London Coding Bootcamps: Reviews, Costs, and Outcomes

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Group of students collaborating at a London coding bootcamp

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London's tech scene and coding bootcamps offer diverse programs with high job placement rates post-graduation. 89% of London bootcamp graduates secure jobs within 6 months, with a 20% salary increase. Coding bootcamps bridge the tech skills gap with tailored learning formats and critical industry alignment.

London's tech scene is buzzing with opportunities, making it the perfect spot for coding bootcamps. These intensive, short-term training programs are designed to hook you up with the skills the tech industry craves, offering a wide range of courses like web development, cybersecurity, data science, and more.

The diversity of bootcamps in London, as listed in the 2023 Best Coding Bootcamps, caters to different schedules and learning styles, with full-time, part-time, and online options, making it easier for you to get your tech education on.

The city's dynamic tech sector, which has seen a 31% rise in tech jobs over the past two years, is a major player in the digital economy, highlighting the rapid growth and the crucial role of bootcamps in producing skilled professionals.

A 2021 survey showed that London bootcamp grads have an impressive 89% job placement rate within six months of graduation, with an average salary boost of 20%.

This success rate proves that coding bootcamps are a vital bridge for closing the tech industry's skills gap, appealing to those looking to switch careers or level up their tech game.

For more details on the types, costs, and outcomes of coding bootcamps, stay tuned as we dive deeper into this topic, building on the foundation laid in Nucamp's articles.

Table of Contents

  • Types of Coding Bootcamps Available in London
  • Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Bootcamp in London
  • Cost of Attending a London Coding Bootcamp
  • Reviews of Top London Coding Bootcamps
  • Outcomes of Graduating from a London Coding Bootcamp
  • Conclusion: Are London Coding Bootcamps Worth the Investment?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Types of Coding Bootcamps Available in London


London's lit when it comes to learning how to code! There are so many coding bootcamps here that cater to different styles of learning and schedules. Whether you want to go all-in with a full-time program or keep it chill with a part-time or online option, London has you covered.

Check out Le Wagon, General Assembly, and Codeworks – they're all dope and have their unique vibes.

If you're ready to go hard and make that career switch ASAP, full-time bootcamps like Makers Academy and the top-rated Le Wagon (4.99/5, dayum!) are the way to go.

These intense 12-16 week programs will have you grinding for 40-60 hours a week, learning languages like JavaScript, Python, and Ruby on Rails. Last year, over 2,000 students from these bootcamps landed software dev jobs within six months of graduating – that's some serious results!

But if you've got other commitments and can't go full-time, no worries! Part-time bootcamps let you learn at a more chill pace over 24-36 weeks, with classes on weeknights or weekends.

Or, if you need ultimate flexibility, online bootcamps like Noble Desktop have seen a 50% increase in London-based students this past year.

These can be self-paced or more structured, and often include career support services.

London's bootcamps got you covered no matter your situation:

  • Full-time: Best for intense, rapid learning.
  • Part-time: Ideal for balancing other commitments.
  • Online: Offers ultimate flexibility.

"The variety of bootcamps reflects London's dynamic and inclusive approach to tech education, catering to everyone from career changers to professionals looking to level up," says Elizabeth Lopez, a recent bootcamp grad.

No matter your circumstances, London has a path for you to break into the ever-evolving tech scene.

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Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Bootcamp in London


Choosing the right coding bootcamp in London is a big deal, and you gotta keep your eyes peeled for some key factors, like if the curriculum is legit, if the instructors know their stuff, how strong the alumni network is, and what unique perks they offer, like support for career changes.

These bootcamps in London are always updating their curriculum to stay ahead of the curve in the fast-paced tech world, focusing on popular programming languages like JavaScript, Python, and Ruby.

But that's not all, they're also keeping up with the latest tech trends like AI and blockchain, making sure you're learning the goods that are both comprehensive and cutting-edge.

The instructors aren't just book-smart, they've got real-world tech experience under their belts, usually around a decade's worth, which is invaluable for newbies like us.

Their hands-on knowledge helps you see how the theory you're learning translates into actual applications, making it way more practical. And let's not forget the bootcamp alumni, they're like living proof that these programs work! Many of them went from total noobs to seasoned pros, with major career glow-ups.

The stats show that grads from top London coding bootcamps scored an average 50% salary boost after graduating and had a 90% employment rate within six months of finishing up.

It just goes to show how effective these bootcamps are and how London's tech scene is always hungry for skilled talent. So, if you're on the hunt for a coding bootcamp in London, keep an eye out for:

  • A curriculum that's ahead of the game and stays on top of tech trends
  • Instructors who've been in the trenches and know how to teach the goods
  • An active and supportive alumni community

With these factors in play, you're setting yourself up for a solid learning experience that'll make you a major asset in the ever-evolving tech world.

Cost of Attending a London Coding Bootcamp


If you're thinking about joining one of those coding bootcamps in London, you gotta factor in the cash flow. These bad boys can run you anywhere from around 5 to 15 racks, depending on how intense and long the program is.

The stats don't lie - coding bootcamps in London ain't cheap, but they'll hook you up with some serious skills to make it in the tech game.

But don't sweat it too much, they got your back with some dope financing options:

  • Deferred Tuition Plans: You can start paying after you land that fresh tech gig.
  • Income Share Agreements (ISAs): This one's a popular move - you pay a cut of your post-grad salary for a set time.
  • Upfront Payment Discounts: If you can swing the full tuition upfront, they'll hook you up with a discount on the total cost.

But that's not all.

They're stepping up their game with scholarships and grants for London locals, especially for underrepresented groups in tech like women, vets, and folks from low-income backgrounds.

Word on the street is that the "Tech London Advocates" scholarship covers up to 50% of the tuition fees if you qualify. And let's not forget about CodeOp's initiative to get more women and non-binary peeps into the tech scene.

One alumni put it best, "The scholarship didn't just make the bootcamp accessible; it made a career in tech attainable." Real talk, these coding bootcamps in London are making strides in opening up tech education to a diverse crew of learners, not just teaching them how to code like bosses.

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Reviews of Top London Coding Bootcamps


London's coding bootcamps are the real deal for anyone trying to switch careers and get into tech. There are some crazy stories out there, like this violinist who turned into a developer at Vodafone after going to Makers bootcamp.

Or this dude who used to work at an Amazon warehouse, but then he did Ironhack's UX/UI bootcamp in Miami and now he's killing it as a freelance UX/UI designer.

Insane, right?

These bootcamps are legit, with quality teaching and curriculums that'll hook you up with the skills you need. The instructors at these places have years of experience in the industry, so they know what's up and can give you the real deal on how things work.

Over 85% of graduates said their instructors were clutch when it came to learning and getting ready for the job hunt.

And the curriculums are on point too.

They teach you the latest skills that are in demand, like JavaScript, Python, and Full Stack Development. That's why the job placement rates are so dope, with some bootcamps reporting 90% of grads landing tech jobs within six months of finishing.

Here's a quick rundown of what you can expect after graduating:

  • 90% employed in tech roles within six months
  • £30,000 to £45,000 starting salary range for most grads

Crazy, right? These bootcamps are serious about setting you up for success.

One grad even shared on Reddit that having a dope portfolio and unique projects is key to standing out to employers.

Someone went from bootcamp grad to working at freakin' Google, according to

At the end of the day, London coding bootcamps are the real deal.

They've got the goods when it comes to teaching, curriculums, and setting you up with the skills and connections to land sick jobs in tech. If you're trying to break into the industry, these bootcamps are def worth checking out.

Outcomes of Graduating from a London Coding Bootcamp


Let me break it down for you about these coding bootcamps in London. After you grind through the program, you're looking at some serious job prospects, no cap.

Employment rates for the graduates are off the charts, with around 85% of them landing gigs within three months of finishing up.

We're talking about roles like software developers, web designers, and data analysts – the kind of stuff that's in high demand in London's tech and digital marketing scenes.

But it's not just about the numbers.

You got these real-life stories of people who went from serving coffee to building websites from scratch in under a year. Or the marketing peeps who switched to UX design and saw their paychecks go up by like 50% or more.

It's crazy, right? These coding bootcamps really know how to pack in the practical skills and get you job-ready.

Just keep it real and don't expect miracles – you gotta keep learning and grinding to level up your coding game.

Speaking of leveling up, let's talk about that bread.

On average, these bootcamp grads see their annual salaries jump up by around £10,000. That's a serious bag for the short time and intense training you put in.

And it's not just about the money – according to the "2022 London Bootcamp Graduate Report," 74% of grads said they were happier with their jobs, 90% felt more secure about their career prospects, and 67% credited their skill upgrades for the pay raise.

With a 79% employment rate for bootcamp grads, it's clear that these programs can be a game-changer for your career and financial situation, maybe even more than traditional college routes.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Conclusion: Are London Coding Bootcamps Worth the Investment?


Let's talk about these coding bootcamps in London. It's a big decision, so you gotta weigh the good and the bad. On the plus side, these bootcamps cram a ton of coding knowledge into just a few weeks, which is way faster than traditional schooling.

Over 80% of grads land jobs within 6 months after finishing. Pretty dope, right?

But here's the catch – these programs ain't cheap. You're looking at anywhere from £5,000 to £15,000 for tuition.

And let's be real, the pace is intense. Some peeps might struggle to keep up.

In London, you've got options like "The Developer Pathway" from CodeYourFuture and General Assembly's "Software Engineering Immersive." These programs offer mentoring, career support, and curriculums that match what companies are looking for.

There's also 23 Code Street, which is all about empowering women in tech with their own bootcamp experience.

So, should you do it? It's a big investment, both financially and time-wise.

But for those who grind it out, the payoff can be huge. Grads talk about landing dream jobs and seeing a solid return on their investment. As one grad put it, "The skills and connections I made propelled me further than I ever imagined." If you're ready to hustle and chase that tech career, a coding bootcamp in London could be your ticket.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the job placement rate for London coding bootcamp graduates?

London coding bootcamp graduates boast an impressive 89% job placement rate within six months post-graduation, alongside an average salary boost of 20%.

What are the types of coding bootcamps available in London?

London coding bootcamps offer full-time, part-time, and online formats to cater to different learning preferences. Full-time bootcamps usually span 12 to 16 weeks, while part-time bootcamps extend over 24 to 36 weeks with sessions conducted during evenings or weekends.

What factors should I consider when choosing a coding bootcamp in London?

When choosing a coding bootcamp in London, consider factors such as a forward-looking curriculum, instructors with industry experience, and an active alumni community that nurtures networking and support.

What is the average cost of attending a London coding bootcamp?

The average cost of coding bootcamps in London ranges between £5,000 to £15,000, with varying financing options available such as deferred tuition plans, income share agreements (ISAs), upfront payment discounts, scholarships, and grants.

What are the outcomes of graduating from a London coding bootcamp?

London coding bootcamp graduates experience high job placement rates, with approximately 85% securing employment within three months post-completion. Graduates often transition into roles like software developers, web designers, and data analysts, with significant salary increases and enhanced job satisfaction.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible