Top 10 Essential Tech Skills Manchester Employers Seek

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Chart showcasing top 10 tech skills in Manchester

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Manchester's tech scene is booming with over 10,000 businesses, seeking skills in software/web development, cloud computing, data analysis, UI/UX design, mobile app development, project management, & digital marketing. Job demand underscores Java, Python, JavaScript in programming. Advantages for beginners include online resources, community involvement, and skill-building projects.

Have you heard about Manchester's tech scene lately? It's blowing up! Manchester is officially the UK's top digital tech city, with a massive £5 billion digital ecosystem and over 10,000 tech businesses.

The city is seriously committed to creating an environment for both established tech giants and cool startups.

Recent studies show that there's a huge demand for talent in areas like cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI), and data science.

Companies are looking for skills in software dev, web dev, cloud computing, data analysis, UI/UX design, mobile app dev, project management, and digital marketing.

If you're into AI and machine learning, you're golden because those are highly sought-after skills in Manchester.

By analyzing job listings and talking to hiring managers and industry experts, we got the inside scoop on what skills are in demand.

If you're an aspiring tech pro looking to be part of this rapidly growing tech hub, Manchester is definitely the place to be!

Table of Contents

  • Software Development
  • Web Development
  • Cybersecurity
  • Cloud Computing
  • Data Analysis
  • Machine Learning and AI
  • UI/UX Design
  • Mobile App Development
  • Project Management
  • Digital Marketing
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Stay ahead in your tech career by keeping up with the latest tech trends and how they influence Manchester's job market.

Software Development


Let me break it down for you about this software dev scene in Manchester. It's like the backbone of most businesses these days, keeping things running smooth and giving them that competitive edge.

If you're checking job listings for 2024 in Manchester, you'll see a mad demand for coding skills. The real MVPs are Java, Python, and JavaScript.

Java's that OG language that can run on any platform, so it's still a big deal in big companies. Python's like the cool kid on the block - simple, easy to read, and perfect for startups or tech giants to build stuff fast.

And JavaScript? That's what makes the web all interactive and dynamic, so it's a must-have.

If you're just starting out in this software dev game, Manchester's the place to be.

Here's what you gotta do:

  1. Check out those free online tutorials and resources to get a feel for the basics. Explore and start getting your feet wet.
  2. Join the local coding meetups and workshops to really immerse yourself in the scene. Hands-on learning and connecting with the community is key.
  3. Keep practicing by working on small projects or contributing to open-source software. Consistency and giving back to the community will level up your skills.

This way, you'll not only build that foundational knowledge but also make connections in the community, which is crucial for a budding dev.

One of the local tech leaders summed it up nicely:

"The path to becoming a proficient software developer is paved with curiosity, constant learning, and community engagement."

Manchester's tech scene is thriving, and with big dogs like Amazon and Hewlett-Packard setting up shop, there's no better time to get your dev skills on point.

As businesses keep evolving and going digital, the demand for devs who know Java, Python, and JavaScript is only going to skyrocket. By starting with the basics and building up your skillset, you can be a part of Manchester's booming tech landscape.

Companies from all kinds of industries are flocking to Manchester for its growing tech industry and skilled workforce, making it a prime spot for tech and dev talent.

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Web Development


In this digital era, having mad web dev skills is like having a superpower for businesses. A dope online presence ain't just a flex anymore, it's essential for companies to slay the game.

Front-end dev, with languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, is key for creating slick, responsive websites that look fresh AF. But that's just one side of the coin.

Back-end dev is where the real magic happens, making sure websites run smooth, stay secure, and handle all that user transaction goodness through server-side languages and frameworks like Node.js.

Here in Manchester, employers are thirsting for web devs who can spit that fire on both fronts.

If you're a beginner tryna break into the game, mastering both front-end and back-end will give you a serious edge when it's job-hunting season. And let's not forget, understanding the importance of web design is crucial too.

That's what shapes how customers perceive your brand and creates that sweet, sweet identity. It's all about bringing that full package, ya dig?

Alright, let's get you started on this journey.

Here's a list of dope resources to level up your skills:

  1. HTML/CSS: Interactive learning is the way to go. Platforms like Codecademy and freeCodeCamp are perfect for beginners to get their hands dirty.
  2. JavaScript: Dive deep into real-world applications with exercises on and Eloquent JavaScript.
  3. React: The official React docs are your go-to for mastering this beast of a library.
  4. Node.js: Kickstart your back-end game with resources like and the Node.js official website.

Manchester's tech scene is blowing up faster than a supernova, and the demand for web dev skills is off the charts.

As one hiring manager put it, "A solid foundation in web dev languages and frameworks is essential for anyone looking to make waves in Manchester's tech scene." By leveling up these skills, beginners can seriously boost their chances of landing that dream gig and contributing to the city's booming digital economy.

And let's not forget, Herzing University is preaching the gospel about how web devs are essential for today's economy, creating websites that drive online sales and make life hella convenient for consumers.



In this digital era, cybersecurity is a big deal for Manchester's businesses, with nearly half of them getting hacked or attacked last year alone.

Cybersecurity is all about keeping company data safe from unauthorized access, so their operations run smoothly, and customers can trust them. This field covers a bunch of cool areas, like:

  • Ethical hacking - where pros legally break into systems to find weaknesses
  • Security analysis - analyzing systems for potential threats
  • Network security - protecting internal networks from external threats

Cybersecurity also includes threat intelligence (hunting threats using open-source intelligence), secure software development, digital forensics (investigating cyber attacks), and cryptography (encrypting sensitive data).

This diversity shows how cybersecurity is a multifaceted field with various career paths.

If you're a newbie looking to get into cybersecurity, it might seem overwhelming at first, but it's more accessible than you think.

Start by understanding the basics through online courses, certifications like CompTIA Security+ or CISSP, relevant books and publications, and hacking labs for hands-on practice in a safe environment.

With businesses in Manchester going digital, the demand for skilled cybersecurity pros is skyrocketing, with job listings increasing by a whopping 33% in the past year.

This high demand highlights the necessity of cybersecurity in today's business world and the massive opportunity it presents for those looking to make a career out of protecting digital assets from ever-evolving threats.

According to Sprinto's insights, strong cybersecurity practices can significantly boost productivity by minimizing downtime caused by cyber incidents and creating a secure environment for businesses and technology to thrive together.

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Cloud Computing


Check this out! Cloud computing is blowing up in Manchester, just like everywhere else. Companies here are going all-in on cloud platforms to boost their game, like streamlining operations, storing data, and scaling up or down as needed.

So, if you're skilled in the big dogs like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, you're in high demand. The UK's cloud computing market is projected to hit £59 billion by 2024, and Manchester is a major player in this digital revolution.

For those just starting out, cloud computing essentially lets you store and process data over the internet instead of on your local machine or server.

The real magic lies in its flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Mintel's research shows that the pandemic really kicked companies into high gear when it comes to digitization, and cloud computing was a game-changer.

If you're looking to break into this lucrative field, here are some resources to check out:

  1. AWS Training and Certification: They've got courses for every level, from the basics to advanced stuff, covering all things Amazon's cloud platform.
  2. Microsoft Learn for Azure: Tailored modules and learning paths for different roles and skill levels in Azure.
  3. Google Cloud Training: A range of courses for beginners to experts, focusing on Google's cloud infrastructure and services.

As one Manchester-based tech recruiter put it, "In today's tech scene, knowing your way around cloud services isn't just a plus—it's a must-have." The job market here is flooded with cloud computing gigs, and with the dominance of major cloud providers, it's a thriving ecosystem for cloud pros.

Whether you specialize in AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud, the key is getting a solid grasp of the cloud computing fundamentals, backed up with hands-on projects and professional certifications.

Data Analysis


In this data-driven world, especially in Manchester's booming tech scene, data analysis is where it's at. Data and decision-making are like two peas in a pod.

Companies are using data to tackle global challenges, and data analysts are the MVPs who turn raw data into game-changing insights.

These data wizards rely on some serious tools to do their magic.

SQL for handling databases, Python for data manipulation and analysis (it's like a Swiss Army knife), and Tableau for visualizing data in a way that makes it easy to understand.

Comparing BI and analytics tools shows that Tableau is the real deal when it comes to making complex data look slick, which is crucial for making smart decisions.

  • SQL - 85% of businesses use it for data management
  • Python - 90% of companies prefer it for its analytical powers
  • Tableau - 75% of companies use it for data visualization

If you're a newbie looking to break into the data analysis game, understanding these tools and how they're used in real-world business scenarios is key.

Starting a career in this field requires a mix of book smarts and hands-on skills. Experts say, "Start with SQL to learn data manipulation, then level up to Python for more advanced analysis, and finally, master Tableau to present your insights in a way that pops." This path not only aligns with what top employers in Manchester are looking for but also reflects the global trend in data analytics.

The Data Analytics and Social Statistics course highlights the importance of practical learning by giving professionals real-world data analysis skills.

Becoming a data analysis pro involves a structured approach to mastering these tools, combined with real-world practice and continuous learning. Online courses, bootcamps, and workshops are great resources for beginners, and Manchester has plenty of those to help you get your foot in the door.

So, if you're ready to level up your career, the path to becoming a data analysis boss is right in front of you.

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Machine Learning and AI


Have you heard about AI and Machine Learning? That stuff is blowing up! It's like the new tech revolution. These smart algorithms can predict diseases before they even hit, giving docs a chance to nip it in the bud.

In finance, they're using AI to manage risks and predict market trends like it's nothing. And for shopping, it's a whole new world with personalized experiences and optimized inventory management.

It's all about those core AI/ML concepts like neural networks, natural language processing, and predictive analytics. They make systems that can learn and improve on their own, without needing someone to code every single thing.

If you're looking to get into this game, you gotta master the tools and programming languages:

  • Python is the OG, super versatile and perfect for AI/ML projects.
  • For data analysis and visualization, R is where it's at in the ML world.
  • Frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch make building deep learning models a breeze.

Knowing how ML is impacting different industries is also clutch, so check out some resources on Machine Learning's Impact.

If you're just starting out, here are some tips to help you level up:

  1. Understand the Fundamentals: Get a solid grasp of the core principles of AI and ML by taking online courses and checking out resources.
  2. Practice Coding: Level up your programming skills, especially in Python and R, since they're essential for building AI models.
  3. Engage with the Community: Join forums and work on projects to gain practical experience and get feedback.
  4. Stay Curious: Keep exploring new tech and methodologies in AI and ML to keep your knowledge fresh.

Long story short, AI and ML are taking over industries left and right.

If you want to be a part of that wave, focus on the fundamentals, master the tools, and keep learning. With the right skills, you can contribute to the innovations that are changing the game.

UI/UX Design


In the fast-paced tech world of Manc, nailing the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design is crucial for any digital product to slay.

According to some research by Forrester, a slick UI can boost website conversions by up to 200%, while killer UX design can see those conversion rates skyrocket up to 400%! That's huge! UI/UX design is all about creating solutions that not only look fresh but are hella functional too.

The key principles are:

  • Consistency: Keeping that design theme tight across all pages and platforms.
  • Simplicity: Making user interaction and navigation a breeze.
  • Accessibility: Ensuring content is accessible to people of all abilities, including those with disabilities.

With stakes that high, designers rely on tools like Sketch and Adobe XD, praised for their dope features that cover both UI and UX design tasks.

If you're a newbie looking to get into UI/UX, there are plenty of resources to help you level up. Platforms like Coursera and Udacity offer courses created with top companies, blending the fundamentals with hands-on insights into UI/UX best practices.

Design communities like Dribbble and Behance are great for sharing ideas and getting feedback, which is invaluable for up-and-coming designers.

The prospects for UI/UX designers in Manchester are lit, with Glassdoor reporting an average salary of £37,500 – not too shabby for combining creativity and tech skills.

Companies looking to dominate the digital market need to bring their A-game with UI/UX design, so the demand for skilled designers who can create engaging, user-friendly digital experiences is only gonna rise, as highlighted in this article.

Mobile App Development


In this digital age we're living in, being a boss at mobile app development is the key to reaching a massive audience and bridging the gap between businesses and users.

The numbers speak for themselves - mobile app downloads are expected to hit a whopping 258 billion by 2021, a 45% increase since 2017. That's a ton of potential users! And let's not forget, we're spending over 3 hours a day glued to our phones.

That's a lot of time where apps can make bank, with an expected revenue of $156 billion through customer app spend.

When it comes to mobile app development, there are two main players: iOS and Android.

iOS is the go-to choice in markets like the U.S. and UK, while Android dominates globally, especially in developing countries. So, choosing the right platform is crucial.

For newbies, understanding the differences is key. iOS app development is all about Swift, a powerful and user-friendly language designed by Apple.

It's simple and efficient, making it a great starting point. On the other hand, Android app development is heavily focused on Kotlin, a language known for its safety features and compatibility with Java.

iOS's market share was at 31.6% in May 2023, with over 1.65 billion active Apple devices worldwide, so there's a growing demand for Apple devices.

To get started in mobile app development, here's what you should do:

  1. Choose your focus: Decide between iOS and Android based on your target audience and preferred development environment.
  2. Learn the basics: Check out online courses or tutorials dedicated to Swift or Kotlin, depending on your chosen platform.
  3. Build a simple app: Put your knowledge to the test by developing a basic application, and gradually increase complexity as you improve.

As the demand for mobile apps keeps skyrocketing, mastering mobile app development opens up a world of opportunities.

Whether you're aiming to develop the next viral app or make your mark in the tech industry, it all starts with one step: choosing the right platform and dedicating yourself to continuous learning and improvement.

It's no wonder, as shown by the Mobile Engagement Loop.

Project Management


Let me break it down for you about this project management game in the tech world, especially in the bustling Manchester scene.

Tech companies are thirsting for skilled project managers like crazy.

These project managers are the real MVPs, making sure innovative ideas don't just stay as concepts but actually come to life. It's not just about meeting deadlines; it's about ensuring projects align with business goals, stay within the budget, and can roll with the punches when things change.

According to National University, project management is crucial for ensuring project quality, boosting productivity, and keeping the team vibe strong.

This just highlights how important project management is in tech. Two methodologies, Agile and Scrum, have been game-changers in the project management world for tech companies.

Scrum is all about flexibility and making progress in sprints, using structured approaches to get tasks done more efficiently.

Meanwhile, Tulane School of Professional Advancement emphasizes how leadership skills in IT project management are crucial, especially when it comes to creative problem-solving and maximizing efficiency.

If you're a newbie looking to get into project management, popular tools like Jira and Trello can be your best buds. Jira is a beast for tracking bugs and project issues, particularly in Agile and Scrum environments.

Trello, on the other hand, offers a more visual, board-based system, perfect for organizing tasks and collaborating with the squad.

To level up your project management skills, beginners should:

  1. Get a grip on the fundamentals of project management through online courses on platforms like Coursera or edX.
  2. Get some real-world experience by volunteering in project teams, even in small roles, to understand how teams work together and how projects flow.
  3. Learn and experiment with project management tools like Jira and Trello, many of which offer free versions or beginner-friendly tutorials.

"The secret to successful project management in tech isn't just about following a methodology but about adapting it to the project's needs," as industry experts would say.

This adaptability, combined with a solid foundation in Agile, Scrum, and tool proficiency, will set you up for a promising career path in the Manchester tech scene's project management domain.

Digital Marketing


Are you feeling this digital grind? It's like the online world is on fire, and if you ain't marketing your biz there, you're straight-up missing out. With billions of people scrolling the 'net, it's prime time to get your hustle on and reach those potential customers.

To slay this digital game, you gotta master the holy trinity: SEO, content marketing, and social media game. SEO is all about optimizing your content so it ranks higher on search engines.

It's like a cheat code for getting your stuff seen. Content marketing is about creating dope content that keeps your audience hooked and engaged. And social media? That's where you flex your brand's personality and connect with the peeps.

If you're in Manchester and trying to break into this digital marketing scene, here's the 411:

  1. Start with some foundational courses on sites like Coursera or Udemy to get the basics down.
  2. Specialize in areas like SEO, content, or social media through workshops and training sessions.
  3. Get some real-world experience by managing your own blog, social media profiles, or scoring an internship.

As the experts say, "Digital marketing ain't just a trend, it's the future.

Level up your skills and unlock endless opportunities in this game."

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top 10 essential tech skills Manchester employers seek?

Manchester employers seek professionals adept in software development, web development, cloud computing, data analysis, UI/UX design, mobile app development, project management, and digital marketing, alongside specialized fields.

Why is software development important in Manchester's tech scene?

Software development is crucial in Manchester's tech scene for innovation, efficiency, and competitiveness. Key programming languages like Java, Python, and JavaScript are highly sought after.

How can beginners start a career in web development?

Beginners can start a career in web development by mastering HTML/CSS, JavaScript, React, and Node.js through interactive online resources, practical exercises, and official documentation.

What is the demand for cybersecurity skills in Manchester?

The demand for cybersecurity skills in Manchester is skyrocketing, with businesses moving towards digital transformations. Engaging with online courses, certifications, and practical labs can help beginners enter this field.

Why is cloud computing important in Manchester?

Cloud computing is important in Manchester for enhancing operational efficiency, scalability, and data storage. Professionals skilled in AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud are in high demand.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible