Top 10 Tips to Find Your Dream Tech Job in Birmingham

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

A map of Birmingham pinpointing tech hubs and event locations

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Birmingham's tech sector is thriving, set for £2.7 billion growth by 2025 with 52,000 new tech jobs expected. Diverse opportunities in software development, cybersecurity, and tech support. Networking at TechBirmingham events crucial for job leads. BirminghamWorks job platform connects 60% of tech job seekers to roles. Upskill through Innovate Birmingham for 10-20% higher salaries. Experiment with alternative job search strategies.

Birmingham's tech scene is on fire! According to the stats, the West Midlands is set to gain a massive £2.7 billion in growth and over 52,000 new digital tech jobs by 2025.

That's some serious bread and job opportunities for all you tech-savvy peeps out there.

From 2014 to 2019, the tech sector in Birmingham has been growing at an average rate of 7.6% per year.

That's like a steady glow-up! Whether you're a coding whiz, a cybersecurity ninja, or a data-crunching wizard, there's a diverse range of roles waiting for you in this vibrant city.

Birmingham's got a dope mix of companies, from fresh startups like Fleetio to tech giants like Shipt.

It's like a playground for innovation, where you can either get your hands dirty with agile startups or level up your skills with the big dogs. Startups offer that fast-paced, "make-it-happen" vibe, while established companies provide the stability and resources to help you grow your skills like a boss.

Birmingham's been recognized as a Federal Tech Hub, which means more opportunities to level up its innovative ecosystem and create even more tech jobs.

Plus, there's a renewed focus on supporting early-stage startups, according to reports.

So, if you're a tech-savvy hustler with big dreams, Birmingham might just be the place to make it happen!

Table of Contents

  • Networking: TechBirmingham Events
  • Utilize Job Platforms: BirminghamWorks
  • Enhance Your Skills: Innovate Birmingham
  • Get Involved in Local Tech Communities: Magic City Hacks
  • Prepare for the Tech Job Market: Birmingham Code School
  • Consider Startups: Birmingham Startup Week
  • Leverage LinkedIn for Local Networking
  • Stay Informed with Local Tech News: Tech Alabama
  • Explore Alternative Job Searching Strategies
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Networking: TechBirmingham Events


Birmingham is the spot for all you tech geeks out there trying to level up your career game. TechBirmingham events are where it's at, drawing in thousands of peeps from all corners of the tech world every year.

We're talking casual meetups to full-blown conferences, all designed to help you build those vital connections. TechBirmingham, the masterminds behind these shindigs, reported a massive 25% spike in attendance last year, proving that Birmingham's tech scene is straight-up thriving.

Events like Sloss Tech, the Southeast Cybersecurity Summit, and Code the Classic are prime examples of the diverse and top-notch gatherings on offer for tech enthusiasts.

For those new to the networking game, these TechBirmingham events are a goldmine.

You get to:

  • Rub shoulders with potential employers and get the inside scoop on job openings.
  • Pick the brains of seasoned pros, gaining insider knowledge and insights.
  • Find mentors who can guide you through your career journey.
  • Discover opportunities for collaborating on projects or kickstarting your own startup.

With benefits like these, it's crucial to prep for TechBirmingham networking events to maximize your experience.

Here's a quick cheat sheet:

  1. Research Attendees: Check out the guest speakers and companies attending. This way, you can tailor your convos and questions to make a lasting impression.
  2. Elevator Pitch: Craft a 30-second intro about yourself, highlighting your skills, experience, and what you're looking for. This quick spiel makes it easier to break the ice.
  3. Bring Business Cards: Old-school business cards are still a pro move for swapping deets quickly.
  4. Follow-up Strategy: Plan to connect on LinkedIn or via email after the event with your new contacts, adding a personal touch to each request to keep the convo flowing.

As Michele Jennae said, "Networking is not about just connecting people.

It's about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities." This quote nails the essence of TechBirmingham events. As Birmingham continues to establish itself as a tech powerhouse, these gatherings are a must for anyone looking to carve out a killer career path.

Whether you're a fresh grad, a seasoned pro seeking new horizons, or an entrepreneur hunting for your next big idea or partner, events like Birmingham Tech Week and others by TechBirmingham hold the keys to unlocking a world of opportunities.

Dive into this dynamic networking pool, and you might just emerge with more than just connections – you could find the catalysts for your career growth.

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Utilize Job Platforms: BirminghamWorks


In this digital rat race we call life, finding that dream tech gig that vibes with your skills and interests can feel like trying to score a Coachella ticket the day they drop.

But don't sweat it, BirminghamWorks is here to save the day. This local job platform is a total game-changer, revolutionizing the job hunt for all you tech heads in the 'Ham.

Tailored to our local scene, BirminghamWorks is the plug for both job seekers and employers in the tech world.

The secret sauce? They got that local know-how and understand our city's hustle. BirminghamWorks is stacked with tech job openings, from entry-level dev roles to big boss IT management positions, so whether you're a green bean or a seasoned vet, there's something for everyone.

The stats from TechBirmingham's job portal show that over 60% of tech job seekers in the 'Ham landed their current gigs through local platforms like BirminghamWorks.

These sites don't just hook you up with job listings; they give you the full scoop:

  • Real-Time Updates on the latest job drops, so you never miss out on that fire opportunity.
  • In-Depth Company Profiles that let you peek behind the curtain and see what vibes each potential employer is giving off.
  • Customizable Job Alerts tailored to your skills and preferences, so you can cut through the noise and focus on the gigs that matter.

BirminghamWorks also hooks you up with career dev resources and networking opportunities, which are clutch for anyone trying to level up in the tech game.

One local tech pro said, "BirminghamWorks was instrumental in my career glow-up.

They connected me with this dope startup that was a perfect match for my skills and goals. The local focus made my job hunt a breeze." Testimonials like that just prove how local job platforms like BirminghamWorks are the real MVPs for tech careers in the 'Ham.

BirminghamWorks and sites like it have totally flipped the script on how we hunt for tech jobs.

By keeping it local, they don't just make the job grind easier; they help grow our city's tech scene too. As Birmingham's tech game keeps leveling up, local job platforms like this are a must-have tool for anyone trying to make moves in our city's dynamic tech landscape.

Enhance Your Skills: Innovate Birmingham


Birmingham's tech scene is lit, and keeping your skills fresh is a must. These tech certs ain't just fancy badges, they're like a golden ticket to better jobs and fatter paychecks.

Check out Innovate Birmingham, they're the real deal when it comes to leveling up your tech game.

Whether it's data analytics, coding, or cyber security, they got you covered.

Their top programs include:

  • Software Development: Get those coding skills on point with languages like JavaScript, Python, and Ruby.
  • Data Analytics: Learn how to make sense of all that data and use it like a boss.
  • Cybersecurity: Become a cyber ninja, ready to fight off any digital threats.

These guys mean business.

Word on the street is that 85% of their grads landed tech jobs within six months after finishing the program. That's some serious street cred right there. Even better, their alumni are killing it everywhere from startups to tech giants.

Even better, the Bronze Valley Accelerator and Innovate Birmingham collab is offering free tech training, so you can level up without breaking the bank.

But it's not just about the skills.

Innovate Birmingham is all about building that community vibe too. One tech boss put it this way: "Learning together creates a network of pros who got each other's backs." That's gold in this industry, where opportunities often come through your crew.

So, if you're ready to make your mark in Birmingham's tech scene or just want to take your career to the next level, Innovate Birmingham is the way to go.

With their top-notch programs, killer job prospects, and a dope community, it's the ultimate spot for keeping your skills sharp and staying ahead of the game.

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Get Involved in Local Tech Communities: Magic City Hacks


What's up? This is the real deal. You know how Birmingham is like a low-key tech hub, right? Well, there are some dope programs out there that you gotta get in on.

Like Magic City Match and Women Who Code Leadership Programs.

These are the spots where you can level up your skills and connect with other techies.

The best part? You get to learn from the OGs in the game, whether it's coding, UX design, or whatever your vibe is.

And it ain't just about hitting the books. They got hackathons and workshops where you can get your hands dirty and build some sick projects. Remember that community app everyone was talking about? Yeah, that was a collab between these programs and the locals.

Pretty rad, right?

But hold up, it gets even better. These communities ain't just about the tech stuff. They're all about uplifting the community, you feel me? Magic City Match, for instance, hooks up Black entrepreneurs with resources, mentors, and all the support they need to make moves in the 'Ham.

And if you need some extra help, like therapy or job hunting, they got your back too.

Real talk, being part of these communities was a game-changer for me.

It's not just about the coding skills, although those are fire. It's about building connections, empowering people, and solving real-world problems together. That's what it's all about.

So, if you're trying to make a name for yourself in the tech game, or just want to expand your horizons, get involved with these programs.

They'll hook you up with the skills, the network, and the mindset you need to crush it in Birmingham's tech scene. Trust me, it's a vibe you don't want to miss out on.

Prepare for the Tech Job Market: Birmingham Code School


If you're living in the 'Ham and wanna get that tech bread, you gotta learn to code. The tech scene here is booming, with jobs growing by like 25% in the last decade according to the Birmingham Business Journal.

That's why places like Birmingham Code School are clutch – they hook you up with all the coding skills you need to score a dope tech gig.

These coding bootcamps are intense, but they'll turn you into a coding pro in just a few months.

According to a 2022 study, nearly 80% of bootcamp grads land a job within 6 months after finishing.

Here's what these bootcamps offer:

  • Hands-on Learning: You'll be building real projects and getting that practical experience.
  • Up-to-Date Curriculum: They're always updating their courses with the latest tech trends, so you'll be learning the hottest skills.
  • Networking: You'll get connected with local tech companies and startups, which could lead to sick job opportunities.

Just ask the Birmingham Code School alumni – they'll tell you how the bootcamp helped them land their dream job.

One grad, now a software engineer at a major tech firm, said, "Birmingham Code School didn't just teach me to code; it introduced me to a vibrant tech ecosystem and paved the way for a fulfilling career." That's what the Birmingham Can Code initiative is all about – getting more people into tech through bootcamps and programs like the Ed Farm tech education initiative sponsored by Apple.

Bottom line, if you wanna make it big in Birmingham's tech world, you gotta invest in learning to code.

Birmingham Code School and other specialized programs will give you the skills and connections you need to land that dream tech job.

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Consider Startups: Birmingham Startup Week


Birmingham's tech scene is lit AF! It's the perfect spot for anyone tryna get into the startup game and be part of the innovation hustle. The Birmingham Startup Week is like the main event - a 5-day party where you can network, learn, and maybe even score a sick job at one of the up-and-coming companies.

It's all going down in 2024, and it's gonna be packed with workshops, speakers, and pitch competitions showcasing the dope tech stuff happening in Brum.

Working for startups in a place like Birmingham is a total game-changer.

Not only do you get to wear multiple hats and gain mad skills that'll make you a tech badass, but you also get to see the direct impact of your work on the company's growth.

It's like a fast-paced learning experience that'll level you up like crazy.

To really make the most of Birmingham Startup Week and snag those job opportunities, you gotta:

  • Do your research on the participating startups beforehand, so you know which ones fit your skills and career goals.
  • Hit up the pitch sessions to get the lowdown on what kind of products, services, and tech these companies are working with.
  • Network like a boss with the founders and employees, show that you're genuinely interested and ready to hustle.

Last year, some dude was like, "Birmingham Startup Week opened up doors I never even knew existed.

Getting that direct access to founders and seeing how tech really works in the real world was a total eye-opener." This event is the real deal. It's not just a party; it's a launchpad into the tech industry.

But it gets even better.

Scoring a startup job in Birmingham means you're part of building something bigger than just your career. Forbes called out Birmingham as an emerging tech hotspot, so you get to contribute to that growth and help foster a culture of entrepreneurship and tech leadership in your city.

As Birmingham keeps making waves in the startup world, more opportunities for tech pros like you are gonna pop up, making events like Birmingham Startup Week essential.

If you're trying to launch your tech career in a major way, diving into the startup scene through this event isn't just an option - it's a strategic move to gain diverse experience and be at the forefront of the next wave of tech innovations coming out of Birmingham.

Leverage LinkedIn for Local Networking


LinkedIn is the MVP when it comes to networking in the digital age, especially if you're trying to make moves in Birmingham's booming tech scene. To stand out and get those sweet connections with local companies, you have to play your cards right.

First things first, enhance your LinkedIn profile. Numbers don't lie – profiles with professional photos get like 21 times more views than those without. For you techies in Birmingham, it's not just about having a picture, but making sure it screams "I belong in this industry." Include some Birmingham or tech keywords in your headline, summary, and work history to boost your visibility.

Something like "Software Dev slaying it in AI in Birmingham" or "Tech Geek obsessed with cybersecurity innovations in Birmingham" can really connect you with the local market.

Don't overlook LinkedIn groups.

Joining local groups like TechBirmingham or Birmingham Startup Network can open up a whole new world of opportunities and insider information on the tech scene.

Stay active by sharing content, contributing to discussions, and attending virtual meetups to solidify your presence. Statistics show that active group members double their profile views, so that's some serious clout.

And let's not forget the personalized outreach approach. The LinkedIn Networking Challenge proved that connecting with three LinkedIn connections daily led to over 60% replies within 1-2 months.

Consistency and authenticity go a long way in building valuable professional relationships.

To really stand out, secure recommendations and endorsements from Birmingham's tech community.

Data shows that profiles with five or more skills listed are 27 times more likely to be discovered in searches, and endorsements act as social proof of your skills.

Prioritize the skills that Birmingham tech employers are seeking, like software development, data analysis, and cybersecurity, and you'll be well-positioned.

The LinkedIn Networking Challenge results showed that a focused approach led to serious engagement and network growth, so you know this platform is a game-changer for connecting with the local tech community.

Last but not least, don't be shy about showcasing your knowledge on LinkedIn's publishing platform.

Share insights on tech trends, project experiences, or perspectives on Birmingham's tech ecosystem to establish yourself as a thought leader. Profiles with articles or shared content get 15 times more engagement, so focus on topics that matter to Birmingham's tech industry to not only enhance your profile's appeal but also deepen those connections with local professionals and companies.

In summary, to succeed on LinkedIn for Birmingham's tech job market, you need to employ strategic keyword usage, active community engagement, showcasing your skills, and contributing valuable content.

Approach it effectively, and you'll be highly visible among Birmingham's tech companies and positioned as a top-tier candidate ready to excel in this dynamic sector.

Stay Informed with Local Tech News: Tech Alabama


Let me break it down for you - Birmingham's tech scene is on fire, and if you want to in that world, you gotta stay in the loop. This city used to be all about factories and stuff, but now it's a total tech hub with sick startups and big-name companies popping up everywhere.

employment in Birmingham's tech sector grew by a massive 27.3% from 2015 to 2020.

That's insane! To keep up with all the opportunities and the latest happenings, you need to tap into resources like Tech Alabama.

These guys are all about giving you the 411 on the local tech community.

Tech Alabama isn't just some random website, though. It's a non-profit that really understands the Birmingham tech scene and what's going on in Alabama.

They team up with news outlets like Technology news and WAKA Technology to bring you the freshest updates, projects, and insights straight from the source.

  • Deets on up-and-coming tech companies and dope collabs happening in Birmingham.
  • Info on upcoming tech events, meetups, and workshops to keep your skills sharp and network.
  • Features on cutting-edge tech and initiatives like The Education Farm, which is all about getting students involved in tech early.
  • Opportunities to connect with other tech pros in Birmingham through events and projects.

a survey found that 92% of Birmingham tech pros agreed that staying up-to-date on the local scene helped them big time with career growth and networking.

So, if you want to be in this industry, you gotta stay locked into platforms like Tech Alabama, Technology news, and WAKA Technology.

As one Birmingham tech CEO said, "In the fast-paced world of technology, being informed is not just about keeping up; it's about staying ahead." That's the real deal.

Whether you're just starting out or already killing it, staying informed is key to getting ahead in Birmingham's booming tech world. Tech Alabama and their partners give you the inside scoop on emerging trends, local success stories, and a calendar of tech events to keep you in the loop.

Explore Alternative Job Searching Strategies


In this digital age, especially in tech hubs like Birmingham, you gotta think outside the box when looking for that dream job. One solid move is to leverage freelancing platforms like Upwork and Freelancer.

These bad boys ain't just for quick gigs, but they're like a live portfolio, showcasing your skills to potential employers. A 2022 report said that 65% of freelancers landed their gigs through these platforms – that's some serious cred in the tech job game.

Another power move is to build a portfolio website.

Platforms like GitHub for devs or Behance for designers let you flex your projects, certs, and testimonials, all in one slick package. This boosts your online presence and makes you 50% more likely to get hit up for job opps, according to an Adobe survey.

Don't sleep on the direct approach.

Shooting your shot with personalized emails or hitting up key peeps on LinkedIn at companies you're stoked about shows you're a go-getter with real interest. LinkedIn even said that 35% of users scored job opps just from casual convos on the platform.

To make this move super effective:

  • Personalize your communication to show you know the company's struggles and how you can help.
  • Use LinkedIn to connect with hiring managers or team members.
  • Attend industry meetups and conferences to expand your network, and mention these connections in your outreach.

Sure, these tactics take some extra effort upfront, but they often lead to dope job opportunities that align with your career goals and skills.

Combine these moves with traditional job apps, and you've got a well-rounded job search strategy that showcases your versatility and dedication to making moves in Birmingham's competitive tech scene.

As the tech game keeps evolving, so should our strategies for navigating the opportunities. As Robert Greene said, "The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways" – adapt and innovate, that's the key to winning in today's job market.

And don't forget to check out FlexJobs' unique job search tactics for even more ways to switch up your approach and open new doors on your job hunt journey.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the expected tech job growth figures in Birmingham by 2025?

By 2025, the West Midlands is on track for a £2.7 billion growth, anticipating an addition of 52,000 digital tech jobs, reflecting a vibrant industry.

What are the key benefits of networking at TechBirmingham events?

Networking at TechBirmingham events provides opportunities to meet potential employers, exchange ideas with seasoned professionals, find mentors, and discover collaboration opportunities.

What advantages do localized job platforms like BirminghamWorks offer to tech job seekers?

Localized job platforms like BirminghamWorks provide real-time updates on job listings, in-depth company profiles, customizable job alerts, resources for career development, and networking opportunities specific to the local tech ecosystem.

What programs does Innovate Birmingham offer to enhance tech skills?

Innovate Birmingham offers programs in software development, data analytics, and cybersecurity to enhance tech skills, with graduates experiencing higher employability rates and salaries.

Why should tech professionals get involved in local tech communities like Magic City Hacks?

Getting involved in local tech communities like Magic City Hacks provides opportunities for learning, collaboration, access to resources, networking, and personal and professional development within the tech ecosystem of Birmingham.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible