The Mobile Gaming Scene in Abu Dhabi: How to Develop for the Growing Market

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Exciting mobile gaming scene in Abu Dhabi

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The mobile gaming market in Abu Dhabi is thriving, with a projected revenue of $9.63 billion by 2028. Mobile games lead with $164.3 million revenue in 2022, driven by cultural themes and high smartphone penetration. Engaging local preferences in game design is key for success. Opportunities abound for developers.

The mobile gaming scene in Abu Dhabi is on fire, and it's part of the Middle East's gaming revolution that's about to shake up the global market. According to recent stats, the entire region's gaming industry raked in a mind-blowing $347 billion last year, and it's expected to soar to $9.63 billion by 2028.

Abu Dhabi is positioning itself as a major hub, with the launch of AD Gaming in 2021, which now boasts the largest concentration of gaming companies in the MENA region.

This trend is mirrored in the UAE, where mobile games dominated the market, generating a staggering $164.3 million in revenue in 2022.

With an insanely high smartphone penetration rate, Abu Dhabi's gaming scene thrives on the fusion of traditional culture and cutting-edge tech, creating a unique gaming ecosystem that also embraces eSports and interactive competitions.

If you're a developer eyeing the Abu Dhabi market, blending local cultural narratives with advanced mobile gaming tech could be your ticket to success, as highlighted in Nucamp's insights on mobile gaming developments and opportunities.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, so be prepared to dive deeper into the Abu Dhabi mobile gaming landscape and uncover the opportunities and challenges awaiting developers and gaming enthusiasts alike.

Table of Contents

  • The Rise of Mobile Gaming in Abu Dhabi
  • Opportunities for Developers in the Abu Dhabi Mobile Gaming Market
  • Understanding Abu Dhabi Gamers: Preferences and Habits
  • Tools and Platforms for Developing Mobile Games in Abu Dhabi
  • Navigating Legal and Business Challenges in Abu Dhabi
  • Success Stories: Mobile Games Thriving in Abu Dhabi
  • Getting Started: Steps to Develop for the Abu Dhabi Mobile Gaming Market
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Rise of Mobile Gaming in Abu Dhabi


The mobile gaming scene in Abu Dhabi has been blowing up like crazy in recent years. The stats don't lie – between 2019 and 2022, the UAE's mobile gaming industry, with Abu Dhabi leading the charge, saw a massive 150% spike in user engagement.

That's insane!

So, what's driving this epic growth? Well, for starters, high-speed internet is everywhere, and we've got a young, tech-savvy population that's all about that smartphone life.

But that's not all – the cultural vibes here have played a major role in shaping the mobile gaming landscape. Developers have been creating games that resonate with local audiences by incorporating Middle Eastern folklore, regional history, and traditional architecture into the mix.

Talk about keeping it real!

The Mobile Gaming Market report predicts that the industry will be worth a mind-blowing $164.81 billion by 2029, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.39% from 2024 to 2029.

That's some next-level growth! And let's not forget the gaming market in the UAE, which is expected to rake in $372.6 million by 2027.

That's a serious bag!

Statista's market forecast indicates that the video games market in the UAE will grow by 5.40% by 2027, which means the mobile sector is set to keep on expanding.


Now, let's break it down a bit:

  • Accessibility: 95% of Abu Dhabi's population owns a smartphone, making it super easy to get their game on.
  • Local Demand: Games like "Desert Falcons" and "Heroes of the Emirates" that incorporate local culture have been straight-up killing it, showing that there's a massive demand for that homegrown flavor. 🇦🇪

But here's the real deal – developers who blend local culture with their games aren't just seeing more engagement, they're creating a deeper connection with their audience.

One Abu Dhabi-based game dev put it best:

"Incorporating local folklore and traditions into our games has not just attracted local players but also intrigued a global audience, providing a unique cultural insight through the lens of gaming."

That's a win-win situation.

By mixing tech and culture, Abu Dhabi is building a mobile gaming ecosystem that's truly one of a kind.

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Opportunities for Developers in the Abu Dhabi Mobile Gaming Market


The Abu Dhabi mobile gaming scene is on fire, and it's about to blow up like crazy! According to the stats, the mobile gaming industry in the UAE, with Abu Dhabi leading the charge, has been growing like a wildfire, with a massive 25% increase year after year.

With everyone rocking smartphones and internet access these days, it's the perfect breeding ground for game devs looking to make their mark.

When it comes to the types of games that get the Abu Dhabi crew hyped, it's a mixed bag, but some genres definitely stand out:

  • Strategy and puzzle games are super popular, 'cause the locals love flexing their brain muscles and solving mind-bending puzzles.
  • Action and adventure games with sick storylines and cultural elements that resonate with the local audience are gaining serious traction.
  • Sports and racing games also have a massive fanbase, especially if they feature local sports or content tailored to the region.

To make mobile games that really click with the Abu Dhabi crowd, devs gotta dive deep into the cultural vibes and preferences.

Throwing in local languages, themes, and characters can really amp up user engagement and loyalty levels. One industry bigwig said, "Understanding the local culture and weaving it into your game design isn't just a bonus – it's a must-have for crushing it in the Abu Dhabi market." Games that let players connect and socialize or tie into local events and festivals also tend to keep players hooked, turning casual gamers into die-hard fans.

With the UAE being dubbed a major gaming and esports hub in the MENA region, and the government's economic plans and investments fueling the sector's growth, the industry's revenue in the region is expected to nearly double by 2027.

That's a massive opportunity for innovative devs! By tapping into the unique cultural vibes of Abu Dhabi and staying on top of the ever-evolving preferences of local gamers, devs can carve out a sweet niche in this exploding market.

Understanding Abu Dhabi Gamers: Preferences and Habits


The mobile gaming scene in Abu Dhabi is lit AF. Check this – 70% of the ladies online are straight-up gamers.

Say bye to the stereotype of gaming being a dude thing. Around 45% are aged 18-25, so the young squad is running the show. Oh, and did you know 9 out of 10 adults in the UAE, including Abu Dhabi, are gamers? It's a big deal for all ages.

Gamers in Abu Dhabi clock in 1-2 hours per day on mobile games, but on weekends, they go hard with 3-4 hours. Mobile gaming is the move for chillin' and vibin'.

Now, let's talk genres and themes:

  • Action/Adventure - Topping the charts with 60% popularity. High-stakes, immersive experiences are the wave.
  • Strategy - 40% of gamers are into this. They want to flex their big brain energy.
  • Sports - 30% are all about it, probably 'cause football and racing are huge in the Emirates.
  • Cultural Themes - Games with local folklore and heritage are becoming fan faves. Emirati gamers love repping their roots.

The diverse gaming tastes in Abu Dhabi reflect the city's cosmopolitan vibes.

This opens up opportunities for devs to get creative and make games that resonate with the local culture while still bringing in global trends. It's a fusion of international genres with Emirati narratives.

This unique identity of mobile gaming in Abu Dhabi is a breeding ground for devs to innovate. With the projected growth of the mobile games market in the UAE, devs targeting this dynamic market can level up their user engagement and monetization strategies.

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Tools and Platforms for Developing Mobile Games in Abu Dhabi


If you're tryna get into the lit mobile gaming scene in Abu Dhabi, you gotta have the right tools and understand the local culture, feel me?

When it comes to mobile game dev platforms, Unity and Unreal Engine are where it's at for the Middle East market.

Unity's got a dope user-friendly interface and works across platforms, so it's mad popular with over 60% of devs in the region using it. Unreal Engine, on the other hand, is all about those sick graphics, which is clutch if you're making visually intense games.

The TekRevol blog also shouted out Unity's global fame, so you know it's legit.

You'll need some essential tools to make your game pop in the UAE market:

  • Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator for creating fire assets,
  • Audacity to edit dope sounds,
  • And Google Firebase for real-time data storage and syncing.

Word on the street is that Mobile Game Development company in Dubai says AR and VR games are the next big thing, so get ready for some immersive experiences to take over Abu Dhabi's gaming scene.

You gotta localize and adapt to the culture.

As an industry expert put it, "To really connect with the Abu Dhabi audience, games gotta speak their language and reflect their cultural vibes and values." That means being careful with your game design, avoiding any sensitive symbols, and maybe even including local landmarks or themes that resonate with the players.

Like, imagine a level where you get to explore the iconic Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque - that'd be sick, right?

With Abu Dhabi's diverse population, games with multiple language support, especially Arabic, are gonna be mad popular.

Localization tips include using native speakers for translations and knowing about local holidays and traditions to time your game events or updates perfectly.

If you nail these tools and strategies, you'll have the Abu Dhabi gamers hooked, for real.

Navigating Legal and Business Challenges in Abu Dhabi


If you're trying to get into the mobile gaming scene in Abu Dhabi, you gotta know the legal deal. The UAE's got this new authority called the General Commercial Gaming Regulatory Authority (GCGRA), which means they're serious about becoming a gaming hub.

But there are rules, like the ones set by twofour54, that keep things chill with no content that's too wild or against national security.

To set up shop, you need a license specifically for game dev, which you can get through free zones like Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM).

These spots let you own the whole biz and skip taxes. But heads up, there's still a 5% VAT on digital goods like mobile games, so factor that into your pricing.

Do your research on what the locals like – games that connect with regional culture and languages tend to do well.

Collabs with local companies can help you nail that vibe. Tools like Unity and Unreal Engine make it easier to localize and stay compliant.

The Abu Dhabi gov is all about innovation, with initiatives like AD Gaming to support devs and grow the gaming ecosystem.

A success story is "Sharjah Adventure", a mobile game that got love from local gamers by nailing the regional narratives and following the rules.

And don't sleep on Dubai's e-gaming laws, which give you a broader view of how the UAE wants to level up its gaming industry.

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Success Stories: Mobile Games Thriving in Abu Dhabi


The mobile gaming scene in Abu Dhabi is lit! Games like "Desert Tycoon" and "Falcon Valley" are straight fire, and now there's a dope new game called Arabian Nights: Genie's Treasures that's taking things to the next level.

This game is inspired by those classic Arabic tales from "The Thousand and One Nights," and it's the first location-based augmented reality game in the region, kinda like Pokémon GO but with a Middle Eastern twist.

What makes these games so sick isn't just the massive download numbers, but the insight the devs gained while creating them.

They realized that integrating local culture, catering to what the people want, and bringing innovative gameplay mechanics is key. For instance, "Desert Tycoon" blew up because it had mad cultural references, from the architecture to the social dynamics.

And "Arabian Nights: Genie's Treasures" lets you explore Abu Dhabi's landmarks while hunting for treasure and adventures, with dope prizes for its launch during Ramadan.

Here's what's making these games so popular:

  • Localization: Throwing in familiar cultural elements makes the games super relatable and engaging for the Abu Dhabi crowd, just like the map designs and folklore in Arabian Nights: Genie's Treasures.
  • Innovative Gameplay: Unique mechanics and embracing new tech like augmented reality sets these games apart.
  • Community Building: Focusing on creating an active community around the games keeps people constantly interacting and giving valuable feedback.

The strategy these devs are using is all about immersing themselves in the local culture and staying connected with the community.

As one creator said, "By diving into the culture and always asking local players for feedback, we were able to create games that really vibe with our audience." This approach, combined with respecting local norms and innovative gameplay, is what's keeping the mobile gaming scene in Abu Dhabi so fresh and poppin'.

Getting Started: Steps to Develop for the Abu Dhabi Mobile Gaming Market


You wanna get in on the hot mobile gaming action in Abu Dhabi? It's a dope opportunity with a ton of gamers ready to go ham on new stuff. But you gotta do it right.

First up, do your homework and scope out what kinda games the homies in Abu Dhabi are feelin'.

Get down with their vibe, the culture, and who you're gonna be battlin' against in the market. With like 9 outta 10 peeps packin' smartphones, the audience is massive, but they want games that speak to 'em on a real level.

  • Design games with local flavor - stories, characters, all that good stuff that'll make the Abu Dhabi crew go "yeah, that's my jam!"
  • Show some Arabic love by havin' it in your games. The UAE gaming scene is all about mobile, so fittin' in with their language and culture is key.
  • Know the rules in Abu Dhabi. They're not playin' when it comes to respectin' Islamic values and keepin' things chill. No disrespectin' or promotin' bad behavior.

When you're cookin' up mobile games for Abu Dhabi, stay focused on optimizin' for the popular platforms out there and bringin' in social features.

The Emirati gamers love that multiplayer action. Genres like strategy, sports, and adventure? That's the good stuff they're cravin'.

To really own the Abu Dhabi gaming scene, network with the local devs, hit up those gaming conferences in the UAE, and link with publishers who got connects.

  1. Kick it with the Abu Dhabi Gaming (AD Gaming) crew. They're all about supportin' game devs, officially backed by the big dawgs.
  2. Rep your skills at local gaming events and comps. Get that visibility up.
  3. Work that social media and tap into those local influencers. Market your games right to the Abu Dhabi massive.

A real O.G. developer in the region said, "Understandin' the local gaming community and tailorin' your moves is the key to winning." Get that local flavor right, respect the cultural guidelines, and you'll be ballin' in the promisin' Abu Dhabi mobile gaming market.

Check out our articles on the mobile gaming scene and dev strategies at Nucamp for more dope intel.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the revenue trend in the Abu Dhabi mobile gaming market?

The mobile gaming market revenue in Abu Dhabi has been on a significant upward trend. The region's gaming market revenue soared to $347 billion last year, with expectations to climb to $9.63 billion by 2028.

What are the key factors contributing to the growth of mobile gaming in Abu Dhabi?

The growth of mobile gaming in Abu Dhabi can be attributed to factors such as high-speed internet availability, smartphone penetration, cultural influences, and the creation of games that resonate with the local audience's preferences.

What are the preferred game genres in the Abu Dhabi market?

Preferred game genres in Abu Dhabi include strategy & puzzle games, action & adventure games with cultural elements, sports & racing games with local themes, and games featuring cultural narratives.

How can developers tailor mobile games for the Abu Dhabi audience?

Developers can tailor mobile games for the Abu Dhabi audience by incorporating local languages, themes, and characters, offering social interaction opportunities, aligning with local events, and involving cultural nuances and preferences in game design for deeper engagement.

What tools and platforms are recommended for developing mobile games in Abu Dhabi?

Recommended tools and platforms for developing mobile games in Abu Dhabi include Unity and Unreal Engine for game development, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator for high-quality assets, Audacity for sound editing, and Google Firebase for real-time data. Consideration of AR and VR game development is also advised.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible