Where Can You Find High-Paying Tech Jobs in Austin?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Austin skyline with overlay text: 'Finding High-Paying Tech Jobs in Austin'

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Austin's tech market boasts a striking 16.3% of local jobs in the sector, with 195,879 tech positions in 2022. The average tech salary is $151,873. Major industries in the city include Software Publishing, Data Management, and Medical Equipment. Austin provides ample opportunities for tech professionals with a 9.8% job growth.

Austin's tech scene is thriving, even with all the craziness going on globally, this city is performing exceptionally as a top-notch tech hub. According to the Austin Chamber of Commerce, a whopping 16.3% of all jobs here are in the tech sector.

That's a massive 195,879 tech positions as of 2022, way more than what was initially reported. Sure, the average tech salary dipped a tiny bit by 0.2% last year, but it's still a hefty $151,873 on average, which is a significant contributor to the local economy.

Besides hosting tech giants like Dell and IBM, Austin's got a bunch of impressive tech companies that are attracting skilled talent.

Even though employers are struggling to find skilled workers, there are plenty of opportunities in diverse areas, making it a prime spot for growth in:

  • Software Publishing and Computer Systems Design: This is the bread and butter of tech, driving innovation and supporting businesses.
  • Data Management and Analytics: Data professionals are in high demand for their expertise in providing insights and helping with decision-making.
  • Medical and Dental Equipment Supplies Industry: This emerging sector combines tech and healthcare to improve people's lives, which is remarkable.

With tech jobs growing by 9.8% from the previous year, Austin is beckoning both seasoned pros and newcomers looking to break into the scene.

Checking out job market analysis is a must if you're eyeing Austin for your career trajectory.

With over 35,000 tech job postings, this city is a prime example of economic vitality and an ever-evolving tech landscape that's thriving.

Table of Contents

  • Tech Industry in Austin
  • Top Tech Companies in Austin
  • Skills Required for High-Paying Tech Jobs
  • Job Hunting Strategies in Austin
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Tech Industry in Austin


The tech scene in Austin is straight-up fire! According to the Austin Chamber of Commerce, tech jobs grew by a whopping 9.8% in 2021, and over the last five years, employment in the sector has increased by a massive 34.5%, more than double the national rate.

From semiconductor manufacturing to software publishing, Austin's got it all covered, offering a ton of dope, high-paying gigs.

The average annual salary for tech jobs is a mind-blowing $151,873, way above the city's average, raking in a combined payroll of over $29.7 billion. Cha-ching!

Austin's really bounced back from the pandemic job losses too, regaining 96% of the lost positions, with major expansions like Apple's $1 billion campus showing that the city's tech ambition is off the charts.

Some of the hottest tech roles in demand right now include:

  • Software Engineers: The masterminds behind all those sick apps and programs
  • Data Scientists: The real MVPs who turn data into valuable insights
  • Product Managers: The visionaries steering the ship for product development
  • Cybersecurity Experts: The digital guardians protecting us from those pesky cyber threats

These roles are raking in some serious cash, reflecting just how competitive the tech landscape is in Austin.

Even compared to other tech hotspots, Austin's tech salaries are still killing it.

With all this growth and fat paychecks, Austin's tech industry is an unstoppable force.

Even the Mayor said,

"Austin's tech ecosystem is a powerhouse that drives innovation and economic prosperity, looking beyond the local to make a national impact."

This city has gone from zero to hero, rivaling the OG tech hubs with its ecosystem of over 3,380 up-and-coming companies.

Austin's not just attracting talent, but fostering it too, putting itself at the forefront of the tech industry's future.

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Top Tech Companies in Austin


Have you checked out the tech scene in Austin lately? It's straight-up fire! The city is becoming a hotspot for young professionals looking to make some serious cash in the tech world, kinda like the Bay Area, but with a lower cost of living.

You got big dogs like Dell Technologies and Apple Inc. dropping billions to set up shop here and create thousands of jobs.

And the pay ain't too shabby either. Sure, not every company is offering Bay Area-level six-figure salaries, but places like Indeed.com are paying 10% above the industry average, which is a sweet deal when you factor in Austin's affordable living costs.

But it's not just the corporate giants that are killing it.

Startups and up-and-coming companies like WP Engine and RigUp are offering competitive compensation packages that contribute to Austin's average tech salary of $104,344 – that's nearly 7% higher than the national average! And the other dope companies listed on Built In Austin, like AlertMedia, City National Bank, and Atlassian.

The tech ecosystem here is diverse and hella dynamic.

Some people might be skeptical about Austin's startup and VC scene compared to the Bay Area, but the tech job market here is poppin'.

We got corporate and regional headquarters for companies like Apple, Facebook, Dell, and Whole Foods, plus plenty of high-paying employers like NTT DATA Services and Cognizant Technology Solutions with tons of job openings.

And the flexible working conditions post-pandemic, which is a game-changer.

As one industry expert put it, "Austin's tech landscape is ever-evolving, with an impressive array of companies that recognize the value of talent and are willing to compensate proficiently." Whether you're into the corporate grind or the startup hustle, Austin's tech sector has got some serious opportunities for you to level up your career and make that paper.

Skills Required for High-Paying Tech Jobs


The tech scene in Austin is lit! There's mad demand for anyone who's got that coding wizardry. Austin Community College is all about teaching you those Python skills that companies are thirsty for.

Not just that, they've got programs covering everything from business to computer science to help you get ready for this booming tech landscape.

If you wanna be a tech boss and land those high-paying gigs, you gotta flex your knowledge in software development, cloud computing, and data analytics.

These are the hottest skills that Austin companies are looking for in 2023. The typical requirements for these big-money tech jobs are:

  • A Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a related field—this is like the basic entry ticket.
  • Professional certifications like AWS Certified Solutions Architect, CISSP, or PMP, which cover the in-demand cyber security and IT stuff that CompTIA's Tech Town Index mentions—these certs help you specialize and stand out.
  • Hands-on experience with frameworks and tools like React, Node.js, and Docker. The kind of practical learning you can get through Austin ISD's Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs—companies love to see that you can actually apply your tech skills.

But it's not just about being a code whiz.

You've gotta have those soft skills like problem-solving, communication, and teamwork on lock.

A LinkedIn survey found that 92% of tech hiring managers value these skills big time. And with Austin's startup scene blowing up, you might wanna level up your AI, Machine Learning, cybersecurity, and UI/UX Design game to create those fire user experiences that startups crave.

In this competitive Austin tech market, having the right mix of technical expertise and soft skills, plus some legit certifications, is what'll make you shine.

As the top tech recruiters say,

"In a competitive market like Austin, it's the candidates who show both hands-on tech skills and the ability to drive innovation through teamwork that really stand out."

So, if you wanna crush it in Austin's high-tech world, keep learning, stack up those qualifications, and get ready to slay.

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Job Hunting Strategies in Austin


Austin's tech scene is poppin' right now, so getting the right job search game plan could score you a sick high-paying gig. Check out spots like Built In Austin to peep all the dope tech roles at companies like Duo Security and KaiNexus.

And don't sleep on guides like the one from Flatiron School, which hooks you up with the top tech companies in Austin and their open jobs, so you can target your search like a boss.

According to CompTIA's Tech Town Index 2021, Austin is the #1 city for tech jobs, so the opportunities are lit.

In a market that hot, you gotta stand out. Platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed are clutch, with tons of listings – LinkedIn alone had over 5,000 tech jobs in Austin.

But for that personal touch, hit up local job boards and get involved in Austin's thriving tech community through meetups and groups like Austin Digital Jobs on Facebook.

That can lead to referrals and jobs that ain't even advertised.

When you're prepping your applications, make sure your resume and cover letter speak directly to the job requirements, using action-packed language that catches their eye.

Recruiters make snap judgments, so you gotta make that first impression count. And when it's interview time, be ready to negotiate that salary. Come correct with the going rates and sell yourself hard, 'cause tech pros in Austin often level up their pay by 10-20% just by being smooth negotiators.

Use these strategies and tap into all the resources that showcase the quality and quantity of Austin's tech jobs, and your job hunt will be on point – maximizing your chances to snag one of those high-paying tech gigs the city has to offer.



If you're gunning for that big tech money in Austin, you're in luck. This city is a paradise for tech nerds. The job market here is booming, with a solid 4.7% annual growth rate in the tech sector, according to the latest stats.

People are landing killer gigs left and right by networking their butts off at local meetups and career fairs. It's all about putting yourself out there.

The future of tech jobs in Austin looks bright.

The Austin Chamber of Commerce is predicting steady growth and diversification in tech specializations.

You can tap into resources like the Austin Technology Council and Built In Austin for the inside scoop on job listings and industry insights.

Working in Austin's tech scene comes with some dope perks:

  • Fat paychecks: Tech salaries here are way above the national average, with an average of $151,873. Cha-ching!
  • Startup vibes: Austin is a hotbed for startups, with tech jobs making up 16.3% of all employment. Crazy innovative stuff happening here.
  • Rad quality of life: Despite being a major tech hub, the cost of living is still relatively chill, and the tech employment is growing at a solid 9.8%. You can actually enjoy your money here.

One local tech boss summed it up perfectly:

"Austin's unique blend of talent, creativity, and passion makes it a goldmine for tech professionals looking for meaningful and rewarding careers."

Whether you're leveling up your skills in hot fields like Solutions Architects or tapping into Austin's tight-knit tech community, the opportunities here are endless.

Stay on top of your game, make connections, and go after that high-paying tech job in Austin with confidence. And check out Nucamp Coding Bootcamp – it could be your ticket to the big leagues.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the average tech salary in Austin?

The average tech salary in Austin is $151,873.

Which are the major industries for high-paying tech jobs in Austin?

Major industries in Austin for high-paying tech jobs include Software Publishing, Data Management, and Medical Equipment Supplies.

What is the percentage of tech jobs in Austin's local job sector?

Austin's tech sector accounts for 16.3% of all local jobs, with 195,879 tech positions in 2022.

What job growth rate does Austin's tech industry boast?

Austin's tech industry showcases a 9.8% job growth rate, indicating ample opportunities for tech professionals.

What are the key skills required for high-paying tech jobs in Austin?

Key skills for high-paying tech jobs in Austin include proficiency in programming languages like Python, software development, cloud computing, data analytics, along with soft skills like problem-solving and effective communication.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.