for search engines

Putting all these pieces together is gonna give your remote job hunt a serious boost.

The secret sauce is a combo of continuous learning, building your network, and a strategic search approach. This trifecta is the key to cracking the Vegas tech job scene.

And don't sleep on the recent expansions, like Prime Trust's headquarters growth, which shows the sky-high demand for tech talent.

As one top recruiter put it, "In the fast-moving tech world, being agile and adaptable is clutch for snagging that remote role." So, get out there and make it happen!

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the tech employment growth rate in Las Vegas over five years?

Las Vegas has experienced a 29% growth in tech employment over the past five years.

Which skills are essential for remote tech jobs in Las Vegas?

Key skills for remote tech jobs in Las Vegas include cloud computing, data analytics, cybersecurity, full-stack development, DevOps practices, containerization technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, as well as soft skills such as communication, self-discipline, time management, and adaptability.

What are some in-demand tech jobs in Las Vegas?

In-demand tech jobs in Las Vegas include roles like Software Developers, with average wages of $89,151, reflecting a 9.1% increase over the past five years, demonstrating a growth trend in tech employment nationally as well.

How can aspiring tech professionals network in the Las Vegas tech industry?

Aspiring tech professionals can network in the Las Vegas tech industry through attending local tech conferences, joining tech hubs and co-working spaces, participating in hackathons and project showcases, and leveraging social media platforms like LinkedIn to connect with local tech leaders and recruiters.

What are effective job searching strategies for landing remote tech roles in Las Vegas?

Effective job searching strategies for landing remote tech roles in Las Vegas include utilizing platforms like Powderkeg, crafting a standout resume and cover letter, engaging in networking events, both physical and virtual, connecting with industry insiders, and showcasing understanding of companies' visions in cover letters and interviews.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible