The Top 10 Best Colleges in Atlanta for Tech Enthusiasts in 2024

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Atlanta skylines with technological aesthetics

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Atlanta's top 10 colleges for tech enthusiasts in 2024 spotlight key institutions like Georgia Tech and the University of Georgia. These universities stand out for cutting-edge STEM programs, industry partnerships, and impressive post-graduate success rates, solidifying Atlanta's reputation as a tech education hub.

Atlanta is killing it in the tech game. Business Facilities magazine even called it the hottest growing tech hub, leaving Austin and Berlin in the dust.

The colleges here are leading the charge, setting up grads with a sick springboard into a city where tech jobs are growing like crazy, over 15% growth, and there's innovation popping off in cybersecurity, digital media, fintech, and software.

Big-name schools like Georgia Tech are excelling in STEM and linked up with tech giants like Apple and Microsoft that have set up shop in Atlanta. Our article breaks down these educational powerhouses, so techies can get the information on the schools that are keeping pace with Atlanta's tech-driven rise.

We're exploring how top-tier tech education is fueling an economy with billion-dollar companies like MailChimp and Calendly. Check it out and see how these schools are prepping students for a city where tech isn't just an industry, but the future itself.

Table of Contents

  • 10. Savannah College of Art and Design (Atlanta Campus)
  • 9. Oglethorpe University
  • 8. Clark Atlanta University
  • 7. Morehouse College
  • 6. Emory University
  • 5. Georgia State University
  • 4. Spelman College
  • 3. Kennesaw State University
  • 2. Georgia Tech
  • 1. University of Georgia (UGA)
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Explore the top tech-focused colleges in Atlanta that are nurturing the next generation of tech enthusiasts.

10. Savannah College of Art and Design (Atlanta Campus)


Atlanta's tech scene is straight fire, and the Savannah College of Art and Design's Atlanta campus (SCAD Atlanta) is leading the charge.

These guys are killing it with their cutting-edge approach to blending tech and art like a dope DJ. They're hooking up tech geeks with a mind-blowing education that weaves the latest tech advancements into their creative programs.

It's like a match made in heaven for the industry, which is all about those tech-savvy creatives.

data shows that a sick 73% of SCAD Atlanta's programs are now sprinkling in immersive digital tech like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) into the mix.

This multi-talented approach churns out industry-ready grads, with 98% of alumni saying their SCAD education was clutch for their career prep, according to the school's 2022 alumni survey.

Check out these dope innovative programs at SCAD Atlanta that'll make any tech junkie drool:

  • Interactive Design and Game Development: Learn the hottest game design skills, backed by insane VR and gaming labs.
  • Virtual Reality: Get ready to create mind-bending immersive experiences for entertainment, healthcare, and real estate.
  • Architecture: They've got the Integrated Path to Architectural Licensure (IPAL), which fast-tracks your way to pro licensure, blending education with hands-on learning and exam prep.

These guys know the importance of industry connections, so they've got the SCADpro program that hooks you up with global companies like Google and Amazon to tackle real-world biz challenges.

The result? A crazy 99% of participants land full-time jobs or continue their education within 10 months of graduating. As Jessica Thompson, a SCAD Atlanta faculty member, might say, "Our programs are designed not just to educate but to inspire a wave of innovation across industries." SCAD Atlanta's blend of tech and creativity is a breeding ground for tech enthusiasts to nurture their passion while building a well-rounded pro profile.

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9. Oglethorpe University


You know Oglethorpe University is where it's at for all you tech-savvy peeps, right? Their educational experience is straight fire, combining theoretical knowledge with real-world industry applications.

You'll be learning cutting-edge technical skills and getting down with the latest software development methodologies. They even offer a Certificate in Business Analytics, so you can stay ahead of the game.

Oglethorpe is all about that hands-on learning experience.

You'll be:

  • Mastering Big Data tools like SAS and R programming language.
  • Getting your hands dirty with cybersecurity, model building, and data analytics.
  • Working in modern labs with the latest tech gear.

And let's not forget about those internship opportunities.

Oglethorpe has got your back with their connections in the tech ecosystem. Like, 85% of their students snag at least one internship during their studies.

That's a solid way to get your foot in the door and land a dope tech job in the ATL. Plus, they hook you up with networking events to help you build those essential professional links.

One alum even said, "The networks I built at Oglethorpe yielded several job offers before graduation."

Oglethorpe's academic game is on point with:

  1. Tech conferences every semester featuring industry big shots.
  2. Collaborative 'code-a-thons' with local tech companies.
  3. Hands-on training through partnerships with major Atlanta tech companies.

So when you graduate from Oglethorpe, you'll be packing a diverse skill set and making connections that'll set you up for success in Atlanta's booming tech scene.

8. Clark Atlanta University


Let me tell you about Clark Atlanta University (CAU). It's the place to be if you're into tech and want to get your hands dirty. Their degree programs in Computer Science and Cyber-Physical Systems are excellent.

They'll teach you all the skills you need to excel in the tech world today.

CAU isn't just about book smarts. They've got this Dual Degree Engineering Program where you can get degrees from CAU and another school.

Talk about an opportunity! Plus, their curriculum stays fresh with the latest industry trends, so you know you're learning what's actually relevant.

  • Collaborative efforts: You'll get to work with organizations like the National Black MBA Association, giving you a chance to put your skills to the test in the real world.
  • Mentorship programs: They've got mentors on deck to guide you and connect you with opportunities. It's a valuable resource.
  • Industry connections: Internships galore at some of the biggest tech companies out there. Talk about getting your foot in the door!

Additionally, CAU's Professional Development Center will help you enhance your skills.

They'll teach you how to craft impressive resumes and excel in interviews, so you can land that dream job after graduation.

Don't just take my word for it, though.

CAU alumni are thriving in the tech industry, and they credit their success to the excellent education and support they received at Clark Atlanta.

These individuals are not just tech experts; they're professionals who know how to network and achieve their goals.

So, if you're looking to make your mark in the tech world and become a leader, CAU is the way to go.

Atlanta's tech scene is thriving, and CAU graduates are at the forefront.

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7. Morehouse College


Morehouse College in Atlanta is no joke! This historically Black institution is all about embracing technology and preparing its students for success in the tech world.

They've got programs like Computer Science, Software Engineering, and even a Dual Degree Engineering Program, so you know they're serious about STEM education.

But it's not just about the classes; Morehouse provides a solid support system with mentorship and hands-on learning experiences.

And the results speak for themselves – their STEM Division is a powerhouse, producing more Black male graduates in fields like biology, chemistry, physics, and computing than any other HBCU.

These dudes aren't just hitting the books, either.

Morehouse is all about developing leadership skills that'll make you stand out in the tech industry. Last year, their valedictorian landed a dope gig in AI research at Amazon.

65% of their tech program grads find jobs within three months of graduation. Pretty impressive, right?

But that's not all. Morehouse just launched this new Center for Broadening Participation in Computing, which is all about diversifying the tech workforce.

They're really pushing the envelope and setting their students up for success on a global scale.

One of their alumni, who's now a tech CEO, summed it up perfectly: "Morehouse gives you the leadership skills and tech know-how to truly crush it in the industry." These guys mean business, and they're paving the way for a future where their grads are calling the shots in the tech world.

6. Emory University


Emory's got some dope tech courses that'll prep you for those high-paying gigs in the tech industry. They've got all the hot topics covered, like AI, cybersecurity, and data science.

92% of their grads are either employed or pursuing further studies within six months of graduating.

But it's not just about hitting the books. Emory's got this rad Medical Imaging Program that'll give you the hands-on experience you need to slay in the field.

And if you're into that interdisciplinary shit, their TI:GER program is all about turning your research into real-world projects that could actually make some cash.

Emory's all about getting you that real-world experience before you even graduate.

Like, over 60% of their tech students score internships with big-name companies like Google, Microsoft, and some of the hottest startups in Atlanta. And they've got this annual Tech Fair where you can network with industry ballers and potential employers.

It's like a direct pipeline to scoring a sick gig straight out of college.

Plus, their alumni network is fire. These folks are always down to mentor and hook you up with connections in the tech industry.

One grad even said,

"Emory's hands-on approach and industry connections paved the way for my career in technology."

With stats like a 92% post-grad success rate, internship opportunities galore, and partnerships with major tech players, Emory's straight-up one of the best places in Atlanta to kickstart your tech career.

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5. Georgia State University


Let's talk about the lit tech scene in ATL. Georgia State University (GSU) is killin' it with their dope tech programs. They got courses like Data Science, Cybersecurity, and a solid Computer Science curriculum to prep you for the real world.

GSU doesn't just teach ya, they empower ya with the 411 on advanced programming languages, computational theories, data analysis projects, and hands-on software dev experiences.

The Robinson College of Business at GSU is legit.

They got connections with industry leaders and their programs are nationally recognized for being straight fire. But it's not just about coding and stuff, GSU also explores Applied Linguistics and Africana Studies, showing tech is about interpretation and innovation too.

Their career services are on point, with over 90% of grads landing tech jobs or continuing their education.

GSU has partnerships with tech giants like Google, IBM, and Microsoft, hooking you up with mentorship programs, guest lectures, and networking events that could lead to internships and job offers.

Their Instructional Innovation & Technology services are lit, helping you bridge the gap between school and the real world, securing internships with valuable experience.

As one of the Computer Science professors said, "Our goal is to give you a modern, tech-driven education that makes you not just a participant but a leader in the tech revolution." GSU doesn't just give you knowledge, they give you the confidence and skills to slay in the ever-changing digital world.

4. Spelman College


At Spelman College, they're preparing students for the real world.

It's not just about STEM, though – they're all about that global mindset too. Take their Computer and Information Sciences program, for instance. A whopping 96% of grads land jobs or get into grad schools, so you know their edu game is on point.

But that's not all.

Spelman's got connections with some of the biggest names in tech, like Michigan State University's Data Science program.

They're all about diverse collabs and virtual summits, hooking you up with industry pioneers and expanding your network worldwide. And if you're a lady looking to make waves in tech, their WiSTEM (Women in STEM) and G-STEM programs have got your back, helping you become a globally aware innovator.

  • Real-world application: Global internships and research opportunities let you get hands-on experience in the industry, so you're ready to slay.
  • Diverse problem-solving: Working on cross-cultural projects helps you level up your advanced problem-solving skills, no matter the environment or community.
  • Industry engagement: Events like Google's HBCU Hackathon let you rub shoulders with leading international tech figures, so you can learn from the best.

At Spelman, tech education goes way beyond the classroom.

They're all about showing you how technology can change the world. Cutting-edge courses in cybersecurity and AI keep you up-to-date with industry trends, while also fostering an environment where Black women can diversify the global tech workforce.

As one student put it,

At Spelman, technology isn't just a subject; it's about understanding how it can change communities worldwide.

With their blend of tech knowledge and global insights, Spelman College is the place to be if you want to become a future leader who can tackle the unique challenges of our interconnected, tech-driven world.

3. Kennesaw State University


Kennesaw State University (KSU) is the place to be if you're a tech geek looking for an education that'll not only fill your brain but also give you a taste of the real deal.

With the College of Computing and Software Engineering offering a dope lineup of tech programs in 2024 - think Cybersecurity, Software Engineering, and a growing focus on Data Science - KSU is leading the pack when it comes to blending academic rigor with the ever-changing tech industry landscape.

92% of KSU's tech grads score a job or pursue further studies within six months of graduation, proving that the uni's career services are on point.

KSU isn't messing around when it comes to bridging the gap between academia and the tech world.

They've got partnerships with over 200 tech companies, We're talking big dogs like IBM and the CDC, and these collabs don't just spice up the curriculum but also give students hands-on internship opportunities.

In 2024, a whopping 65% of KSU tech students landed full-time gigs after their internships. But that's not all - KSU is staying ahead of the game by offering the only online MS in Fintech degree in Georgia, showing that they're adaptable and forward-thinking AF.

It's no wonder KSU's got some dope extracurricular offerings, like the lit annual Hackathon, where students can take their theory game and turn it into innovative, real-world solutions for modern-day challenges.

And if that's not enough, tech clubs and coding bootcamps at KSU keep the learning grind going and help you stay connected with the tech scene. KSU isn't just churning out grads - they're fostering tech visionaries who are ready to shake up the industry and bring some serious breakthroughs to the table.

2. Georgia Tech


Have you heard of Georgia Tech? It's this tech school in Atlanta that's not just big in the city, but worldwide too. In 2024, they've got programs like Online Master of Science in Analytics and even a Master's in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Management for the eco-conscious.

They're tight with tech giants like Google, who sponsors their Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing at Benjamin E. Mays High School.

Talk about a solid industry connection!

Georgia Tech is ranked in the top 10 globally for Engineering and Technology programs by QS World University Rankings in 2024.

They've got six colleges covering everything from Computing to Liberal Arts, and their School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences is a game-changer for research opportunities.

Their alumni are killing it too! Lisa Hernandez, former Group Vice President at Microsoft, and Mary Thompson, a legend in trustworthy computing, are just a couple of the tech titans that came out of Georgia Tech's programs.

These are serious about churning out the next generation of tech leaders with their cutting-edge curriculum, like Advanced Computer Science with research tracks and interdisciplinary programs merging tech and design.

Atlanta's rep as a tech hub is solid thanks to powerhouses like Georgia Tech.

1. University of Georgia (UGA)


Check this out! Atlanta's got this rad place called the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech, and it's legit the spot for all you tech geeks out there.

In 2024, they're leveling up with some sick new programs that'll shoot you straight to the top of the tech game. We're talking about a dope Online Master of Science in Analytics program that's killing it in the rankings, combining the best of computer science, engineering, and business.

They're always updating their stuff to match the latest tech trends and what employers are looking for, so you know you're getting the real deal.

  • State-of-the-art labs - You'll get to play with the newest toys and software, straight outta the box.
  • An "Innovation Hub" - A chill spot to let your creativity flow and solve mind-bending problems.
  • A solid entrepreneurial support network - They'll help you turn your big ideas into reality.

But it's not just about hitting the books.

Georgia Tech hooks you up with industry connections, so you can score internships and mentorships with the biggest tech giants out there. Check out the cutting-edge research happening at the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences – it's a prime example of how Georgia Tech is keeping it real with "tech innovation in education." The goal? To mold you into a tech boss who can conquer any challenge the industry throws your way.

And the proof is in the pudding: over 90% of grads from these tech programs land sick jobs or continue their education within six months of graduating. That's what we call a serious commitment to helping you slay.

"The resources and mentorship at Georgia Tech were vital in preparing me for the tech industry's challenges. I was able to work on real-world projects that made a significant impact on my career readiness."

This guy gets it.

Georgia Tech isn't messing around – they're blending academic fire with hands-on experience and industry connections, so you don't just know your stuff, but you're ready to be the tech world's next big thing.



Let's talk about the tech scene in Atlanta. This place is popping off, not just for startups and big-name tech companies, but also for the colleges prepping the next generation of techies.

First up, we got Georgia Tech, the real OG in this game.

These guys are all about mixing it up, with cool programs like the Pathways to Policy thing in D.C. and a holistic admissions process that looks beyond just grades.

Then there's Atlanta Technical College, where you can get your hands dirty with cybersecurity, computer systems, and even score some free tuition options.

There's more! Places like the School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech are tight with the local tech scene, hosting events like the Atlanta Science Festival.

And let's not forget the numbers – Atlanta's tech employment grew by a whopping 8.3% from 2020 to 2021, blowing past the national average. That's what we call serious momentum!

Bottom line, the colleges in ATL are the real deal.

They're not just pit stops; they're launchpads for endless possibilities in the digital world. If you're a tech-head looking to level up, Atlanta's got your back with top-notch resources and a buzzing innovation scene.

The connections between the startup hustle, the tech giants, and the fire colleges make this city a prime spot to chase your tech dreams.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some noteworthy innovative programs at SCAD Atlanta for tech enthusiasts?

Some innovative programs at SCAD Atlanta include Interactive Design and Game Development, Virtual Reality, and Architecture with a focus on experiential learning and industry connections.

How does Oglethorpe University prepare students for tech roles in Atlanta's economy?

Oglethorpe University provides hands-on experience, expertise in Big Data tools, practical approaches to cybersecurity, and modern labs for technical skills development. The university also offers internships and networking events.

What makes Clark Atlanta University a standout choice for tech enthusiasts?

Clark Atlanta University offers robust degree programs in Computer Science and Cyber-Physical Systems, emphasizes interdisciplinary studies, provides mentorship programs, and facilitates industry connections and internships.

How does Morehouse College equip tech program graduates for impactful careers?

Morehouse College nurtures intellectual competency in STEM disciplines, fosters leadership skills, prepares students for impactful careers in various fields, and supports industry diversity through tech programs and initiatives.

What sets Georgia State University apart in tech-related education?

Georgia State University offers tech-related programs focusing on Data Science, Cybersecurity, and computational theories. The university partners with tech giants, provides real-world data analysis projects, and ensures a high student success rate in tech roles.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible