Coding Career Change in London: How to Switch from Non-Tech

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Coding career change in London

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Embark on a coding career change in London's thriving tech scene. Lucrative salaries, diverse opportunities, and a vibrant community await. Dive into trending coding languages and training options like bootcamps and university courses. Craft a standout portfolio and navigate the job market with strategic networking. Success stories inspire your journey.

Here's the scoop on the tech scene in London, updated for 2024 - it's lit! With over 300,000 tech vacancies, and a whopping 28% of those in the fintech game, London's tech world is blowing up faster than a dank meme.

This surge is motivating people to switch up and dive into coding careers, 'cause let's be real, who doesn't want in on that hot job market and cutting-edge vibes? Here's why making the leap to coding in London is an absolute power move:

  • Show Me the Money: Tech salaries in London are no joke. Software devs can rake in an average of £65,000 per year - that's some serious cheddar! London's status as a global fintech investment hotspot only adds to the financial rewards of a tech career in this city. Cha-ching!
  • Career Galore: From fresh startups to tech titans, London's got a buffet of work environments for coders to feast on. Whether you're vibing with fintech, healthtech, or any other sector, this city's commitment to digital innovation means endless career opportunities to explore and slay.
  • Level Up Your Network: London's coding community is the real MVP. You'll find unmatched support and networking gold mines like coding meetups and events like London Tech Week. These vibes will turbocharge your learning curve and help you build a boss network faster than you can say "Hello World!"

With perks like these, it's no wonder that pivoting to coding in London is a major power move.

But don't sweat it, we've got your back! This guide will lay out the game plan for making your transition a success, from dope education and training options like Nucamp's bootcamps to the essential skills you need and real-world insights from London's tech hustlers.

Stay tuned - it's about to go down!

Table of Contents

  • Understanding the Coding Industry in London
  • The Journey to a Coding Career in London for Non-Techies
  • Education and Training Options in London
  • Building a Coding Portfolio from Scratch in London
  • Navigating the London Job Market as a New Coder
  • Success Stories: Transitioning to Tech in London
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Understanding the Coding Industry in London


London's tech world is buzzing like crazy, with tons of dope spots like Silicon Roundabout in East London and the Knowledge Quarter in King's Cross where all the cool startups and big dogs hang out.

Some of the hottest tech companies killing it right now are Sheffield, known for its advanced manufacturing and digital industries, and Tripledot Studios, which is blowing up in the gaming sector.

There are over 110 companies in London worth over $1 billion! That's insane, right? It just shows how diverse and lit the tech scene is here.

So, let's talk about the coding languages that are in high demand.

JavaScript is the OG for web development and software engineering, so you gotta know that. Python is super versatile and used in everything from data science to back-end dev, so it's a must-learn.

And Java is a big deal in the corporate world, especially in London's huge financial sector.

  • The main thing is that JavaScript is in crazy high demand because it's essential for web dev and software engineering.
  • Python is super versatile and used in all kinds of tech fields, like data science and back-end dev.
  • Java is a big deal in corporate settings, especially in London's massive financial services industry.

Career paths in tech are all over the place, from frontend and backend devs to data scientists and cybersecurity experts.

A recent survey showed that jobs in software development, cloud computing, and data analytics are hot right now and offer loads of opportunities to keep learning and specializing.

The tech scene in London is wild, making it the perfect place for tech nerds and professionals to grow and innovate,

says some tech expert dude.

For newbies, getting familiar with these roles and the skills they require is the first step to landing a killer job in tech.

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The Journey to a Coding Career in London for Non-Techies


If you're a 20-year-old tryna get into coding in London, it might seem like a big deal at first, but chill - the city's got loads of resources for newbies like us.

From free coding courses on sites like Coursera to exploring programming careers at places like City, University of London, there's something for everyone.

London's tech scene is poppin' with "unicorn" startups and big moves like Google buying AI startup DeepMind, so it's a sweet spot for tech-heads.

The first step is to get the basics down with beginner-friendly platforms like Codecademy and FreeCodeCamp, which offer free courses in different programming languages.

You can also join meetup groups like "London New Tech" - it's got over 20,000 members who team up for workshops and hackathons, so you can put your skills to the test in the real world.

If you want a more structured learning vibe, London's got options like:

  • Nucamp Coding Bootcamp: Their Web Development Fundamentals bootcamp is a solid intro to HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap for front-end dev.
  • City, University of London: They offer part-time courses to help you get a grip on programming languages like Java, Python, C++, and JavaScript.
  • Codebar London: This non-profit is all about helping underrepresented groups learn coding in a chill, collaborative environment.

Networking is key to breaking into the tech scene.

Sites like let you find groups like "Women Who Code London" and "London Hackers and Founders," so you can connect with the community, swap stories, and learn from the pros.

One Nucamp grad said,

"Networking in London's coding meetups not only broadened my understanding but also opened doors to opportunities I never knew existed."

These meetups are a goldmine for finding mentors, job leads, and staying up-to-date with industry trends, so you can make the transition from non-techie to coding pro with the support of London's tight-knit tech community.

Education and Training Options in London


London is the place to be if you're trying to get into coding. This city is buzzing with opportunities for all you aspiring code monkeys out there. Whether you're into coding bootcamps like Nucamp, university courses, or online resources, London's got your back.

These coding bootcamps are all the rage right now, offering an intense, hands-on approach to learning the ropes.

Take City, University of London, for instance. They've got courses covering the essentials like Java, Python, and HTML – the building blocks for websites, apps, and data analysis tools.

And let's not forget about Le Wagon, where a whopping 90% of their graduates land jobs after completing their programs.

They've got you covered for everything from web dev to data science.

But if a bootcamp isn't your vibe, no worries. London's top universities like Imperial College London and University College London offer legit Computer Science degrees and specialized coding courses.

These programs are perfect if you want to dive deep into the theoretical side of things while still getting some practical experience.

And for all you night owls or busy bees out there, online courses are a game-changer.

Platforms like Coursera and Udemy have got courses from London's best schools and tech companies, so you know the content is on point.

You can learn anything from Python and JavaScript to cutting-edge stuff like AI and machine learning. One dude even said, "Online courses let me learn coding after work, making the switch to a tech role a breeze."

London is killing it with all these options for leveling up your coding skills.

Whether you're all about those bootcamps, university vibes, or online learning, this city has got your back. It's time to embrace your inner tech nerd and get coding!

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Building a Coding Portfolio from Scratch in London


If you're trying to get a coding job in London's lit tech scene, you need more than just coding skills – you gotta have a dope coding portfolio.

Like, a whopping 87% of hiring managers say it's a game-changer when it comes to getting hired, according to some industry survey. For you newbies wondering where to start, building projects that solve real problems in the London tech world can be a major flex, showcasing your skills while aligning your portfolio with what the industry actually needs.

Sites like ZDNet emphasize the importance of having an online resume with coding projects, so they can give you a solid roadmap.

Here's what you should do:

  1. Learn the Basics: Master at least one coding language that's popular in London's tech scene, like Python or JavaScript. Getting a solid grasp of the key concepts for writing clean, efficient code can also make your portfolio stand out.
  2. Choose Relevant Projects: Tailor your projects to fit the tech needs and trends in London. Projects like revamping a local business's website, creating a mobile app to improve city transportation, or developing software to streamline healthcare logistics in urban areas could be dope additions. As CodeNewbie suggests, building projects that provide value and solve real problems, like Minimum Viable Products (MVPs), can seriously elevate your portfolio's relevance.
  3. Use Online Resources: Platforms like GitHub offer tons of resources to host and showcase your projects, allowing for peer review and collaboration. This aligns with the idea of building a solid coding portfolio through continuously developing projects and engaging with the community.

Including projects that target the major sectors in London's tech industry not only highlights your technical skills but also shows you're proactive in tackling real-world challenges – something employers dig.

A quote from a recent hiring trends report summed it up:

"Candidates who demonstrate proactive problem-solving skills through their projects stand out significantly in the tech job market."

Set up a clean, easy-to-navigate portfolio website, and make sure each project has a detailed description, the problem it solves, and the technologies used.

This way, you're not just flexing your coding abilities but also showing you can think innovatively and contribute meaningfully to London's booming tech industry.

Navigating the London Job Market as a New Coder


If you're a fresh coder trying to break into London's lit tech scene, it's all about playing the game right. With over 230K coders already here, the job hunt is no joke.

To level up, you gotta hustle on niche job sites like Silicon Milkroundabout and WorkInStartups.

They're stacked with coding gigs across different tech fields. Don't sleep on LinkedIn either – use those filters to scope out the hidden gems.

But here's the real key: networking is everything.

Around 70% of jobs are never even advertised, so you gotta get your name out there.

  • Hit up tech meetups and conferences like London Tech Week or the London Web Meetup. Rub elbows with the insiders, join communities like the London Tech Network, and get your face known.
  • Engage with the local tech community on forums like Stack Overflow or GitHub discussions. Build connections by sharing your journey on platforms like freeCodeCamp.

When it's time to craft that CV, show off your real-world skills.

If you're switching careers, highlight those coding projects and practical experience over formal education. Recruiters eat that up.

  • Drop links to your GitHub repo
  • Break down coding projects relevant to the gig
  • Snag some testimonials from clients or collabs

"Your CV is your golden ticket to the interview room.

Make every word count by tailoring it to match the job description, showcasing your coding skills and projects that solve real problems," says a London tech recruiter.

Personalize that bad boy, and you'll stand out in London's tech job market like a boss.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Success Stories: Transitioning to Tech in London


In the heart of London's buzzing tech scene, there's a whole bunch of stories about people completely changing careers and getting into coding. It's inspiring a new wave of coding enthusiasts.

Like, there's this lady named Linda Lopez who went from working with kids to becoming a web developer.

And this dude, Matthew Smith, used to be an English teacher but now he's killing it as an engineer. Their stories show just how dynamic and possible career shifts can be in this city.

Linda landed a sweet gig as a software developer at a major fintech company, and Matthew is a key player in an engineering team. Their journeys reveal some important insights:

  • Never Stop Learning: They both credit their success to their dedication to upskilling. They took advantage of resources like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp and various online courses designed for aspiring coders in London. Linda found her passion reignited through these immersive learning experiences.
  • Network, Network, Network: Getting involved with London's tech community through meetups and coding events was crucial for them. Attending tech meetups and building a professional network that can open doors to amazing opportunities is a common thread in their stories.
  • Build a Killer Portfolio: They emphasize the importance of working on projects that reflect the needs of London's tech market. New learners should focus on developing robust portfolios that showcase their skills through practical work, just like Matthew and Linda did.

According to a survey by Tech Nation, 72% of tech employees in the UK believe networking and personal projects are key factors in landing a tech job.

This stat lines up with Matthew and Linda's experiences, reinforcing the importance of hands-on learning, community involvement, and the role of platforms like ServiceRocket in helping people make career changes.

Their stories prove that London's tech ecosystem is a fertile ground for career changers, with loads of resources, networking events, and an inclusive tech community ready to support your journey.

If you're an aspiring coder in London, you can learn a lot from their narratives, especially about the power of resilience, the value of practical experience, and the importance of a strong support network.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the tangible benefits of transitioning to a coding career in London?

Transitioning to a coding career in London offers lucrative salaries, diverse opportunities across various tech sectors, and a vibrant coding community for support and networking.

What are the most in-demand coding languages in London?

The most in-demand coding languages in London include JavaScript for web development, Python for versatility in various tech sectors, and Java for enterprise settings, especially in the financial services sector.

What educational and training options are available for aspiring coders in London?

Aspiring coders in London have various options such as coding bootcamps like Nucamp, university courses from prestigious institutions, and online resources like Coursera and Udemy to gain the skills needed for the tech industry.

Why is networking important for transitioning into a tech career in London?

Networking in London's tech community provides mentorship, job leads, and industry insights essential for a successful transition into a tech career. Platforms like and tech events offer valuable networking opportunities.

How can aspiring coders in London build a successful coding portfolio from scratch?

Aspiring coders in London can build a successful coding portfolio by mastering coding languages, choosing relevant projects that address local tech needs, utilizing online platforms like GitHub for collaboration, and showcasing projects that demonstrate problem-solving skills.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible