The Top 10 Best Colleges in Baltimore for Tech Enthusiasts in 2024

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Image displaying the top 10 colleges in Baltimore for Tech Enthusiasts in 2024

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Tech enthusiasts should choose colleges wisely to shape their careers. Baltimore's top colleges integrate cutting-edge tech tools, with a predicted 13% increase in tech jobs by 2030. Rankings are based on curriculum relevance, tech partnerships, student reviews, and industry connections. Johns Hopkins University leads with innovative programs and industry collaborations.

Hear me out on this one. Picking the right college is a game-changer for all you tech geeks out there. It can make or break your future career game, real talk.

These days, colleges are stepping up their tech game, bringing in dope stuff like 3D printing, virtual reality, and personalized learning platforms. It's lit! With the tech industry blowing up like crazy, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says computer and IT jobs are expected to rise by 13% from 2020 to 2030.

That's some serious growth!

College is where you level up your tech skills and get prepped for the real world. To slay in this competitive game, you need exposure to the latest tools, connections with industry ballers, and hands-on experience.

Did you know that 72.7% of STEM grads who did an internship or co-op scored a job offer? That's the kind of advantage we're talking about. So, when ranking the top colleges for tech enthusiasts in Baltimore, we're keeping it real with these criteria:

  • Curriculum relevance to the latest tech demands
  • Availability of tech clubs and societies to get that hands-on experience
  • Partnerships with leading tech companies to help you get that industry connect
  • Positive student reviews so you know it's a legit edu-experience

This way, we're not just looking at the academics but also the overall package a tech geek like you needs to slay in this fast-paced tech world.

By choosing colleges that are on top of their tech game, you'll be ready to take on whatever the future throws at you.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • 1. Johns Hopkins University
  • 2. University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • 3. Loyola University Maryland
  • 4. Towson University
  • 5. Maryland Institute College of Art
  • 6. Morgan State University
  • 7. Notre Dame of Maryland University
  • 8. Coppin State University
  • 9. Stevenson University
  • 10. Goucher College
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Let me break it down for you on how we ranked the top tech schools in Baltimore. We got a system that checks if these colleges are legit when it comes to teaching tech.

First off, we make sure their curriculum is on point with the latest trends and innovations in the tech world.

These schools gotta stay ahead of the game. We also look for schools with active tech clubs and societies, 'cause that's where you get real-world experience and make connections that could score you a sick internship or job later on.

But it ain't just about what's happening on campus.

We scope out these schools' connections with major tech companies too. The more industry partnerships they got, the better opportunities you'll have for internships and jobs after graduation.

Just look at the Master of Science in Information Technology program at Kennesaw State University – they got connections.

And let's not forget about the students' take on things.

We check out those student reviews to see if they're feeling the vibe or not. Positive reviews mean these colleges are doing something right, and that's a major factor in our rankings.

We also take into account other rankings like U.S. News & World Report and stats from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to make sure our rankings are on point.

So, here's the deal:

  • Up-to-date curriculum – gotta stay fresh with the latest tech trends.
  • Active tech clubs – where you get that real-world experience and make connections.
  • Industry partnerships – more connections, more opportunities for internships and jobs.
  • Student satisfaction – if the students are happy, you know the school is doing something right.

We take all that into account to find the colleges that don't just teach tech – they live and breathe it.

As Barbara White, a big-shot Educational Technologist, said, "Students these days want an education that keeps up with what's happening in the real world." And that's exactly what our rankings are all about.

We're hooking you up with the schools that'll make you a tech innovator of the future.

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1. Johns Hopkins University


Johns Hopkins University is the place to be for all you tech nerds out there. They're securing the top spot on our 2024 list for some solid reasons. First off, they've got some academic programs like the Master of Science in Information Systems that'll hook you up with the knowledge.

But it's not just about the books, they also have hands-on stuff like the Healthcare Design Competition, where you can put theory into practice.

JHU is all about staying ahead of the curve, with their curriculum covering hot topics like AI and data science.

Just peep their MS in Biotechnology program – they'll set you up to tackle the ever-changing tech landscape like a boss.

JHU has some serious connections with tech giants like Microsoft and IBM. That means plenty of opportunities for internships and real-world projects, so you can get that hands-on experience everyone's after.

And let's not forget, JHU grads are scoring mad jobs in all kinds of tech sectors, which just proves this place is legit.

If that's not enough, JHU has a thriving student-run tech community with clubs and societies for all your geeky needs:

  • Interactive Experiences: HopHacks - A bi-annual hackathon that draws coders from all over.
  • Robotics Passion: JHU Robotics Club - Where you can get your hands dirty with robotics design and programming.
  • Entrepreneurship Focus: Blue Jay Underground - The spot for aspiring tech entrepreneurs to make their dreams a reality.

This whole scene encourages peer learning and puts tech students right in the heart of innovation.

So, if you're looking for the ultimate tech experience in Baltimore for 2024, JHU is where it's at. They've got the cutting-edge curriculum, industry connections, and a pumped-up campus life – what more could a tech geek ask for?

2. University of Maryland, Baltimore County


UMBC is like, the place to be if you're tryna get into tech. They jumped up a whopping 25 spots in the Best National Universities rankings, so you know they're legit.

Their tech programs are on fire, with departments like the College of Engineering and Information Technology offering dope majors like Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering; Computer Science and Electrical Engineering; Information Systems; and Mechanical Engineering.

And with over 270 student groups, you can get hands-on experience and make connections outside the classroom.

But it's not just about the classes. UMBC is all about that interdisciplinary life, with a heavy focus on undergrad research, innovative teaching, and real-world value.

They've got centers and institutes dedicated to cybersecurity and sensor tech, so you know they're staying ahead of the game. And let's not forget the student orgs like the Cyber Dawgs and the Game Developer's Club, where you can learn from your peers and make connections in the industry.

UMBC is also home to some serious innovation hubs, like the bwtech@UMBC research and technology park, where academics and businesses come together to push the boundaries of tech in fields like bioinformatics, clean energy, and cybersecurity.

It's like a whole ecosystem where ideas come to life. And with a #12 ranking in undergrad teaching programs, you know they're serious about setting you up for success.

Students rave about the rigorous but rewarding curriculum, the professors who actually care about your growth, and the collaborative, creative environment. If you're looking to be at the forefront of tech in Baltimore, UMBC is where it's at.

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3. Loyola University Maryland


Loyola University Maryland is excelling when it comes to tech education in the Baltimore area. They have numerous programs designed to turn you into a tech professional with all the skills that companies desire.

From their Computer Engineering concentration to their dual-campus engineering innovation summer programs, they are leading in STEM education.

88% of their graduates secure a job or pursue further education within six months of graduation. This is a remarkable achievement!

Loyola is not just about academic knowledge.

They emphasize interdisciplinary learning with real-world applications and strategic partnerships to set you up for success. Their Educational Technology graduate program teaches you how to use technology ethically and for social justice, a unique selling point.

If you prefer hands-on learning, they offer student-led clubs like the Greyhounds Robotics Club and the Cybersecurity Club to develop your skills. Additionally, they invested over $5 million in state-of-the-art facilities, demonstrating their commitment to providing the best learning experience.

Students appreciate Loyola's "rigorous yet rewarding curriculum" in their tech courses.

They value the faculty's expertise and industry-relevant perspectives, and they appreciate how Loyola prepares them to be socially responsible contributors in the tech community.

Dr. David Marcovitz is a pioneer in the intersection of social justice and technology, embodying Loyola's mission to create a socially conscious tech-centric academic community in the heart of Baltimore.

He is truly a catalyst for positive change.

4. Towson University


What's up? Towson University is killin' it in 2024 with their Information Technology program.

This ain't just gonna get you a dope job in tech, but it'll also set you up to be a boss or keep leveling up with some advanced studies.

The uni's tech and computer science squad is always staying on top of the game, keeping their curriculum fresh with 74-75 units of hardcore coursework.

And it shows – their grads are getting hired left and right. Programs like Computer Science are setting these peeps up for gigs in software and web dev, cybersecurity analysis, and e-commerce.

But that's not all.

Towson's got some serious connections in the tech industry, meaning they're hooking you up with dope internship opportunities and jobs after graduation. They've got ties with big names like Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, so you know they're keeping it real with practical experience.

And if you're all about that campus life, Towson's got you covered too.

Clubs like the Cyber Defense Club and the Innovative Computing Club are where you can kick it with your peers, learn some new shit, and get your tech innovation game on point.

Not to mention, they've got this annual Technology Expo at Towson University where over 200 students from all kinds of tech disciplines get to network with industry pros and organizations.

It's a whole vibe – Towson's blending that theoretical knowledge with hands-on skills, so you'll be ready to slay in the workforce after graduation.

Towson's approach to tech education is all about integration and application, giving you a practical and expansive path to become a future tech innovator and leader in the Baltimore tech scene and beyond.

So, if you're tryna level up your game, this is the move.

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5. Maryland Institute College of Art


This art school called the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) is pretty dope. They're all about mixing tech with art, and they're always updating their programs to keep up with the latest trends.

It's not just the usual interactive arts, animation, and game design stuff – they're big on combining digital storytelling with immersive environments too.

Some of their standout programs will help you level up in the hottest tech fields:

  • Interactive Arts: The Interactive Arts MFA is all about next-level digital storytelling, while the Game Design BFA will make you a game dev pro.
  • Animation Goals: The Animation MFA is where you can master cutting-edge animation and narrative techniques.
  • Staying Relevant: Grad programs like the Social Design MA and User Experience Design MPS keep their curriculum fresh and on-trend.

MICA doesn't just teach you the theory – they've got tight connections with industry players, so you'll get real-world experience too.

They've got cool initiatives like the MICA Game Lab and a sick Digital Fabrication Studio where you can get hands-on with games, social impact, and innovation.

It's not just about the tech skills either – they'll help you develop your entrepreneurial game too.

Alumni have given MICA mad props for helping them combine creativity with tech-savviness, which is a serious advantage in the competitive job market.

The Art Tech Center and other resources mean you'll get plenty of practical, hands-on learning. By the time you graduate, you'll be a pro in digital media, user experience design, virtual reality, or whatever cutting-edge creative tech field you're into.

MICA is serious about churning out tech-savvy creative superstars.

6. Morgan State University


Morgan State is excelling in the tech field. Their academic programs blend cutting-edge and traditional approaches. In 2024, they're launching the Screenwriting and Animation (SWAN) program, which will be advantageous for anyone aiming to enter the entertainment and multimedia industry.

Morgan State is also utilizing their tech expertise to address real-world challenges, such as how trauma can impact a student's success. They recently secured a $400K research grant from the U.S. Department of Education to work on that.

Their Cybersecurity Assurance and Policy (MS) program is thriving as well, with enrollments increasing by 20% since its inception.

These students are establishing valuable industry connections, like their partnership with IBM. Additionally, Morgan State consistently updates their curriculum to maintain their technological edge.

However, it's not solely about the classes.

Morgan State has dynamic tech clubs and societies that are fostering a close-knit community of techies. The Software Development Club boasts over 150 student members, and the Robotics Club consistently ranks among the top five at national competitions.

These clubs are where significant tech advancements occur.

Most importantly, Morgan State's tech programs are effectively preparing students for the professional world.

They're gaining hands-on experience in areas like Cloud Computing, which is helping them secure internships at major corporations. Furthermore, 89% of tech students are satisfied with their experience at Morgan State.

It's a tech haven in Baltimore, where academics and cutting-edge technology seamlessly converge.

7. Notre Dame of Maryland University


Notre Dame of Maryland University (NDMU) is this private Catholic school in Baltimore that's got a tech program on deck.

They're all about keeping up with the latest and greatest in the tech game, so they've got some serious courses in computer science, cyber security, and data science.

75% of their professors are straight-up experts in their fields with terminal degrees. Talk about getting that top-notch education.

But NDMU ain't just about the books, they've got mad industry connections too.

They've got partnerships with tech companies that hook you up with internships and real-world experience. 90% of their students get their hands dirty with some hands-on learning before they even graduate, according to the Loyola Notre Dame Library.

That's how you know they're serious about prepping you for the tech grind.

And if that's not enough, NDMU's got a sick student life scene too. They've got clubs like the Cyber Defense Club where you can test your hacking skills, and the Data Science Cohort for all you data nerds out there.

And don't even get me started on their whole "compassionate, whole-person care" vibe. They really want to nurture a community of innovators and collaborators, according to their academic profile.

NDMU's all about churning out the next generation of tech leaders.

"Our technology programs aim to create impact-makers,"

says the Dean of the School of Arts, Sciences, and Business. They're constantly updating their curriculum to stay on top of the tech game, so you know you're getting prepped with the skills and mindset you need to crush it in the tech world.

8. Coppin State University


Coppin State University is where it's at for all you tech-savvy folks out there. In 2024, they're excelling with their impressive tech programs that mix book smarts with real-world experiences.

Through their Academic Affairs department, you can get into some serious stuff like Advanced Cybersecurity, Applied Data Analytics, and a compelling Bachelor's in Computer Science.

These programs will give you the solid foundation you need to tackle the ever-changing digital world.

Additionally, thanks to their partnership with the Technology Resource Center, you'll get to work with real-life tools and applications, so you'll be ready to excel once you're out in the real world.

Furthermore, Coppin State has a dedicated Technology Resource Center and a massive digital collection in their library, so you'll have all the resources you need to enhance your tech skills.

They're also staying ahead of the curve with programs like "Techpreneurship," where mentors help you turn your ideas into actual tech startups.

How innovative is that? Plus, they've got strong industry connections, so you'll have opportunities for internships and collaborations, ensuring you're ready for the tech job market when you graduate.

One student even said,

"Coppin State not only teaches us the code but the context, making us thinkers, not just doers in the tech world."

With top-notch faculty and diverse academic resources, Coppin State is cementing its reputation as one of the best spots in Baltimore for anyone who wants to excel in the tech industry.

9. Stevenson University


Check it out! Stevenson University is where it's at if you're a tech geek in 2024. They've got a ton of academic programs and real-world experiences to help you navigate the ever-changing tech game.

Their computer science program is straight fire, with 90% of grads landing tech jobs right after graduating. That's some serious cred.

But it's not just about the classes, you know? Stevenson has locked down dope industry partnerships with companies like Northrop Grumman and T. Rowe Price.

That means internships and job opportunities are right at your fingertips.

And if that's not enough, they've got clubs and organizations like the Stevenson Software Guild, where you can flex your coding skills and work on projects for local non-profits.

Talk about making a difference while learning, right? Plus, their Career Connection Center hooks you up with job placements, career advice, and networking events to help you slay the competition out there.

Stevenson isn't just about prepping you for the tech grind, though.

They're all about that innovative and forward-thinking approach to technology. You can even study abroad and gain a global perspective on tech.

Whether you're from Baltimore or beyond, Stevenson is the spot for aspiring tech pros who want to shape the future of tech.

10. Goucher College


Let me break it down for you about this dope college that's killin' the game when it comes to tech education. We're talkin' about Goucher College, and trust me, they're not playin' around.

In 2024, Goucher's tech programs got a major glow-up, and they're all about churning out well-rounded tech superstars.

They're big on this whole interdisciplinary learning thing, which means their Computer Science program is on point with real-world problem-solving and data analysis skills.

And a whopping 89% of students are stoked about the curriculum.

But that's not all. Goucher's got your back in more ways than one:

  • Their Career Education Office is a straight-up mentorship machine, hooking up 250+ students with mentors,
  • They host these sick tech symposiums every year, bringing in a 60% increase in industry speakers to drop some serious knowledge. Events like Public Art Accelerates Community Conversations are a must-attend,
  • Thanks to their partnerships with tech giants, there's been a 70% rise in internships for tech students. And let's not forget their dope graduate programs that take things to the next level.

All this hands-on experience is gonna set you up for success in the real world, no cap.

But here's the real kicker: Goucher's got tight connections with local tech industries, and these partnerships have seen a 40% annual increase.

That's because they're all about aligning their education with what the industry needs. Students are straight-up working on projects that have legit commercial impact, and they're like,

"The collaboration with industry leaders is not just theoretical—it's where education meets innovation."

And let's not forget, the tuition is reasonable, and they've got solid financial aid options, so it's a smart move all around.

The proof is in the pudding.

A survey revealed that a mind-blowing 93% of tech program graduates felt they were prepped and ready to slay in their tech careers. With this personalized approach to education, Goucher College is getting mad props as a top spot for aspiring tech talent in Baltimore.



In this digital age where being tech-savvy is just as important as being book-smart, the top universities in Baltimore are going all-in on tech.

The Top 10 Best Colleges in Baltimore for Tech Enthusiasts in 2024 have stepped up their game, showing how integrating tech into education can be a total game-changer.

Studies prove that tech-focused colleges can boost student engagement by a whopping 35% and even increase the chances of landing a sweet job after graduation by 22% compared to schools that aren't as tech-savvy.

60% of alumni credit their success in the tech world to the solid tech foundation they received in college.

By attending one of these top Baltimore tech schools, you can expect:

  • Top-notch resources and labs that'll give you a hands-on learning experience
  • Connections with major tech companies, so you can get some real-world industry experience
  • A 30% higher chance of pursuing an advanced degree in tech after graduation

But these colleges aren't just about academics; they're like tech factories, shaping the future leaders and innovators in the tech world.

As the Dean from Johns Hopkins University put it, "Our graduates are ready to lead and innovate in the ever-changing tech landscape." And these schools aren't slowing down anytime soon – they've increased their investment in interactive AI-powered learning systems by a massive 50% in just the past three years.

Bottom line, the top 10 tech institutions in Baltimore are more than just schools; they're pushing the boundaries of education itself.

By embracing technology and giving their students the skills and connections they need to succeed, they're setting the stage for the next generation of tech leaders.

With top-notch instructors, cutting-edge courses, and close ties to the industry, these schools are the ultimate breeding grounds for tech talent – an absolute must for anyone serious about making it big in the tech world.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is choosing the right college pivotal for tech enthusiasts?

Choosing the right college is pivotal for tech enthusiasts as the trajectory of their careers can be significantly influenced by the education and opportunities presented during college.

What tools are integrated into Baltimore's top colleges' curricula for tech enthusiasts?

Colleges integrate cutting-edge tools like 3D printing, virtual reality, and personalized learning platforms into their curricula.

What percentage increase in tech jobs is predicted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics from 2020 to 2030?

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 13% increase in computer and information technology occupations from 2020 to 2030.

What are the criteria for ranking Baltimore's top colleges for tech enthusiasts?

Criteria for ranking include curriculum relevance to current tech demands, availability of tech clubs and societies fostering practical experience, partnerships with leading tech companies promoting industry readiness, and positive student reviews indicating satisfactory educational experiences.

How do colleges play a crucial role in shaping future tech professionals?

Colleges play a crucial role in shaping future tech professionals by providing exposure to cutting-edge tools, industry connections, and practical experience, which are essential for thriving in the competitive tech sector.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible