What Networking Events Should Las Vegas Tech Enthusiasts Attend?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

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Las Vegas tech enthusiasts can network at events like 2023, RedFlint Innovation Experience, and NAB Show. Specialized meetups and conferences cater to tech professionals, showcasing Vegas as a tech talent haven. Elevate your networking game with research, engaging with speakers, and follow-ups for career growth.

Vegas is way more than just the Strip now! It's a legit tech paradise in the desert. With CES 2024 about to blow minds with dope digital health and retail tech, Vegas is the melting pot of all things tech.

Last year's Vegas Tech Summit set the stage, rallying the crew to turn Vegas into a tech hub, while RedFlint Innovation Experience keeps the creative juices flowing.

And don't sleep on Meetup.com, they got events for local squads like Las Vegas Developers and Vegas VR, so you can network like a boss.

This scene is a breeding ground for growth and innovation, with major conferences like NAB Show putting Vegas's tech game on the global radar. Plus, with hot startups popping up left and right, it's a prime spot for Nucamp grads to make moves.

Vegas is the place to be if you're a tech enthusiast looking to connect, immerse yourself in the latest and greatest, and ride the wave of digital disruption.

Table of Contents

  • Recurring Tech Events in Las Vegas
  • Annual Tech Conferences to Note in Las Vegas
  • Networking Tips for Tech Events in Las Vegas
  • Wrap Up: Maximizing Tech Networking in Las Vegas
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Recurring Tech Events in Las Vegas


What's up! Vegas ain't just about casinos and clubs, it's a freakin' tech paradise too! You heard me right, this neon-lit city has a massive tech community called Tech Alley with over 2,400 members.

Every third Saturday, developers, entrepreneurs, and tech nerds like us gather to chat, share ideas, and show off their dope projects at events like Tech Alley monthly meetups and Vegas Programmers.

It's a wild time, trust me!

But that's not all. Vegas has all sorts of specialized tech events too, like ones focused on Agile methods and startups, and the attendance keeps growing each year.

We've got tech groups and associations like the Las Vegas Developers Community and the Agile Software Development Group, where you can hang with fellow geeks and learn some sick new tricks.

And let's not forget about the epic tech conferences that hit Vegas every year, like CES, which brings in hundreds of thousands of people, and other dope expos for cybersecurity, software engineering, and more.

If you're trying to level up your career game, these Vegas tech events are where it's at.

It's not just about socializing, it's about gaining mad skills, networking with the right people, and getting your career to new heights. Just like the city itself, the tech scene here moves fast and rewards those who really go hard.

Some folks have even scored life-changing job opportunities just by being part of the community. So, what are you waiting for? Roll the dice and dive into the Vegas tech world!

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Annual Tech Conferences to Note in Las Vegas


Las Vegas is where it's at for all you tech geeks out there! The city's event calendar is stacked with some of the biggest tech conferences in the game. From 2023 and beyond, Vegas is the place to be if you want to get your ideas out there, connect with the big dogs, and stay ahead of the curve.

Leading the pack is CES, the ultimate global tech event.

In January 2024, they're expecting over 130,000 people to show up and get their minds blown by all the cutting-edge innovation across different industries. It's like a tech playground for adults!

But that's not all.

NAB Show is where media, entertainment, and tech collide, drawing in thousands of professionals looking to level up their game.

If you're into networking and picking the brains of industry leaders, events like the CIO Leadership Summit and PegaWorldiNspire are where it's at.

These go down in June, and you'll get to hear from legends like Gary Sorrentino.

For all you cybersecurity nerds out there, Black Hat USA and Def Con are the places to be if you want to get deep into the world of hacking and cyber threats.

But it doesn't stop there! Vegas is packed with specialized conferences like Interop ITX for IT infrastructure geeks and InfoComm for all you audiovisual tech enthusiasts.

These events are prime networking opportunities, with most attendees saying they've made major career moves just by showing up and making connections.

And if that's not enough, there are expos and summits like the Las Vegas Tech Summit happening year-round, keeping you in the loop with the latest trends and advancements.

Bottom line, if you're a tech nerd looking to level up, Vegas is the place to be.

Every event, from expos to keynotes, is all about pushing boundaries and making those all-important connections. It's a tech paradise!

Networking Tips for Tech Events in Las Vegas


According to HubSpot, 85% of jobs are filled through networking, so it's kinda crucial if you wanna level up. Before you hit those events, you gotta nail your elevator pitch game.

Keep it short and snappy, like under 30 seconds, and make sure to highlight your sick skills and what makes you stand out. Also, set some clear networking goals beforehand, like aiming to connect with at least five potential collabs or getting the scoop on the latest tech trends.

Check out these tips to up your networking game:

  • Do your research on the event agenda and attendee list to identify the big dogs you wanna meet. Around 70% of networkers say that researching attendees and companies beforehand boosts their confidence and makes convos more relevant.
  • Engage with the speakers or panelists after their sessions. Contentive says that 62% of conference attendees are more likely to remember and connect with speakers when they engage with them after their talks.
  • Get social media savvy before the event. Tweet about it using the official hashtag to get yourself noticed and make connections even before you arrive. Joining online communities and using networking apps recommended by John Johnson on Medium can take it to the next level.
  • Invest in a killer business card and follow up within 48 hours after the event with a personalized message. Karen Thompson at The Digital Transformation People says this prompt follow-up can increase the chances of a successful connection by 56%.

But remember, keep it real in your interactions.

As Development Counsellors International (DCI) puts it, "Authenticity is key in networking—people are more likely to engage with those who exhibit genuine interest and enthusiasm." Hit up those tech conferences in Vegas, like the ones listed on Barbara Johnson's guide at Bizzabo, to catch some dope talks and workshops, and rub shoulders with industry leaders ready to share their experiences.

With Vegas being a tech hub, the right networking approach can open doors to some sick collabs and growth in the industry. So, get out there and work those connections!

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Wrap Up: Maximizing Tech Networking in Las Vegas


Let's talk about the hot tech networking scene in Vegas. It's all about building those long-term relationships, you understand? A LinkedIn survey found that a whopping 80% of professionals think networking is crucial for career success.

Crazy, right? But here's the kicker - only 2% of sales happen at the first meeting. So you have to keep following up, because persistence pays off in any professional game.

Networking isn't just about numbers, though.

You have to ask yourself if you really connected with someone who can help you level up or show you the ropes. Vegas is a goldmine for tech talent, investors, and innovators to link up.

Conferences like Cisco Live and SaaStr Annual are where the big players come to slay, so hit those up and make some great connections while learning about the latest industry trends.

To elevate your networking game in Vegas, follow these tips:

  • Set clear goals - Don't just wing it. Figure out what you want to achieve and hit the right events to make it happen.
  • Keep it real - Genuine connections are where it's at. People do business with those they vibe with, you understand?
  • Leverage tech - Use event apps and sites like LinkedIn to connect before and after events, and keep that momentum going.
  • Mix it up - Don't just stick to one scene. Hit up meetups, workshops, and conferences to expand your circle and get exposed to new vibes.

In the end, networking in Vegas tech can be a game-changer if you do it right.

It's not just about showing up, but actively connecting and nurturing those relationships in this buzzing city. Check out Nucamp's articles on networking events, top tech companies, and startups to watch to dive deeper into what's happening in the local scene.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some recurring tech events in Las Vegas?

Recurring tech events in Las Vegas include monthly meetups like Las Vegas Developers Community and Vegas VR, showcasing a vibrant tech community. Specialized events focusing on Agile methodologies and tech startups also contribute to the tech scene.

What are some annual tech conferences to note in Las Vegas?

Annual tech conferences in Las Vegas include CES, gathering hundreds of thousands of attendees, and events like and , featuring industry luminaries. The city also hosts cybersecurity and IT infrastructure conferences for knowledge seekers.

What are some networking tips for tech events in Las Vegas?

Networking tips for tech events in Las Vegas include crafting a brief elevator pitch, setting clear networking goals, researching event agendas and attendees, engaging with speakers post-presentation, leveraging social media for pre-event networking, and following up with personalized messages within 48 hours post-event.

How can one maximize tech networking in Las Vegas?

To maximize tech networking in Las Vegas, set clear objectives, engage authentically, utilize digital platforms for outreach, and diversify attendance across various tech events. Building long-term relationships, persistent follow-up, and evaluation of networking success are also key strategies.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible