Top 10 Best Coding Bootcamps in London to Jumpstart Your Tech Career

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Top 10 Best Coding Bootcamps in London

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Discover the best coding bootcamps in London to kickstart your tech career. Flatiron School boasts an 86% job placement rate within six months post-graduation. General Assembly offers diverse courses with a remarkable 91.4% job placement rate. Explore Le Wagon's hands-on projects, boasting a high employment rate within six months.

In this fast-paced tech world, coding bootcamps are the real deal for aspiring techies looking to level up their game. These intense, short-term programs are designed to hook you up with the skills you need to land that sweet tech job.

London's a major tech hub, and it's got some serious bootcamps like Le Wagon and General Assembly, known for their fire curriculums and success stories.

With software dev jobs expected to skyrocket by 22% by 2029, coding bootcamps are essential for prepping the workforce. To help you navigate the maze, we've compiled the top 10 coding bootcamps in London based on criteria like curriculum relevance, job placement rates, instructor expertise, student reviews, and support services.

These bootcamps aren't just about teaching you to code – they're contributing to London's thriving tech scene and diversifying the workforce.

Table of Contents

  • Flatiron School
  • General Assembly
  • Le Wagon
  • Ironhack
  • App Academy
  • Makers Academy
  • BrainStation
  • Founders & Coders
  • Code Institute
  • City, University of London Coding Boot Camp
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Maximize your opportunities by attending career fairs and connecting directly with tech industry leaders.

Flatiron School


Flatiron School is the real deal for anyone in London trying to get into the tech game. Whether you're into coding, crunching data, protecting systems, or designing dope products, they've got your back.

What makes Flatiron stand out is that they're not just about teaching you the skills, but also about setting you up for success after graduation. 86% of their grads land jobs in their field within six months.

That's crazy! Their career services team is on point, and the stuff they teach is straight-up relevant to what companies are looking for.

Flatiron offers full-time, part-time, and self-paced courses, so you can pick what works best for your schedule.

Here's what they've got:

  • Software Engineering: Learn how to build and maintain dope software applications.
  • Data Science: Master the art of analyzing and interpreting data like a boss.
  • Cybersecurity Engineering: Become a hacker-fighting superhero and protect systems from cyber threats.
  • Product Design: Create user-friendly and visually stunning product designs that'll blow people's minds.

But it's not just about the technical skills.

Flatiron's courses are packed with real-world projects that'll give you a taste of what it's like to work in the industry. You'll learn how to collaborate, problem-solve, and basically be ready for the tech workplace grind.

And the best part? The community at Flatiron is lit. One student said,

"The power of the Flatiron community is its collective will to support each other. It's not just about code; it's about building connections that last a lifetime."

It's like a big tech fam where everyone has each other's back.

From pair programming sessions to alumni networks, you'll be part of a crew that's going to push you to succeed. Flatiron's immersive bootcamps cover all the bases, and with award-winning programs, they're setting the standard for training the next generation of tech pros.

If you're ready to level up and join the digital revolution, Flatiron School is the place to be.

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General Assembly


Check this out! General Assembly (GA) is this education hub in London that's all about cutting-edge tech skills.

They offer courses like Software Engineering, Data Science, Digital Marketing, and User Experience Design. Whether you're just starting out in tech or trying to level up, GA's got your back with their hands-on, practical approach.

They're all about simulating real-world scenarios so you're ready to hit the ground running when you graduate.

But it's not just about the courses. GA's got this global network of alumni and employers that opens up opportunities.

Plus, they've got scholarships and financial aid options to make sure education is accessible to everyone. Their career support is on another level.

A whopping 91.4% of their full-time students land relevant jobs within six months after graduation, thanks to their dedicated career coaching and industry connections.

Take their Software Engineering Bootcamp, for instance.

It's not just about coding – they teach you the whole package, from career coaching to networking, so you're not just a coder but a well-rounded professional.

Whether you're into full-stack development, data analytics, or user-centric design, GA's curriculum is on point, keeping up with the ever-changing tech world.

General Assembly is the real deal.

With their innovative courses, supportive alumni network, and unbeatable career success rate, they're the go-to spot for tech education in London. If you're looking to crush it in the tech game, GA's the way to go.

Le Wagon


Le Wagon is the place to be if you're looking to get into the tech game in London. They've got all sorts of courses like Web Development, Data Science & AI, and Data Analytics.

You can go full throttle with a 9-week intensive program or take it easy with a part-time gig. Either way, they've got you covered.

But here's the kicker – Le Wagon is all about that hands-on action.

You'll be working on group projects and real-world tasks, so you'll be job-ready by the time you're done. And when you graduate, you'll have a sweet portfolio to show off your skills.

It's like a golden ticket to the tech world.

Don't just take my word for it, though. Le Wagon's alumni are crushing it out there. Like Nancy Hernandez, who went from zero to hero and landed a killer job in tech.

93% of their grads score a job within six months after the bootcamp. We're talking big names like Google, Amazon, and some seriously cool startups.

Plus, they're raking in an average 25% salary increase after the bootcamp. Talk about a solid investment, right?

But it's not just about the coding skills.

Le Wagon is all about that community vibe. They've got events, workshops, and killer career support to keep you on track. It's like having a whole squad of techies at your back.

So, if you're ready to level up and join the digital revolution, Le Wagon is the way to go.

It's a life-changing journey, and they'll hook you up with all the skills, connections, and support you need to slay in the tech world.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Ironhack is the place to be if you want to make it big in the tech world. It's like the coolest coding bootcamp in the heart of London's buzzing tech scene. With students from all walks of life, it's a melting pot of diversity and a breeding ground for fresh ideas.

What makes Ironhack stand out is their commitment to helping you get hired – like, 89% of their grads land a job within three months of finishing the program.

And it's not just about theory; they focus on hands-on, project-based learning, so you'll be building real-world stuff from day one.

Wanna know more about their London campus and how you can kickstart your tech career? Check it out here.

Ironhack offers a bunch of different courses to fit your interests.

Check these out:

  • Web Development Bootcamp: Learn the ins and outs of front-end and back-end development, from HTML and CSS to JavaScript and React. Even if you're a total newbie, they'll get you up to speed. Get the deets on their Web Dev Bootcamp in London.
  • UX/UI Design Bootcamp: Become a master of creating user-friendly interfaces and experiences. You'll learn how to put yourself in the user's shoes and design solutions that rock.
  • Data Analytics Bootcamp: Dive into the world of data and learn how to analyze and interpret it like a pro. You'll be a data wizard in no time.
  • Cybersecurity Bootcamp: Develop a hacker mindset (the good kind!) and learn how to protect against real-time cyber threats.

The best part? These courses are designed to give you skills that employers are actively looking for, so you'll be job-ready before you know it.

One former student even said, "Ironhack was the bridge I needed to cross from my old career into tech. It's intense but incredibly rewarding." If that doesn't convince you, I don't know what will!

Wanna make sure you make the most of this awesome opportunity? Check out Ironhack's Coding Bootcamps Dos and Don'ts for some insider tips.

So, what are you waiting for? Ironhack is the real deal if you're ready to take the leap into the world of tech in London!

App Academy


App Academy is like the coding school to be at if you're tryna get into software development in London. Unlike other bootcamps, they've got this tuition model where you only pay if you land a job after graduating.

Shows they're confident in their program.

Their curriculum is legit, designed by industry pros to teach you all the hot coding languages and frameworks.

They even cover AI-assisted software development, keeping you ahead of the game in this ever-changing tech world. And they've got a solid track record of prepping students for success.

App Academy has courses for all levels, from newbies to experienced coders:

  • Software Engineering Immersive: A 16-week crash course in full-stack development, covering Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, React/Redux, and more. They've now added a 24-week option with over 500 hours of free material through App Academy Open, so you can study at your own pace.
  • Bootcamp Prep: Perfect for beginners, this course teaches you the coding fundamentals to get you ready for a bootcamp.

But the real deal is their hands-on, project-based approach.

"Our goal is to create a learning environment that mirrors the actual tech industry,"

says one of their reps. That's why their grads are landing jobs at top tech companies.

App Academy is the real MVP when it comes to coding bootcamps in London. Whether you're switching careers or leveling up your skills, they've got flexible tuition options and a program to set you up for success.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Makers Academy


Makers Academy is the real OG in London's tech edu scene. They got this dope 16-week software engineering bootcamp that'll turn you into a coding beast.

But it's not just about the mad coding skills, they're all about that diversity and inclusion vibe too.

What sets Makers apart is their industry-led curriculum designed with the input of major tech companies.

That means you'll be learning the hottest skills that employers are looking for. Over 90% of their grads score sick jobs at companies like Deloitte, Spotify, and Monzo within six months of finishing the course.

But it's not just about the full-time bootcamp.

They got part-time options and even a prep course to get you ready for the coding grind. And their pair programming methodology is lit! You'll be working with your squad, just like in the real tech world, building those teamwork and communication skills on top of the technical ones.

Don't just take my word for it, though.

Check out the reviews on Course Report and SwitchUp. Makers Academy alums are raving about the supportive vibes, the self-directed learning, and the practical projects that'll make interviewers go wild.

As one former student put it, "Makers Academy was a game-changer, turning me from a total noob to a coding boss ready to slay any challenge in the tech world." That's what Makers is all about – shaping the next generation of tech talent to dominate the industry.



BrainStation is killin' it in the London tech scene, with their fresh approach to learning and teaching. They've got this dope project-based learning vibe that'll have you immersed in the real deal.

BrainStation mixes it up with in-person and online bootcamps, hooking you up with the hottest skills the tech world craves.

Unlike other players, they've got this cutting-edge curriculum that stays up-to-date with what the industry needs, so you'll be learning the latest and greatest stuff.

Their campuses in the heart of London, like the one in Shoreditch, are straight-up fire, creating this dope atmosphere for creativity and teamwork.

BrainStation's got your back whether you're a total newbie or a seasoned pro.

Check out their digs:

  • Data Science - Dive into the big data pool, learning to analyze and make sense of complex data.
  • Web Development - Get the skills you need to design and build modern, responsive websites that'll blow minds.
  • Digital Marketing - Perfect for aspiring digital marketing bosses, mastering SEO, SEM, content marketing, and more.
  • User Experience (UX) Design - All about creating dope, user-friendly digital products and services.

BrainStation's alumni are straight-up killing it, with over 92% landing jobs at tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Facebook after graduation.

BrainStation's got this uncanny ability to bridge the gap between learning and getting hired, making them a top choice for anyone looking to break into tech or level up their career.

One alum said, "BrainStation transformed my career prospects in just 12 weeks. I went from novice to landing a competitive tech role, thanks to their immersive programs and unparalleled support." That's the kind of fire BrainStation brings to the table!

Founders & Coders


Check this out! There's this dope coding bootcamp called Founders & Coders that's making waves in London. Unlike those stuffy traditional schools, these guys are all about community-driven learning.

It's not just about cramming knowledge into your brain, but also about growing together and having each other's backs. They've got this peer-led teaching model where you learn from your peers just as much as from the instructors.

Pretty sick, right? It's like prepping you for the collaborative vibe you'll find in the tech industry.

There's more! Founders & Coders is completely free - no upfront costs whatsoever.

This non-profit organization in the UK provides free training and apprenticeships in software development, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of their background.

They're all about giving people a shot at breaking into the tech world.

And their curriculum? It's stacked! You'll get to dive into:

  • JavaScript: This language is everywhere in web dev, so they make sure you know how to wield it like a pro.
  • Node.js: Gotta master that server-side programming, right? Node.js will have you building scalable network apps in no time.
  • React: If you want to create dynamic, responsive user interfaces, React is the way to go. They'll teach you how to build complex front-end apps like a boss.
  • HTML & CSS: The building blocks of web development - you'll learn how to structure and style web pages like a pro.
  • Git: Version control is crucial for collaboration, so they'll make sure you're up to speed with Git and industry-standard practices.

Their alumni are landing jobs at some seriously impressive tech companies.

The reviews are off the charts, with people raving about the life-changing experience, the supportive community, and the real-world project experiences.

It's like they're not just teaching you to code, but also prepping you for success in the industry.

Bottom line, Founders & Coders is killing it in London with their innovative approach to tech education.

It's not just about learning to code, but about becoming part of a community that's got your back. And the best part? You'll walk away not just with killer tech skills, but with a deep understanding of what it means to collaborate and support each other in the tech world.

Code Institute


Check it out! The Code Institute in London is straight fire for learning all about tech. Their Diploma in Full-Stack Software Development is legit, endorsed by the University of the West of Scotland, so you know it's the real deal for getting hired in the tech world.

But they're not just another bootcamp. They give you the full package – cutting-edge tech, dope content from their website, and a serious focus on learning by doing real-world projects.

So, you're not just memorizing code, you're actually solving problems like a boss.

No matter where you're at, they've got options for you. Aside from the epic Diploma, they've got intro sessions with the 5 Day Coding Challenge and short courses on HTML, CSS, JavaScript Basics, and even advanced Python Programming.

Whether you're a total newbie or just leveling up your skills, they've got your back. 98% of their grads land jobs within a year! Talk about a serious career boost.

But what really sets the Code Institute apart is their dope community.

It's all about learning together, supporting each other, and being part of something bigger than just coding. One of their alumni put it best, "Joining the Code Institute wasn't just about learning to code, but becoming part of a community that champions success and innovation." That's the kind of vibe you want when you're breaking into tech, right? The Code Institute is more than just a school, it's a whole new world of opportunity.

City, University of London Coding Boot Camp


The City, University of London Coding Boot Camp is excellent. It's like a cheat code for leveling up your coding skills and landing that sweet tech job you've been dreaming of.

These guys aren't playing around – they've got the real deal when it comes to prepping you for the real world. From day one, you're getting your hands dirty with legit projects, building up a portfolio that'll make employers drool.

You'll be mastering coding languages like Java, Python, and HTML, the ones companies are craving right now.

And the best part? They've got courses for everything from Web Dev to Data Science and Cybersecurity, so you can pick your poison and become a total badass in whatever field you're feeling.

They don't just teach you the theory, though.

They're all about that practical application, making sure you're ready to tackle any challenge the tech world throws your way. And let's not forget the "Career Services" – it's like having a personal hype squad cheering you on and hooking you up with mentors and career guidance to help you land that first tech gig.

One grad was like, "The individual mentorship and career guidance helped me score my first tech job," and that's just straight-up goals.

Basically, the City, University of London Coding Boot Camp is the real deal.

It's not just a program; it's a whole career launcher, fusing cutting-edge skills, hands-on learning, and a support system that'll have your back every step of the way.

If you're trying to switch careers or level up in tech, this is the move.

It's legitimate.

Frequently Asked Questions


What courses are offered at Flatiron School in London?

Flatiron School offers courses in Software Engineering, Data Science, Cybersecurity Engineering, and Product Design in London.

What is the job placement success rate for Flatiron School graduates in London?

86% of Flatiron School graduates in London secure jobs in their field within six months of completing their studies.

What makes General Assembly (GA) in London stand out among other bootcamps?

General Assembly in London stands out for its diverse course offerings, practical, project-based learning ethos, strong alumni and employer network, and a remarkable job placement record of 91.4%.

What type of courses are available at Le Wagon in London?

Le Wagon in London offers courses in Web Development, Data Science & AI, and Data Analytics.

What is the employment rate for Ironhack graduates within three months post-graduation in London?

Ironhack in London boasts an employment rate of 89% within three months post-graduation for its graduates.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible