Top Tech Companies Hiring in Lagos, Nigeria: Opportunities for Developers

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Lagos cityscape with tech logos depicting the booming tech scene in Lagos, Nigeria

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Lagos, Nigeria, a tech powerhouse, boasts 400+ startups and tech giants like Andela, Paystack, Flutterwave. The tech industry has created 20,000+ jobs and secured over $600 million funding in 2022. Remote work opportunities are increasing, offering flexibility for tech professionals in a thriving ecosystem.

Check this out! Lagos, Nigeria is the place to be if you're into tech. It's become Africa's tech powerhouse, attracting attention from all over the world as a hub for entrepreneurs and innovators.

The city's vibrancy and energy have led to a major tech boom, making it a prime spot for startups to thrive, with access to local funding and foreign VCs, and a magnet for tech talent.

According to a recent report, Lagos is home to tech giants like Andela, Paystack, and Flutterwave, but it also boasts over 400 startups, solidifying its status as Africa's largest tech hub.

These companies are driving the city's economic growth, offering innovative solutions to everyday problems and expected to significantly boost Lagos' GDP in the coming years.

The Lagos government is really stepping up their game, investing heavily in digital infrastructure and implementing policies to support tech growth, showing their commitment to nurturing this sector.

However, startups still face challenges like infrastructure bottlenecks and funding issues.

The tech scene in Lagos is growing at a breakneck pace, and the government's supportive stance, including efforts to transform Lagos into a smart city and a global innovation leader, means that the tech ecosystem is not only thriving but also ripe with opportunities for tech professionals and developers.

In the next sections, we'll dive into the leading tech players in Lagos, the current employment trends, and how you can seize these exciting opportunities.

Table of Contents

  • Top Tech Companies in Lagos
  • Hiring Trends in the Lagos Tech Scene
  • Opportunities for Developers in Lagos
  • Preparing for a Tech Job in Lagos
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Top Tech Companies in Lagos


Check it out! Lagos in Nigeria is turning into a dope tech hub, attracting all the hotshot tech companies and startups that are making waves in the local and national economy.

You got heavy hitters like Andela, who are killing it by connecting Africa's tech talents with global tech firms, and Jumia, the boss of e-commerce in Africa, who have totally nailed the online retail game.

And let's not forget Flutterwave, the fintech giants who have made seamless payments across Africa their bread and butter, recently valued at a whopping $3 billion! This tech scene is lit with companies like Mobirevo and Paystack adding their own flavor of innovation, entrepreneurship, and serious tech skills.

According to a recent report by PwC, the tech sector in Nigeria is underrepresented in the capital market, despite scoring some major private funding.

Check out these dope stats:

  • Investment Influx: In 2022 alone, Lagos-based tech startups bagged over $600 million in funding. Cha-ching!
  • Job Creation: The tech industry has created around 20,000 direct and over 60,000 indirect jobs in Lagos. Talk about career goals!
  • Innovation Drive: Over 500 startups are getting a boost through incubators and accelerators. Talk about a support system!

As Lagos keeps attracting capital and talent, its journey from a budding tech ecosystem to a global technology powerhouse is well underway, promising an even sicker future for tech in Africa!

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Hiring Trends in the Lagos Tech Scene


Check it out, the Lagos tech scene is thriving these days! It's a vibrant environment for developers trying to make their mark. In 2023, the hiring market is exceptionally active, with high demand for techies in certain roles that are flourishing.

Skills in Full-Stack Development, like React, .Net, Python, and Java, are highly sought after, and companies are actively recruiting Software Developers, Data Analysts, UI/UX Designers, and Cybersecurity Specialists.

It's all about digital transformation, data-driven decisions, and creating appealing user experiences.

Additionally, the job market is seeking AI and Machine Learning experts, as the latest trends indicate.

The future is here, and companies want to automate everything. Furthermore, there's a growing need for Cloud Engineers and DevOps Specialists, as everyone is moving to the cloud and striving for agility.

PageUp People even states that companies are becoming more strategic in their hiring practices, focusing on internal mobility and employing marketing tactics to attract talent.

This quote illustrates the point: "In Lagos's tech ecosystem, embracing cutting-edge tech isn't just a fad; it's a strategic necessity, driving demand for specialized skills."

The Lagos tech job market is also becoming increasingly flexible, with over 60% of companies offering remote work or hybrid options in 2023.

It allows professionals to work from anywhere while still earning a living. This trend is not limited to Lagos; the state of global hiring report by Deel shows remote roles are emerging everywhere.

Lagos is truly becoming a global tech hub, and the job market is remarkably diverse. If you're an aspiring techie, this city is the place to be!

Opportunities for Developers in Lagos


The tech game in Lagos is straight fire! It's a whole vibe for devs looking to level up their careers, whether they're tryna get in-house at a hot startup or an OG company, or if they're feeling that remote/freelance life and wanna tap into that global market.

The stats don't lie! Remote tech gigs are blowing up, especially for software devs.

Lagos is evolving, with traditional jobs merging with that digital nomad lifestyle. In-house dev hiring has seen a 20% spike in the past year, so you know the sector is growing like crazy.

But it's not just about the 9-5 grind.

Over 30% of tech firms in Lagos are embracing the remote work wave, tapping into that global talent pool and giving their teams that sweet, sweet flexibility.

For those freelancers out there, Lagos is a playground! Digital platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and the local Jolancer are poppin' off with devs showcasing their skills and scoring dope projects.

The freelance game has seen a 40% surge in dev project listings in the past year, so you know the options are endless.

It's all about finding that balance.

Some prefer the security of an in-house role, while others chase that flexible schedule and diverse project exposure. Lagos's tech scene is thriving on innovation and versatility! It's a global movement towards dynamic work in the tech world.

From software development to specialized tech fields, the opportunities are endless! Lagos is a strategic player in Africa's tech ecosystem, and it's all about embracing those fluid work vibes.

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Preparing for a Tech Job in Lagos


If you're a 20-year-old trying to land a sweet tech job in Lagos, you gotta be strategic. It's not just about learning to code - you need to hustle and build a solid network too.

First things first, you need to level up your tech skills.

Lagos companies are looking for people who can code in JavaScript, Python, SQL, and handle cybersecurity, cloud computing, and UI/UX design. Bootcamps and courses from places like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp and Andela Learning Community are great for getting those hands-on, real-world skills.

But it's not just about the skills - you gotta build a dope portfolio too.

Work on actual projects, contribute to open source, and showcase it all on GitHub. That's what's gonna catch employers' eyes.

And don't forget about networking.

Events like the Africa Tech Summit and Social Media Week Lagos are perfect for meeting industry pros and making connections that could lead to job opportunities.

It's all about who you know.

When it's time for interviews, make sure you:

  • Research the heck out of the companies and tailor your portfolio to them.
  • Practice those interview questions on platforms like LeetCode and HackerRank.
  • Craft a dope story about your tech journey and goals.

As one local hiring manager said, "It's not just about the skills, but also about the people you meet and the impact you make." So work on those soft skills like communication and teamwork too.

Follow these tips, and you'll be ready to slay that tech job in Lagos.



The tech scene in Lagos is lit af! With startups raking in billions and tech contributing massively to Nigeria's GDP, Lagos is becoming a major tech hub in Africa.

This growth means crazy opportunities for devs like us, from in-house jobs to remote work and freelancing gigs. Some devs have even scored big bucks after landing roles at top tech firms in Lagos.

However, it's not all smooth sailing. We still face challenges like crappy infrastructure, regulatory BS, and the need to keep our skills sharp. But that's where the fun begins! To thrive in this dynamic environment, we gotta focus on emerging tech like AI and Blockchain, connect with the local tech community, and stay adaptable to seize new opportunities.

"Embrace the challenges as opportunities to grow. The tech scene in Lagos is vibrant, offering a path to those willing to learn and adapt."

This mindset is key.

With persistence, continuous learning, and an eye for opportunity, we can build successful careers in this dynamic environment, level up our game, and contribute to the growth of the tech sector in Lagos and beyond.

For aspiring devs in Lagos, improvements in digital infrastructure and government support, like Governor Sanwo-Olu's tech initiatives, are paving the way for a promising future in this vibrant tech ecosystem.

So, buckle up and get ready to ride the wave!

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Frequently Asked Questions


What are some of the top tech companies hiring in Lagos, Nigeria?

Top tech companies in Lagos include giants like Andela, Paystack, Flutterwave, Jumia, and others that contribute significantly to the local and national economy.

What are the hiring trends in the Lagos tech scene?

The Lagos tech scene is witnessing a growing demand for tech talent, with a focus on roles such as Software Developers, Data Analysts, UI/UX Designers, Cybersecurity Specialists, AI & ML experts, Cloud Engineers, and DevOps Specialists.

What opportunities are available for developers in Lagos?

Developers in Lagos have diverse opportunities ranging from in-house roles at startups and established companies to remote and freelance gigs. The tech landscape offers an expanding array of job roles and career paths.

How can individuals prepare for a tech job in Lagos?

Preparing for a tech job in Lagos involves acquiring relevant skills in programming languages, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and UI/UX design. Networking, engaging in coding bootcamps, and building a strong tech portfolio are also crucial steps towards securing a tech job in Lagos.

What is the outlook for developers in Lagos amidst the growing tech ecosystem?

Developers in Lagos have a promising future with increasing funding, job opportunities, and a supportive tech ecosystem. Embracing emerging technologies and staying adaptable are key for developers to thrive in Lagos's dynamic tech environment.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible