Top 10 Strategies to Land Your First Remote Tech Job from Manchester

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

A guide to landing your first remote tech job from Manchester

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Discover the top 10 strategies to land your first remote tech job from Manchester. Learn about leveraging LinkedIn for networking, building a strong online portfolio, acquiring certifications, engaging in open source projects, attending virtual tech meetups, utilizing job boards, mastering remote interview techniques, leveraging personal networks, and showcasing remote work readiness.

The tech job scene in Manchester and worldwide is changing big time, and remote work is the new normal. Check out these 2023 stats: 12.7% of people are fully remote, and 28.2% are doing the hybrid thing.

By 2025, it's predicted that 32.6 million Americans will be working from home. In Manchester, remote tech jobs are trending hard, reflecting how the industry has adapted to the post-COVID world.

Companies are going digital, and they want to tap into talent from anywhere, not just locally. Manchester's tech sector is thriving, and people from fresh grads to seasoned pros are all about those remote gigs in software dev, data science, and cybersecurity.

Who wouldn't want that work-life balance, no commute hassle, and a diverse range of career options? In this competitive market, networking through platforms like MCMA's Tech Programs and leveling up your skills with coding bootcamps is crucial if you want to score those sweet remote tech jobs.

Table of Contents

  • Leveraging LinkedIn for Networking
  • Building a Strong Online Portfolio
  • Acquiring Certifications and Skills
  • Engaging in Open Source Projects
  • Attending Virtual Tech Meetups and Conferences
  • Utilizing Job Boards and Websites
  • Mastering Remote Interview Techniques
  • Leveraging Personal Networks
  • Showcasing Remote Work Readiness
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Leveraging LinkedIn for Networking


If you're hunting for that sweet tech gig, especially in the remote realm over in Manchester, you gotta level up your LinkedIn game. Experts say an optimized LinkedIn profile can make you 40x more likely to score job offers!

First up, make sure your profile pic is on point – we're talking professional vibes here.

That alone can boost your views by 14x! Next, list out those rad skills you've got that match the job you want. Doing that can potentially 13x your profile views!

Craft a headline that shouts out your specialization or dream role, like "Aspiring Data Analyst Slaying Machine Learning & Big Data." And don't sleep on that summary section – share your accomplishments, what makes you valuable, and why you're pumped about tech.

A compelling summary can seriously elevate your profile.

A pro move: join relevant LinkedIn groups and engage with industry leaders. Get active in convos, share dope content – it'll boost your visibility and show you're dialed into your field.

Groups like 'Tech Startups Manchester' or 'Remote Tech Workers UK' are solid choices. Interact with the big dogs you admire too!

Optimize that profile even more by regularly updating your skills and endorsements.

And don't forget to utilize LinkedIn's job search feature! Target those remote opportunities and use the right keywords to increase your chances. The 'Open to Work' feature is a game-changer too – it'll make you more visible to potential employers.

Apply for jobs in the morning when recruiters are fresh, and keep that profile updated regularly. LinkedIn isn't just a resume dump anymore – it's where opportunities come knocking.

So get that profile on point, and let the tech world know you're a total beast!

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Building a Strong Online Portfolio


Fellow tech geek! We all know that landing a dope remote gig these days is a battle royale. But one thing that can give you a serious edge is having a killer online portfolio.

I'm talking about a portfolio that doesn't just showcase your mad coding skills, but also gives a glimpse into who you are as a person and a professional. According to LEARN academy, a solid portfolio can make you stand out like a unicorn in a sea of donkeys.

A whopping 83% of hiring managers say it's a crucial factor in their decision-making process.

So, what should your portfolio have? Here's the lowdown:

  • Personal Projects: Highlight 3-5 epic projects that solve real-world problems or show off your open-source contributions. These babies will prove that you're not just a code monkey, but a problem-solving ninja.
  • Professional Bio: Craft a concise bio that tells your tech story, showcases your skills, and gives a glimpse into your future aspirations. As Codecademy says, this section should convey your tech journey – past, present, and future – and set the tone for potential employers.
  • Technical Skills: List out all the programming languages, tools, and technologies you've got under your belt, including your current tech stack and what you're learning. Pro tip: Add some visuals to make this section pop.
  • Testimonials: Get some endorsements from past employers, clients, or mentors. These personal recommendations can seriously boost your portfolio's street cred.

Now, when it comes to choosing the right platform, developers might want to showcase their projects and coding prowess on GitHub, while designers may find Behance or Dribbble more suitable for exhibiting their UI/UX design works, according to EPAM Anywhere.

HR peeps agree that a killer portfolio is just as essential as a solid resume when it comes to landing that dream remote tech gig.

So, put in the work, curate your projects wisely, tell your story, flaunt your skills, and choose the right platform. With a portfolio that slays, you'll be well on your way to crushing it in the remote tech world.

Acquiring Certifications and Skills


In this digital age, getting the right certs and skills is crucial if you want to land those sweet remote tech jobs in Manchester. According to this TealHQ report, certifications like CompTIA A+, Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), and Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals are highly sought after.

These certs not only prove your technical skills but also give you a serious edge in the competitive tech job market. One certification that's particularly lit is the CISSP, which companies like Accenture and Deloitte consider a top credential, highlighting the importance of cybersecurity skills.

To get these essential certs, many aspiring tech pros are turning to online learning platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Skillshare.

Coursera is dope for courses from top universities and organizations, with both free and paid options, plus financial aid for eligible learners. Udemy has a massive library with over 150,000 courses covering all kinds of tech topics, making it a go-to for picking up new skills or brushing up on existing ones.

Skillshare is the spot for creative peeps looking to level up their tech-related skills, with a focus on creative technology and design courses.

Your choice of platform and certifications should depend on what's in demand and your career goals, so you can stay ahead of the game.

This proactive approach not only shows your commitment to continuous learning but also equips you with the tools to slay in remote work. Adapting to the "new norm" of ongoing learning, as emphasized by educational leaders, is key to leveling up in today's fast-paced tech job market.

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Engaging in Open Source Projects


Getting involved in open source projects can be a real game-changer, especially if you're trying to score that first remote tech gig from Manc. Let me break it down for you.

First off, contributing to these projects is a solid way to level up your coding skills.

You get to work on real-world projects and collaborate with experienced devs who've been around the block. According to Open Source Guides, it's the perfect way to improve your skills, make connections, and boost your career game.

But that's not all.

Open source projects also give you a chance to flex your skills in front of potential employers. Here's how you can find projects that match your skillset and interests:

  • Peep GitHub or GitLab for repos that align with your tech stack.
  • Check out Open Source Friday, where they curate beginner-friendly projects.
  • Join open source communities on platforms like Reddit or Discord to get recommendations, and consider the platforms listed on Open Source Guides for a structured start.

By actively contributing to open source projects, you're putting yourself on the map in the tech community.

Get involved in project discussions, commit quality code, and don't be afraid to ask for feedback. This shows potential employers that you've got the technical chops and can work well with a team.

Plus, according to The Benefits of Contributing to Open Source Projects, it helps you learn how to work with different perspectives and boosts your problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Here's the kicker: nearly 70% of hiring managers see open source contributions as a better indicator of a candidate's abilities than traditional education credentials.

That's just how much weight it carries in the hiring process.

So, it's not just about coding – it's about building a solid portfolio of work and making connections in the tech scene.

For all you aspiring remote tech pros in Manchester, open source is the way to go. It'll not only level up your technical game but also make you stand out in the global remote job market by showcasing your skills and commitment to collaborative software development.

Don't sleep on it!

Attending Virtual Tech Meetups and Conferences


In this fast-moving tech world, staying on top of the latest trends and networking like a boss is key to landing that sweet remote tech gig, especially if you're in Manchester.

Sites like and Eventbrite are your ride-or-die homies for this journey.

Manchester is poppin' with tech events like the Manchester Tech Festival, which brings together a diverse crew for some seriously lit tech gatherings.

And let's not forget the Manchester Tech Meetups, where you can get your geek on and explore the latest tech innovations. From coding workshops to AI deep-dives, these meetups showcase the vibrant tech scene in Manchester.

Eventbrite also hosts virtual conferences and webinars, giving you a chance to level up your skills and network like a boss.

The key to virtual networking is setting a clear goal for each event, whether it's learning a new skill or making a bunch of new contacts.

Get involved during the sessions by asking questions and participating in discussions – it'll make you stand out in the crowd.

To stay ahead of the tech trends for 2024, subscribe to newsletters from legit tech news sources or join specific tech trend groups on social media.

You can also:

  • Get involved in forums or discussion boards related to your tech interests.
  • Follow industry leaders on LinkedIn or Twitter, who often drop insider knowledge on future trends.
  • Attend specialized workshops and webinars announced on sites like and Eventbrite.

Jessica Martinez, a senior HR pro in the tech industry, says it best: "In the digital age, your network is your net worth.

Engaging in virtual meetups and conferences not only expands your professional network but also keeps you in the loop on the latest tech and industry best practices." Staying connected and continuously learning is the key to winning in the competitive world of remote tech employment.

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Utilizing Job Boards and Websites


So you're tryna land your first remote tech gig from Manchester? Knowing where to look is key, and there are some dope sites out there like, We Work Remotely, and FlexJobs. is all about curating the best remote jobs, from startups to big shots, covering a wide range of tech roles. We Work Remotely is a beast, with millions of visitors every month, so you know they're legit in the tech community.

Then there's FlexJobs, a paid service that keeps things scam-free and offers some exclusive gigs, so you can chill knowing you're not wasting your time.

These sites cater to everyone, from busy moms to digital nomads, and let's be real, remote work is the wave of the future, with most peeps digging it post-pandemic.

The 25+ Best Sites For Finding Remote Work Online article breaks it all down, showing the different categories and pre-screened jobs across these platforms, so you're bound to find your match.

Now, to really nail your search, you gotta use the right filters:

  • Keywords: Use specific job titles and skills as keywords to filter listings.
  • Location: Even though it's remote, some jobs want you close by or in a certain time zone—filter accordingly.
  • Experience Level: Look for gigs that match your experience, from entry-level to senior positions.

Let's break it down:

Platform Unique Selling Point Visitor Count Subscription Curated listings N/A Free
We Work Remotely High traffic 2.5M monthly Free
FlexJobs Scam-free, premium listings N/A Paid

As the experts say, "Employing the right strategies in filtering job listings can significantly enhance your job search, making it more efficient and targeted." So, by using these platforms and optimization tips, you Manchester tech heads are set to conquer the remote job market and kick off your career in style.

Mastering Remote Interview Techniques


Getting ready for remote interviews is the key to landing those sweet tech gigs in today's world. With a whopping 74% of companies planning to keep things remote even after COVID-19, according to Gartner, nailing those video interviews is a must.

Prepping for video interviews isn't just about rehearsing your answers; it's about creating a professional vibe with a slick backdrop, ensuring your internet connection is on point, and getting familiar with the video conferencing tools you'll be using.

According to, planning your location and lighting can make you look like a total boss on camera.

Similarly, The Muse emphasizes dressing sharp and testing your tech setup beforehand to avoid any hiccups during the interview.

To nail the communication game in a remote setting, paying attention to your body language and making eye contact (with the camera) can seriously boost your engagement level.

A Harvard Business Review study suggests that maintaining eye contact can increase the listener's retention rate by up to 30%. Plus, practicing your responses to the most common remote interview questions can give you a major edge.

According to Indeed's Video Interview Guide, 56% of hiring managers agree that candidates often overlook the importance of a distraction-free environment.

So, make sure you have a quiet, well-lit spot free from interruptions. Consider these questions:

  • Remote Experience: What experience do you have working remotely?
  • Time Management: How do you manage your time and prioritize tasks?
  • Communication: Can you give some examples of how you communicate with teammates in a remote environment?

Incorporating these prep steps into your pre-interview routine will seriously boost your confidence and performance.

"The best way to feel confident in a remote interview is to come prepared. Being well-versed with your resume, the job description, and having concrete examples to demonstrate your fit and achievements can set you apart," says Susan Harris, a renowned career coach.

Embrace these strategies, and you'll not only crush those video interviews but also position yourself as a top contender in the remote job market.

Leveraging Personal Networks


In today's remote tech job game, tapping into your personal network is crucial if you're trying to land that first gig. Around half of all employees out there scored their job through a friend, family, or someone else they know.

Up to 85% of jobs get filled through networking. That's significant. So nurturing and growing your network is key. If you're ready to reach out to your connections for that career boost, here are some effective strategies:

  1. Personalize your message: It's all about tailoring that to the individual, highlighting shared interests or connections. That personal touch shows you're genuinely interested and respect their time and expertise. Mastering effective communication skills and making sure your requests aren't too broad can seriously improve your outreach game.
  2. Bring value to the table: Networking isn't a one-way street. Share insightful articles, introduce connections, or offer your skills to help with a project. This not only builds a mutually beneficial relationship but also strengthens your network by adding value to it.
  3. Stay in the loop: Keep your connections updated on your progress or share interesting tech news. According to VP Legacies, 70-85% of all roles get filled through networking, so staying engaged is crucial.

Expanding your professional network on social media platforms like LinkedIn is also a game-changer.

Strategies for network expansion include joining industry-related groups, attending virtual networking events, and engaging with content through comments and shares.

A LinkedIn study revealed that active users are 40% more likely to score a job through the platform. Mark Cuban, that entrepreneurial legend, summed it up perfectly:

"Networking is the ultimate cheat code. Your network can open doors that your resume cannot,"

highlighting how networks can unlock career opportunities, especially in the tech world.

Showcasing Remote Work Readiness


If you're looking to land that sweet remote tech job, you gotta show 'em you're the real deal. Whether you're based in Manchester or anywhere else, having independent work skills, time management, and effective communication on your resume is key.

According to FlexJobs, employers are all about peeps who can work on their own, stay motivated, and communicate clearly in writing – basically, the essentials for remote work.

To flex those independent and time management muscles on your resume, add some bullet points highlighting projects you've crushed solo or deadlines you've smashed.

Something like:

  • Spearheaded the dev and launch of a dope mobile app, dropping it two weeks early.
  • Implemented a new project management tool, boosting team productivity by 30%.

Showing you can handle time like a boss is clutch, according to Teal's advice.

It'll make your resume pop.

As for communication, you gotta prove you can slay virtual meetings and solve conflicts with remote teams. Authentic Jobs recommends using the STAR method to tell those stories.

Throwing in a quote from a former boss, like "Exemplary at guiding dispersed teams and fostering open communication," would be fire too. It shows you've got the skills for real.

Don't forget to mention any remote work tools you're a pro at, like Slack, Zoom, or Trello.

It shows you're ready to roll with the tech that makes remote collaboration happen. With all these tricks up your sleeve, you'll be signaling to employers that you're built for that remote work life.

Check out Enhancv for more tips on highlighting those remote work skills. It'll help you stand out from the crowd and land that dream remote gig.

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I optimize my LinkedIn profile for remote tech job opportunities?

Optimizing your LinkedIn profile involves using a professional picture, including relevant skills, crafting a specialized headline, engaging with industry groups, and using the job search feature effectively.

What are the key elements to include in an online portfolio for remote tech job applications?

Your online portfolio should include personal projects, a professional biography, technical skills, and testimonials to showcase your capabilities and credibility.

What are some highly valued certifications for remote tech job aspirants in Manchester?

Certifications like CompTIA A+, Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), and Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals are highly valued in the competitive tech industry.

How can engaging in open source projects benefit remote tech job seekers?

Engaging in open source projects enhances coding skills, showcases abilities to potential employers, and helps in building a portfolio of work that demonstrates technical competence and collaboration.

What are some effective strategies for networking in the remote tech job market?

To network effectively, personalize communications, offer value to connections, stay in touch, expand social media presence, and engage in industry-related groups and events to uncover job opportunities.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible