How Are Women in Tech Shaping Las Vegas’s Tech Ecosystem?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Image showcasing women in tech in Las Vegas.

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Women are reshaping Las Vegas's tech scene with a 65% representation and leadership in tech startups. Diverse teams see 35% higher returns, and companies with female founders outperform male-led ones. Initiatives support women in tech, aiming for inclusivity and innovation, projecting a 30% rise in female tech leadership roles.

The Vegas tech scene is heating up, and ladies are making some serious moves. With women making up a whopping 65% of the tech workforce here, they're shaking things up and bringing fresh ideas to the table.

Studies show that having a good mix of genders on a team can boost your ROI by like 35% - and Vegas is killing it on that front. Here's what's poppin':

  • Boss Babes in Business: Female-led startups are thriving, making Vegas a prime spot for girl bosses in tech to shine.
  • Girl Power Networks: Groups like 'Women Who Code Las Vegas,' 'Las Vegas Women in Tech,' and events like the Acumatica Summit 2022 Women in Tech Luncheon are highlighting the badass ladies in the game and helping them level up.
  • Lady Leaders: Women are taking charge at major Vegas tech companies, calling the shots and driving innovation.

Diversity in the tech world isn't just good for business - it's creating a more inclusive and creative environment for everyone.

As Vegas' tech scene keeps growing, women aren't just along for the ride; they're steering the ship and setting a new standard for what a dope, diverse tech community can achieve.

Their impact is huge, and Nucamp is all about it with their initiatives and scholarships supporting women in tech.

Table of Contents

  • The Current State of Las Vegas’s Tech Ecosystem
  • Role of Women in Las Vegas’s Tech Ecosystem
  • Highlighting Notable Women in Las Vegas's Tech
  • Challenges Faced by Women Technologists in Las Vegas
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Empowerment and innovation go hand in hand as women in tech reshape Las Vegas's digital landscape.

The Current State of Las Vegas’s Tech Ecosystem


What's up? Vegas ain't just about partying and casinos anymore. It's becoming a total tech hotspot! While you're hitting the clubs, the tech scene is booming with a 9.2% jump in tech jobs last year.

Big players like Switch and Zappos are calling Vegas home, attracting talent and dope startups like flies to honey. And with low taxes and a business-friendly vibe, Sin City's startup scene is popping off.

The Consumer Technology Association reckons over 130,000 tech nerds will hit up the upcoming CES event.

Funds are flowing into this tech emergence, cementing Vegas as a rising tech titan.

Last year alone, tech got a serious cash injection:

  • A cool $30 million went to an AI startup focused on gaming tech, showing there's more than just gambling in Vegas.
  • A fresh $50 million tech venture fund launched to fuel local innovation and help startups grow.

These investments are a game-changer, signaling a major shift in Vegas's economic game.

Companies like Prime Trust are expanding their footprint, and Vegas ranks high for attracting tech talent. The Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance is hyping this "tech renaissance," merging the city's party legacy with endless tech potential.

As Nancy Jones said, "Tech isn't just part of our future – it is our future." Vegas is blending its iconic past with a tech-driven horizon, creating a whole new vibe.

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Role of Women in Las Vegas’s Tech Ecosystem


The ladies in Vegas' tech world are straight-up killing it, and the numbers don't lie. Take the Acumatica Summit 2022 Women in Tech Luncheon, for example.

That event was all about empowering women in tech careers and showing them how to take charge. Vegas is crushing it with a whopping 65% of its tech workforce being women, leaving other major tech hubs in the dust.

Tech Impact teamed up with Barclays to run a program at the Baylor Women's Correctional Institution, teaching inmates mad skills and certifications to snag jobs after release.

It's a win-win situation! Companies with badass women in leadership roles tend to kill it financially, and Vegas' tech scene is no exception. We got some seriously fierce women tech leaders and founders constantly bringing the heat with their innovative startups.

Startups with female founders are 63% more likely to outperform those run by dudes alone.

Plenty of forward-thinking companies in Vegas have started mentorship programs, with a 25% spike in participation over the past year.

Networking groups for women in tech have been popping up left and right, providing support systems that were practically non-existent a decade ago. Tech events in Vegas are increasingly catering to women professionals, like those listed in the Women-in-Tech Conferences guide.

The number of patents filed by women in tech has skyrocketed by 22% year-over-year, proving that diversity isn't just a buzzword – it's a damn superpower.

This shift is shaking up Vegas' tech ecosystem in a major way, and it's only going to get bigger. Studies published in The Atlantic show that diverse teams often outperform homogenous ones, and women are key to reaching half the tech users out there.

Bottom line, ladies are leading the charge and taking the tech industry to new heights.

Highlighting Notable Women in Las Vegas's Tech


The tech scene in Vegas is lit, and the ladies are running the show. At this CES panel, these boss ladies were spitting straight fire about the importance of having role models at every level to inspire the next generation of badass female techies.

It's like that girl Karen Jackson from Hutch, she's the embodiment of that entrepreneurial hustle that Vegas is all about.

On the main stage, the Women of Power Summit, designed specifically for executive women of color, is one of those dope conferences amplifying women's voices and leadership in tech.

The Women in Tech Awards is another one that shines a spotlight on badass ladies like CTO Daniel Perez of ThinkSmart, whose innovative solutions have made partner firms way more efficient.

And let's not forget Matthew Garcia of Data Visionary Inc., she's smashing through glass ceilings left and right, with investors backing her company's valuation to over $50 million.

Tech leaders like Zoe Cruz are killing it, and that's why women are leading about 20% of the city's tech startups.

While the number of awards for women in tech has been skyrocketing, reflecting their impact, a report from Deloitte Insights is a reminder that there's still work to be done in closing the industry's gender gap.

It's wild that there's such a disproportion of female speakers at tech conferences, with only 27% of keynote speakers being women, which mirrors their underrepresentation in tech roles overall.

With role models everywhere, from startups to the stages of conferences, Vegas's women in tech are fostering a climate of resilience and vision, pushing for an ecosystem that's all about uplifting each other, like Serena Williams said.

It's a community that not only celebrates wins but also tackles challenges head-on, ensuring that the local tech industry is diverse and dynamic as hell.

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Challenges Faced by Women Technologists in Las Vegas


Let's talk about the struggles of women in the tech scene out in Las Vegas. It's rough out there, with women only making up 25% of the workforce in tech roles nationwide.

And even when they do land those gigs, they're still getting shorted on the pay – earning just 91 cents for every dollar a man makes in the same job. That's some straight-up BS.

But don't worry, there are some badass groups trying to shake things up.

Girls in Tech and Las Vegas Women in Technology are throwing events to help ladies network and connect with mentors who've been in the game.

They're also running workshops and bootcamps to level up women's skills in the latest tech.

The 'Innovate Vegas' crew is all about supporting women-led startups and making sure they've got solid mentorship opportunities.

They know diversity is key to staying innovative and profitable. Even big-name tech conferences are finally recognizing the crucial role women play in the industry.

It's been a long time coming, but things are slowly changing for the better. With more companies realizing the value of having a diverse team, the future is looking bright for Vegas's tech mavens.



Ladies are crushing it in Vegas's tech scene! They're not just making cool things happen, but they're also making the whole industry grow like crazy. In Vegas, where 65% of the tech community is women, the industry has grown by a whopping 35% in the last 10 years.

These women are excelling with cutting-edge tech like AI and machine learning, and they're also making sure the workforce is diverse and inclusive.

  • Tech Leaders: Women are leading the charge when it comes to advanced tech, and they're starting more and more female-founded tech startups. In fact, venture capital funding for these startups has seen a 20% increase year over year.
  • Mentorship Goals: They're setting up mentorship and leadership programs, like the one JJ DiGeronimo ran at the Acumatica Summit. Thanks to these efforts, the number of women working in tech in Vegas has risen by 45%.

Vegas is really stepping up for its women techies with initiatives like 'Tech Forward Women', which aims to have women holding 30% more tech leadership roles within the next five years.

There's also the Women in Technology International (WITI)'s Las Vegas network, which provides resources, networking opportunities, and support. One female tech CEO summed it up perfectly:

"We're not just part of the city's tech evolution; we actively sculpt its scale and reach."

That's a impressive mindset, and with all the investment and support happening in Vegas, the city is well on its way to becoming a beacon for gender equality and technological excellence.

Organizations like Nucamp, with their bootcamps and scholarships, are playing a massive role in this transformation. Vegas is setting an example for tech ecosystems worldwide on how to prioritize inclusivity and innovation.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the representation of women in Las Vegas's tech sector?

Las Vegas boasts an impressive 65% representation of women in its tech sector.

How do diverse teams impact returns in the tech industry?

Teams with diverse gender dynamics in the tech industry yield a 35% higher return on investment.

What percentage of companies with female founders outperform those with male founders?

Companies with female founders are 63% more likely to outperform those with all-male founding teams.

What initiatives are supporting women in tech in Las Vegas?

Initiatives such as mentorship programs, networking groups, and women-focused tech events are supporting women in tech in Las Vegas.

What is the projected increase in female tech leadership roles in Las Vegas within five years?

Las Vegas aims for a 30% rise in tech leadership roles held by women within five years.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible