Tech Salaries in Lagos, Nigeria: What to Expect?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

A tech-workspace in Lagos, Nigeria indicating the relevant tech scene.

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Lagos, Nigeria's tech scene offers promising salaries with entry-level tech roles starting at NGN 300,000 monthly. Key players like Andela, Flutterwave, Paystack, and the city's tech growth showcase a dynamic ecosystem. Software developers earn an average of NGN 1,650,000 annually, with potential for high growth. Lagos sets to become a global tech hub with increasing salaries and job opportunities ahead.

Lagos, Nigeria's crazy-busy city, has become straight-up Africa's Silicon Valley! With tech startups poppin' up left and right, and the ICT sector killing it in their economy, Lagos is where all the tech talent and investors are flocking.

Big names like Andela, Flutterwave, and Paystack call this place home, putting Lagos on the map as Africa's biggest ICT market.

If you're looking to get into the tech game in Lagos, the average salary ain't too shabby! Fresh grads can expect to rake in around NGN 300,000 per month to start.

But here's the real deal – as these tech startups keep growing like crazy, the demand for tech skills is skyrocketing, meaning your paycheck could keep climbing too! Lagos is on a digital glow-up, and being the hub for innovation and entrepreneurship, the tech workforce is expanding like wildfire.

This city is seriously making moves on the global tech stage.

We're just getting started on exploring the deets about tech salaries in Lagos. Coming up, we'll dive deeper into what kind of cash you can expect for different tech roles, what's driving these salary trends, and how Lagos stacks up against other tech hotspots worldwide.

Stay tuned for more insights from our crew at Nucamp!

Table of Contents

  • The Rise of Tech in Lagos
  • Role-Specific Tech Salaries
  • Factors Affecting Tech Salaries
  • Comparison with Other Global Tech Hubs
  • Future Prospects
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Rise of Tech in Lagos


Let me tell you about the tech game in Lagos, Nigeria. It's been poppin' off like crazy in the last couple of decades. This city has turned into a straight-up hub for innovation and entrepreneurship.

It all started back in the early 2000s when the government decided to get their policies straight and create a dope environment for the tech sector to thrive.

But the real turning point came in 2011 when they launched the Co-Creation Hub, Nigeria's first open living lab and pre-incubation space. This joint was crucial in kickstarting the tech movement in Lagos.

Since then, the tech ecosystem has been growing like crazy.

Check out these key milestones:

  • 2013: The Lagos City Innovation Program was born, aiming to support tech startups and encourage digital skills. The government was like, "We gotta support this tech ecosystem," and they did it with the Lagos City Innovation Program.
  • 2015: The TechPoint Build conference came through, attracting tech pros and investors from all over the world. This was a major flex for community engagement, showing that the TechPoint Build conference had global appeal.
  • 2018: Lagos hosted its first Digital Lagos Week, a festival celebrating digital content creation. This was all about digital creativity. The inaugural Digital Lagos Week was a celebration of digital content on another level.
  • 2020: The COVID-19 pandemic hit, but that didn't stop the tech sector from thriving. E-commerce and fintech solutions exploded, solidifying Lagos as a tech powerhouse. The tech sector showed its adaptability and growth, with a major surge in e-commerce and fintech solutions.

But it's not just about the numbers.

The tech sector in Lagos has been making a serious impact. According to a recent report, it contributed big-time to the city's GDP, and tech jobs have seen an average salary increase of 15% since 2018.

Lagos has become a straight-up beacon for international investors, with tech startups in the city raising over $2 billion in funding in the past five years alone.

The city's success is all about its dynamic ecosystem, with a diverse talent pool, entrepreneurial spirit, and supportive government policies. Check out the success stories of startups like Flutterwave and Paystack, with Paystack being acquired by Stripe for over $200 million.

These companies are proof that Lagos is becoming Africa's Silicon Valley. With global tech giants like Facebook and Google setting up shop in the city, you know it's the real deal.

The 'Innovating Africa: The Rise of Tech in Nigeria' documentary highlights this journey of growth, showing not just the tech landscape in Lagos but also setting an example for other African cities to nurture their own tech ecosystems.

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Role-Specific Tech Salaries


Let's talk about the tech scene in Lagos and how much cash you can rake in. According to PayScale, software developers in Lagos make around NGN 1,650,000 per year on average.

But that's just the start. If you level up your skills and gain some experience, the sky's the limit! For those who can snag remote gigs, Arc's data shows that remote software engineers in Nigeria can earn an average of $53,658 annually.

That's some serious cash! And Plane's findings reveal that remote software developers can make a median salary of $56,926 per year, blowing local averages out of the water.

But it's not just coders who are raking it in. Data analysts in Lagos can expect to earn between NGN 2,500,000 and NGN 5,000,000, thanks to the increasing demand for data-driven decision-making in tech companies.

UI/UX designers, the ones responsible for creating dope user experiences, can make anywhere from NGN 3,000,000 to NGN 6,000,000. That's some serious cash for making apps and websites look and feel awesome! And let's not forget the IT support specialists, who keep everything running smoothly.

They can earn between NGN 2,000,000 and NGN 4,000,000. The bottom line is, Lagos is a hot spot for tech careers, and there's money to be made if you play your cards right.

Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned pro, there are opportunities to level up your skills and your bank account. So, keep grinding and stay on top of the latest trends, because the tech scene in Lagos is where it's at!

Factors Affecting Tech Salaries


In the fast-paced tech world of Lagos, Nigeria, your salary is all about where you work, how much experience you got, and what skills you bring to the table. Let's break it down:

Location: If you're working in hotspots like Yaba, the Silicon Valley of Nigeria, you're likely to make more dough than those chillin' in the 'burbs.

All those startups and international companies are willing to pay top dollar.

Experience: As a newbie, you can expect around ₦200K per month. But stick with it for over 5 years, and you could be raking in over ₦800K! Experience pays off big time.

Skillset: Coding, data analysis, and cybersecurity skills? You're looking at premium salaries.

The more in-demand your skills, the higher you can aim.

The tech job market in Nigeria is booming! Senior IT roles are offering major cash and career growth.

Even if you're working remotely, like as a software engineer, you could be earning $53,658 per year on average.

Here's a quick breakdown of some typical salaries:

  • Software Developer: ₦600K to ₦1.2M – coding skills are in high demand!
  • Data Analyst: ₦500K to ₦1M – data expertise is where it's at.
  • Cybersecurity Specialist: ₦700K to ₦1.5M – security skills are mad valuable.

On average, IT peeps in Lagos are making around 362,000 NGN. But the key is to keep leveling up your skills and staying ahead of the game.

As Ayo Omojola said, "In Lagos's vibrant tech ecosystem, your skillset not only determines your salary but your ability to adapt and thrive." So, keep learning, keep grinding, and you'll be cashing in big time!

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Comparison with Other Global Tech Hubs


Check this out! With the tech scene booming in Lagos, Nigeria, it's getting super interesting when you compare the salaries there to the big-shot tech hubs around the world like Silicon Valley, Berlin, San Francisco, Bangalore, and New York.

According to a 2023 study, the average tech salary in Lagos is around $15,000 per year, which is way lower than the estimated $170,000 in Silicon Valley based on recent data.

But the thing is, when you factor in the cost of living, Lagos suddenly becomes a whole different ballgame. Let's break it down:

  • Silicon Valley: ~$170,000
  • San Francisco: $145,000
  • New York: $135,000
  • Berlin: $70,000
  • Bangalore: $20,000
  • Lagos: $15,000

But where it gets really interesting is that software developers in Lagos average around $18,000 per year, which isn't that far off from their counterparts in Bangalore at $22,000.

Once you consider the cost of living, things start to look a lot closer. Plus, with Lagos being called Africa's Silicon Valley, the city's growing tech ecosystem and lower living costs are becoming a major draw for tech talent who want to explore emerging markets.

So, when you look at the global tech salary landscape and factor in the cost of living, it's a whole different story.

As Lagos continues to rise as a tech hub, it's got the potential to close the pay gap with the big guys, thanks to its unique economic advantages and appeal for attracting and keeping top talent.

Future Prospects


Let me break it down for you about the tech scene in Lagos, Nigeria. It's about to blow up like crazy! With all the startups popping up and more skilled techies entering the game, the digital economy is set to contribute a whopping 40% to Nigeria's GDP. That's insane!

According to the inside scoop from over 100 tech companies in Lagos, the average tech salary could jump up by 20-30% in the next five years.

That's a serious bag! This growth is being fueled by emerging tech sectors like fintech, healthtech, and edutech, with major investments and government initiatives pushing the innovative ecosystem forward.

Startups are shaking up the job market like nobody's business.

Reports show they're creating a surge in demand for roles like Software Developers, Data Analysts, and Cybersecurity Experts. We're talking over 5,000 new jobs in just the next two years! Lagos is setting itself up to become a global tech powerhouse, with a focus on building supportive policies, improving digital infrastructure, and beefing up cybersecurity measures.

One insider put it like this: "The tech sector in Lagos is on a serious upswing, with local startups ready to compete worldwide and put the city on the international tech map." It's a game-changer! With the potential for major salary growth and job opportunities, Lagos is about to become the hottest destination for techies and investors alike.

Get ready to level up!

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Let's talk about the real deal when it comes to Tech Salaries in Lagos. Straight up, the scene there has been poppin' despite the global tech industry facing some tough times in 2023, with layoffs and a slight dip in salaries according to Dice's Tech Salary Trends report.

But Lagos? That place is on the come-up, cementing itself as one of the fastest-growing tech hubs worldwide. The numbers don't lie - your average software dev in Lagos can rake in anywhere from NGN 4,000,000 to NGN 12,000,000 yearly, depending on their skills and experience.

That's a solid bag compared to other tech hotspots, as points out.

So, what's driving these salary differences? A few key factors:

  • Experience Level: The more you've been in the game, the fatter your paycheck.
  • Technical Skills: If you're a beast with AI or cloud computing, you'll get paid like one. Just check out the 2023 tech review that highlighted the high demand for AI experts.
  • Industry Demand: Hot sectors like fintech will hook you up with premium salaries, reflecting the booming fintech scene in Nigeria.

Now, let's keep it real - salaries in Lagos ain't quite on the level of Silicon Valley or London yet, where you can score over $100,000 for the same gigs.

But when you factor in the cost of living, Lagos becomes a pretty sweet deal for tech pros. Looking ahead, the experts are betting on tech salaries in Lagos continuing their upward climb, fueled by more investment and a growing pool of skilled talents.

As one industry analyst put it,

"The tech ecosystem in Lagos is not just surviving; it's thriving, and salaries are a testament to its vibrant future."

The journey of Lagos' tech industry is one of resilience and potential, painting a bright future for anyone navigating that space.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the average tech salary in Lagos, Nigeria?

The average tech salary in Lagos is reflective of its dynamic tech ecosystem, with newcomers starting at roughly NGN 300,000 monthly.

What are the role-specific tech salaries in Lagos?

Software developers in Lagos have an average annual salary of NGN 1,650,000, while data analysts, UI/UX designers, and IT support specialists earn between NGN 2,000,000 to NGN 6,000,000 depending on their roles.

What factors influence tech salaries in Lagos?

Tech salaries in Lagos are influenced by factors like location within the city, experience level, and specialized skillset such as software development, data analysis, and cybersecurity.

How do tech salaries in Lagos compare to other global tech hubs?

The average tech salary in Lagos is around $15,000 per annum, significantly lower than established tech hubs like Silicon Valley at $170,000. However, when adjusted for the cost of living, Lagos presents a unique value proposition for tech professionals.

What are the future prospects for tech salaries in Lagos?

Insights indicate that tech salaries in Lagos are expected to rise by 20-30% in the next five years, driven by significant investments in sectors like fintech, healthtech, and edutech.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible