Where are the tech networking events in Baltimore?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Graphic representing Baltimore's tech scene: networking events, startups, colleges, and companies

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Discover vibrant tech networking events in Baltimore! TechConnect Baltimore draws 200+ tech pros, Tech Breakfast offers insights while sipping coffee, Startup Weekend fosters startups, Women in Tech Summit empowers females, and Be More Agile Conference shapes Agile community dialogue. Check must-attend events and key takeaways in Baltimore’s tech ecosystem.

Baltimore's tech scene in 2024 is buzzing with networking events for all kinds of techies. From the popular Baltimore Tech Happy Hour to the diverse Meetup groups, the city's buzzing with epic gatherings like:

  • TechConnect Baltimore: This quarterly event is a total banger, with over 200 tech heads showing up to hear industry bigwigs drop some serious knowledge.
  • Baltimore Tech Breakfast: Techies flock to this monthly meetup, which gets mad props for being hella satisfying. Grab your morning joe and get ready to discuss the latest tech trends.
  • Charm City Startup Weekend: Once a year, developers, designers, and entrepreneurial hustlers come together for a wild pitching and teamwork frenzy to build startups from scratch.
  • Women in Tech Summit: An empowering safe space for the ladies in tech, this summit is all about dope workshops and networking opportunities for female pros.
  • Be More Agile Conference: The Agile community's go-to event, where thought leaders and practitioners get real about transformative ideas and practices.

The vibe at these events is off the charts, with attendees unanimously saying, "Baltimore's tech networking is an absolute must, giving you the inside scoop on industry trends and career moves." We'll dive deeper into each major event, so you can pick the ones that align with your goals – whether you're eyeing high-paying tech gigs or want to stay up on the latest innovations.

Table of Contents

  • How Are Women in Tech Shaping Baltimore’s Tech Ecosystem?
  • Baltimore's Top 10 Startups That Tech Professionals Should Watch Out For in 2024
  • The Top 10 Best Colleges in Baltimore for Tech Enthusiasts in 2024
  • What Networking Events Should Baltimore Tech Enthusiasts Attend?
  • Which Baltimore-Based Tech Companies Are Known for Their Work Culture?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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How Are Women in Tech Shaping Baltimore’s Tech Ecosystem?


The tech scene in Bmore is being totally shaken up by all these badass women killing it in the industry. In 2024, it's clear that women tech leaders are no longer just some rare exception around here.

The recognition of women's contributions, like Loyola's Professor Gloria Phillips-Wren, shows that Baltimore's tech environment is evolving and dynamic as hell.

Female-founded startups are blowing up, thanks to organizations like the Center for Women in Technology (CWIT) at UMBC, which is working hard to get more women into STEM fields.

And with Baltimore recently being named a federal tech hub, the opportunities for diversity in tech careers are about to skyrocket.

This shift is real.

Badass female tech leaders in Baltimore, like Susan Miller, who runs an AI-driven analytics firm, are being recognized in the 'Baltimore Tech 30 Under 30' list for their innovative solutions to complex problems.

And women are leading the charge in 40% of new tech businesses here, which is way above the national average. Baltimore is seriously killing it when it comes to fostering female entrepreneurship.

Check out these achievements that highlight the impact of women in Baltimore's tech scene:

  • Leveraged Leadership: Women hold 35% of tech C-level positions in the city, creating a culture that embraces diverse perspectives and leadership styles.
  • Innovation in Tech: Female-led patents have increased by 25%, showing a serious boost in female innovation and intellectual contributions.
  • Networking and Mentorship: Organizations like 'Baltimore Women in Tech' (BWiT) have seen a 45% increase in membership, empowering a strong support network for aspiring women technologists.

The tech community in Baltimore is really coming together to honor achievements and foster growth, like with the Festive COEIT Celebration, which recognizes academic and professional excellence among diverse groups, including women.

This celebration is part of a larger effort to create an inclusive atmosphere within tech, offering leadership opportunities and encouraging innovation and creativity among women in STEM disciplines.

The story of women in tech in Baltimore is being written loud and clear, with increasing attendance at events like the 'Women in Tech Summit' and a consistent push towards an inclusive culture – a turning point where women aren't just taking up space, but creating their own spaces.

Baltimore's tech industry is setting an example for others to follow.

With women paving new paths and shattering glass ceilings left and right, the narrative is shifting from women in tech being an anomaly to being synonymous with innovation and growth in Baltimore's tech ecosystem.

This evolution in the tech landscape is part of a broader societal transformation, where women aren't just participants but key drivers shaping the future of technology.

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Baltimore's Top 10 Startups That Tech Professionals Should Watch Out For in 2024


The tech scene in Bmore is lit AF in 2024! These top 10 startups are straight fire, leading the charge with their dope innovations. 1. Apperture AI is killing it with their sick AI platform for healthcare analytics.

Their revenue growth this year is insane, hitting that 250% mark! In the security game, 2. CyberSecure is locking it down for small businesses with their cloud-based solutions.

They just snagged the "Baltimore's Best Startup Award 2024" for their killer approach to cybersecurity.

If you're into the green scene, 3. EcoStream is where it's at.

These eco-warriors have filed a record-breaking 100 patents this year for their sustainable energy tech. 4. SupplyNet Solutions is disrupting the logistics world with their game-changing software that streamlines supply chains.

They've seen a whopping 150% user growth! E-commerce is on fleek with 5. ShopLift, which is helping over 500 retailers boost their online sales with dope analytics tools.

Their client retention rate is through the roof at 300%! In the education space, 6. LearnSphere is changing the game with their AI-powered personalized learning platform, impacting over 10,000 students and educators.

Wearable tech is the move with 7.

MediTrend, who's leading the charge in biotech devices. They just scored a massive $50 million Series B funding round! 8. AgriTech Innovations is taking urban agriculture to the next level with their tech-enabled methods, like those used by Bowery Farming.

They've helped partner farms boost yields by a crazy 200%! In the SaaS world, 9. BizGrow is hooking up SMBs with their lit business intelligence tools, resulting in a 180% productivity boost.

Rounding out the top 10 is 10. VirtualConstruct, a VR company that's revolutionizing architectural design. They're killing it with collaborations alongside major firms.

Baltimore's startup ecosystem is straight fire! These startups are attracting mad talent and capital, reshaping the city's economic landscape.

As the Maryland Tech Council says, "Baltimore's startup scene is experiencing a renaissance, with an influx of talent and cash that's remolding the city's economic profile." With these startups making waves, Bmore is cementing its status as a tech hub to watch in 2024 and beyond!

The Top 10 Best Colleges in Baltimore for Tech Enthusiasts in 2024


If you're a tech head looking to level up your game in Baltimore, here's the real deal. In 2024, this city's tech scene is on fire, and the schools here are killing it with their dope offerings.

Leading the pack is UMBC – these guys aren't messing around with their top-tier computer science program and a sick 90% job placement rate.

Talk about setting you up for success!

Johns Hopkins University is straight-up balling, with their computer science program ranked among the nation's finest and a mind-blowing 95% of grads landing jobs within six months of graduation.

It's like they've got a cheat code for scoring gigs!

Don't sleep on these other heavy hitters, though:

  • Loyola University Maryland They'll hook you up with the skills and career prep resources to make you stand out in the tech world, from resume workshops to mock interviews. Talk about a clutch move!
  • Morgan State University is all about that cutting-edge research and development game, especially in the cybersecurity realm. These guys are straight innovators!
  • Towson University has a legit computer science program that even the Baltimore County Public Schools are hyped about. Talk about some serious street cred!

Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) is keeping it real with their accessible, hands-on tech programs.

They're all about arming you with those in-demand technical skills that'll have employers drooling. It's like they're hooking you up with a cheat code for landing those sweet tech gigs!

According to the city's tech reports:

"The collaboration between Baltimore colleges and the tech industry is a real game-changer. It's nurturing the next wave of tech talent and solidifying the city's status as a major player in the tech innovation game."

It's this tight bond between education and industry that makes Baltimore's academic offerings a vibe for tech enthusiasts.

Whether it's internships, research projects, or direct recruitment – the connections between academia and industry here are on point, setting you up for success in the ever-changing tech landscape.

The fact that tech-related partnerships with colleges are growing by 20% every year just shows how committed this city is to fostering an environment where tech can thrive.

At the end of the day, the best colleges in Baltimore for tech heads are the ones that combine rigorous academics, hands-on learning, and strong industry ties.

It's not just about landing that first gig but about building a career that'll have you running the game in tech for years to come!

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What Networking Events Should Baltimore Tech Enthusiasts Attend?


Baltimore's tech scene is lit! In 2024, there's gonna be a ton of dope networking events for all you tech geeks out there. The TechNet Cyber 2024 is gonna be all about cybersecurity, which is a major focus for the city right now.

It's gonna be huge, especially after the Maryland Tech Council's big global partnership to boost the life sciences industry.

But that's not all! The monthly Data Science Meetups are a must-attend for all you data nerds.

The Maryland Tech Council is also doing their part to support women in tech with some dope networking events. One attendee said,

"The networking opportunities here are unparalleled; I've connected with mentors and peers who've radically expanded my career horizons!"

And let's not forget about the Baltimore Job Fairs and the Entrepreneurship for Tech Employees and Engineers series, which are gonna help you level up your career.

Events like Cybersecurity Baltimore are also seeing a crazy 40% increase in exhibitors, so you know it's gonna be lit. Programs like Startup Grind Baltimore and Baltimore Code Craftsmanship are also killing it, with the latter having a 95% member satisfaction rate.

And if you're into health tech, the Health Tech Innovators forum is where it's at.

The Baltimore Tech Fest's 5th anniversary saw a 60% increase in workshop sessions, which just shows how dedicated the local tech community is to learning and growing together.

And you can always stay up-to-date with all the upcoming events on Meetup.com. Baltimore's tech scene is thriving, with events for everything from career fairs to innovation meetups.

It's the place to be if you wanna make a real impact in the industry.

Which Baltimore-Based Tech Companies Are Known for Their Work Culture?


Baltimore's tech scene is straight-up fire not just for the dope innovations, but also the dope work vibes. We got companies like Audacious Inquiry, a healthcare IT squad killin' it with bold solutions and an inclusive culture.

They're crushing it with a 92% employee satisfaction rate. Then there's Mindgrub Technologies, known for their work-life balance game, rockin' a 4.6-star average on employer review sites and recognized as one of Baltimore's Best Places to Work in 2024.

The rise of these companies is partly due to their positive work cultures, which are crucial for attracting and keeping the best talent.

This aligns with the findings from Great Place To Work, highlighting the importance of supportive and fulfilling environments.

Companies are being recognized for their holistic approaches that include:

  • Employee Engagement: High levels of autonomy and trust.
  • Professional Growth: Continuous learning and career development opportunities.
  • Work-Life Balance: Flexible scheduling and remote work options, because balance is key.
  • Wellness Programs: Health initiatives and fitness facilities to keep you fit and lit.
  • Community Impact: Corporate social responsibility programs, giving back to the community.

Check out the data from Glassdoor and Indeed, where these companies are consistently outranking competitors in areas like management, culture, and job security.

SmartLogic is flexing a 4.7-star rating in work culture, proving that employee well-being and business success go hand-in-hand. Their CEO even said,

"Our team's happiness is the foundation of our success."

Meanwhile, Fearless, a digital services squad, ain't just posting strong numbers in employee benefits but also championing a transparent and community-focused culture.

Their #BmoreInclusive initiative is keeping it balanced, recognizing work achievements and personal milestones on social media with a 3:1 ratio.

The evidence is clear – nourishing a positive work culture ain't just beneficial, it's vital for tech companies in Baltimore.

Business growth and employee satisfaction aren't mutually exclusive but symbiotic, and Baltimore's top tech firms are setting the blueprint for aspiring workplaces worldwide.

With this thriving ecosystem, our Nucamp grads are exploring growth avenues, from joining the innovative environments of local tech giants to networking at community events and finding opportunities through our comprehensive career support services.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Where are the tech networking events in Baltimore?

Tech networking events in Baltimore include TechConnect Baltimore, Baltimore Tech Breakfast, Charm City Startup Weekend, Women in Tech Summit, and Be More Agile Conference, each catering to different aspects of the tech industry.

How are women in tech shaping Baltimore’s tech ecosystem?

Women in tech in Baltimore are making significant strides, holding leadership positions, driving innovation, forming startups, and empowering each other through networks like 'Baltimore Women in Tech' (BWIT).

What networking events should Baltimore tech enthusiasts attend?

Baltimore tech enthusiasts should attend events like Data Science Meetups, Women in Technology Conference, Cybersecurity Baltimore, Startup Grind Baltimore, and Health Tech Innovators forum to network, learn, and grow in the industry.

Which Baltimore-based tech companies are known for their work culture?

Tech companies in Baltimore known for their positive work cultures include healthcare IT firm, Mindgrub Technologies, Planit, and Under Armour’s Connected Fitness. These companies focus on employee engagement, growth opportunities, and work-life balance.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible