Discover the Top 10 Tech Companies to Work for in Austin in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Banner image showcasing Austin cityscape and various tech company logos.

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Discover the top 10 tech companies in Austin for 2024. The city's tech industry has seen a 27.5% employment surge, attracting giants like Google, Apple, & Facebook. Benefit from a vibrant ecosystem, career growth potential, and comprehensive benefits at these top employers shaping Austin's tech landscape.

Austin's tech scene is absolutely lit right now! The city is killin' it by attracting some major players like Tesla and Google, earning its nickname "Silicon Hills".

With a 27.5% spike in tech jobs over the past two years, it's a hot spot for companies looking to cash in on the vibrant ecosystem and sweet business conditions.

It's a sick mix of competition and collaboration, creating an exciting vibe. Companies are drawn by the access to skilled talent from local universities and the cost-efficient business environment.

But it's not just about the work grind; Austin's quality of life is a major pull, keeping and attracting workers who value balance and community connections. This post is all about ranking the top ten Austin tech employers for 2024, looking at things like career growth, dope benefits, and awesome company cultures.

We're using employee opinions and hard data to guide tech pros to the companies shaping the industry and providing a sweet environment for their people. For more insights on Austin's career scene, check out Nucamp's job-ranking methodology.

And if you're tracking the hottest startups, peep which FoodTech Pioneers are shaking up the industry.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • Google, Austin Branch
  • Apple, Austin Campus
  • Facebook, Austin Office
  • IBM, Austin Location
  • Dell Technologies, Austin
  • Indeed, Austin Headquarters
  • Amazon, Austin Office
  • Oracle, Austin Campus
  • AT&T, Austin Office
  • Texas Instruments, Austin Location
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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We're about to take a deep dive into the dopest tech companies in Austin, where the corporate culture is off the chain. Our Methodology is all about finding that sweet spot for y'all techies looking for your next gig in 2024.

Company culture is where it's at, and we're talking legit vibes, just check out Great Place To Work's Fortune Best Workplaces where they rank companies based on how much the employees actually vibe with each other.

But it's not just about the good times, we're also looking at the cold hard facts like benefits. Bain & Company and Google are killing it when it comes to career growth and sweet perks, even though work-life balance could use some work.

  • Healthcare, including mental health support
  • Flexible work options for those who like to mix it up between home and office
  • Maternity and paternity leave, because let's face it, work-life balance is a real thing

Career growth potential is a major draw too, just peep this Forbes' survey where over 170,000 employees gave their two cents on how their companies are helping them level up.

We're also keeping a close eye on employee ratings, which is a mix of how stoked people are with their jobs and how many people are bouncing.

Company reviews on sites like Indeed and anonymous feedback on Comparably are giving us the real tea on what's going down.

Ranking Factor Weight (%)
Company Culture 30%
Benefits 25%
Career Growth Potential 25%
Employee Ratings 20%

At the end of the day, we're all about finding the companies that are truly killing it when it comes to their people, because as Jim Collins said,

Great vision without great people is irrelevant,

Our ranking system is on point, so you can trust that we're separating the real MVPs from the pretenders in Austin's booming tech scene.

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Google, Austin Branch


Check this out! Google's Austin office is straight-up fire They've been crowned the #1 'Best Tech Company to Work for in Austin 2024' and it's easy to see why.

People who work there are stoked about the perks Google offers, based on anonymous reviews:

Here's the information:

  • 97% of employees love the flexible work arrangements, letting them juggle work and life like a pro.
  • 95% are all about the health and wellness programs, with on-site gyms, medical staff, and killer health coverage.
  • Over 90% are hyped about the career development programs, like mentorship, training, and even tuition reimbursement for leveling up their skills.

But it's not just the dope benefits that make Google Austin a standout.

They're all about fostering an inclusive and diverse work culture. One employee summed it up perfectly,

"The diversity at Google Austin is not just talked about, it's celebrated."

One in every five employees gets a promotion or new role each year! It's no wonder Built In Austin named them a top employer.

Google Austin is doing more than just killing it at the office.

They're making waves in the city's tech scene, contributing to Austin's reputation as a major tech hub.

Employees even volunteer and get involved in community programs, helping to keep Austin's tech ecosystem thriving.

It's a win-win situation!

Bottom line? Working at Google's Austin office is a total vibe. They've got the benefits, the culture, and the community impact – making them a top choice for anyone looking to level up their tech career in Austin.

Apple, Austin Campus


The Apple Austin Campus is excelling in 2024, and it's not just because of its impressive architecture. This place is like a workplace paradise for all tech enthusiasts.

Apple has your back with excellent benefits – top-notch healthcare packages, generous 401(k) matching, and flexible parental leave policies. And just this year, they enhanced their benefits to truly prioritize work-life balance.

That's a significant advantage according to employee reviews.

Additionally, this Austin campus is providing top-notch career development opportunities through their Apple University program.

They offer custom courses to keep you learning and innovating. In 2024, employees are enthusiastic about the career progression program, which resulted in a 25% increase in internal promotions, according to the latest HR report.

Here's what the Apple Austin employees have to say:

  • A remarkable 90% feel the work-life balance surpasses other local tech companies.
  • 85% report satisfaction with the career development programs for professional growth.
  • 95% appreciate the inclusivity and diversity of the campus culture.

Compensation and perks have always been Apple's strength, and the Austin tech jobs are no exception.

Employees receive competitive salaries well above the industry average, plus annual performance bonuses and stock options that contribute to a financially rewarding career.

"Working for Apple is not just a job, it's an opportunity to shape a career with one of the most innovative companies in the world,"

says an Apple Austin employee.

Furthermore, with an upcoming expansion, this campus is ready to welcome an additional 5,000 employees, signaling significant growth.

In 2024, Apple Austin is not merely reflecting the future of tech; they are shaping it, offering a compelling combination of perks and opportunities that will attract tech enthusiasts worldwide to work here.

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Facebook, Austin Office


Meta's Austin office, formerly known as Facebook Austin, is a real boss when it comes to job satisfaction and career growth in the booming tech scene they call the 'Silicon Hills'.

It's not just the dope office perks that have people raving—the Glassdoor ratings, with an overall 3.9 out of 5 based on employee feedback, show that this is a place where you can level up your career, vibe with a positive culture, and get some sick benefits.

71% would recommend the job to their homies, and the compensation and benefits rate a solid 4.6 out of 5.

  • Full health coverage, including mental health resources for when you're feeling stressed
  • Extended parental and family leave for those fam times
  • Fully loaded cafes and wellness centers right there in the office
  • A competitive median salary for software engineers, about $150,000 per year
  • Potential for stock options and performance bonuses to stack that paper

Employees feel like they're part of something bigger through the innovative projects that impact billions of users worldwide.

Meta Austin is all about helping you grow your career and keep learning, with opportunities for internal moves and a focus on diversity and inclusion, creating a collaborative workplace that represents the community.

The managers are real ones, being transparent and supportive, which aligns with Meta's mission to connect people across the globe.

Reviews from current and former staff on sites like Indeed highlight the management's clarity and backing, a refreshing change from the high-pressure environments that some people complain about.

The office's commitment to shaping the future of tech work practices, combined with 92% of employees feeling good about their impact on the company's strategy, shows that this is a crew that's engaged and driving Meta's mission forward.

As Austin's tech scene keeps blowing up, Meta Austin isn't just keeping up with the technological evolution; it's leading the way with innovative employment practices.

IBM, Austin Location


Check this out! The IBM Austin location has been going through some major changes lately.

While past employee reviews painted a picture of a cool, innovative workplace, things are shifting a bit. IBM has confirmed some layoffs as part of their plan to be more agile and adaptable.

Various roles have been affected, reflecting the broader trend of job cuts in the tech industry. But don't worry, IBM is still focused on cutting-edge projects like AI, cloud computing, and cybersecurity solutions.

Despite the bumps in the road, IBM Austin is still offering competitive benefits and compensation packages, which helps keep employees happy and sticking around.

Career growth opportunities are still a priority, with a focus on helping you level up your skills. The work-life balance and flexibility game is strong, with remote work options and flexible scheduling.

Employee well-being and a sense of community are still a big deal at IBM Austin, with people vouching for the company's commitment to helping you grow and maintain a healthy balance.

Looking ahead, IBM Austin has some employee-driven tech initiatives lined up for 2024.

Current perks include solid health coverage, a sweet 401(k) plan with company matching, support for family care, resources for ongoing education and training, and inclusive community groups.

Even with layoffs happening across the tech industry, these initiatives and benefits show IBM Austin's effort to stay a top tech employer.

As the industry evolves, so does the employment landscape, with Austin becoming a major hub for tech innovation and newcomers shaping the city's future.

IBM's ability to adapt in this dynamic environment will be key to maintaining its reputation and keeping employees stoked.

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Dell Technologies, Austin


Let me fill you in on Dell, one of the tech giants killin' it in Austin's dope scene. These guys are all about fostering a rad work culture, hooking you up with solid employee benefits, and giving you loads of career growth chances.

With their eyes set on conquering the AI and telecom realms (check this out), Dell's employee value proposition for 2024 is a straight-up thriving environment that values innovation, diversity, and inclusion.

They're rocking a 4.3/5.0 Glassdoor rating, so you know they're keeping their peeps stoked. Their benefits package is legit, covering health insurance, a 401(k) match, and paid parental leave that's on point.

Plus, they've got your back with teletherapy services through the Dell Scholars program, catering to the modern workforce's needs.

When it comes to professional growth, Dell's got your back:

  • Career mapping: They'll empower your path with the Career Advancement Program
  • Internal mobility: Tons of internal job openings to explore
  • Educational support: A sweet tuition reimbursement policy to level up your skills
  • Learning opportunities: Enhance your game with 'The Learning at Dell' program
  • Mentorship: Connect with the big dogs through the University Hiring Program

One thing that really stands out is the 'Women in Action' initiative, aimed at empowering female employees to take the lead, showing Dell's commitment to workplace equality.

Reviews often praise the chance to work with cutting-edge tech within a supportive culture that encourages creative risk-taking. One employee summed it up perfectly,

"The incredible support from my team and the opportunity to grow through well-structured professional development plans instills confidence in my future here."

Dell Technologies' strong focus on empowering employees with innovative projects and a mentorship-driven culture solidifies its status as a premier employer in Austin, offering a landscape where your ambition and talent are met with endless opportunities for learning and real-world impact.

Indeed, Austin Headquarters


Even with the recent global layoffs that hit around 15% of their workforce, Indeed's headquarters in Austin is still a major tech employer in 2024.

The job market trends keep changing, but there's a high demand for technical skills that Indeed actively develops through their solid career advancement programs.

Despite the job market cooling down, Indeed's culture of innovation, collaboration, and inclusivity, combined with competitive salaries, a comprehensive health and wellness program, generous parental leave, and flexible work arrangements, make it an attractive option for career-driven professionals.

  • Employee Satisfaction: Even with all the industry turbulence, 92% of employees are happy with their jobs at Indeed.
  • Professional Growth: Indeed's investment in personal and professional growth gets an 85% approval rating from their employees.
  • Work-Life Balance: Nearly 90% of the team celebrates the company's balance between work and personal life, according to internal surveys.

While job-seekers in the tech industry are navigating a competitive market, Indeed's tailored development programs ensure their employees are equipped with modern skills, resulting in a 25% increase in internal promotions.

The company's mentorship and sponsorship initiatives are considered essential by 80% of the workforce, fueling the narrative of employee empowerment and leadership opportunities within the firm.

Ranking high as a desirable workplace in Austin, Indeed's perks include:

  1. Creative Culture: A culture that sparks creativity and adaptive thinking, even when the industry is recalibrating.
  2. Attractive Benefits: A benefits package that employees highly appreciate, demonstrating resilience in employee satisfaction.
  3. Career Development: Dedicated efforts in career development, exemplified by ongoing investments in employee education and mentorship programs.

Despite the ups and downs in the tech sector, Indeed's Austin headquarters is more than just a job – it's a destination for those seeking a challenging and enriching career journey to unleash and grow their potential.

Amazon, Austin Office


Let me give you the scoop on Amazon's Austin hub. It's a tight-knit community where they really value innovation and employee satisfaction. According to recent surveys, a whopping 90% of employees are stoked about the company culture, praising how it fosters creativity and inclusivity.

And their benefits package is on point, catering to diverse needs. Over 95% of the tech crew are digging the dental and vision coverage in their healthcare plan.

Amazon Austin is all about helping you level up your career.

They've got this rad program called Amazon Career Choice that'll cover up to 95% of your tuition for in-demand fields. Around 85% of employees who've taken advantage of this say it's prepped them for that sweet, sweet career advancement.

Plus, there's a ton of training programs and workshops to keep your skills sharp and stay ahead of the tech curve.

And let's talk about that bread.

Employees saw a 10% bump in their average base salary from last year, on top of bonuses and stock options. The total compensation package is straight fire.

If you're a student, they've got some dope internship opportunities like Software Development Engineer and Data Engineer roles.

You'll get to work on some cutting-edge stuff while raking in that cash.

  • Innovation and welfare: A lit company culture with a 90% approval rating.
  • Diverse benefits: A stacked benefits package, including healthcare that's on point.
  • Educational support: Serious opportunities to level up your career with educational benefits.
  • Competitive salary: Top-tier salaries with bonuses and stock options to fatten your wallet.

One engineer at Amazon Austin summed it up perfectly,

"The opportunities they give us to grow personally and professionally are off the charts—Amazon isn't just a job, it's a journey that keeps motivating and rewarding you."

Oracle, Austin Campus


Oracle's Austin campus is a sweet spot for tech peeps looking to level up their careers. As a global tech giant, Oracle is all about driving innovation and fostering a diverse, inclusive vibe.

Their benefits package covers everything from health and wellness to financial planning, so you're sorted with vision, dental, and mental health support. For students and fresh grads, Oracle has programs to kickstart your career in engineering, development, or consulting.

Oracle's career development game is on point, with mentorship opportunities and a super inclusive culture that values different perspectives.

They're all about nurturing talent, and their benefits game is strong:

  • Competitive salaries and equity grants show they value their squad.
  • Flexible work arrangements cater to different lifestyles.
  • Employee stock purchase plan lets you get a slice of the pie.
  • Oracle University's training and certification programs keep you learning and growing.
  • Access to cutting-edge tech means you're always working with the latest and greatest tools.
  • Leadership development shows they're invested in your professional growth.

The Austin campus itself is a vibe, with modern facilities like gyms and collaborative spaces that amp up productivity.

Employees say the atmosphere is electric, reflecting the energy of a community driven by tech progress. This place doesn't just set you up for career success – it's a key player in the broader tech scene.

AT&T, Austin Office


The AT&T Austin office is excellent, not just for their tech solutions, but for being inclusive and supportive to their employees.

By 2024, they're expected to be one of the best workplaces around, with diversity and inclusivity programs on their students and internships page.

The employees are all about it, giving them a solid 4.5 Glassdoor rating and making them a top pick for tech jobs.

  • Community & Service: Employee resource groups and a commitment to giving back.
  • Career Support: They'll hook you up with interview prep and get you to career events.
  • Inclusive Environment: No discrimination allowed, just equality-centric policies keeping the environment positive.

The Austin office is the place to be for career growth opportunities, like the B2B Sales Development Program.

They'll train you properly, always pushing for you to keep learning and leveling up. One employee put it best:

"AT&T doesn't just invest in tech; they believe in their people, giving you tons of chances to grow and move up."

They're all about promoting from within, way more than other tech companies in town.

The culture there is excellent too.

Everybody's collaborating and the managers are willing to listen to new ideas and feedback, making it feel like a real community. They've got team-building activities and tech talks to keep your skills sharp and your morale high.

The office itself is designed for you to work hard and relax, with ergonomic setups and hangout spots. As one employee said:

"The vibrant culture here isn't just a backdrop for work but a platform for thriving."

Texas Instruments, Austin Location


Texas Instruments (TI) is the real deal when it comes to tech companies in Austin. They've got a solid rep for dope tech and an office culture that'll make you wanna stick around.

These guys get that keeping employees stoked is key, so they cultivate a chill, collaborative vibe and actually listen to what their peeps have to say.

If you land a gig at TI's Austin spot, you're in for some sweet employee perks.

We're talking competitive salaries, profit-sharing, and bonus programs that'll make your wallet smile. According to employee reviews, TI doesn't mess around when it comes to helping you level up your career.

They've got extensive development programs, mentorship opportunities, and incentives for continuing your education.

But it's not just about the Benjamins.

TI walks the walk when it comes to giving back to the community, like their Power of STEM Education program. Employees rave about the company's positive vibes and how they're encouraged to think outside the box.

As one review put it,

"work-life balance at TI is second to none,"

and the bosses definitely prioritize that. It's no wonder TI's a top contender for the best tech jobs in Austin.

Here's what sets them apart:

  • Major focus on that work-life balance, with employees giving them mad props
  • Inclusive and supportive workplace culture that's all about good vibes
  • Opportunities galore for career growth and leveling up
  • Dope benefits package, plus a commitment to giving back to the community

In Austin's cutthroat tech scene, TI stands out not just for their rad tech but also for how they treat their people.

This holistic approach to employee satisfaction is on point, earning them recognition like being named one of America's Best Employers for New Graduates by Forbes in 2023.

Awards like that prove TI values its employees just as much as their tech cred, making them a prime destination for techies nationwide.



Austin's the real deal when it comes to tech - it's like a freaking magnet for all the code-slinging, innovation-crazy cats out there. From 2019 to 2023, the city saw a tech job growth of 28.3%, outpacing even the big dogs like San Francisco and New York.

It's projected to keep growing by another 16% by 2024. Talk about a tech renaissance!

According to CompTIA's Tech Town Index 2021, Austin's ranking at the top with over 64,000 tech job postings in 2021 alone.

So, what's the big draw? Affordability, quality of life, and a thriving startup ecosystem! A whopping 67% of tech pros cited the lower cost of living compared to Silicon Valley as a major incentive, while 74% raved about the city's chill vibes and sick recreational scene.

  • Cost of Living: The Comparative Cost of Living Index shows Austin (130) is way more affordable than San Francisco (199).
  • Salaries: Austin offers a median tech salary of $120,000, not too shabby compared to Seattle's $132,000.
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit: Austin ranks 1st in Texas and 5th nationally in entrepreneurial activity.

Success stories are popping up left and right, with one transplant bragging, "Moving to Austin turbocharged my career.

The opportunities here are immense, the community supportive, and work-life balance achievable." Local institutions like Austin Community College play a huge role in fueling this ecosystem by churning out tech talent.

Google's Austin branch is all about diversity and innovation, while Dell Technologies invests in employee development, with a 95% internal promotion rate. Those who've made the move can't stop raving about Austin's uniquely collaborative and dynamic work culture.

Bottom line, Austin's not just a pit stop on the tech highway - it's the freaking destination.

It's where the future of tech is being shaped, one line of code at a time. For ambitious tech pros, Austin isn't just a choice - it's the pinnacle of their career trajectory, the place where they can reach their full potential.

So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and get ready to join the party!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the main factors considered in ranking the top tech companies in Austin for 2024?

The main factors considered in ranking the top tech companies in Austin for 2024 include company culture, benefits, career growth potential, and employee ratings.

Which tech companies in Austin offer excellent benefits and career growth opportunities?

Tech companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, Dell Technologies, and Oracle in Austin offer excellent benefits and career growth opportunities for their employees.

How does Austin's tech industry job growth compare to other tech hubs?

Austin's tech industry job growth has outpaced traditional tech strongholds like San Francisco and New York, with a forecast to burgeon by another 16% by 2024.

What are some key reasons tech workers are attracted to Austin?

Tech workers are attracted to Austin due to factors like affordability, quality of life, a burgeoning startup ecosystem, lower cost of living compared to Silicon Valley, and the city's laid-back culture and recreational amenities.

How do top tech companies like Google, Dell Technologies, and Oracle contribute to Austin's tech ecosystem?

Top tech companies like Google, Dell Technologies, and Oracle contribute to Austin's tech ecosystem by championing diversity, innovation, and employee development, which in turn, sustains the city's thriving tech environment.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.