Ranking the Top 10 High-Paying Tech Jobs in Baltimore in 2024

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Baltimore city skyline, symbolising the flourishing tech job scene in 2024

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Baltimore's tech industry is thriving, with anticipated 8% job growth through 2024. IT Project Managers and Cybersecurity Specialists are top high-paying roles in demand, showcasing salaries like $110,000 and $105,000 respectively. Emerging fields like Data Science and Cloud Engineering offer lucrative opportunities.

Did you know Baltimore's tech scene is poppin' right now? The IT, healthcare, and government sectors are driving major job growth and opportunities. We're talking 75% of the county's job growth through 2024! It's like the city is hustling to diversify its industries and become a legit Tech Hub, focusing on cutting-edge stuff like AI in healthcare and biotechnology.

Pretty wild, right?

With hot fields like Health Tech and Cybersecurity on the rise, the demand for tech talent in Baltimore is skyrocketing. The city is stepping up its game in tech education too, with coding bootcamps like Nucamp helping people level up their skills.

It's a game-changer!

The stats are insane – Baltimore's tech employment is expected to grow by 8%, beating the national average. And job postings for techies are up by 15%, with a huge need for devs, data analysts, and AI wizards.

One industry insider said,

"Baltimore's proactivity in championing a dynamic tech ecosystem is unmistakable; the surge in job openings and professionally equipped candidates is a testament to this."

With the city gearing up to compete for federal funding to boost economic growth, 2024 is shaping up to be the year for snagging those high-paying tech gigs.

Stay tuned – it's about to go down in B-more!

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • 1. IT Project Manager
  • 2. Cybersecurity Specialist
  • 3. Data Scientist
  • 4. Software Developer
  • 5. Systems Architect
  • 6. Applications Architect
  • 7. Cloud Engineer
  • 8. DevOps Engineer
  • 9. Full Stack Developer
  • 10. AI Engineer
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Let me break it down for you about the top 10 highest-paying tech jobs in Baltimore for 2024. We didn't just throw some random numbers out there. We did our homework and looked at three key things: salary data, job demand, and growth projections.

We checked out reputable sources like U.S. News & World Report, Simplilearn, and local job market analyses to get the scoop on the money situation.

But we didn't stop there. We also looked at:

  • Analysis: How much job listings for each position grew year-over-year?
  • Labor Market: How many job openings there were compared to the whole Baltimore job scene
  • Projections: What the job growth rates for 2024 were predicted to be, based on insights from places like TechTarget

We didn't just look at national averages, though.

We made sure to keep it real and consider Baltimore's unique economic situation. We thought about how the city is investing in tech and innovation hubs, which means more opportunities for techies like us.

After crunching all the numbers and data, we put together this table to show you the hottest tech jobs in Baltimore that'll make you bank:

Rank Tech Job Title Median Salary (USD)
1 IT Project Manager $110,000
2 Cybersecurity Specialist $105,000

We're thinking ahead and considering how Baltimore's tech scene is going to grow and change in the future.

As one report said,

"The fusion of high salaries, robust job demand, and the momentum of technological growth makes these roles the cream of the crop for tech professionals in Baltimore."

So, if you're trying to get into the most lucrative tech opportunities in Baltimore, check out these in-demand tech jobs and get ready to cash in.

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1. IT Project Manager


In 2024, IT Project Managers in Baltimore are going to be the real MVPs, juggling between project goals, limitations, and keeping a tight grip on resources.

Their job is more than just planning projects, managing risks, and leading teams – they've got to stay on top of the latest management techniques too. To succeed, they need a killer combo of strategic thinking, project management tool skills, and some serious leadership abilities to sync up the techies and the smooth talkers on complex projects.

With Baltimore's tech scene blowing up (they call it Charm City), the demand for these IT Project Manager bosses is skyrocketing, and their paychecks are looking mighty fine.

The average yearly salary for IT Project Managers in Baltimore hit a whopping $114,000 in 2024 – proof that they're the MVPs orchestrating killer tech projects in this fast-paced digital world.

The market's on fire, with a 17% year-over-year growth in demand for these pros, fueled by companies across industries going all-in on digital transformations.

This trend means not just hot job openings but also major career growth potential, with senior IT Project Managers potentially moving up to the executive suite.

The inside scoop on what's driving the IT Project Manager hype:

  • Skyrocketing cybersecurity demands, meaning constant oversight of security-focused projects.
  • The unstoppable agile revolution, making managers skilled in these frameworks highly sought-after.
  • The need to seamlessly integrate cutting-edge tech like IoT and AI, making IT Project Managers the go-to change agents.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics is backing up this upward trend with some seriously impressive median salary figures, cementing IT Project Managers as the digital dynamos keeping companies' tech operations running smooth.

As industry experts put it,

"IT Project Managers are the architects of the tech domain, translating complex concepts into actionable plans, ensuring the digital cogs of corporations operate without a hitch."

This kind of recognition solidifies their status as top-tier tech pros in Baltimore's booming industry as we dive deeper into 2024.

2. Cybersecurity Specialist


The Cybersecurity Specialist gig in Bmore is blowing up like crazy. Maryland is straight-up killin' it with the most STEM professionals per capita in the whole country.

With all the cyber action going on, these specialists got a dope mission: locking down the complex digital systems that companies rely on heavy. "Cybersecurity Specialists are the frontline soldiers against cybercrime, constantly upgrading their skills to stay ahead of the game," is the word on the streets.

It's a multi-layered role, and their duties include:

  • Security Protocols: Setting up and monitoring security protocols for computer systems and networks
  • Vulnerability Management: Sniffing out and plugging vulnerabilities in an organization's IT setup
  • System Audits: Running deep system checks and handling any breaches like a boss
  • Threat Intelligence: Staying woke on the latest cyber threats and cutting-edge security techniques

According to the 2024 Baltimore Tech Sector report, the demand for Cybersecurity Specialists is skyrocketing with a projected 28% increase, way more than most other tech jobs.

The UMBC is all over it, acknowledging the need for skilled pros in this field. And the money? The Cybersecurity Specialists in Bmore are raking in an average of $125,000 annually.

The Bureau of Labor Stats says with more experience and leadership roles, the cash could flow even harder.

Baltimore's tech scene is on fire, and the top companies are scrambling for dope Cybersecurity Specialists, ready to pay up for the skills.

As digital defense becomes a critical priority, the opportunities for growth and specialization in cybersecurity are endless and rewarding. Getting deep into Baltimore's vibrant tech world could mean scoring a career that's both lucrative and game-changing, supporting the city's economic stability and tech dominance.

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3. Data Scientist


In Bmore's tech scene, Data Scientists have become the real MVPs, especially in 2024. These brainiacs are straight-up wizards at extracting valuable insights from huge data sets, influencing business decisions and driving growth like bosses.

With a solid education like the Master of Science in Business Analytics from UMD, the average Data Scientist in Baltimore rakes in a dope $154,850 annually, way higher than the previous estimate of $120K. This upward trend showcases their mad skills and the high demand for these analytical ninjas in the local job market.

Data science ain't no cakewalk, though.

It requires mad expertise in programming languages like Python and R, implementing complex machine learning algorithms, wrangling and prepping data like a pro, and visualizing data using slick tools like Tableau or PowerBI. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics even projects a 35 percent job growth for Data Scientists from 2022 to 2032, so the demand for these whiz kids is only gonna skyrocket.

The impact and fat paychecks of Data Scientists in Bmore are straight-up legendary.

One executive from a top tech company said, "Our Data Science team's insights have transformed how we tackle challenges – they're the masterminds behind our data-driven strategies." With salaries peaking at $190,000 for the most experienced ballers, data scientists are the real game-changers in the city's tech scene.

If you're looking for a career that's both lucrative and lit, leveraging data for strategic business decisions is where it's at.

4. Software Developer


Check this out – software devs in Baltimore are killin' it right now! The median salary for a Software Developer in the city is expected to hit a whopping $137,510 in 2024.

That's some serious cash flow!

With tech taking over the world, Baltimore is becoming a hotspot for startups and companies looking for devs who know their stuff.

Companies like Under Armour, T. Rowe Price, and other up-and-coming tech giants are on the hunt for coders who can handle:

  • Advanced JavaScript frameworks like Angular and React
  • Server-side languages, particularly Python and Node.js
  • DevOps methodologies
  • Cloud computing services such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform
  • AI and Machine Learning basics

The more skills you got, the fatter your paycheck! Baltimore's tech scene is so hot right now that the demand for devs has jumped by 22% in 2024 alone.

And it's not just the big bucks – companies are offering sweet perks like:

  • Performance bonuses
  • Stock options
  • Employee training and development opportunities

According to recent stats, the demand for skilled devs is only gonna keep growing as Baltimore doubles down on tech innovation.

One senior dev even said,

"The opportunity for growth here is unmatched; businesses are investing in tech like never before."

Baltimore is becoming the place to be for software devs, attracting talent from all over the country.

The more specialized your skills, like in AI and cloud services, the bigger the payoff. So, if you're a coding machine, Baltimore might just be the spot for you to level up your career and your bank account!

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5. Systems Architect


Let me break it down for you about this hot job called Systems Architect. It's a total gamechanger in Baltimore's booming tech scene, where mixing strategy and tech skills is key to making that cash money.

A recent salary check for 2024 showed a serious upswing in what these guys are raking in.

We're talking an average annual salary of a whopping $252,809 for a Senior Systems Architect in Baltimore. That's some major dough, making it one of the top-paying tech gigs in the city.

It's a big jump from previous figures, proving that Systems Architects are the MVPs when it comes to building solid and flexible systems that keep tech companies rolling.

But it's not just about designing frameworks.

Systems Architects also got to keep those enterprise IT systems locked down tight. Check out this job posting for a Senior Systems Architect at SAIC, where they're looking for someone to whip up solutions for the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command and other heavy hitters.

Meanwhile, companies like RCT Systems are hiring for roles that blend technical wizardry with innovation and leadership skills.

To land one of these gigs, you'll need a bachelor's degree and some serious experience with complex systems, or you can substitute that with some real-world know-how.

Certifications and clearances, especially Top Secret Clearances, are becoming a must-have, 'cause this role is getting mad complex and deals with sensitive security stuff in the tech world.

In Baltimore's diverse and buzzing tech scene, Systems Architects are the MVPs when it comes to helping companies navigate the digital maze smoothly and securely.

Their strategic thinking and hands-on skills are clutch for integrating new and old tech into one seamless, efficient system. As we look ahead, the Systems Architect's role is only going to keep growing and evolving, solidifying itself as a highly coveted position that commands respect and fat paychecks in Baltimore's lit tech landscape.

6. Applications Architect


Let me break it down for you about this Applications Architect gig. It's a super crucial role in today's fast-paced tech scene, and Baltimore is where it's poppin' off right now.

In 2024, these pros are raking in some serious dough, with an average salary of around $130,000 annually. That's some major bank for designing the core components of applications, like the user interface, middleware, and infrastructure, and making sure they all play nice together.

Their blueprints are what make software solutions truly shine.

But it's not just about the cash flow. These architects have mad skills, like:

  • Systems Analysis: The foundation for building rock-solid applications.
  • Programming Chops: Essential for creating and implementing software.
  • Enterprise Architecture: Understanding the big picture of business needs.
  • Software Application Frameworks: Crucial for building flexible apps.

The job growth for Applications Architects in Baltimore is on a serious upswing, with an expected growth of 11% from 2023 to 2028.

That's because tailored software is becoming the key to staying competitive in the business world. With cloud computing, mobile app development, and cutting-edge tech like AI and Machine Learning becoming more integrated into business processes, the demand for Applications Architects who can turn tech potential into business value is skyrocketing.

If you're in Baltimore and want to cash in on this growing niche, you'll need to level up with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or Software Engineering, maybe grab some industry certs like Certified Software Architect, and stay on top of emerging disciplines like Internet Architecture.

With so many expanding companies and the promise of a significant salary increase in data-related architectural roles, Applications Architects are in high demand and cashing in big time.

Check out the openings on the Maryland job portal to see just how much the local tech community values these experts.

7. Cloud Engineer


The tech scene in Baltimore is blowing up in 2024, and Cloud Engineers are the ones making it happen. With more and more businesses going all-in on cloud solutions, these individuals are becoming the real MVPs.

It's not just about keeping up with the trends, though – events like the SANS Baltimore Spring 2024 are showing how crucial it is to keep digital assets locked down tight.

Cloud Engineers are the ones with the skills to make that happen.

The job market for Cloud Engineers in Baltimore is straight-up booming, with a projected 20% growth compared to last year.

With all the cloud computing jobs popping up and programs like the AWS re/Start Program at Per Scholas giving people the skills they need.

Speaking of skills, being a Cloud Engineer is not an easy task.

You must be a master of:

  • AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platforms – the bread and butter of cloud services.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) – managing and setting up tech stacks like a professional.
  • Containerization tech like Docker and Kubernetes – making scalable deployments a breeze.
  • DevOps practices – keeping that continuous integration and delivery game tight.
  • Cybersecurity fundamentals – because keeping cloud systems secure is non-negotiable.

Solutions Engineers in Maryland are raking in up to $135,450.

That's a substantial amount for being a cloud expert!

The impact of cloud computing on Baltimore's job market is mind-blowing. With digital infrastructure growing like crazy, it's giving the local economy a major boost and turning the city into a tech powerhouse.

Plus, with cybersecurity consulting jobs projected to grow by 28% in the US from 2016 to 2026, Cloud Engineers who can handle both cloud and security are going to be in high demand.

"The rise of cloud services in Baltimore is a game-changer, giving businesses the flexibility to compete on a global scale,"

says Charles Miller, a top tech analyst.

And he is correct – pursuing a career as a Cloud Engineer in Baltimore means you can earn a substantial income while playing a major role in shaping the city's tech future.

It is a favorable situation!

8. DevOps Engineer


The tech scene in Bmore is poppin' off, and DevOps Engineers are the real MVPs. By 2024, these hustlers are gonna be crucial for keeping the dev grind and IT ops on lock, especially for companies riding the cloud wave.

They're the ones streamlining the dev lifecycle and pushing out dope software like it's nothing.

In Charm City, the demand for DevOps talent is insane, and the job market is lit.

DevOps Engineers are raking in an average of $128,429, and if you level up to something like DevOps Architect, you're looking at even fatter stacks.

The need for DevOps skills is real, and the pay reflects that.

Automation, orchestration, and containerization are the hot tickets, with tools like Docker and Kubernetes being major keys. automation engineers are averaging $108,714 yearly, so you know companies are investing big in folks who can streamline those dev pipelines.

And if you're a machine learning engineer, you're looking at a cool $137,800, proving that advanced tech skills get you paid in Bmore.

DevOps Engineers are straight up MVPs for Baltimore's tech companies.

Their ability to blend software deployment and operational reliability is game-changing, driving product scalability and getting that fire to market at lightning speed.

Check out what the CEO of a major Baltimore tech company had to say,

"Our DevOps Engineers are indispensable in executing our cloud vision, ensuring seamless integration of complex systems, and driving innovation at breakneck speeds."

Industry leaders see DevOps as the future, cementing its role in Baltimore's thriving tech scene in 2024.

9. Full Stack Developer


Full-stack development is the hottest thing in Baltimore's tech scene right now. Companies are going crazy trying to recruit devs who can handle everything from front-end to back-end coding.

The average salary for a Full Stack Developer in B-more is $107,308 per year, or around $52 per hour. That's some serious cash!

These Full Stack Developers are like the MVPs of agile teams.

They can bridge the gap between the front-end and back-end, making sure everything runs smoothly. Companies are looking for skills like JavaScript, React, Node.js, and SQL, but you'll also need to know your way around servers, networks, and hosting environments.

Oh, and don't forget about UI/UX design and version control/git. Nationwide, the average total compensation for Full Stack Devs is a whopping $165,258.

Talk about a sweet deal!

Big tech companies in Baltimore are going all-in on recruiting Full Stack Developers this year. They know that having these versatile coders on board means faster development and more innovative products.

Plus, Baltimore is offering some sweet homeownership incentives, making it even more attractive for tech talents.

Here are a few companies that are known for hiring Full Stack Devs:

  • Tech Talent: TechWave Group is leading the charge in leveraging full-stack expertise for innovation.
  • Innovative Solutions: Baltimore Dynamic Solutions is all about creating opportunities for devs to work on cutting-edge projects.
  • Systems Leadership: Innovative Systems Design is at the forefront of integrating full-stack knowledge into comprehensive system solutions.

As one industry insider put it,

"Full Stack Developers are not just trendsetters; they are the ones turning visions into reality. Their role is invaluable in an ever-advancing tech landscape."

With their growing importance and fat paychecks, Full Stack Developers are quickly becoming the rock stars of Baltimore's tech job market in 2024.

10. AI Engineer


The AI Engineering scene in Baltimore is on fire right now, and it's only going to keep blazing through 2024. With tech companies going ham on AI, there's a massive demand for high-tech jobs, and AI Engineers are leading the charge.

Morgan State University is churning out AI talent that's boosting the city's capabilities in this field. If you're an AI Engineer in Baltimore, you can expect to rake in some serious dough, with the average salary around $125,000 per year – way more than a lot of other tech gigs in the area.

Companies are scrambling to leverage AI for data analytics, automated processes, and smart decision-making, so the skills AI Engineers need have leveled up.

The hot tech skills that are in demand include:

  • Mastering machine learning algorithms and deep learning frameworks
  • Being a boss at programming languages like Python, R, and Java
  • Handling massive data sets and knowing data engineering like the back of your hand
  • Understanding neural networks, natural language processing, and computer vision

If you're looking to get into this field, check out online coding bootcamps like Nucamp to level up your skills.

AI Engineers are basically the MVPs of the tech world right now, and Baltimore's job market for AI is booming. Catalyte, a local tech company, is just one example of the crazy demand for AI expertise.

A hiring manager there said,

"The demand for AI expertise has reached unprecedented levels, and in Baltimore, employers are willing to offer compelling packages to secure top AI talent."

Johns Hopkins University is predicting a 22% job growth in AI sectors, so it's clear that AI is revving up Baltimore's tech scene.

If you've got the skills, being an AI Engineer in Baltimore is a total win.



Let's talk about the tech scene in Bmore for 2024. It's looking promising, with a ton of jobs expected to hit the market. We're talking 8.9 million tech gigs nationwide, and Charm City's gonna be a big player in that game.

It makes sense when you think about it – Baltimore's all about that tech life, with IT and other great industries thriving.

If you're trying to score one of those high-paying tech roles, here's the information:

  • Stay Informed: If you want to succeed in the tech world, you have to keep improving your skills. We're talking AI, healthcare tech, and cybersecurity – those fields are going to grow significantly.
  • Network Effectively: Building your network is key, especially now that Baltimore's been named a Tech Hub. Get out there, attend those tech events, and make some connections. You never know who might provide you with a great opportunity or mentor you.
  • Niche Down: If you want to stand out in the crowd, specialize in something in-demand, like logistics or biotech. Baltimore County's economy is focused on that, so develop your expertise.

The experts say that staying on top of your game and networking effectively are the keys to succeeding in Baltimore's tech scene.

You have to keep enhancing those skills in areas like cloud computing and machine learning to stay relevant. And with tech salaries easily breaking $100K, you could have a prosperous life – both financially and career-wise – in Bmore.

It's a city where tech professionals can thrive, with constant innovation and growth happening. So, if you're ready to work hard, the future's looking bright in Charm City.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top high-paying tech jobs in Baltimore in 2024?

The top high-paying tech jobs in Baltimore in 2024 include IT Project Manager with a median salary of $110,000 and Cybersecurity Specialist with a median salary of $105,000.

What is the expected job growth rate for tech employment in Baltimore?

Tech employment in Baltimore is expected to see an 8% growth rate, surpassing national averages.

What factors were considered in ranking the top high-paying tech jobs in Baltimore?

The ranking of the top high-paying tech jobs in Baltimore considered salary data, job demand, and growth projections by analyzing year-over-year growth, labor market demand, and projected job growth rates for 2024.

What are the key responsibilities of a Systems Architect in Baltimore?

Systems Architects in Baltimore are responsible for designing resilient and adaptable infrastructures, safeguarding enterprise IT systems, and devising solutions for critical sectors like the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command.

What skills are essential for Cloud Engineers in Baltimore's tech landscape?

Cloud Engineers in Baltimore need proficiency in AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platforms, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), containerization technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, DevOps practices, and cybersecurity fundamentals to secure cloud-based systems.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible