Las Vegas's Top 10 Startups That Tech Professionals Should Watch Out For in 2024

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Collage of Las Vegas's top 10 startups' logos

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Las Vegas's tech scene is booming with top startups to watch in 2024. Check out these innovative companies specializing in cybersecurity, health tech, sustainability, and aerospace. With impressive growth prospects and significant funding, these startups are set to make waves in the tech industry.

Vegas ain't just about those flashy casinos and wild parties anymore. This place is low-key becoming a total tech hub, drawing in ambitious startups and seasoned techies from all over.

With its killer vibe and cutting-edge companies in cybersecurity, health tech, sustainability, and aerospace, Vegas is about to host CES 2024, cementing its status as a major tech player.

In 2024, over 130,000 people are expected to show up at CES, ready to connect with over a thousand startups and 3500+ exhibitors.

It's gonna be a total riot of innovation, and amidst all that chaos, these top 10 Vegas startups are straight-up killing it. They're not just responding to market demands, but they're also seizing strategic positions in the tech game.

With impressive capital investment and serious growth potential, these startups are the ones to watch out for in this competitive AF landscape.

  • Game-changing solutions tailored to the evolving tech market's needs.
  • Making moves in hot industries like digital health, fintech, and smart home tech.
  • Serious growth potential backed by market analysis and capital investment.
  • Leaders with the expertise to navigate the ever-changing tech scene.

As we take a closer look at these startups, it's clear they're making waves in the broader tech industry, reflecting the evolving character of Vegas's thriving tech ecosystem.

This city is more than just neon lights and blackjack tables – it's a hub of innovation, and these startups are leading the charge.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • 1. Startup One: CyberSec Plus
  • 2. Startup Two: EcoTech Innovations
  • 3. Startup Three: Likened AI
  • 4. Startup Four: Quantalyze
  • 5. Startup Five: DroneLife
  • 6. Startup Six: Omni Health Tech
  • 7. Startup Seven: Planetary Systems
  • 8. Startup Eight: Omni Commerce
  • 9. Startup Nine: VR Xperience
  • 10. Startup Ten: SmartHome AI
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Empowerment and innovation go hand in hand as women in tech reshape Las Vegas's digital landscape.



Check this out! We did some serious digging to find the hottest tech startups in Vegas for 2024, and trust me, it was no walk in the park.

First up, we combed through sites like AngelList and Crunchbase to spot the companies cooking up some crazy tech solutions that could shake things up.

We looked at stuff like funding rounds, investment amounts, and where the industry's heading to zero in on startups raking in the big bucks, like CyberSec Plus with their insane $20 million Series B raise.

But it wasn't just about the cash flow.

We also checked out their current market position by looking at user numbers, partnerships, and market share to make sure they've got an edge over the competition.

We even hit up industry insiders like Joe Reis' data engineering crew to get the inside scoop on the big wigs running the show and whether they've got what it takes to steer their startups to success.

Long story short, this list is a sneak peek into the wild world of Vegas tech startups gearing up for 2024.

We've got our eyes on the companies pushing boundaries with their tech and showing major growth potential. Plus, we kept tabs on what the media and industry bigwigs are buzzing about to make sure our picks aren't just killing it now but are set to make some serious waves in the future too.

So, if you're looking to stay ahead of the game in the ever-changing tech scene, this watchlist is your ultimate guide.

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1. Startup One: CyberSec Plus


Check this out - there's this rad startup called CyberSec Plus that's killing it in the cybersecurity game. These guys are straight-up pioneers, and they've been making waves since 2024 with their cutting-edge work.

Not only are they turning heads, but they've also scored a massive $10 million in Series B funding to take their defensive tech to the next level.

With cyber attacks getting more and more hardcore by the day, like that sneaky Ursa campaign (aka APT28) and new toolkits targeting places like the US, CyberSec Plus's solutions are clutch.

Their flagship product, Neural Shield, uses some seriously advanced machine learning algorithms to detect and shut down threats before they can even strike.

These guys are all about staying ahead of the game, and they've got a killer team of seasoned pros from top cybersecurity firms, with over a century of combined experience under their belts.

Their Chief Technology Officer is a former NSA badass who knows everything there is to know about emerging cyber threats and how to build robust defenses against them.

CyberSec Plus has seen a 300% surge in clients year-over-year, which just goes to show how on point their cyber innovation game is.

Whenever a new cyber hazard pops up, CyberSec Plus is all over it with lightning-fast reflexes and killer ingenuity.

As their founder puts it, "In the race to outsmart cyber threats, you gotta be quick on your feet and have mad skills." Looking ahead, they're gearing up to tackle cloud security gaps, complement SentinelOne's boosted cloud defense, beef up ransomware deterrence, and upgrade mobile safeguards.

In the midst of Las Vegas's booming tech scene, CyberSec Plus is a straight-up fortress, determined to protect our interconnected world and embodying the hustle and resilience that the city's startup scene is all about.

2. Startup Two: EcoTech Innovations


Check it out: in the wild world of Vegas startups, there's this badass company called EcoTech Innovations that's killin' it with their green tech solutions.

These dudes were inspired by some real boss ladies like the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs and the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI), who've been making mad moves in sustainability and startup culture.

With some seed money in the bag, EcoTech is ridin' the green wave!

Founded in 2023 and juiced up by dope initiatives like the $100M XPRIZE Carbon Removal contest, these guys are turnin' environmental challenges into straight-up game-changers.

Check out what they're packin':

  • An advanced water purification system, cuttin' down on plastic waste by 32% for the early birds who copped it.
  • A solar panel optimization tool, boosting energy efficiency by like 20% on average in that Vegas sun.
  • AI-driven agricultural drones, ready to revolutionize crop yields and water usage with some precision farming wizardry.

This ain't just talk – EcoTech is puttin' up real numbers.

Since they hit the scene, they've locked down partnerships with three of the biggest renewable energy projects in Nevada, showin' they're on a serious come-up.

In a city known for its bright lights and high energy bills, their progress is a straight-up beacon of hope for a sustainable Las Vegas.

Their CEO, Barbara Harris, keeps it real: "Our goal ain't just to innovate; we tryna provide solutions that have a positive impact on both the environment and our community." This vision is more than words, with their year-on-year growth projection for 2025 standin' at a crazy 150%, solidifying them as the leaders in environmental tech innovation in Vegas.

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3. Startup Three: Likened AI


Check this out! There's this dope startup in Las Vegas called Likened AI that's killing it with their AI tech for revamping customer service.

Their chatbots are the real deal, and they're leading the charge in transforming how we interact with companies. Word on the street is that these bots can cut service costs by up to 30%, and even the folks at PreSeed Now are hyping them up.

But that's not all! Likened AI is taking personalization to the next level with their machine learning wizardry.

Their chatbots can handle all sorts of complex tasks, from guiding your shopping spree to booking your next vacay, and they do it all with a smooth, contextual flow.

No matter if you're in retail, healthcare, or any other sector, these bots got your back. And – Built In says AI adoption has doubled since 2017, so these guys are right on trend!

Talk about customer satisfaction! Likened AI's chatbots are rocking a 95% customer happiness rate, which is straight fire.

It's no wonder they scored a massive $25 million Series B investment – the big dogs in the game can see the potential. Even McKinsey is talking about how AI is shaking up the biz world, and Likened AI is at the forefront of this digital communication revolution.

If you're a tech head in Las Vegas and you're not hyped about what Likened AI is cooking up, you're seriously missing out!

4. Startup Four: Quantalyze


In the buzzing tech startup scene in Vegas, Quantalyze is making some serious waves in the data analytics game. These guys have badass coders like James Jackson, a pro FullStack JavaScript Developer, on their team.

Their software is completely revolutionizing how businesses handle data. Instead of just making pretty graphs, Quantalyze's platform helps companies turn their data into real, actionable insights.

They just scored a massive $4 million from major investors, which just goes to show how game-changing their approach to data analytics is.

Quantalyze's platform is like a data-processing beast.

It can connect to all kinds of data sources and uses some seriously advanced algorithms to break down trends, patterns, and performance metrics. Here are some of the killer features:

  • Real-time data crunching for instant decision-making.
  • Custom dashboards tailored to your company's specific needs.
  • Machine learning-powered predictive analytics to help you see the future and plan ahead.

The tech scene in Vegas is on fire, and Quantalyze is leading the charge.

These guys have seen a freaking 200% growth in their user base over the past year, which just shows how much their product is in demand. They're working with all sorts of businesses, from e-commerce to finance, and their clients are seeing some serious results.

One local e-commerce company even saw a 30% boost in sales after using Quantalyze's insights to optimize their marketing.

But don't just take my word for it, check out what one stoked client had to say:

"Quantalyze's intuitive analytics platform allowed our team to decode intricate data effortlessly and pivot decisions swiftly."

Praise like this is pouring in from all kinds of industries, proving that Quantalyze's product is the real deal.

With the way things are going, Quantalyze isn't just a contender in the tech world, they're straight-up leading the charge in the future of business analytics.

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5. Startup Five: DroneLife


Check this out! DroneLife ain't your average startup. They're leading the charge in transforming logistics and delivery, shaping the future of how we buy stuff.

The moves they're making with drone delivery services in 2024 are straight-up revolutionary.

These are trailblazers, and their exceptional service is setting the bar for the whole industry. Investors are all over them, pouring in serious cash 'cause they believe in their potential.

The numbers don't lie - DroneLife is cutting traditional delivery times in half, redefining efficiency and customer satisfaction.

  • Expedited Delivery: Users are hyped about how quick their orders arrive, boosting sales for online businesses like crazy.
  • Eco-Benevolence: They're reducing their carbon footprint by relying less on gas-guzzling delivery trucks.
  • Scalability: They adapt to different market needs, with stats proving they can handle operations of all sizes.

With perks like these, DroneLife is raking in some serious praise from users.

A survey in Las Vegas showed a whopping 90% satisfaction rate. But it's not just consumers who are feeling the hype; this startup is shaking up the entire industry.

As the CEO put it, "DroneLife isn't just updating delivery methods; we're setting the standards for the logistics of the future." Their ambition is backed by a mind-blowing 120% annual growth rate, according to recent reports.

The tech wizardry at DroneLife is on full display with their diverse range of custom solutions, from emergency medical deliveries to complex supply chain management.

In the heart of innovative Las Vegas, DroneLife is leading the charge in revolutionizing logistics, catching the eye of investors and tech gurus eager to follow the rise of this game-changing service.

If you're keeping tabs on how autonomous tech is infiltrating our cities, the meteoric rise of DroneLife is the epitome of progress, promising not just evolution, but a full-blown revolution in delivery services.

6. Startup Six: Omni Health Tech


Las Vegas is home to a dope health tech startup called Omni Health Tech that's really shaking things up. These guys just scored a massive $25 million in Series B funding, which just goes to show that investors are feeling their vibe and believe they can disrupt the healthcare game.

Big-name venture capital firms like HealthTech Capital and NextGen Ventures are backing them, so you know they're legit.

Their flagship product, the OmniConnect platform, is a total game-changer when it comes to coordinating patient care.

Industry experts say that their tools have slashed patient wait times by 30% and significantly improved the accuracy of medical records. That's some serious impact! They snagged the 'Best Health Tech Innovation' award at the Global Health Conference 2024.

Major publications like MedTech Times and Healthcare Innovators have been giving them mad props, putting them on the map in the healthcare community.

Check out some of the ways Omni Health Tech is making waves:

  • Enabled remote patient monitoring in rural areas, boosting care accessibility by a whopping 40%.
  • Introduced AI-driven diagnostics, slashing diagnosis time and upping precision.
  • Streamlined patient data management with end-to-end encryption, keeping patient privacy on lock.

As their CEO, Dr. Robert Jackson, puts it, "innovation in health tech isn't just about the tech itself, but how it fundamentally improves people's lives." Omni Health Tech isn't just a startup to keep an eye on; they're leading the charge in the future of healthcare tech.

7. Startup Seven: Planetary Systems


Check this out! There's this rad startup called Planetary Systems out in Vegas that's shaking things up in the space game for 2024. They're like the cool kids on the block, and here's why you should be paying attention:

Word on the street is, Planetary Systems scored a massive 35% boost in funding this year compared to 2023, which means investors are feeling the hype.

They're rubbing shoulders with big dogs like First Solar and NC Solar Inverters, who are also pushing the envelope.

Here's the juicy stuff they're bringing to the table:

  • Next-level propulsion tech that could cut travel time to Mars by a whopping 20%, which is like taking a shortcut through a cosmic wormhole. It's just as game-changing as FREEDM Systems Center's ultra-reliable solar inverters that made them finalists in the American Made Solar Prize.
  • Tricked-out habitat modules that expand in space, giving astronauts up to 50% more living space without compromising payload efficiency. It's like having a pimped-out ride that unfolds into a luxury suite.
  • A serious focus on sustainability, kinda like First Solar's commitment to being eco-friendly and their solar module recycling program. Planetary Systems is all about making space travel greener, which is dope.
  • Collaborations with aerospace and clean tech companies to push the boundaries of in-space manufacturing, just like how solar pioneers are teaming up to innovate.

These breakthroughs aren't just blowing minds in the space industry; they're also sparking crucial convos about sustainable exploration.

In a recent interview, Planetary Systems' CEO dropped this truth bomb:

Our goal is to spearhead technologies that unlock the potential of the cosmos, making space more accessible and habitable.

With that kind of vision, Planetary Systems isn't just another company to watch; they're a game-changer in aerospace.

Being based in Vegas, an up-and-coming tech hub, gives Planetary Systems access to a killer talent pool and a supportive startup scene.

With trailblazers like First Solar and NC Solar Inverters also making moves in Vegas, Planetary Systems is poised to shake up how we approach the final frontier in 2024.

These guys are ones to keep an eye on, for sure!

8. Startup Eight: Omni Commerce


There's a dope startup called Omni Commerce that's making waves in the e-commerce game right here in Vegas for 2024. These guys are straight-up revolutionizing the online retail scene with their unified platform that's designed to make running your online biz a breeze.

With omnichannel strategies being the new hot trend, Omni Commerce's platform lets you seamlessly integrate all your sales and marketing channels, so you can deliver a consistent experience to your customers, no matter where they're shopping.

One of the biggest struggles for online retailers is keeping track of inventory, but Omni Commerce has got you covered.

Their platform automatically syncs your inventory across all your sales channels, giving you real-time analytics to make data-driven decisions. Plus, they've got this sick AI-powered recommendation engine that'll help you up-sell and cross-sell like a boss.

And let's not forget about their secure payment processing solutions that'll keep your customers' info on lockdown.

Omni Commerce is also killing it with their innovations in retail logistics, making sure you can keep up with the ever-changing demands of online shoppers and stay ahead of the game with adaptive supply chains.

The CEO of Omni Commerce summed it up perfectly, "Our platform isn't just a tool; it's a game-changer for e-commerce merchants who can now manage their entire operation from one slick interface." With over 100,000 transactions already under their belt each month, these guys are proving they're the real deal.

And the best part? Omni Commerce just closed a $20 million Series B funding round, which just goes to show that investors are betting big on their innovative approach and growth potential.

With e-commerce businesses constantly looking for ways to boost productivity, a recent study shows that platforms like Omni Commerce could lead to a 25% increase in efficiency for online retailers.

As the digital transformation in retail continues to pick up steam, events like the Small Business Expo are highlighting the need for platforms like Omni Commerce that can help businesses stay ahead of the curve.

9. Startup Nine: VR Xperience


Check this out - there's this sick startup called VR Xperience killing it in Vegas with their dope virtual reality tech. As CES 2024 gets ready to drop, these guys are about to blow minds with a reported 150% surge in user engagement.

That's insane, right?

  • Immersive technology: They're dropping ultra-high-def haptic feedback suits for an immersive multisensory experience that'll make you feel like you're really there.
  • AI integration: Get ready for AI-powered, hyper-realistic environments that adapt to your every move. Talk about next-level gaming.
  • Therapeutic applications: But it's not just about gaming - they're using VR for some serious anxiety disorder treatments and seeing amazing results.
  • Platform efficiency: And their new VR platform is lightning fast, boasting a 200% increase in loading speed. No more waiting around for your virtual world to load.

Immersive Tech Weekly is calling them the "global industry benchmark" for VR innovations.

These guys are at the forefront of the mixed-reality wave, blending AR and VR for mind-bending experiences you won't find anywhere else. They're pumping 30% of their profits into tech advancements and teaming up with major gaming and educational platforms, tripling their user base by mid-2024.

VR Xperience isn't just following trends; they're setting them, revolutionizing entertainment, therapy, and Vegas's tech scene.

If you're into cutting-edge tech, you gotta keep an eye on these guys.

10. Startup Ten: SmartHome AI


Check it out! There's this rad startup called SmartHome AI in Las Vegas that's killing it in the home automation game. These dudes are using some next-level AI and machine learning to create smart home systems that are totally personalized and intuitive, and they're right on track with the booming smart home tech market, which is expected to grow like crazy at 25% every year!

Their lineup of home automation solutions is straight fire:

  • Security systems that actually learn your daily routines and adapt accordingly,
  • Energy management tools powered by AI to help you save some serious cash and be more eco-friendly,
  • Voice and touch controls, like those slick JoshGPT interfaces, that let you control your entire smart home effortlessly.

These guys just raised $5 million from investors, which means they're totally locked and loaded in the competitive smart home market that's projected to hit $174 billion by 2025.

The experts are saying that what makes SmartHome AI stand out is how they seamlessly blend cutting-edge tech with user-friendliness, and that's something the tech nerds can't get enough of.

In 2024, they're planning to drop a game-changing AI climate control system that can adapt to both the weather outside and what's going on inside your crib, taking the whole "smart home" thing to a whole new level of autonomy.

With all the innovation happening in Las Vegas, SmartHome AI is positioning themselves as the leaders in the smart home realm, driven by the insane market growth and their relentless pursuit of technological excellence.



Check it out! Vegas ain't just about casinos and shows anymore. The tech scene here is blowing up, and it's becoming one of the hottest spots for startups and new tech companies.

2024 is gonna be huge, with all kinds of innovative startups popping up and making serious cash. Our Nucamp article gives you the scoop on how to navigate the job application process in this booming tech sector.

Vegas is quickly becoming a hub for some of the coolest new tech companies, and the top startups are growing like crazy year after year. We've got a list of the top 10 tech companies to work for in Vegas in 2024, covering everything from cybersecurity to healthcare tech.

These companies are tapping into the city's $6 billion tech market, and they're killing it.

  • CyberSec Plus is leading the way in cybersecurity, which is huge with all the digital threats out there. If you want a high-paying cybersecurity job, this is the place to be.
  • EcoTech Innovations is all about eco-friendly tech solutions for sustainable development. Gotta save the planet, right?
  • Likened AI is revolutionizing customer service with AI-driven automation. They're at the cutting edge of the industry.
  • Quantalyze has some serious data analytics software for deep business intelligence. They even present at big tech conferences like HPE Discover 2024.
  • DroneLife is disrupting logistics with their sick drone delivery systems.
  • Omni Health Tech is making healthcare more accessible with tech integration.
  • Planetary Systems is pushing boundaries in the aerospace industry.
  • Omni Commerce is streamlining e-commerce with their dope tools, vibing with Zappos' cool culture.
  • VR Xperience is taking reality to the next level with immersive VR innovations.
  • SmartHome AI is redefining home automation with intelligence at its core.

Forbes says,

"Las Vegas is uniquely poised to become a city synonymous with tech innovation,"

and they're not kidding.

In 2024, Vegas is the place to be if you want a killer tech job. Tech investment is up 30%, and there's been a surge in tech job postings from last year. The city is all about supporting tech companies, with accelerators and educational institutions helping these startups thrive.

Our list shows just a glimpse of the amazing tech innovations happening in Vegas, and it's only gonna get bigger and better. If you're looking for cutting-edge opportunities in tech, Vegas is where it's at.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some key industries that the top startups in Las Vegas are specializing in for 2024?

The top startups in Las Vegas for 2024 are specializing in industries such as cybersecurity, health tech, sustainability, aerospace, digital health, fintech, and smart home technologies.

What are some common characteristics of the top startups in Las Vegas for 2024?

The top startups in Las Vegas for 2024 offer groundbreaking solutions tailored for the evolving demands of the tech market, have a presence in burgeoning industries, demonstrate robust growth prospects backed by market analysis and capital investment, and are led by experts who navigate the ever-changing tech landscape.

How were the top 10 startups in Las Vegas for 2024 selected?

The selection process for the top 10 startups in Las Vegas for 2024 involved an in-depth analysis of startup databases to identify companies with innovative tech solutions and market disruption potential. Factors like growth metrics, funding rounds, user base size, strategic partnerships, and industry recognition were considered to curate the list.

What is the significance of the top startups in Las Vegas for the broader tech industry?

The top startups in Las Vegas for 2024 reflect the evolving character of the city's robust tech ecosystem. These startups contribute to the broader tech industry by showcasing innovation, growth potential, and market disruption. They offer a glimpse into the vibrant tech sector of Las Vegas and its impact on the broader tech landscape.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible