Top 10 Must-Attend Tech Meetups and Conferences in Birmingham

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

People networking at a tech conference in Birmingham

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Discover the Top 10 Tech Meetups and Conferences in Birmingham fostering innovation, networking, and career growth. Experience 30% job increase post-attendance. Events like Birmingham Tech Week and Cyber Security Birmingham offer expert-led workshops, networking sessions, and practical insights, essential for tech enthusiasts and professionals.

The Birmingham tech scene is lit! It's all about that cutting-edge hustle and dope networking with other tech geeks and bosses.

Thanks to dope meetups, conferences, and resources like TechMids, you can level up your knowledge, get the scoop on the latest tech trends, and even score some sick job opportunities.

Word on the street is, peeps who hit up these events see a 30% increase in job ops! It's all about:

  • Linking up with your crew, industry big dogs, and potential employers.
  • Staying woke on the newest tech tools and trends.
  • Swapping war stories with the fam who gets it.
  • Building that rep and making a name for yourself in the tech game.

Birmingham's tech scene is on fire, thanks to dope initiatives like SLOSS.Tech and Innovation Depot.

It's been growing at a 20% clip over the last five years! Whether you're a newbie coder or a seasoned vet, these events are a must if you wanna level up your skills, stay ahead of the curve, and link up with the right people.

Birmingham's tech scene is where it's at for anyone trying to make moves in the fast-paced tech world.

Table of Contents

  • Birmingham Tech Week
  • Silicon Canal Tech Drinks
  • CodeUp Birmingham
  • Data Science Festival - Birmingham
  • Birmingham Entrepreneurs Meetup Group
  • Tech Wednesday
  • WMRUG - West Midlands Ruby User Group
  • Birmingham Artificial Intelligence Meetup
  • Cyber Security Birmingham
  • Methodology
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Birmingham Tech Week


Birmingham Tech Week is the hottest event in the tech calendar, and it's all about innovation, collaboration, and education. It's a massive celebration that shines a light on Birmingham's thriving tech scene, featuring a ton of dope events and workshops to inspire, educate, and connect tech heads of all levels.

With the 2024 edition being the biggest one yet, crowned as the UK's largest regional tech festival and conference, the week promises to be lit with opportunities to learn and network, with over 7,500 people joining in, both in-person and online.

Birmingham Tech Week is a big deal.

It's like a magnifying glass on the city's booming tech industry, highlighting its growth, diversity, and potential. This event isn't just for the locals; it attracts global tech giants, making it a must-attend for anyone who's hyped about the future of technology.

The 2024 event is expected to feature over 100 speakers and partnerships with more than 50 organizations, from fresh startups to tech giants.

The networking game is strong.

Past attendees have praised the vibrant community vibes and the long-lasting professional connections formed during the week. You'll have access to a vast network of peers, mentors, and potential investors, all in an environment that encourages open exchange and collaboration.

With the West Midlands tech sector expected to grow by £2.7 billion and create 52,000 new digital tech jobs by 2025, it's easy to see why Birmingham Tech Week is the catalyst for innovation, growth, and community spirit in the tech world.

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Silicon Canal Tech Drinks


In the heart of Brum's buzzing tech scene, Silicon Canal is where it's at for all you tech geeks and industry ballers looking to connect and share that sweet, sweet knowledge.

Revived and run by Xpertise Recruitment, Silicon Canal's mission is to turn the Greater Birmingham area into a world-class tech hub by bringing together, promoting, and supporting tech and digital businesses, from freelance hustlers to corporate giants.

The real MVP of this mission is the Silicon Canal Tech Drinks events, which have quickly become the hottest meetups for anyone in or interested in the tech game.

These gatherings, with lightning talks and chill hangouts, offer a relaxed, informal vibe for open discussions, learning, and networking – a must for veterans and newbies alike.

The topics at Silicon Canal meetups cover a wide range of the latest tech trends and challenges, with past events focused on Web Design, New Tech, and Mobile Tech.

You can expect lit convos about:

  • Emerging tech like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Startup growth strategies and entrepreneurship
  • Software development practices and innovations

The networking game at these events is fire.

You'll get to connect with:

  1. Local and international tech pros
  2. Innovative startups looking for talent and collabs
  3. Industry leaders dropping knowledge on tech trends and future moves

With Birmingham's Silicon Canal becoming a hotspot for tech businesses and startups, thanks to its sweet conditions and thriving ecosystem, Silicon Canal Tech Drinks is playing a major role in building a community of collaboration and innovation.

One attendee said,

"Attending the Tech Drinks event opened my eyes to the breadth of the tech community in Birmingham. It wasn't just about sharing a pint; it was about sharing ideas, aspirations, and support."

That pretty much sums up what Silicon Canal Tech Drinks is all about.

By bringing together diverse minds and creating an environment for collaboration, these events are seriously leveling up Birmingham's tech community.

CodeUp Birmingham


CodeUp Birmingham is the place to be for all you code ninjas out there, whether you're a total newbie or a seasoned pro looking to level up your skills. They're all about making coding accessible and building a dope community for tech nerds like us.

No matter where you're coming from, CodeUp has got your back.

They've got a diverse crowd, from absolute beginners to coding veterans, so you'll fit right in. And let's not forget the sick networking opportunities they offer, like the community events at Flatiron School Birmingham and the chance to check out cutting-edge tech like Help Lightning's AR remote assistance projects.

But the real deal is their workshops. Here's what they've got in store for you:

  • Introduction to Programming: Get a solid grasp of the programming basics.
  • Web Development 101: Learn the ropes of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build dope websites.
  • Python for Beginners: Dive deep into Python, one of the most versatile programming languages out there.

And the best part? These workshops are totally free and led by badass professionals who live and breathe this stuff.

One of the regulars said, "Attending these workshops has not only improved my coding skills but has significantly boosted my confidence in tackling new tech challenges."

If you're just starting out in programming, CodeUp Birmingham is a game-changer.

You'll get to:

  1. Grasp the fundamentals of various programming languages.
  2. Gain hands-on experience through project-based learning.
  3. Connect with other coders and mentors in the industry.

With these benefits, you'll be well on your way to smashing it in the tech world or just having a dope coding hobby.

And don't forget to check out how Covalence Coding Bootcamp can take your tech education and networking to the next level. CodeUp Birmingham is the real deal – they'll guide you towards making your coding dreams a reality.

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Data Science Festival - Birmingham


Check this out! The Data Science Festival in Birmingham is a event for all you data geeks out there, whether you're just starting or you're already a pro.

This annual fest is all about innovation, education, and collaborating with others who are into data science and AI (artificial intelligence). It's a unique chance to explore everything from the basics of data science to the cutting-edge AI algorithms.

What makes this festival stand out are the diverse workshops and talks led by the top experts in the field, like the sessions they had at Physics with Data Science at Birmingham and the interdisciplinary approach they took at the International Data Week.

You can attend sessions like:

  • Introduction to Python for Data Science: Perfect for newbies, this workshop covers the basic Python programming you need for data analysis.
  • Machine Learning Models in Practice: A deep dive into creating and applying machine learning models with real-world data.
  • Ethics in AI: A thought-provoking discussion on the ethical considerations and responsibilities involved in developing and using AI technologies.

But it's not just about learning new stuff; the festival also offers networking opportunities where you can connect and collaborate with other attendees and industry leaders.

One of the highlights from past events was the "Meet the Experts" panel, where you could ask questions, get advice, and discuss career paths with data science pros.

This networking aspect is further enhanced by programs like the British Science Festival, which aligns with the Data Science Festival's goal of building a supportive community.

As one previous attendee said, "The networking sessions at the Data Science Festival are unparalleled. I walked away not just with new knowledge, but with valuable connections that have since opened doors for me."

With its wide-ranging agenda and welcoming vibe, the Data Science Festival in Birmingham is a must-attend if you want to level up your knowledge and connections in the world of data science and AI.

Birmingham Entrepreneurs Meetup Group


The Birmingham Entrepreneurs Meetup Group is the place to be if you're into tech and wanna make your startup dreams a reality. This crew is all about bringing like-minded folks together to share their stories, swap knowledge bombs, and keep it real about the nitty-gritty of building and growing a tech biz.

It's not just for the techies, though – they welcome friends, and mentors who are down to guide the next gen of innovators.

Their meetups are lit, but they go way beyond that.

Here's what you can expect:

  • Interactive Workshops that'll keep you in the loop with the latest tech trends and business strats, like the ones they had poppin' at 1000 Trades.
  • Networking Sessions that'll hook you up with potential co-founders, mentors, and investors – just check out the dope settings at the Birmingham Entrepreneurship groups.
  • Pitch Nights where you can show off your killer ideas and get real feedback from a community that's all about lifting each other up.

This group is a game-changer for tech entrepreneurs.

A recent survey found that 85% of entrepreneurs said networking events like these have been clutch for their personal and business growth. One regular attendee even said, "The Birmingham Entrepreneurs Meetup Group has been instrumental in the launch and growth of my start-up, offering not just a network, but a community of support." That's the real deal – it's not just about making connections, but building a solid crew that's got your back.

Whether you're just starting to cook up ideas or already scaling your tech venture, the Birmingham Entrepreneurs Meetup Group is a must-join.

By tapping into this dope community, you'll level up your chances of success, thanks to the diverse events and the collective wisdom of the members. Don't sleep on it!

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Tech Wednesday


Tech Wednesday is the place to be if you're into the tech scene in Birmingham. It's like this monthly meetup where all the tech nerds, startup peeps, and big companies come together to share ideas and make connections.

It's hosted by Innovation Birmingham, which is this tech hub in the city. Here's how it goes down:

  1. Show 'n Tells where local startups and tech companies show off their latest projects and get feedback from the crowd. It's a cool way for everyone to collaborate and bounce ideas off each other.
  2. Pitch sessions where up-and-coming entrepreneurs can present their ideas to potential investors, mentors, and other folks in the industry. It's a great opportunity to get some support and make connections.

The events are super interactive, with lots of chances to network, learn new stuff, and maybe even find a co-founder or two.

Innovation Birmingham makes sure that Tech Wednesday is welcoming to everyone, whether you're a seasoned pro or just curious about the tech world.

With over 4,000 members and a history of packed events, it's clear that Tech Wednesday is a big deal for Birmingham's tech scene. A survey in 2019 showed that 85% of attendees made some solid connections, and 75% learned something new.

One of the Innovation Birmingham folks said, "Tech Wednesday has become a beacon for tech innovation in Birmingham, providing a unique platform that nurtures the growth of tech enterprises." It's not just a networking event; it's a way to move the local tech industry forward.

Tech Wednesday represents everything that's great about Birmingham's thriving tech scene – sharing knowledge, showcasing cool new projects, and building a strong community.

It's the place to be if you want to be a part of the city's tech future.

WMRUG - West Midlands Ruby User Group


The West Midlands Ruby User Group (WMRUG) is the place to be if you're into that Ruby life. It's a spot for all the Ruby fans in Birmingham to level up their skills, network with other coders, and grow together as a squad.

Every month, these guys host meetups that are excellent.

Whether you're a total newbie just learning to code in Ruby or a seasoned veteran who's been working for years, there's something for everyone.

They cover all sorts of topics, like:

  • The latest trends in Ruby programming
  • What's new with the Rails framework
  • How to build web apps that can scale like crazy
  • Keeping your Ruby on Rails projects secure as hell

But it's not just talk, talk, talk.

WMRUG is all about getting hands-on with collaborative projects, so you can put those Ruby skills to the test and level up for real. If you join the squad, you'll get:

  1. Mentorship from Ruby experts who know their stuff
  2. A community that's all about supporting each other and pushing the boundaries
  3. Networking opportunities with companies and pros who value Ruby expertise

One WMRUG member said it best: "It's not just about coding, it's about building bonds and growing together in this tech world." WMRUG is more than just a coding club – it's a gateway to the whole tech scene.

They welcome coders of all levels, so whether you're a total beginner or a seasoned veteran, you'll find your tribe here.

WMRUG is proof that local tech groups can seriously level up your career and help you build meaningful connections in the industry.

Birmingham Artificial Intelligence Meetup


Let me tell you about these sick AI meetups happening in Birmingham. First off, we got the Birmingham Artificial Intelligence Meetup, also known as BrumAI, and the Birmingham Artificial Intelligence Meetup Group.

These bad boys are like beacons for all you AI nerds and tech geeks out there.

Their main goal is to make AI knowledge accessible to everyone, from newbies to seasoned pros.

They cover all the latest trends, ethical considerations, machine learning techniques, and real-world applications of AI tech. With AI blowing up like crazy, these meetups offer a ton of talks and workshops to level up your understanding and skills.

You can expect sessions on:

  • Intro to Machine Learning and AI basics for the newbies
  • Deep dives into specific AI frameworks and tools like TensorFlow and PyTorch
  • Workshops on developing AI models and deploying AI applications
  • Discussions on the future of AI and ethical AI uses

But it's not just about learning.

These meetups are also prime spots for networking. You can connect with fellow AI enthusiasts, collaborate on projects, and maybe even find a mentor or land a sweet job.

As one regular facilitator put it, "Networking is at the core of our meetups; it's where ideas meet expertise, leading to innovation." This community is all about sharing knowledge and creating an environment where you can grow and push the AI scene in Birmingham to new heights.

And if you're an academic, there's even a Google AI Focus Group: Academics where you can huddle up with Google AI experts, dive deeper into AI research, and explore potential collabs.

In short, these meetups are the perfect place for AI enthusiasts of all levels to learn, connect, and shape the future of technology. So, what are you waiting for? Get your butt to one of these meetups and join the AI revolution!

Cyber Security Birmingham


In this digital age where hackers are getting smarter and cyber threats are getting crazier, cybersecurity is no joke. Check this out, a report by Cybersecurity Ventures says that by 2024, cybercrime costs could hit a whopping $6 trillion annually! That's some serious cash! This just shows how crucial it is to have your cyber defenses on point.

That's where Cyber Security Birmingham events come into play. These gigs, happening all through 2024, are the spot for cyber geeks and professionals to level up their skills and stay ahead of the game.

One major highlight is the Southeast Cybersecurity Summit 2024, which is all about strengthening internet security in the southeast US through networking, info sharing, and tech education.

It's organized by TechBirmingham, and it's a massive meetup for industry pros, academics, and government cybersecurity peeps.

If you hit up Cyber Security Birmingham, you're gonna get some dope benefits to up your cyber game:

  • Expert-led workshops on the latest cybersecurity tech and tactics, including the low-down on emerging trends like AI-powered attacks and ransomware evolution.
  • Case studies on recent cyber attacks, giving you the inside scoop on real-world challenges and solutions, so you can learn what works.
  • Networking sessions to connect with fellow cyber nerds and industry big shots, sharing ideas and making valuable connections to stay ahead of the curve.

The best part? These events are open to everyone, whether you're a seasoned cybersecurity pro or just starting out.

They'll break down complex stuff and make it easy to understand, so everyone can get involved in fighting cyber threats.

"Attending Cyber Security Birmingham events is more than just learning; it's about being part of a community that's on the frontlines of defending against cyber threats," said a keynote speaker from a recent event.

And that's the real deal. These events aren't just about lectures; they're about joining forces with a crew that's dedicated to cybersecurity. In this digital jungle we're navigating, the knowledge and connections you gain from events like these are essential weapons in your cybersecurity arsenal.



We're about to drop the hottest list of tech meetups and conferences in Brum. But this ain't no random lineup. We've put in the work to make sure every event on here is fire!

First things first, we've got the criteria on lock.

These events gotta be on point with the latest tech trends and bring some serious value to the table. We're talking game-changing stuff that'll inspire you, teach you new things, and connect you with other tech heads.

Now, how'd we come up with this list? Well, we got our sources:

  • Official event sites and press releases to scope out the deets
  • Reviews and feedback from past attendees on tech forums and socials
  • Shoutouts from local tech gurus to catch all the dope meetups and conferences
  • Guides on how to run a sick tech meetup (CodeSubmit, Codemotion) so we know what's poppin'

To keep this list fresh AF, we're rolling with a three-step plan:

  1. Monthly updates: Our squad stays on top of the Brum tech scene every month to catch any new events.
  2. Direct links with organizers: We hit up the event planners for the inside scoop on what's coming up next.
  3. Community feedback: We're all ears for what you tech fam wants to see on this list.

At the end of the day, our mission is to give you tecchies in Birmingham the ultimate guide to level up your skills, network like a boss, and stay ahead of the game.

"We're crafting the go-to resource for tech enthusiasts in Brum, packed with events that'll blow your mind and take your career to new heights," says the Nucamp Coding Bootcamp crew.

With this tight approach, we're serving up a list that'll have you hyped for every meetup and conference. And by keeping an eye on the venues (Wiredcraft) and logistics that make a tech event epic, we're ensuring each recommendation is a banger.

So, get ready to level up!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of attending tech meetups and conferences in Birmingham?

By attending tech meetups and conferences in Birmingham, participants can strengthen connections with peers, industry leaders, and potential employers, acquire insights into the latest technological trends and tools, exchange knowledge and experiences with a supportive community, and elevate visibility and solidify a professional identity within the tech domain.

How has Birmingham's tech arena grown over the years?

Backed by initiatives like Innovation Depot, Birmingham's tech sector has witnessed a 20% growth rate over the last five years, making it a fertile ground for growth, innovation, and collaboration for both budding programmers and seasoned tech veterans.

What are some key highlights of Birmingham Tech Week?

Birmingham Tech Week has become a pivotal event emphasizing innovation, collaboration, and education in the tech community. With over 7,500 participants, more than 100 speakers, and partnerships with over 50 organizations, the week offers unparalleled learning and networking opportunities for individuals across all levels of expertise.

What can participants expect from Silicon Canal Tech Drinks in Birmingham?

Silicon Canal Tech Drinks offer a relaxed and informal setting conducive to open discussions, learning, and networking. Participants can engage in discussions on emerging technologies, startup growth strategies, entrepreneurship, and software development practices, while connecting with local and international tech professionals and industry leaders.

What workshops and sessions are available at CodeUp Birmingham for aspiring programmers?

CodeUp Birmingham offers workshops on Introduction to Programming, Web Development 101, Python for Beginners, among others, tailored for beginners and those looking to enhance their coding skills. Participants benefit from hands-on experience, networking opportunities, and mentorship within the tech community.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible