Ranking the Top 10 High-Paying Tech Jobs in Austin in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Austinite tech professional looking at job listings for high-paying tech jobs in Austin.

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As Austin's tech sector continues to thrive, job and GDP growth rates are forecasted to be high in 2024. Top 10 high-paying tech jobs like Data Scientists and AI Engineers are shaping Austin's tech landscape. Salaries, job growth rates, and future outlook in tech roles are promising.

Austin's tech scene is strong, and it's only going to get stronger as we approach '24. Even with a slight dip in jobs and GDP in late '23, the tech industry here is still forecasting significant growth in jobs and GDP for the next year.

In '22, Austin's tech GDP increased by 26.5%, and jobs grew by 12.7% - surpassing the national averages.

Oxford Economics is predicting that Austin's tech industry will have an annual GDP growth of 2.4% from '24 to '27, setting a solid foundation for high salaries in tech roles.

This aligns with Robert Half's 2024 Salary Guide, which shows that salaries are expected to rise in high-demand jobs, despite the economy's ups and downs affecting compensation trends.

According to the projections, employment in Austin's tech sector is set to grow by 2.3% annually, outpacing the national growth rate.

We're talking about a major economic shift here, with the tech sector contributing a massive chunk to Austin's GDP. As we break down the top 10 high-paying tech roles in Austin, you'll get a taste of the employment trends that make this city a sweet spot for tech professionals looking to level up their careers, from Data Scientists to IoT Specialists.

Get ready for an insider's look at the pay scales, market demand, and why Austin's tech landscape is the place to be for both up-and-comers and seasoned pros alike.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • 1. Data Scientist
  • 2. Solutions Architect
  • 3. Machine Learning Engineer
  • 4. Cloud Consultant
  • 5. Cybersecurity Analyst
  • 6. AI Engineer
  • 7. Full Stack Developer
  • 8. UX Designer
  • 9. DevOps Engineer
  • 10. IoT Specialist
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Let's talk about the top high-paying tech gigs in the ATX for 2024. We gotta consider a bunch of factors to make sure our analysis is on point and reflects the ever-changing tech scene in Austin.

First up, the average salary is a big deal.

According to CompTIA, tech pros in Austin are raking in a median income of $90,459. But that number can vary a lot depending on your role and experience level.

When you factor in the cost of living, it's more like $93,643 according to their data.

But money ain't everything. We also gotta look at the growth rate of each job type. The 2024 Salary Guide by Robert Half says tech jobs in Austin are expected to grow by an average of 15% over the next five years.

Some positions might even grow faster, showing that the tech sector in this city is blowing up.

To make our job ranking lit, we also need to consider the future job outlook.

Market analyses from places like the Austin Independent School District show that fields like AI, cloud computing, and cybersecurity are expected to grow like crazy.

That means jobs related to those areas will be in high demand. Our evaluation criteria also include:

  • Historic job market data: Checking out past trends gives us a glimpse into how the tech industry in Austin has evolved.
  • Number of job openings: More openings mean more demand for certain skills.
  • Market saturation: Understanding the competition helps us gauge how tough it is to break into the market.
  • Projected industry advancements: Predicting future tech trends can reveal which job sectors are gonna blow up.

On top of that, we gotta look at the criteria for evaluating the tech job market in Austin.

With all the start-ups poppin' up and big companies investing in the city, it's becoming a major tech hub. Real estate data ranks Austin's job market 17th out of 150, with a median annual salary in line with the national average.

That shows how lit the economy is and how much the tech industry is growing. An industry expert said, "The caliber of tech talent in Austin, combined with its nurturing business climate, creates an ideal environment for both job seekers and employers." By considering all these factors, we can give you a legit ranking of high-paying tech jobs in Austin, whether you're job hunting now or trying to predict future shifts in the tech scene.

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1. Data Scientist


Data Scientist roles in Austin are on some next-level stuff, shaping the future with data-driven insights that are straight fire. These peeps are like the data wizards, analyzing massive datasets to extract insights that'll blow your mind, developing predictive models to see what's coming next, and implementing machine learning algorithms to solve industry problems like bosses.

But it's not just a one-person show, they gotta collab with cross-functional teams to get a feel for what the business needs and provide data solutions that'll make everyone say "damn, that's lit." And let's not forget, they gotta communicate these complex findings to non-technical folks through sick data viz tools and narrative reports that'll make even your grandma understand.

In Austin, Data Science Interns are raking in an average of $20.10 per hour, and if you're looking to make a career out of this, you can expect to make an average of $120,931 per year.

The job market for data experts in Austin is poppin' off, with job growth expected to be 15% over the next five years, making it a prime spot for data wizards.

If you wanna level up your game in 2024, you better be a boss at programming languages like Python and R, and have mad skills in big data platforms like Hadoop and Spark, 'cause that's what'll make you stand out in industries like healthcare and finance that are expanding their analytics game.

Data Scientist skills in Austin are straight up essential, with job stability and paychecks that'll make you say "cha-ching!" Entry-level pros can expect to start around $70,000, and seasoned experts can rake in upwards of $120,000.

This promising future goes hand-in-hand with Austin's economic growth, 'cause let's be real, Data Scientists are the backbone of our data-centric society, making analytics and machine learning applications happen.

As long as the need for innovative analytics solutions keeps growing, the opportunities for Data Scientists in Austin's thriving tech scene will be lit AF.

2. Solutions Architect


Austin is a total tech hub, and Solution Architects are killing it right now. These individuals are raking in an average of $159,033 per year, according to a recent study.

That's some serious cash, and it just shows how much companies need their skills.

Solution Architects are the ones who design and build complex systems that keep everything running smoothly and securely.

They're the brains behind making sure systems are scalable and aligned with the company's goals. It's a big deal, and their job growth is projected to rise by 10% year after year in Austin.

So, what do these architects actually do? For starters, they evaluate existing systems and figure out where improvements can be made.

They also work closely with stakeholders to understand the business needs and goals for the systems. And then, they put their heads together to design solutions that meet those needs.

As Austin's tech scene continues to boom, the demand for Solution Architects is only going to keep rising.

Companies are always looking for innovative thinkers who can handle the complexities of cutting-edge technologies. Even with economic ups and downs, these architects are in high demand because businesses need their expertise in areas like cloud services, enterprise software, and digital transformation.

One industry expert summed it up perfectly, saying,

"Solution Architects are crucial to Austin's thriving tech ecosystem, essential for our city's digital renaissance."

As Austin continues to grow as a tech hub, Solution Architects will be at the forefront, driving innovative strategies and securing their spot as one of the most future-proof and high-paying jobs in the area.

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3. Machine Learning Engineer


The Machine Learning Engineer gig in Austin is poppin' off like crazy right now. It's one of the hottest and highest-paying jobs in the city's booming tech scene.

According to Built In, the average total cash you can rake in as a Machine Learning Engineer in the U.S. is around $196,962.

And in major tech hubs like Austin, you can bet your bottom dollar that the salaries are mad competitive.

The job market for Machine Learning Engineers in Austin is growing at a rate of 15%, which is insane compared to other professions.

To land one of these roles, you'll need some serious credentials like advanced degrees in computer science or applied math, and mad skills in programming languages that are in high demand.

Big players like Dell, IBM, and indeed.com are on a hiring spree, looking to beef up their AI teams. Simplilearn says the responsibilities can range from implementing algorithms to crunching data like a boss.

The best tech companies in Austin are planning to expand their AI teams by at least 70%.

Talk about a hot commodity! And according to the Levels.fyi Tech Internship Guide, the demand for Machine Learning Engineers is only going to keep skyrocketing.

Companies are investing heavily in AI projects, with a whopping 200% increase in spending. They need top talent to build predictive models and cutting-edge intelligent systems.

Austin's tech ecosystem is the perfect breeding ground for Machine Learning Engineers to be at the forefront of shaping the future of data-driven awesomeness.

4. Cloud Consultant


Austin's cloud computing game is straight fire, and being a Cloud Consultant here is where the real money's at.

In 2024, these tech wizards are raking in an average of $120,000, which is serious cash! With the public cloud computing market expected to hit a mind-blowing $800 billion by 2025, the future looks lit AF for Cloud Consultants.

The University of Texas at Austin's Full Stack Developer Certificate Program Online predicts a whoppin' 853,000+ job opportunities in this field, so you know it's poppin'!

As a Cloud Consultant in Austin's tech scene, you'd be designing dope cloud solutions, managing cloud infrastructures like a boss, and keeping cybersecurity on lock.

You gotta be a pro at major cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, and know your way around automation, cybersecurity, and software development. With companies throwing mad cash at cloud services (spending expected to go from $257.5 billion in 2020 to $304.9 billion in 2022), these skills are more valuable than ever.

Places like the University of Texas at Dallas are leveling up their programs to keep up with industry demands, so you'll be learning the latest and greatest in biz intel, cybersecurity, and cloud computing.

As businesses keep pushing toward cloud migration and expansion, the demand for skilled Cloud Consultants in Austin is only gonna skyrocket.

These tech rockstars are driving innovation, keeping Austin's businesses at the cutting edge, and solidifying their spot as one of the most lucrative and future-proof gigs in the city's tech industry.

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5. Cybersecurity Analyst


Being a Cybersecurity Analyst in Austin's lit tech scene is a must-have gig. With all the cyber threats out there, this city needs solid defenses, no cap.

The average pay? $99,730 according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. But if you're a beast at it, you can rake in up to $128,102 based on ZipRecruiter.

That's some serious cheddar for keeping Austin's cyber game tight. The job market is projected to grow by a whopping 31%, so you know the future looks bright for this career path.

But to score these dope opportunities, you gotta come correct with the right qualifications.

We're talking a Bachelor's degree in Information Security, plus mad skills in scripting, networking, and knowing your way around different operating systems. You also need experience in packet analysis, secure network design, and threat management – the kind of expertise you can gain from programs like the Cybersecurity Boot Camp at UT Austin.

They'll get you up to speed with the latest cyber protection tools like Wireshark, Metasploit, and Nessus.

And don't sleep on certs either. Employers love to see Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) or Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) on your resume.

Big-time corporations and fresh startups are all battling to snag the best cyber talent in Austin. They're not just looking for technical skills, though – they need peeps who can navigate the complex security landscapes.

Securing intellectual property and consumer data is crucial these days, and it's the key to success for Austin's tech companies. That's why Cybersecurity Analysts are the real MVPs, holding it down at the frontlines of this city's booming tech game.

6. AI Engineer


If you're a techie living in Austin, you gotta know about the AI Engineer gig. It's like the hottest job in town. With companies going all-in on AI to stay ahead of the game, the demand for skilled AI Engineers is through the roof.

We're talking around $136K a year for the median salary in the US. Not too shabby, eh?

Even if you're just starting out in Austin, you can expect to rake in around $118K per year.

And for the real OGs in the game, we're talking up to $200K annually. That's some serious cash!

  • Your main job? Engineering and deploying those sick AI models.
  • You'll also be customizing and fine-tuning machine learning algorithms to keep things fresh.
  • Managing those massive datasets with some killer processing techniques? That's on you.
  • And don't forget, you'll be teaming up with data scientists and software engineers to make sure those AI solutions are seamlessly integrated.

But this gig ain't no walk in the park.

You gotta be a coding wizard with languages like Python and R, and have some serious skills with machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch. Oh, and you better know your way around cloud computing services too.

The future outlook for AI Engineering jobs in Austin is straight-up fire, with a predicted 21% increase in AI-related careers between 2021 and 2031.

Austin's a tech hub, with heavy hitters like Google setting up shop, so the opportunities and fat paychecks are there for the taking.

The demand for AI Engineers is off the charts, and companies are scrambling to get their hands on the best talent. If you've got the skills, you're gonna be swimming in job offers, no doubt.

Austin's where it's at for tech innovation, and AI Engineers are leading the charge.

7. Full Stack Developer


Being a Full Stack Developer in Austin is where it's at right now. The average salary is around $108,000 as of 2024, but it can go up to a median of $122,000.

Austin is quickly becoming a major tech hub, and companies are paying top dollar for devs who can handle both front-end and back-end development. The job market for Full Stack Devs in this area is blowing up, with a projected growth rate of 27% over the next five years, and an estimated 853,000+ developer jobs by 2024.

Austin is attracting startups and major tech companies like crazy, and they all need devs who can handle the entire web development stack.

As a Full Stack Dev, you'll be responsible for:

  • Designing how websites look and feel,
  • Developing the servers and databases that make websites work,
  • Ensuring websites are optimized for mobile devices,
  • Overseeing the performance of web applications,

Companies in Austin are actively seeking devs who can code in multiple languages and frameworks for both front-end and back-end development.

Check out these job listings to see what they're looking for. If you keep building your skills, you could eventually become a Senior Dev or a Team Lead.

As one industry insider put it,

"The ability to design and execute complete web solutions is arguably one of the most valued skillsets in the Austin tech job market."

Being a Full Stack Dev means you're the glue holding everything together, ensuring users have a seamless experience across Austin's booming tech scene.

8. UX Designer


If you're a 20-year-old looking to make some serious cash in the tech world, you gotta check out the role of a UX Designer in Austin. This city is blowing up with all sorts of dope tech companies, and they're willing to pay big bucks for people who can create killer user experiences.

We're talking an average total compensation of $79,259, which ain't too shabby, right?

But it gets even better.

Depending on your experience level, you could be raking in anywhere from $54,000 to a whopping $114,000 as a UX Designer in Austin. That's some serious cheddar for doing something you love! And the best part? This field is only going to keep growing, with thousands of new job opportunities popping up nationwide every year.

Austin is home to tech giants like Dell and IBM, but even the new kids on the block are hungry for UX talent.

They want people who can do user research, create wireframes, and design killer user interfaces. So, if you've got skills in those areas and know how to use industry-standard tools like the ones mentioned on Springboard, you're golden.

If you're new to the game, no worries! There are programs like the SMU User Experience Design Certificate that can hook you up with the specialized skills you need to get your foot in the door.

And by 2024, the job market for UX Designers in Austin is going to be lit, with more opportunities than ever before at all the top tech companies.

So, if you're ready to make some serious bank while doing something you actually enjoy, get your UX skills on point and start applying for those UX Designer gigs in Austin.

With the right talent and a little hustle, you could be rolling in dough and living the dream in no time. Just remember to stay up-to-date on the latest salary trends and compensation packages, like the ones outlined in Robert Half's Salary Guide, to make sure you're getting paid what you're worth.

9. DevOps Engineer


You know what's super hot right now in the Austin tech scene? Being a DevOps Engineer, that's what! These peeps are like the rockstars of keeping all the software development flowing smoothly.

With Austin being such a tech hub these days, companies are paying big bucks for DevOps Engineers - we're talking an average salary of over $115K! That's some serious cash, right?

The demand for these tech wizards is only going to keep growing in Austin, like by 20% in the next few years! So, if you're looking to get into a career that's totally lit, DevOps is where it's at.

Now, to become a DevOps Engineer in Austin, you gotta have some serious skills.

We're talking coding chops with languages like Python, mad skills with automation tools, and a solid understanding of cloud services and software development.

Basically, you need to be a tech ninja. But don't sweat it, there are programs like the UT Dallas DevOps Bootcamp that can help you get those skills locked down.

So, if you're a tech-savvy badass who's all about staying ahead of the curve and making sure things run like a dream, then DevOps Engineering in Austin is definitely the move.

Just be prepared to hustle hard and never stop learning, because in this game, you gotta stay on top of all the latest and greatest tech trends. But trust me, it's gonna be one wild ride!

10. IoT Specialist


The IoT Specialist scene in Austin is absolutely lit right now. With all the tech companies embracing connected devices, these specialists are the ones building, testing, and implementing the dope solutions that make hardware and software work together seamlessly.

They're like the glue that holds it all together, turning raw data into useful insights that streamline operations across various industries. The average salary for an IoT Specialist in Austin is around $105,000 per year! That's some serious cash.

And if you've got mad skills in areas like edge computing or IoT security, you can expect to rake in even more.

The future looks bright for IoT jobs, with projections showing a 14% growth in these roles over the next five years.

We're talking everything from healthcare devices that can monitor you remotely to smart city tech that'll make urban living a breeze. And Austin is the perfect place to get in on the action, thanks to its thriving startup scene and investments in tech infrastructure.

Check out these stats:

  • The central idea here is that IoT job listings in Austin have climbed by 20% year-over-year.
  • Major industry partnerships have led to a 15% elevation in IoT-related internships and educational initiatives. That's some serious commitment to nurturing talent.
  • Austin's enhanced commitment to smart infrastructure projects means there'll be a steady need for IoT expertise. Get ready to be in high demand!

As the experts say, "The horizons of IoT are bound only by imagination." And that's what makes being an IoT Specialist so dope – you get to be part of creating the innovations of the future by merging the physical and digital worlds.

Not only is an IoT career in Austin a solid path to some serious cash, but it's also an opportunity to be at the forefront of cutting-edge tech. Check out Applied Intelligence Live! and other key tech events to stay on top of the IoT game.



Austin's tech scene is poppin' off! The forecast says it's gonna grow by a sick 15% in the next five years. This place has become a real hotspot for innovation and tech talent.

The high-paying tech jobs like Data Scientists and AI Engineers are raking in the dough, with an average salary increase of 6.5% every year. These roles aren't just about the cash though, they're driving Austin's economy forward.

For every tech job created, five more open up in other industries.

Wild, right? The future looks even crazier with trends like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, and IoT about to shake things up.

More opportunities for engineers, consultants, analysts, and specialists are coming, no doubt.

  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are broadening the game for techies.
  • Fancy Cloud Computing solutions are increasing the need for Cloud Consultants.
  • With cyber threats on the rise, there's gonna be a surge in Cybersecurity Analyst roles.
  • IoT deployment across industries is creating mad openings for IoT Specialists.

In short, Austin's tech cred is skyrocketing, and high-paying jobs are fueling the fire.

Sick events like SXSW's Tech Industry Track and MOMENTUM AI are showcasing the cutting-edge stuff happening here.

The Austin Technology Council is keeping the community tight too. With education providers like the ones mentioned in Nucamp's articles prepping future techies, Austin is set to stay a prime destination for talent and a leading tech city.

The growth is making life sweet for techies and the whole community is benefiting from the diverse, booming economy.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top 10 high-paying tech jobs in Austin in 2024?

Some of the top high-paying tech jobs in Austin in 2024 include Data Scientist, Solutions Architect, Machine Learning Engineer, Cloud Consultant, Cybersecurity Analyst, AI Engineer, Full Stack Developer, UX Designer, DevOps Engineer, and IoT Specialist.

What is the average salary range for Data Scientists in Austin?

In Austin, Data Scientists can expect an average salary ranging from $70,000 for entry-level positions to upwards of $120,000 for seasoned experts.

Which tech job in Austin is projected to have a 27% growth rate over the next five years?

Full Stack Developers in Austin are projected to have a growth rate of 27% over the next five years.

What are the key responsibilities of a Cloud Consultant in Austin?

Cloud Consultants in Austin are responsible for designing scalable cloud solutions, managing cloud infrastructures, ensuring robust cybersecurity measures, and implementing cost-optimizing strategies.

How much can an AI Engineer in Austin expect to earn annually?

An AI Engineer in Austin can expect to earn around $136,620 per year, with entry-level positions starting at approximately $118,166 per year and seasoned professionals earning up to $200,000 annually.

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  • Get acquainted with Coursera's vast collection of courses tailor-made for Austin's tech enthusiasts.

  • Explore how course content distinction makes Austin's coding bootcamps stand out from the crowd.

  • The proof is in the pudding with impressive graduate success rates that underscore the quality of Austin's universities.

  • Discover Apple's employee perks and how they're enticing tech talent to their Austin campus.


Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.