Top 10 Strategies for Networking Your Way into Birmingham's Tech Scene

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

A group of tech professionals networking at a Birmingham event

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Birmingham's tech scene is booming. Unlock opportunities through networking strategies like attending Innovation Depot events, joining TechBirmingham, participating in Birmingham Startup Week, enrolling in Covalence Coding Bootcamp, leveraging, Birmingham Tech Nights, LinkedIn, volunteering at tech events, and networking at Birmingham Business Journal events.

Birmingham's tech scene is getting lit! It's been named one of the 31 'Tech Hubs' across the nation by the White House, which means it's the place to be for anyone trying to level up their tech game.

Check it out, this recognition is a big deal, and it's all thanks to the diverse tech industries that are thriving in the city.

But the real key is networking if you want to score those tech gigs.

The folks at TechBirmingham have the information – if you're active in networking events, your chances of landing a tech job skyrocket.

It's all about who you know!

So, the move is: hit up those key events at Innovation Depot, get involved in Birmingham's buzzing tech community, and check out Nucamp's articles on networking.

With these tips, you'll be unstoppable in Birmingham's expanding tech ecosystem.

Table of Contents

  • Attend Innovation Depot Events
  • Join TechBirmingham Membership
  • Participate in Birmingham Startup Week
  • Engage in Covalence Coding Bootcamp
  • Utilize to Find Local Tech Groups
  • Explore Birmingham Tech Nights
  • Leverage LinkedIn for Birmingham Tech Connections
  • Volunteer at Tech Events and Conferences
  • Network at The Birmingham Business Journal Events
  • Conclusion: Making Your Mark on Birmingham's Tech Scene
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Join the vibrant community at Magic City Hacks to connect with like-minded tech enthusiasts in Birmingham.

Attend Innovation Depot Events


You know what's poppin' in Birmingham's tech scene? Innovation Depot, that's what! This place is like the OG of entrepreneurial hustle and tech innovation.

With over 126 companies under their wing and a crazy 77% survival rate after 6 years in the accelerator, Innovation Depot is the real deal when it comes to helping tech companies make it big.

From healthcare to software dev, this incubator has got all kinds of businesses covered.

If you're trying to get a foothold in Birmingham's tech community, Innovation Depot is the spot to be. They've got events galore, from chill meetups like Depot After Hours to more structured gigs like the Tech On Tap series.

These events are the perfect way to network and get a taste of the city's entrepreneurial vibe.

Networking at Innovation Depot isn't just about showing up.

You gotta have a strategy:

  1. Do Your Research: Before hitting up an event, check out the companies and speakers that'll be there. Knowing your stuff will help you have meaningful convos.
  2. Set Some Goals: Figure out what you're trying to achieve, like learning about new tech or finding a mentor. Having a clear objective will focus your networking game.
  3. Follow Up: The real magic happens after the event. Shoot a personalized message on LinkedIn or via email to turn those brief encounters into lasting connections.

Innovation Depot isn't just hosting events, though.

This place is a major driver of economic growth and innovation in Birmingham. They've created tons of jobs and kickstarted some serious technological breakthroughs, cementing Birmingham's rep as a rising tech hub.

Companies under Innovation Depot's wing have made a massive $3 billion+ impact, showing just how vital this place is to Birmingham's tech renaissance. With events like "TechTuesday" meetups and the annual "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference," there's always something going down for networking and making connections.

Innovation Depot isn't just a venue, it's the spot to be if you're trying to make waves in Birmingham's tech ecosystem.

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Join TechBirmingham Membership


Joining TechBirmingham is like a cheat code to the tech scene in Bham. You'll get access to a dope events calendar with tech talks, workshops, and major conferences like the Alabama IT Summit and the Birmingham Tech Expo.

These events are where you'll learn the latest trends and techs, and more importantly, network your ass off. One member said, "Being a part of TechBirmingham opens doors to a community that's all about tech and innovation," and they're not kidding.

Here's how you can use those connections to land a sick job:

  • Get involved in everything they offer. Volunteer to speak or run workshops to get your name out there.
  • Use the exclusive online member directory to reach out to potential mentors or employers.
  • Hit up the job fairs TechBirmingham organizes specifically to connect members with companies hiring.

Data shows that members who really put themselves out there and network have a way better chance of landing job offers within the community.

A 2023 report said 70% of tech job openings in Birmingham were filled through networking. TechBirmingham also has a mentorship program where experienced pros can guide newbies, giving them a better shot at success.

Membership levels cover individuals, startups, corporations, and nonprofits, so it's a diverse and vibrant community. By joining TechBirmingham, you'll get access to killer professional development resources and become part of a community that's all about helping each other grow in the tech industry.

Participate in Birmingham Startup Week


Birmingham Startup Week is the hottest tech party in town, where all the cool kids from the local tech scene come to chill, learn some dope stuff, and make connections.

With over 50 workshops and panels spread across five days, this week-long event is packed with rad sessions covering everything from tech innovations to entrepreneurial skills that'll level up your game.

Workshops like "The Art of the Pitch" and "Navigating Tech Trends" are straight fire, giving you practical skills and the latest industry tea.

Birmingham Tech Week, the UK's largest regional tech fest, takes things to the next level, drawing over 7,500 peeps and featuring expert speakers from big-name tech companies dropping knowledge bombs on all the hottest topics.

And if you're an aspiring entrepreneur looking to get a taste of that startup life, Startup Weekend by Techstars has got your back.

This three-day pre-accelerator program lets you kick it with like-minded hustlers and learn from experienced mentors in hundreds of cities worldwide, including our very own Birmingham.

Birmingham Startup Week, along with events like Techstars Startup Weekend and Birmingham Tech Week, are a game-changer for the local tech scene.

A recent survey showed that 85% of attendees made legit professional connections, and 60% even scored career upgrades as a result. Mind = blown!

To make the most of these networking opportunities, here are some pro tips:

  • Plan Ahead: Check out the schedule and pick the sessions that vibe with your interests or career goals.
  • Engage Actively: Get involved in discussions and workshops, ask questions, and share your insights to stand out from the crowd.
  • Use Social Media: Connect with speakers and attendees on LinkedIn, and use the event hashtag to join the conversations.

As previous attendees have said, "It's not just about who you meet, but how you engage with them that opens doors." Birmingham Startup Week isn't just a networking hub; it's a catalyst for building meaningful professional relationships and career opportunities within the Birmingham tech community.

By following these strategies and getting involved in the diverse range of events and workshops like those offered during Birmingham Tech Week and Startup Weekend, you can level up your professional network and stake your claim in the booming Birmingham tech scene.

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Engage in Covalence Coding Bootcamp


Let me break it down for you about this dope coding bootcamp in the 'Ham called Covalence. They're legit and all about hooking you up with the skills to slay in the tech game, but it's not just about the knowledge, ya dig?

Covalence is all about networking.

They know the real key to cracking into the tech scene is connecting with the right peeps – mentors, industry vets, and fellow coding enthusiasts. It's like a big, techie family, and they're hooking you up with the plug to get you in the mix.

Studies show that like 85% of jobs get filled through networking.

That's nuts, right? But Covalence has got your back. They're setting you up with mentors who've been in the trenches, so you can learn from the OGs and get that real-world wisdom.

Plus, they've got dope communities and networking events at places like Innovation Depot, so you can mix and mingle with the movers and shakers in the biz.

A ton of Covalence grads have scored internships and straight-up jobs through the connections they made during the bootcamp.

It's like a fast track to getting your foot in the door and flexing those fresh coding muscles. And you know what they say, "Your network is your net worth," so Covalence is hooking you up with the real wealth, ya feel me?

If you're tryna level up in the tech game, Covalence is the move.

They'll give you the skills, the mentors, and the connections to make some serious waves in Birmingham's tech scene. Just remember to bring your A-game and network like a boss!

Utilize to Find Local Tech Groups


Birmingham's tech scene is lit right now, and meetups on sites like are the way to get plugged in. We're talking over 20 active tech meetups, covering everything from coding to data crunching.

These shindigs can have anywhere from 10 to over 100 people showing up. Events like Birmingham Tech Meetups and Tech Wednesday are where the techies gather to geek out and level up.

And for the ladies, there's Women In Tech Birmingham to help represent in the tech world. But to really make the most of these meetups, you gotta have a strategy:

  • Pick Your Meetups Wisely: Zero in on the groups that match your career goals or interests. If you're all about AI and data science, the "Birmingham AI & Data Science" or "Birmingham Coders" meetups are where it's at.
  • Get Involved: Don't just sit there like a bump on a log. Participate in discussions, workshops, and coding sessions. Show off your skills and enthusiasm to potential employers and fellow techies.
  • Follow Up: After the meetup, connect with the new people you met on LinkedIn. Mention something memorable from your convo to keep the connection strong.

Here's a crazy stat: 85% of tech job opportunities come from networking, according to a TechBirmingham survey.

That's huge! Every meetup is a chance to expand your professional network and get those job opportunities rolling in. If you're new to the meetup scene, here are some tips to help you network like a boss:

  1. Prep a short and sweet intro that highlights your skills and interests.
  2. Have some business cards or a digital QR code ready to go to share your deets easily.
  3. Be a good listener and ask thoughtful questions to show you're genuinely interested in others' work.

"The most successful networkers are those who offer help before they ask for it,"

says a seasoned tech networking pro.

In the tech world, collaboration and support are key to innovation and career growth. By using these strategies at Birmingham's tech meetups, courtesy of, you'll not only open doors to new opportunities but also solidify your place in the local tech community.

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Explore Birmingham Tech Nights


Birmingham Tech Nights are legit! These monthly meetups are like a big party for all you tech geeks and newbies, going down at different venues across the city.

It's a melting pot where you can kick it with the OGs and the rookies in the tech game, fostering that sweet, sweet innovation and collaboration.

The best part? These events bridge the gap between the tech veterans and the fresh faces, creating a dope, supportive network.

You can catch some killer talks by industry bosses or hit up hands-on workshops to level up your skills. And when you're part of Birmingham Tech Week, you're not just at another event – you're diving into the biggest regional tech fest that's got all the big shots and top talent in the tech world.

This epic gathering amplifies the impact of Birmingham Tech Nights and hooks you up with specialized sessions on everything from HealthTech to Future Mobility, giving you a sweet 360 view of the innovations shaping our world.

So, how do these Tech Nights cultivate such a lit tech community? It's all about:

  • Keynote speeches that drop knowledge on the latest tech advancements and industry trends,
  • Interactive workshops that teach you practical skills and let you learn from your peers, and
  • Casual networking sessions where you can make meaningful connections and set up future collabs.

If you want to maximize your networking game at these events, here are some pro tips:

  1. Set clear networking goals before you show up,
  2. Prepare an engaging elevator pitch that briefly highlights your skills and ambitions, and
  3. Follow up with your new contacts on LinkedIn or email within 24 hours to solidify those relationships.

One attendee was quoted saying,

"Birmingham Tech Nights have provided me with invaluable connections that significantly accelerated my tech career."

That's a solid testimonial! These events aren't just building a tech community; they're actively boosting people's careers.

Getting involved in Birmingham Tech Nights is an essential move if you're trying to deepen your roots in the local tech scene and snag opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Leverage LinkedIn for Birmingham Tech Connections


LinkedIn is a beast when it comes to networking in the Brum tech scene. It's like having a backstage pass to all the dope influencers and pros that can take your career to the next level.

But first, you gotta pimp out your profile. Stats show that profiles with a pro headshot get like 21 times more views and 9 times more connection requests, so you better slay that first impression.

And don't forget to sprinkle some tech keywords in your headline and summary – that way, you'll show up in searches and get noticed by the big dogs in the Birmingham tech game.

Oh, and if you wanna go next level, check out influencer marketing tools like GRIN – they'll hook you up with the right influencer connections in the tech world.

Or you could search for authors on LinkedIn who are dropping hot takes on the Brum tech scene. Here's the game plan:

  1. Optimize That Profile: Make sure your work experience and skills are on point, with a focus on all the tech-related wins and certs you've racked up.
  2. Engage with the Content: Share, comment, and like posts about the Birmingham tech scene like it's going out of style. It'll boost your visibility and show you're down with the cause.
  3. Connect Strategically: When you're hitting up influencers or peers, personalize that connection request. Mention something specific that caught your eye, like a discussion or interest you share. Do a manual search or use those fancy tools to make it more targeted.

Follow these tips, and your LinkedIn game will be on fire.

It's not just about looking good online – engaging with influencers could lead to some serious knowledge drops or even a mentor situation, which is clutch for breaking into the Birmingham tech scene.

Remember, "your network is your net worth" – those connections are the real currency, especially in a competitive field like tech in Brum. And don't sleep on Sloss Tech events and other local meetups – they'll level up your networking game in the city.

Volunteer at Tech Events and Conferences


Volunteering at tech events and conferences in Birmingham is more than just a good deed – it's a smart move that can seriously boost your career game. According to a recent study on the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games volunteers, people who volunteer not only make a difference in the community but also set themselves up for some killer opportunities.

By getting involved, you'll be rubbing shoulders with industry bigwigs and key players, giving you a direct line to some unbeatable networking chances.

Think events like Birmingham Tech Week or the annual Startup Week.

As a volunteer, you'll be mixing it up with everyone from fresh-faced newbies to the CEOs of major tech firms. It's a melting pot of professionals that offers a unique learning and connecting experience you won't find anywhere else.

To make the most of these opportunities, follow these tips:

  1. Be proactive: Don't wait for introductions, approach speakers and attendees with genuine curiosity about their work.
  2. Share your skills: Offering to help solve a problem or provide inputs on a project can showcase your capabilities and make you memorable.
  3. Follow up: After the event, reach out via LinkedIn or email to thank the individuals you connected with, mentioning specific details from your conversation to refresh their memory.

According to the TechBirmingham membership roster, volunteers often get hooked up with job referrals and opportunities.

Plus, volunteering helps you level up your soft skills like teamwork, communication, and project management – essentials for any tech role. As one seasoned tech community leader put it in a recent analysis, "Volunteering is the single most underrated networking tool in anyone's arsenal." By getting involved in the tech ecosystem, you're not just building a network; you're building a reputation as a committed and resourceful pro, which elevates your standing in the Birmingham tech scene.

Network at The Birmingham Business Journal Events


The Birmingham Business Journal (BBJ) ain't just some stuffy news outlet – it's the place to be for anyone trying to break into the sick tech scene around here.

They host some events that are practically made for us techies to connect and get our names out there. In 2024, they're gonna have a whole lineup of tech-focused events like panel discussions, networking mixers, and workshops to help us link up with other pros at all levels.

The big one is the 2024 Tech Week, where the industry's heavy hitters and innovators will be talking about the latest advancements and opportunities in tech and sports.

Hitting up these events is a golden chance to meet the bigwigs, potential employers, and other tech geeks just like us.

But you gotta do it right. Here's the deal:

  • Check out the upcoming BBJ tech events like the 2024 Economic Forecast and pick the ones that align with your professional interests and goals.
  • Brush up on the latest tech trends and who's who in Birmingham's tech scene so you can have some solid convos.
  • Prep your elevator pitch to highlight your skills, experiences, and what you're looking for in the tech field.

After the events, it's all about that follow-up game.

Studies show that sending timely, personalized follow-up messages can seriously increase your chances of turning those casual connections into valuable professional relationships.

And don't sleep on events like the Best of the Bar 2024, where honorees like India Vincent show how leadership and tech skills can take you to the top.

  1. Send a personalized LinkedIn request or email within 24-48 hours, mentioning something memorable from your convo.
  2. Share something valuable in your follow-up, like an article related to your discussion, to keep the connection strong.
  3. Suggest grabbing coffee for a more in-depth discussion on your shared interests or potential collabs.

"Networking ain't just about connecting people. It's about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities," says Michele Jennae, and she's spitting facts. By taking advantage of the Birmingham Business Journal's events, we can seriously level up our visibility and connections in the tech community, opening doors to all kinds of opportunities.

Conclusion: Making Your Mark on Birmingham's Tech Scene


Breaking into the Brum tech scene ain't just about coding skills, you gotta master the art of networking too. With the tech industry booming like crazy here, employment in the sector has grown by a whopping 400% in the last decade.

So, networking isn't just a strategy, it's crucial for leveling up your career in this fast-paced world. According to the pros at LinkedIn, folks who attend networking events have a 56% higher chance of landing sweet gigs that aren't even advertised publicly.

Dope events like Innovation Week and conferences such as SLOSS.Tech showcase Brum's thriving tech scene, giving you a chance to connect with the community in a real way.

To make the most of it, here's the game plan:

  • Innovation Depot Events: Get involved in workshops and meetups to tap into the heart of Brum's tech innovation.
  • TechBirmingham Membership: Join the club for exclusive networking events to make meaningful professional connections.
  • Covalence Coding Bootcamp: Use educational platforms as a springboard for building solid relationships with industry insiders.

Don't sleep on local tech meetups and tech nights either.

They're the perfect way to nurture those community connections. Research shows that "consistently showing up and getting involved" at these shindigs is key to establishing your presence in the tech scene.

And let's not forget about your online game – 85% of tech professionals in Brum credit their LinkedIn interactions for a major part of their networking success.

The path to the Brum tech scene is all about leveraging these strategies and tapping into the supportive ecosystem. With a proactive mindset and the insights from Nucamp's articles on Sloss Tech and innovating in Birmingham, you can turn networking from a chore into a straight-up pathway to the heart of Brum's tech revolution.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some key strategies for networking in Birmingham's tech scene?

Some key strategies for networking in Birmingham's tech scene include attending events at Innovation Depot, joining TechBirmingham membership, participating in Birmingham Startup Week, engaging with Covalence Coding Bootcamp, utilizing for local tech groups, networking at Birmingham Tech Nights, leveraging LinkedIn for tech connections, volunteering at tech events and conferences, and networking at The Birmingham Business Journal events.

Why is networking important for advancing in Birmingham's tech industry?

Networking is crucial for advancing in Birmingham's tech industry as it opens doors to job opportunities, mentorship, and professional growth. Active participation in networking events significantly increases the chances of securing tech positions and accessing the hidden job market within the tech industry.

How can joining TechBirmingham membership benefit tech professionals in Birmingham?

Joining TechBirmingham membership offers access to tech talks, workshops, conferences, job fairs, and a community passionate about technology and innovation. Active participation in TechBirmingham events significantly raises job offer chances, with 70% of tech job vacancies in Birmingham filled through networking.

What networking opportunities are available through Covalence Coding Bootcamp?

Covalence Coding Bootcamp provides networking opportunities through mentorship programs, internship placements, and connections made with industry professionals during the bootcamp experience. Networking within the Covalence ecosystem often leads to job opportunities and career advancement within Birmingham's tech scene.

How does LinkedIn play a role in networking within Birmingham's tech community?

LinkedIn is crucial for networking within Birmingham's tech community as it provides access to influencers, professionals, and job opportunities. Optimizing your LinkedIn profile, engaging with tech-related content, connecting with influencers, and participating in tech gatherings can enhance your networking efforts and open doors to meaningful professional relationships.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible