How Has Remote Work Impacted the Tech Job Market in Las Vegas?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

An image representing the tech job market in Las Vegas

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The shift to remote work in Las Vegas tech jobs is transforming the industry, evident in increased job diversity and a surge in remote job postings. Startups and corporations are embracing remote work models, driving efficiency, employee satisfaction, and cost savings. Las Vegas is becoming a tech hub.

What's up? Let me break it down for you about this remote work wave hitting the Vegas scene. This town, known for its glitz and glam, is going through a legit shift when it comes to the job hustle.

It's not just about hospitality and entertainment anymore.

Major players like UNLV are on the hunt for talented peeps across various fields, offering dope remote opportunities in academia and admin roles.

They're helping to put Vegas on the map as a hub for education and research, even if you're not physically on campus.

Even the Las Vegas Raiders are jumping on the remote work train.

These traditional sports giants are expanding their commitment to equal employment opportunities, proving that you don't have to be in the stadium to score a sweet gig.

According to Nucamp's article, Vegas is becoming a hot spot for freelance and gig work in the tech sector.

It's a whole new world of opportunities for those looking to hustle from home or wherever they want.

So, if you're a tech-savvy hustler looking for the best of both worlds – the glitz of Vegas and the convenience of working remotely – this city's job market is where it's at.

The future is remote, and Vegas is embracing it with open arms.

Table of Contents

  • The Pre-Remote Work Tech Job Market in Las Vegas
  • The Impact of Remote Work on Las Vegas's Tech Industry
  • Case Studies: Las Vegas Tech Companies Embracing Remote Work
  • The Future of Remote Work in Las Vegas's Tech Job Market
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Pre-Remote Work Tech Job Market in Las Vegas


Before the pandemic hit and everyone started working from home, Las Vegas was a hotspot for tech jobs. The city's tech scene was booming, with a tight-knit community and a heavy focus on in-person collaboration.

According to this 2023 State of the Tech Workforce report, Las Vegas was right in line with national trends, with tech employment expected to keep growing.

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES®), the world's biggest tech event held in Vegas, drew massive crowds every year.

With over 130,000 attendees expected for CES 2024, Vegas remained a hub for cutting-edge tech innovations, fueling interest in local tech jobs. Pre-pandemic, the city had over 20,000 techies working in roles like software development, IT services, and project management.

Major companies like Zappos and Switch were hiring like crazy, with job growth climbing at a sweet 3.1% annually.

Back then, most of these tech gigs were classic office jobs – think Software Engineers, Systems Analysts, Project Managers, and Network Admins.

But the 2020 State of Salaries Report showed that remote work was starting to become a thing, even in Vegas.

Tech salaries were rising across the board as talent started valuing the flexibility of working from home. Still, the Vegas tech scene was all about that hands-on, collaborative vibe, with co-working spaces and innovation hubs popping up all over.

According to Nevada's Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, this pre-pandemic environment – packed with opportunities and fueled by live events and face-to-face collabs – set the stage for the city's tech industry to adapt and thrive when the shift to remote work happened.

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The Impact of Remote Work on Las Vegas's Tech Industry


Let me break it down for you about what's going on in the tech scene in Vegas. It's like a whole new world out there, and remote work is playing a major role.

Before the pandemic, Vegas was all about that hospitality grind, but now it's ranked 30th for job growth, which means the economy is diversifying. Remote work has been a game-changer for the tech workforce there, with a ton of new remote job postings.

This has opened up opportunities for 67% of tech workers who were previously limited by location.

Startups in Vegas are also capitalizing on the remote work wave.

They're saving big bucks by letting employees work remotely and attracting top talent from all over. It's like a whole new era for the tech economy, and remote work is at the center of it all.

But that's not even the half of it.

Remote work has accelerated tech hiring in Vegas by 22%, making the city more competitive in the job market. There's been an 18% increase in the number of tech startups year-over-year because of the workforce decentralization.

Even the salaries are getting a boost, with a 15% rise in average tech salaries.

Companies can afford to pay more when they're not limited by the local cost of living. It's a win-win situation for both employers and employees.

Bottom line, offering remote work options is like a cheat code for companies trying to attract and keep top tech talent.

In Vegas, where the tech scene is exploding, embracing remote work isn't just a trend – it's a strategic move to stay ahead of the game in the digital age. The big dogs and the up-and-comers in the Vegas tech world know that remote work is the future, and they're not sleeping on it.

Case Studies: Las Vegas Tech Companies Embracing Remote Work


Remote work has been making waves in the Las Vegas tech scene. Big dogs like MGM and Caesars are excelling with their flex work setups. Take Switch for example, that company saw a 15% boost in productivity after going hybrid remote.

The word is that 74% of tech companies in the area leveled up their efficiency game post-remote work too.

But it is not just about the grind. Employee satisfaction is through the roof, and that is crucial for companies trying to level up and keep their star players.

Uptown Creation has been using LinkedIn to build a team of remote tech professionals for the big players.

Social Mobile, those enterprise mobility kings, saw a 10% jump in employee retention after giving their crew the remote option. And 80% of Vegas tech workers would rather work for a company that lets them clock in from anywhere!

The perks do not stop there, though.

Startups like Filament have slashed their overhead by 30% by ditching the office space and going full remote. The Built In team is buzzing about how companies can now recruit from a massive talent pool, no geographic limits.

That is bringing in a fresh wave of skilled professionals to the Vegas scene, solidifying its status as a legit tech hub.

These case studies are showing how remote work is excelling in the Vegas tech game.

With companies dropping stats that prove the remote model is where it is at, this city is stepping up as a place that does not just entertain but innovates too.

The future is looking bright!

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The Future of Remote Work in Las Vegas's Tech Job Market


The future of remote work in Vegas' tech scene is poppin' off like crazy. With flexibility being the name of the game nowadays, tech companies in Vegas are gearing up for a major expansion, partly because remote work opens the doors for more diverse talent.

A 2022 survey backs this up, showing that remote jobs are not just limited to the typical tech hubs, but are spread across cities like Vegas, attracting a wider pool of talent while boosting productivity.

The Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance is on the same wavelength, noting a 25% spike in tech job openings since remote work took off, signaling a shift towards a borderless work environment.

The remote work wave is also making waves in Vegas tech salaries.

Local companies have to compete with national firms for the top dogs, driving up wages in the tech sector. The Bureau of Labor Statistics highlights a 5% to 10% annual increase in tech salaries since remote work became the norm.

These trends boil down to two main predictions:

  • More remote jobs: A rise in tech job vacancies, with remote opportunities expected to make up about 50% of all listings by 2025.
  • Higher salaries: A predicted 8% to 12% yearly increase in tech salaries within Vegas, fueled by the remote work dynamic.

But the economic transformation in Vegas due to remote work goes beyond just job stats.

The Greater Las Vegas Association of REALTORS expects a surge in housing demand as workers seek out the perfect remote work setup, hinting at a booming real estate sector and increased local spending.

With the tech industry projected to grow by 20% by 2026, Vegas' status as an up-and-coming tech hub is solidifying. Attracting remote workers contributes to a beneficial economic loop, where the growth in tech jobs creates more remote work opportunities.

As one local economic commentator put it:

"Remote work has flipped the script, and Vegas is set to cash in on the benefits."

For insights tailored to Vegas, check out Nucamp's compilation of Vegas remote work tips and benefits for local developers adapting to these changes.

Frequently Asked Questions


How has remote work impacted the tech job market in Las Vegas?

The shift to remote work in Las Vegas tech jobs has transformed the industry, leading to increased job diversity and a surge in remote job postings. Startups and corporations are embracing remote work models, driving efficiency, employee satisfaction, and cost savings. Las Vegas is becoming a tech hub.

What was the pre-remote work tech job market in Las Vegas like?

Before remote work, Las Vegas's tech industry showed steady growth, a vibrant ecosystem, and a reliance on in-person operations. The workforce had over 20,000 people in the tech sector, with job growth trends climbing annually. Traditional roles were office-based, but remote work preferences were starting to emerge.

Which Las Vegas tech companies are embracing remote work?

Companies like MGM Resorts International, Caesars Entertainment, and Switch have seen success with remote work models. Switch reported a 15% increase in productivity after transitioning to a hybrid remote work setup. Employee satisfaction has also soared, with companies experiencing enhanced efficiency and retention rates.

What is the future of remote work in Las Vegas's tech job market?

The future of remote work in Las Vegas looks promising, with the tech industry gearing up for expansion and inclusivity due to remote work's enabling of wider talent pools. Remote job availability is projected to rise significantly, with a predicted increase in tech salaries. The economic benefits are extending into real estate, with a projected tech industry boom and increased housing needs.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible