The Top 10 Best Colleges in New York City for Tech Enthusiasts in 2024

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

An illustration of tech icons representing the top 10 colleges in New York City

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In 2024, New York City's top colleges for tech enthusiasts include Columbia University, NYU, and City University of New York - Baruch College, offering programs aligned with industry demands and boasting a projected 22% sector growth. Noteworthy data points include high job placement rates and industry collaborations.

NYC is about to be lit with tech jobs in 2024, and the education game here is going to be crucial for anyone trying to get in on that action. We're talking a projected 22% growth! The big dogs in education aren't just teaching skills, they're hooking you up with industry connections that are essential for scoring 77% of those sweet tech gigs that require digital skills.

You got places like Cornell Tech, a STEM powerhouse, offering a one-year MBA program tailored for tech heads.

Then there's The Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture at CUNY, with state-of-the-art facilities for aspiring architects and urban designers to get their design on.

Nucamp is also in the game, providing accessible tech education through their Web Development Fundamentals bootcamp and other programs, ensuring the workforce has the skills to slay in the tech world.

These institutions, along with heavy hitters like Columbia, NYU, and City University of New York - Baruch College, are the backbone of NYC's tech dominance.

They're not just schools, they're the launchpad for the next generation of innovators. With a tech-driven outlook for 2024, these colleges are the key to NYC's tech triumph, no cap.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • Columbia University in the City of New York
  • New York University
  • Cornell Tech
  • City University of New York - Baruch College
  • Fordham University
  • The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
  • Pace University
  • Parsons School of Design at The New School
  • Stevens Institute of Technology
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Get the inside scoop on the Top 10 Startups in New York City that are catching the eyes of tech savvy investors.



We're talking about the sickest tech colleges in NYC for 2024, and let me tell you, it's a whole vibe.

First things first, we looked at how tight these schools are with the big dogs in the industry.

Like, are they bros with companies that can hook you up with legit internships and jobs? That counts for a massive 35% of their ranking score. It's all about that real-world experience, you feel me? A professor straight out of the industry scene is gonna teach you some fire moves that'll make you a total tech boss.

We checked if these grads are actually landing decent tech gigs after graduation.

That's a whole 20% of their score. Because let's be real, you don't want to be stuck flipping burgers after spending all that cash on tuition, right?

Of course, we couldn't ignore the classic ranking factors like graduation rates and what other schools think of them.

But we also kept it fresh by considering stuff like how much money you'll make after graduating and if the school is helping out students from underprivileged backgrounds.

  • Program diversity is key too (10%). You want options, not just coding all day, every day.
  • We gave props to schools with a dope entrepreneurial vibe (5%), where students are out there building their own tech startups.
  • And let's not forget about those state-of-the-art facilities (5%) that'll make you feel like you're in a sci-fi movie while you're learning.

Our rankings are like a GPS for navigating the tech college scene in NYC. Stay fresh, stay focused, and get that degree that'll make you a real player in the game.

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Columbia University in the City of New York


Columbia University is straight fire if you're tryna level up your tech game. Their 2024 tech courses are on point with the latest trends, like Machine Learning, Blockchain Tech, and even Quantum Computing – that's some next-level stuff.

They've got this dope Executive Master's program for the OGs already killing it in the industry, and a sick SHAPE program to get the high school kids prepped for the tech grind.

No matter where you're at, Columbia's got your back.

But it's not just the courses. Columbia's got partnerships with tech giants like IBM and Google, so you're learning the real deal, hands-on stuff.

And over 80% of their faculty are straight-up experts, holding terminal degrees and all that jazz. You know you're getting that premium education, no cap.

And when you graduate, it's a wrap.

95% of Columbia's tech grads land jobs within six months, which is insane! They've got their finger on the pulse of what the industry needs, so you're set to hit the ground running.

Columbia's research facilities are state-of-the-art, and their industry connections mean you're working on legit, real-world problems.

Last year, students were tackling sustainable tech and AI in healthcare – that's some game-changing stuff right there. One grad summed it up perfectly:

"Columbia University has not just prepared us for the current tech landscape but has equipped us to be the creators of tomorrow's technological milestones."

Columbia ain't playing around – they're shaping the future of tech, and you could be a part of it.

New York University


NYU is going to be excellent in 2024! They've got great programs like the Andre Koo Tech MBA at Stern and the impressive Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) at Tisch, which are all about keeping up with the latest tech trends.

We're talking Computer Science, Data Science, Cybersecurity, and Electrical Engineering – the whole range! The Tech MBA, for instance, puts you right in the thick of it with a core curriculum and electives that'll let you get hands-on experience building and launching real tech solutions for real-world problems.

But that's not all! NYU's got great connections with industry giants, and their professors bring that real-world business know-how to the classroom.

The Tech Advisory Board at Stern is filled with experts from top companies who'll mentor you and show you how it's done in the industry. So, you'll get a perfect blend of academic knowledge and practical application, plus excellent internships and project-based learning opportunities to get a taste of what the tech industry is all about.

93% of NYU's tech grads land jobs within six months of graduation! That's impressive! Tandon is always updating their courses to keep up with the latest tech trends, and the Career Development Center hooks you up with great career connections.

Grads are scoring gigs in Software Development, Data Analytics, Cybersecurity, IT Systems Management – you name it! That's why NYU is going to be one of the Top Colleges in New York City for Tech Enthusiasts in 2024.

They've got the academics, the industry connections, and the faculty who'll make sure you're ready to take on the tech world.

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Cornell Tech


Let me give you the lowdown on this tech powerhouse - Cornell Tech. It's like the hub for all things futuristic and AI in NYC!

First off, they've got these dope programs that are totally geared towards what the industry needs right now.

The Break Through Tech AI course is a total hit with undergrads from all over.

It's like having a mentor guide you through the world of AI and machine learning, which is a hot commodity these days. But that's not all – they mix it up with courses that blend computing with business, health tech, cybersecurity, and more.

Talk about a well-rounded education!

What really sets Cornell Tech apart is their connections with major tech companies. They've got this sweet student tech project collab thing going on where you get to work directly with industry legends on real projects.

It's like getting a head start on your career while still in school. It's no wonder 97% of grads get job offers, with 89% going straight into mature or startup tech companies!

Cornell Tech is all about fostering that entrepreneurial spirit.

They've got this Startup Awards program where they literally fund student-led ventures with seed money. Talk about putting your money where your mouth is!

Let me break it down for you:

  • Innovative degree programs like the Master of Engineering in Computer Science with specializations in Connective Media, Health Tech, and Urban Tech
  • Sick job placement rates – grads are either founding their own startups or landing sweet tech gigs
  • Tight connections with major tech companies, complete with on-site mentors
  • Hands-on learning through the "Studio Program" and other project-based initiatives
  • Entrepreneurial support with the Startup Awards program that provides legit seed funding

As one recent grad put it,

"At Cornell Tech, we didn't just study technology, we lived it. Collaborating with industry icons challenged us to innovate beyond the classroom."

It's like they're preparing you to dive straight into the heart of NYC's tech scene.

Pretty sick, right?

City University of New York - Baruch College


In 2024, Baruch College is going to be the spot for tech education in NYC. They're providing us with classes in data analytics, cybersecurity, and software development, making sure we're aligned with what the tech industry really wants.

They're even offering courses like CIS 5800: Information Technology Development and Project Management, staying ahead of the curve.

Additionally, Baruch's got a team of legitimate scholars and professionals who know their subject matter, imparting knowledge on us from both the theoretical and practical sides.

And they're not just talking - Baruch's got connections with major tech companies, setting us up with real-world projects and internships. It's no wonder that 96% of their graduates land jobs within 6 months.

We're talking partnerships with major companies like IBM, Google, and Microsoft. Plus, they've got this program called STEP that nurtures the next generation of STEM leaders.

Baruch's right in the heart of NYC's tech scene, so they're keeping us on the cutting edge.

They're all about blending tech education with business acumen, with initiatives like the Field Center for Entrepreneurship. The faculty's mission is to give us that perfect mix of academic rigor and real-world application, preparing us for NYC's thriving tech sector and shaping the future workforce.

Sounds like a great opportunity, doesn't it?

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Fordham University


Fordham University is killing it in the tech scene here in NYC. They got that perfect blend of industry knowledge and academic skills, giving their students a real competitive edge in the ever-changing tech world.

Check this out - they got a dope Master's program in Information Technology for 2024 that covers everything from business data analytics to cybersecurity and data management.

That's some serious skills right there!

Their grad tech placement rate is off the charts, with around 90% of students landing jobs within six months of graduation.

Talk about being job-ready, am I right?

Fordham ain't playing around with their industry connections either. They're partnering up with tech giants and hot startups, giving their students the chance to get real-world legal experience through the Fordham Law School's clinics.

You'll be working on some cutting-edge legal issues and cases across various areas, from community economic development to Law and Technology. That's hands-on experience that'll make you a valuable asset to any employer, no doubt.

Fordham is out here making moves to expand the NYC tech scene.

They got this dope program called the Fordham Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) that's been prepping underrepresented minorities and economically disadvantaged students for college and careers in STEM, health, and licensed professions since 1986.

Talk about making a difference!

And let's not forget their annual Tech Summit, where they bring together some of the biggest innovators and thought leaders in the game.

It's all about fostering that dialogue and networking.

What really sets Fordham apart is how they use NYC's energy to take their tech programs to the next level.

As one of their officials said, "Our location in New York City and our strong industry connections enable a rich educational paradigm, where learning and application go hand in hand." That synergy between Fordham and the city's bustling tech scene is what makes them a beacon for tech education, constantly contributing to the growth and diversity of the technological sector right here in New York City.

The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art


This rad school in the heart of NYC's East Village, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, is killin' it in the tech game in 2024.

They've been pumping out some serious innovative vibes, mad inclusivity, and straight-up excellence in tech education for ages.

These cats are keeping it cutting-edge, revamping their tech programs with fresh curricula that's on point with the ever-changing needs of the tech industry.

They're offering dope stuff like Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, and the Summer STEM program that'll have you ready to tackle any tech challenge or aspiration that comes your way.

Cooper Union stays tight with NYC's buzzing tech scene, working on sick research projects that bridge academia and real-world application.

They've got their hands in everything from Urban Infrastructure Redesign for smart city integration, to Renewable Energy Systems tryna boost solar efficiency, and even pioneering some next-level 3D Printing Technology, especially for biomedical uses.

Straight fire!

These guys have partnerships with industry giants like Google, and they hook you up with hands-on experiences like the Retraining Program for Immigrant Engineers, so you can level up your potential.

A whopping 90% of the tech class of 2024 landed dope careers at companies like Tesla and Amazon! Dr. Laura Sparks, the school's President, says their historic commitment is all about setting up their alumni for practical success.

One grad, Nancy Miller, credits Cooper Union for her mad skills in machine learning algorithms, thanks to the exceptional mentorship and abundant resources from their distinguished faculty and corporate allies.

Pace University


Let me break it down for you about Pace University in the Big Apple. They're excelling in 2024 with their tech education, taking a fresh approach that's all about integrating different fields.

The Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems at Pace is leading the charge in the AI revolution, offering programs in cybersecurity, game development, and more.

If you're eyeing a career in these hot sectors, get ready to join the elite squad - their job placement rate is a mind-blowing 95% within six months of graduation.

Pace has teamed up with tech giants like Google, IBM, and Microsoft.

This move means you'll get to work on:

  • Projects that mimic real-life tech industry challenges,
  • Internships that'll give you a taste of the real deal, and
  • Talks from legit tech gurus.

With all these hands-on experiences, you'll be prepped to excel in the tech world.

But don't just take my word for it.

One alum said,

"Pace University was pivotal in navigating my path in the tech realm. The synergy between coursework and industry linkage primed me for contemporary challenges."

Lots of grads are singing Pace's praises, and it's easy to see why.

They're not just about education; they're also making waves with research projects, startup incubators, and community tech programs, cementing their status as a tech education powerhouse.

Pace is hooking up transfer students with scholarships and rolling out fresh degrees like the Bachelor of Science in Game Development (link).

They're serious about setting you up for success in the tech industry. With their on-point curriculum, industry connections, and NYC vibes, Pace is definitely a top contender for tech enthusiasts looking for a real learning experience that'll prep them for the city's tech revolution.

Parsons School of Design at The New School


Did you check out Parsons in NYC? That place is sick! They're all about meshing design and tech, which is dope if you're into that kinda stuff. Their programs like Data Viz, Design and Tech MFA, and Strategic Design BBA are fire for prepping you to crush it in the digital world.

Over 85% of the Design and Tech grads end up scoring gigs in UX/UI, game dev, and interactive media. Talk about a solid ROI!

Parsons has got connections with tech giants like Google, IBM, and Intel.

They hook you up with workshops and real-life projects, so you get that hands-on experience that makes your portfolio pop. And let's not forget 'The Urban Intelligence Project' – it's like a super collab where design, urban studies, and data science come together to tackle city problems.

Cutting-edge stuff!

Parsons is ranked among the top design schools globally. Legit, they're pumping out tech leaders left and right. And if you're into architecture too, they've got a solid rep there as well.

Alumni from Parsons are out there killing it and shaping the future of tech in NYC and beyond. It's like a breeding ground for innovation.

Stevens Institute of Technology


Stevens Institute of Technology is killing it in the tech game, especially in the NYC area. They've got some seriously dope programs like a Master's in Computer Science that'll get you a job faster than you can say "algorithm."

But it's not just about the book smarts.

Stevens is all about that hands-on experience and getting you connected with the big dogs in the tech industry. They've got internships and job opportunities with some of the biggest names out there, so you can get your hustle on and start stacking that paper.

And let's not forget about the research game at Stevens. They're tackling some real-world issues like healthcare, cybersecurity, and sustainable living.

It's not just about crunching numbers, it's about making a difference and pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

With Stevens in your corner, you'll be unstoppable in the tech world.

Whether you're trying to start your own dope venture or just want to be a boss at your job, Stevens has got your back. They're even rubbing shoulders with the biggest names in NYC's tech scene, so you know they're legit.

Bottom line, if you're trying to level up your tech game and make some serious moves in the industry, Stevens Institute of Technology is where it's at.

Get that degree, get that experience, and get ready to take over the world.



You living in NYC in 2024? You're in luck! This city's got some serious tech hubs that'll make you the next Zuck, ya dig? Let's break it down for ya.

First up, we got the big dogs like Columbia University and NYU.

These places are ranked #12 and #35 respectively, according to U.S. News Best Colleges, so you know they're legit.

Not only will you be swimming in knowledge, but they've also got mad connections with tech companies, so you'll be set for a dope career after graduation. Speaking of careers, did you know that 94% of Columbia grads land jobs right after finishing? That's insane!

There's more! Cornell University is also tied for #12, and they're killing it with their industry-driven programs.

These guys are straight-up fueling NYC's tech game, so you'll be right in the mix.

If you're looking for something a bit more affordable, check out CUNY New York City College of Technology.

They're ranked #22 for Regional Colleges North, so you know they're no slouch. And let's not forget about Fordham University. They've got a four-year housing guarantee, which means you can fully immerse yourself in that college life.

Last but not least, there's the New York Institute of Technology.

They're known for their engaged student community and rad outcomes, especially if you're into tech stuff. Oh, and let's give a shout-out to the Grace Hopper Program for their commitment to inclusivity in tech.

Diversity is the future!

So, there you have it. NYC's tech scene is fire, and these schools are your ticket to the big leagues. Just remember, it's not just about learning the skills, it's about building a sick career in an industry that's always evolving.

You got this!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top colleges in New York City for tech enthusiasts in 2024?

The top colleges in New York City for tech enthusiasts in 2024 include Columbia University, NYU, and City University of New York - Baruch College, offering programs aligned with industry demands and boasting a projected 22% sector growth.

What are the key data points to consider when evaluating tech colleges in NYC?

Key data points to consider when evaluating tech colleges in NYC include university-industry collaborations, faculty qualifications, graduate job placement rates, program diversity and specializations, college entrepreneurial ecosystems, and state-of-the-art campus facilities catered to tech learning.

How do colleges like Columbia University and NYU prepare students for the tech industry?

Colleges like Columbia University and NYU prepare students for the tech industry through innovative programs, strong industry partnerships, hands-on experiences, high job placement rates, and tech-focused curriculum that aligns with real-world demands.

What sets Cornell Tech apart as a leading tech college in NYC?

Cornell Tech stands out as a leading tech college in NYC due to its variety of tech programs, industry partnerships, strong job placement rates, emphasis on practical learning through the 'Studio Program', and entrepreneurial support through initiatives like the Startup Awards program.

How does Pace University distinguish itself in the tech education space in NYC?

Pace University distinguishes itself in the tech education space in NYC by offering integrative tech programs, forging pivotal partnerships with industry leaders, providing hands-on experiences, ensuring high job placement rates, and emphasizing practical engagement to meet the demands of the tech landscape.

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Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.