Top 10 Strategies to Land Your First Remote Tech Job from Dubai

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

A bustling Dubai cityscape transitioning into a serene home workspace, representing the shift to remote work.

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With remote work on the rise, Dubai offers prime tech job opportunities. Leverage LinkedIn, Coursera for tech skills, GitHub for projects, remote job boards like We Work Remotely, freelance platforms like Upwork, soft skill development with Toastmasters, attend virtual events, join Nucamp, and explore remote-first companies like Buffer.

The way we work has been changing big time, and remote jobs are the new wave that's only gonna get bigger in 2024. For all you Dubai hustlers, this trend opens up some sick opportunities.

Research shows that Dubai is all about becoming a smart city, with tons of remote gigs in tech, finance, and healthcare.

Being the gateway between East and West, plus having that dope digital infrastructure, makes Dubai the perfect spot for scoring remote tech jobs. And more and more companies are adopting a hybrid work model, which means you can mix it up between working from home and the office.

Talk about a sweet work-life balance, amirite? Not only that, but you can access jobs worldwide with top companies without having to pack up and move. And since Dubai doesn't tax your personal income, you get to keep more of that hard-earned cash.

Predictions for 2024 show that remote access software, cybersecurity, and AI are gonna be on the rise, making remote work even smoother.

This trend isn't just good for us workers, but it's also part of Dubai's plan to be a digital economy boss. We'll dive deeper into how you can use LinkedIn for networking, level up your skills on Coursera, and showcase your projects on GitHub to land those remote tech jobs from anywhere in the world.

Stay tuned!

Table of Contents

  • Leverage LinkedIn for Networking
  • Enhance Your Technical Skills with Coursera
  • Build an Impressive Portfolio with GitHub
  • Utilize Remote Job Boards like We Work Remotely
  • Engage in Freelance Work via Upwork
  • Acquire Soft Skills through Toastmasters International
  • Stay Informed with Tech Blogs like TechCrunch
  • Participate in Coding Bootcamps like Nucamp
  • Attend Virtual Tech Meetups and Conferences
  • Explore Opportunities with Remote-First Companies like Buffer
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Leverage LinkedIn for Networking


Check it out! In the tech game, networking is a real game-changer, especially in a place like Dubai. LinkedIn says that over 70% of peeps landed jobs where they had a connection, so you know networking is key.

Optimizing your LinkedIn profile is crucial – profiles that are on point are 40 times more likely to get opportunities. A profile pic is a must – with one, you'll get 21 times more views and 9 times more connection requests.

Craft a fire headline, list your experience in detail, and flaunt those skills. Here's how to pimp out your LinkedIn for that tech job hunt:

  1. Customize Your URL: Personalize that LinkedIn URL! It looks slick and makes it easy to share with potential connects and employers.
  2. Highlight Tech Projects: The 'Featured' section is your showcase for coding projects or tech achievements. Drop links to your GitHub repos or project demos.
  3. Gather Recommendations: Get endorsements and recs from your peers or mentors in the tech scene. It'll boost your profile's cred with hiring managers.

But it's not just about the profile.

Getting active on LinkedIn is clutch. Join relevant groups, share dope articles on tech trends, and drop insightful comments on posts to raise your profile. A LinkedIn survey says 80% of professionals think networking is essential for career growth.

Reach out to employers with personalized messages, referencing details about their company or recent moves – it'll make you stand out. As one tech expert said, "Networking isn't just about sharing info, it's about building long-term, mutually beneficial relationships." Use these tactics, and you'll be a top contender in Dubai's lit tech job market.

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Enhance Your Technical Skills with Coursera


In the fast-paced tech world, you gotta have some serious skills to score that dream remote job in Dubai. According to, having the right technical skills like coding, data analysis, and cloud computing can get you up to 50% more callbacks from employers.

That's a game-changer, right?

So, how do you level up your skills? Coursera is the plug! They've got a ton of dope tech courses that'll have you certified and job-ready.

Check out these fire options:

  • "Python for Everybody": Perf for beginners trying to get a grip on Python, a must-know language for software dev and data science.
  • "IBM Data Science Professional Certificate": Data science is blowing up, so this course is a solid choice if you're tryna get hired.
  • "Google IT Support Professional Certificate": No experience? No problem! This one will prep you for an IT support gig.

Completing these courses doesn't just give you the knowledge, it also shows potential employers that you're serious about leveling up.

According to industry experts, "Earning a certificate from a legit platform like Coursera can significantly increase your chances of landing a tech job, 'cause it proves your skills to employers." Plus, Coursera's courses are developed with top organizations and universities, so the content is on point with the skills employers are looking for.

With the combo of theory and hands-on projects, Coursera is a game-changer for advancing your tech career.

Build an Impressive Portfolio with GitHub


In this fast-paced tech world, having a dope GitHub profile can be your golden ticket to scoring that dream job you've been eyeing. GitHub is like the holy grail for developers, where you can showcase your coding skills and prove you're a team player.

According to a 2020 Stack Overflow survey, 87% of devs use GitHub, making it the most popular code hosting platform out there. So, if you're an aspiring tech wizard in Dubai looking to land a remote gig, having a killer GitHub portfolio is a must.

To make sure your GitHub profile stands out from the crowd, check out these pro tips:

  • Curate Your Best Work: Don't just dump everything you've ever coded. Handpick the projects that showcase your technical skills and creativity. A well-written README for each project can take your game to the next level, giving insights into the challenges you faced and how you overcame them. Spice up your projects with examples or use-cases, like the ones suggested in Best Practices For An Eye Catching GitHub Readme.
  • Consistent Activity: A regular commit history shows that you're dedicated and always learning new stuff. It's a sign that you're committed to growing as a tech professional. Keep your GitHub profile alive and kicking by regularly updating it with your evolving skills and interests, as discussed in creating a standout GitHub profile.
  • Contribution to Open Source: Employers dig candidates who contribute to open source projects. It shows that you can collaborate on large-scale projects and that you're passionate about community-driven development. As Kurtis Pykes discusses in How To Create a Compelling GitHub Portfolio, crafting a compelling GitHub portfolio involves exploring various project types, like assignments, stand-alone projects, and participating in competitions, emphasizing the importance of showcasing a diverse skill set.

Including a mix of personal, academic, and collaborative projects can also help you flaunt your well-rounded skills.

A killer GitHub portfolio can seriously boost your visibility to potential employers.

As a hiring manager from a major tech company put it, "A well-maintained GitHub profile not only showcases technical skills but also tells a story of a developer's professional journey." Keep this in mind, and by optimizing your GitHub repo with these strategies, you'll be one step closer to landing that sweet remote tech job in Dubai.

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Utilize Remote Job Boards like We Work Remotely


In this crazy world of remote work, specialized job boards like We Work Remotely are a total game-changer, especially for tech peeps. With a massive lineup of gigs from software dev to digital marketing, We Work Remotely is catering to a global audience, and Dubai's crushing it – people there are jumping on the remote work trend like nobody's business.

We Work Remotely has over 2,500 active job listings at any given time, packed with tech roles that could be the perfect match for Dubai's rising talent.

  • Diverse Opportunities: You got access to a ton of job listings from legit companies worldwide.
  • Time Efficiency: No more wasting time - filters let you streamline your search for roles, tech stack, and job types.
  • Community and Resources: Get the inside scoop on nailing remote work, including tips on strengthening your remote job search by building your online brand and keeping your search game tight.

To crush it on We Work Remotely, you gotta tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight those tech skills and remote work experience.

Learn from success stories, like that Dubai-based software dev who landed a sweet gig at a top tech firm through the platform. They emphasized customizing applications with remote work and tech keywords, and getting familiar with remote work tools (check out these tips).

Setting up a dedicated workspace at home is also key.

Bottom line: We Work Remotely is the gateway to the remote tech world for Dubai and beyond. Engage with their resources, customize your applications, and keep grinding – you'll be landing your dream remote tech job in no time.

Engage in Freelance Work via Upwork


Freelancing in the tech world can be a total game-changer. It's like opening a door to endless opportunities for growth and learning. And you know what? There's this platform called Upwork that's perfect for kickstarting your freelance journey.

It's the spot where you can connect with all sorts of tech projects and companies from around the globe.

The best part? Freelancing gives you mad flexibility to work on projects that vibe with your interests and schedule.

And let's be real, work-life balance is crucial for us hustlers in Dubai. Plus, you get to work with clients from different cultures and backgrounds, which is a sick way to level up your experience and skills.

It's no wonder freelancing has some serious perks, like being able to work from anywhere, setting your own hours, and having access to a ton of projects that'll help you grow personally and professionally.

Now, to really slay on Upwork, you gotta craft a killer profile.

We're talking a professional profile pic, a dope title and summary that showcases your expertise, and a fire portfolio to flaunt your best work. The key is to make your profile all about how you can solve your clients' problems.

Upwork says that's the way to get noticed.

Oh, and don't forget to add an intro video and link your other professional accounts. It'll make your profile pop and attract the right projects like a magnet.

When it comes to writing proposals, personalization is king.

Your Upwork proposal should be tailored to each job and show how your skills and experiences make you the perfect fit to solve their problem. Sprinkle in some data points and measurable results from previous projects, and you'll be unstoppable.

Trust me, customizing your proposals for every job is proven to increase your chances of getting hired big time.

So, Upwork is the gateway to experiencing the global tech scene, learning like crazy, and potentially scoring some long-term gigs.

By crafting a standout profile and mastering the art of proposal writing, you tech bosses in Dubai can use freelancing to build an epic career in the tech industry worldwide.

And let's not forget the increased income and freedom that comes with freelancing.

It's a win-win!

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Acquire Soft Skills through Toastmasters International


In this crazy tech world we're living in, having the technical skills isn't enough anymore. Did you know that 92% of recruiters value soft skills as much, or even more, than the hard skills? That's a game-changer!

Especially if you're working remotely, you've got to be able to communicate and collaborate like a boss from miles away.

That's where Toastmasters International comes in – it's like a bootcamp for leveling up your soft skills, making you a total catch for potential employers.

Programs like Nucamp's Job Hunting bootcamp are designed to help you hone those essential skills required for tech job success.

It's like they know that practical soft skill application is the real MVP.

When you join Toastmasters, you'll be able to work on your presentation and communication game, which is essential for explaining complex tech stuff in a way that doesn't make people's heads spin.

They've got structured programs to help you practice and get better at it, making you a more attractive candidate for jobs.

Industry experts and reports from places like CIO and Georgetown University's online Master's in IT Management program are all about how soft skills are becoming just as important as the technical know-how.

Things like leadership, teamwork, and flexibility are the real MVPs these days.

According to the World Economic Forum, skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence are going to be the hottest commodities by 2025.

That's what Toastmasters is all about.

"Innovation requires the ability to collaborate and share ideas with other people, and to sit down and talk with customers and get their feedback and understand their needs."

See, being able to communicate and present yourself is key to innovation and keeping those customers happy, which is the name of the game in tech.

Join Toastmasters, and you'll be on your way to becoming a well-rounded tech pro, with your career trajectory set on success!

Stay Informed with Tech Blogs like TechCrunch


Listen up! This is some real talk about how to slay that tech job hunt game. In this digital world we're living in, staying on top of the latest tech trends is like, essential if you wanna make it big - especially when it comes to scoring those sweet remote tech gigs from Dubai.

That's where sites like TechCrunch come in clutch. It's like your personal guide to the tech universe, keeping you in the loop on all the hottest new tech, startups, and major events.

And trust me, having that insider knowledge is gonna give you a serious edge when you're hitting up those job interviews. Like, imagine being able to drop some serious tech talk and showing off how much you're dialed in to the community? That's gonna make you stand out from the crowd for sure.

Plus, according to the stats, a whopping 75% of hiring managers are all about candidates who can keep up with industry trends. It's like a major flex. But that's not all - resources like Profocus Technology are spilling the tea on how having a diverse skill set and getting involved in tech convos is the key to becoming a total tech superstar.

By staying glued to sites like TechCrunch, you'll be able to scope out what skills and technologies are in high demand, get the inside scoop on all the major players and startups (hello, potential employers!), and basically prep like a boss for any interview by knowing all the deets on the companies you're gunning for.

Oh, and let's not forget the networking game. As points out, engaging with these tech blogs is like having a VIP pass to connect with industry pros and maybe even hear about some sweet job openings on the low.

So when you start flexing that TechCrunch knowledge in your applications and interviews, you're basically telling employers "Hey, I'm a total go-getter and I live and breathe this tech life." As one industry vet put it, "Staying up to date with top tech blogs like TechCrunch is like having insider info - it gives candidates a serious advantage in interviews." So do yourself a solid and make it a habit to scroll through those tech blogs.

It's not just gonna level up your knowledge, but it might just be the key to landing that dream remote tech gig from Dubai.

Participate in Coding Bootcamps like Nucamp


If you're a 20-year-old trying to make it big in the wild world of tech, you gotta stay on top of your game. With new tech popping up every other day, it's crucial to keep learning and leveling up your skills.

That's where coding bootcamps come in clutch, especially if you're eyeing those sweet remote gigs from Dubai.

Among the top players in the bootcamp scene, Nucamp stands out.

They offer a range of courses, from Web Development Fundamentals to Advanced Full Stack Development, tailored to help you crush it in the industry and achieve your career goals.

Recent research shows that a mind-blowing 80% of bootcamp grads level up their coding skills!

But it gets better.

Studies reveal that 72% of employers think bootcamp grads are just as skilled, if not more, than those with a fancy university degree. That's because bootcamps like Nucamp give you the real-world, hands-on training you need to hit the ground running:

  • Job Readiness: By teaching you the latest industry standards and tools, bootcamps prep you for the workforce.
  • Networking Opportunities: You get to connect with other coding wizards through projects and tap into a massive alumni network.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Bootcamps are way more affordable than traditional degrees, and you can level up your skills faster.

Nucamp tailors their curriculum to match the industry's needs and your personal goals, with a focus on practical, project-based learning.

Employers dig the fresh perspective and real-world experience that bootcamp grads like Nucamp's bring to the table. As one tech hiring manager put it, "Bootcamp grads have a unique combo of up-to-date tech skills, practical experience, and a killer drive." So, if you're aiming for those sweet remote tech jobs from Dubai, enrolling in a coding bootcamp like Nucamp isn't just a step - it's a massive leap towards landing your dream gig.

Attend Virtual Tech Meetups and Conferences


Virtual tech meetups and conferences are the real deal. They're like a ticket to stay on top of all the latest tech trends and connect with some serious ballers – all from the comfort of your crib in Dubai or wherever you're chillin'.

A report says the virtual event market was worth a whopping $94 billion in 2020 and is expected to keep growing at a crazy rate of 23.2% per year until 2028. It's like these events are taking over, and you don't wanna miss out.

Here's why you should be all over them:

  • Networking: 97% of marketers say virtual events are a dope way to connect with audiences. You can link up with industry big shots, potential mentors, and peeps who share your interests without even leaving the house. Perception System says staying updated on trends and meeting potential investors are key reasons to make these connections.
  • Knowledge Enhancement: These events have workshops, keynotes, and panels that'll give you the inside scoop on all the cutting-edge tech and methods. It's like getting a crash course in leveling up your skills, making you a more attractive candidate for tech jobs. Events like Tech Conferences: The Best Tech Events Guide for 2024 have a dope directory of over 100 tech events to keep you in the know.
  • Access to Global Opportunities: Virtual events mean you can attend meetups, workshops, and seminars happening anywhere in the world, exposing you to global trends and opportunities. Taking advantage of the top benefits of attending tech conferences, like expanding your knowledge and improving skills, can be a game-changer.

Finding and engaging in these virtual events takes some strategy and hustle.

Platforms like and Eventbrite are great places to discover tech gatherings. Use filters like "technology" and set your location to find events that fit your needs.

Here are some engagement tips:

  1. Get active in the Q&A sessions to get noticed.
  2. Use event hashtags on social media to connect with participants and speakers.
  3. Follow up with new contacts on LinkedIn to solidify those connections.

"Expanding your network and enhancing your knowledge through virtual tech meetups and conferences can seriously boost your career," says a top tech industry recruiter.

This immersive approach keeps you up-to-date on industry trends and opens doors to all kinds of remote work opportunities.

Explore Opportunities with Remote-First Companies like Buffer


Let me break it down for you about these remote-first companies that are shaking up the job scene. These days, more and more tech companies are going fully remote, which means you can work from wherever you want, even from your crib in Dubai.

Over 16% of companies worldwide are already on that remote grind, and a crazy 52% of employees work remotely at least once a week. This shift is huge, and companies like Buffer, a dope social media management tool, are leading the way.

Buffer has a fully distributed team scattered across the globe, and they're killin' it with their transparent and flexible work culture that prioritizes work-life balance.

Their success is making other companies sit up and take notice, and it's become a hot spot for tech job seekers.

If you're looking to score a gig at one of these remote-first companies, you gotta be strategic.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Research the Company Culture: Dig deep into the company's vibe and how they operate. For example, Buffer is all about keeping it real and making sure their employees are happy and healthy.
  2. Highlight Your Remote-Work Skills: When you're applying, show off your skills that make you a rockstar at remote work, like being self-motivated, communicating like a boss, and mastering time management.
  3. Utilize Remote Job Boards: Sites like We Work Remotely and are dedicated to listing remote-first jobs, so you'll find plenty of tech opportunities right at your fingertips.

Buffer started as a small fry but grew into a major player in the remote-first tech game.

Their success proves there's a ton of potential in this space. One of their leaders said, "Going remote-first isn't just about working flexibly; it's about building a global community with shared goals and values." If you're in Dubai and want to break into the tech industry, these remote-first companies are giving you a golden opportunity to showcase your skills without borders.

Check out Nucamp's tips on launching your tech career in Dubai to make your move and crush your goals.

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I leverage LinkedIn for networking in Dubai's tech industry?

Customize your LinkedIn URL, highlight tech projects, and gather recommendations to enhance your profile. Engage with potential employers through active participation in groups, sharing insights, and personalized outreach.

How can Coursera help me enhance my technical skills for remote tech jobs?

Coursera offers courses like 'Python for Everybody' and 'IBM Data Science Professional Certificate' that can equip you with essential skills sought after in the industry. Earning certificates from Coursera validates your technical skills to potential employers.

How can I build an impressive portfolio with GitHub to stand out in the tech job market?

Curate your best work, maintain consistent activity, and contribute to open source projects on GitHub to showcase your skills. Including a variety of projects can illustrate a well-rounded skill set and enhance visibility to potential employers.

What are the benefits of utilizing remote job boards like We Work Remotely in the tech sector?

Access diverse job listings, save time with streamlined job search filters, and benefit from community insights and resources on navigating remote work effectively.

Why is soft skill development important for tech job seekers in Dubai?

Soft skills are crucial for effective communication and collaboration in remote work settings. Platforms like Toastmasters International offer programs to enhance presentation and communication skills, making candidates more attractive in the job market.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible