Getting Started with AWS for Beginners

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Beginners guide to starting with AWS

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Discover the power of AWS, boasting 175+ services including Amazon S3 & EBS. Ideal for startups & enterprises, it holds a dominant 32% global cloud market share, driving innovation & opportunity. Learn AWS basics with Nucamp for in-demand IT careers and streamlining business operations.

Let me break it down for you. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is this massive cloud computing platform owned by Amazon. It's like the backbone that powers a ton of different industries.

The AWS cloud platform has over 175 services, from some advanced machine learning stuff with Amazon SageMaker to storage solutions like Amazon S3 and Amazon EBS. This bad boy is killing it, with a 32% share of the global cloud market as of 2021.

That's domination.

Being skilled in AWS isn't just a nice-to-have, it's a must-have for anyone trying to make it in the IT game, whether you're a fresh recruit or a seasoned vet.

It's more than just tech, it's a whole vision for creating scalable solutions tailored to your business needs.

AWS helps you cut costs, stay flexible, and ride the wave of cloud tech growth for things like supply chain management and more.

If you're just starting out, getting a grip on AWS is like getting a grip on the future of tech itself.

Nucamp's cloud platform guide is the real deal, breaking down the AWS game for newbies and showing you the endless possibilities of the cloud.

AWS isn't just a skill, it's a game-changer. Learning it opens up a world of in-demand careers and cutting-edge IT roles. When you invest in AWS, you're not just gaining knowledge, you're unlocking innovation, efficiency, and opportunities galore.

Table of Contents

  • Benefits of Using AWS
  • Fundamental Components of AWS
  • Setting Up an AWS Account
  • Basic AWS Services
  • Pricing in AWS
  • Getting AWS Certification
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Benefits of Using AWS


Check it out! Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the bomb when it comes to cloud computing. It's got like a bazillion dope features that'll make your business grow faster than a weed in the desert.

With over 200 different services, you've got a whole toolbox of cool stuff to play with. And the best part? You only pay for what you use, so you can scale up or down depending on how much you need.

Some companies have even saved 60% on costs by using AWS. Talk about a sweet deal!

That's more! AWS is like the king of the cloud jungle.

They've got the biggest market share, which means they're everywhere - 77 Availability Zones across 24 regions. That's more than enough to make sure your stuff loads fast no matter where your customers are.

And if you're running a global biz, AWS makes it a cakewalk to deploy your stuff in minutes, so your users get the best experience possible.

Security is tight too.

AWS has a super secure infrastructure that even the military trusts. They've got this cool feature called Cost Explorer that helps you keep track of your spending, so you don't have to worry about blowing your budget.

In short, AWS is the real deal when it comes to cloud services.

It's scalable, flexible, globally accessible, secure, and packed with features that'll give your business a serious edge over the competition. If you want to stay ahead of the game, you gotta hop on the AWS train.

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Fundamental Components of AWS


Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a plethora of services to handle all your cloud computing needs. If you're just getting started, Understanding AWS Core Services is a solid intro course.

And if you're interested in seeing all the services they offer, check out Hava's AWS Services List.

  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) - This is where you get your virtual servers. EC2 is like the backbone of AWS's computing offerings, and it's highly reliable. You can even set it up to automatically scale up or down based on your app's needs.
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) - Need to store a ton of data? S3 is your solution. It's super scalable, so you can store as much data as you want and access it from anywhere on the web. They've got other cool storage services too, like S3 Glacier for long-term archiving and Storage Gateway for on-premises apps.
  • Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) - Setting up databases can be a pain, but RDS makes it easy. It handles all the routine database tasks for you, and you can resize your capacity as needed. And if you need something more specialized, they've got services like Aurora and DynamoDB.
  • AWS Lambda - Lambda lets you run code without managing servers, which is perfect for a pay-as-you-go setup. AWS also has LightSail for simple virtual private servers and Elastic Beanstalk for deploying apps without worrying about infrastructure.
  • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) - VPC gives you your own isolated network where you can launch AWS resources. It's got cool features like CloudFront for content delivery and API Gateway for creating APIs. And if you need to boost your app's performance, there's Global Accelerator.

These core services are what make AWS so flexible, scalable, and reliable for modern apps.

At Nucamp, we're committed to teaching you how to use these services to build exceptional apps and optimize your dev workflow.

This cloud computing technology is the future, and you don't want to get left behind.

Setting Up an AWS Account


Setting up an AWS account is like unlocking a whole new world of tech possibilities. To get started, head over to the AWS homepage and click on Create an AWS Account – it's a pretty straightforward process, even for newbies.

Creating and activating your AWS account involves simple steps like providing your email, a password, and an account name.

  1. Contact Deets: For professional accounts, use your company info. Make sure you fill out your contact details accurately for billing purposes.
  2. Billing Info: Enter your credit card details correctly. AWS offers a free tier, but you'll need to provide billing info for any usage beyond those limits, including a small charge for verification in some regions like India.
  3. ID Verification: You'll need to provide a valid phone number, where AWS will send a PIN for verification. Around 5% of users face issues during this step, but you can usually resolve it by double-checking the details you entered.
  4. Support Plan: Choose from various support plans – many new users go with the basic plan. Consider your needs and potential for growth when selecting a plan.
  5. Account Config: Follow AWS best practices and set up roles and permissions to keep your account secure from unauthorized access and potential security breaches. Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on the root account adds an extra layer of security.

Follow these steps, and 85% of users report a smooth setup experience, despite occasional hiccups like verification delays.

Right after creating your account, make sure to secure it properly, as 90% of security incidents happen due to human error or weak access controls.

By carefully following these steps, your AWS account will be a solid foundation for your cloud-based adventures.

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Basic AWS Services


Let me break it down for you about this Amazon Web Services (AWS) thing. It's a cloud computing setup that offers a ton of services to help you get your grind on.

The real OGs in this game that you need to know about are Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), and AWS Lambda.

Amazon EC2 is where you can spin up virtual servers, or instances as they call 'em.

You can choose different flavors like t2.micro or m5.large, depending on how much juice you need for your app. S3 is the spot for stashing your data securely, whether it's for websites or data crunching.

And AWS Lambda? That's the serverless MVP, letting you run your code in response to events without worrying about managing servers.

If you're just getting started, here's the 411:

  • Amazon EC2: Launch virtual servers on demand, handle storage, and customize your network setup.
  • Amazon S3: Keep your data safe and sound, with an easy web interface for grabbing it from anywhere online.
  • AWS Lambda: Just upload your code, and Lambda takes care of running it, scaling automatically to handle whatever comes its way.

AWS is the real deal.

It's the backbone for businesses all over, giving them the flex and edge they need to stay on top in this fast-paced digital world. Word on the street is,

"AWS is now the backbone of so many businesses, granting flexibility and a competitive edge in a fast-paced digital economy."

And with the AWS Health Dashboard, you can keep tabs on how the services are running and manage your cookie preferences, so you're always in the know while you're exploring all the dope tools and docs AWS has to offer.

Pricing in AWS


AWS pricing is a whole thing, but it's crucial to get a grip on it if you wanna make the most of Amazon's massive cloud offerings without burning a hole in your pocket.

The pricing models are like a smorgasbord of options – On-Demand, Spot, Reserved, Savings Plans, and Dedicated Hosts – each with its own flavor. Like, Spot Instances are a sweet deal for flexible workloads, offering up to 90% savings compared to On-Demand rates.

AWS works on a pay-as-you-go basis, so for instance, if you're rocking the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), you'll shell out $0.10 per hour for each EKS cluster, plus the cost of your EC2 instances.

  • For compute resources like Amazon EC2 instances, you get billed per hour or per second, depending on the instance type and size you choose.
  • Storage services like Amazon S3 charge based on how much data you're storing, how often you access it, and how much you transfer out.
  • Database services like Amazon RDS charge you for the instance usage, the storage you allocate, and any data transfer.

AWS has some cool tools to help you keep tabs on your spending, like the AWS Pricing Calculator and the AWS Free Tier.

The Free Tier is a sweet deal – you get select services free for the first year, including 750 hours per month of Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, and AWS Lambda, plus 5 GB of Amazon S3 storage, among other freebies.

AWS also has a "Cost Explorer" that helps you track and analyze your AWS spending.

A company like Capital One totally nailed their AWS strategy, doubling their capabilities while spending less than half of what they used to pay for traditional data centers.

Pretty rad, right?

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Getting AWS Certification


Getting an AWS certification can be a game-changer for your IT career, upping your value and making you stand out in a crowded job market.

While it doesn't guarantee success, it shows you've got legit cloud skills that can make a real difference. AWS has a whole certification roadmap for different levels, from beginner to advanced, covering everything from basic cloud concepts to specialized areas like networking, security, and machine learning.

You can focus on roles like Solutions Architect, Developer, or Operations, or dive deep into specific domains.

  • Foundational Level: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner – This entry-level cert gets you familiar with the basics of AWS cloud, services, and architecture.
  • Associate Level: AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate certification is all about designing distributed systems. It shows you know your stuff when it comes to designing and deploying solutions on AWS.
  • Professional Level: AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional certification can take your skills to the next level, focusing on complex solutions and advanced architectural frameworks.
  • Specialty Certifications: Get into specific areas with certs like AWS Certified Data Analytics or AWS Certified Security, tailored to your interests and career goals.

Prepping for these exams takes real-world experience, training courses, and studying the exam guide and sample questions.

AWS has tons of resources to help you out, like certifications, whitepapers, hands-on labs, and AWS Ramp-Up Guides. Industry experts agree that certifications are valuable for job performance.

For the best prep experience, join community discussions and study groups, and check out essential resources from AWS pros.

Hands-on practice is key. Whether you're just starting out or leveling up, an AWS certification can be a solid foundation for a kick-ass tech career.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of using AWS?

AWS offers benefits such as scalability, cost-efficiency, global presence, security, and diverse tooling, enabling businesses to reduce costs, increase agility, and maintain a competitive edge.

What are the fundamental components of AWS?

Fundamental components of AWS include Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon RDS, AWS Lambda, and Amazon VPC, providing flexibility, scalability, and reliability for modern applications.

How do I set up an AWS account?

Setting up an AWS account involves steps like providing contact and billing information, identity verification, support plan selection, and account configuration following AWS best practices to safeguard the account.

What are the basic AWS services for beginners?

Basic AWS services for beginners include Amazon EC2 for virtual servers, Amazon S3 for object storage, and AWS Lambda for serverless computing, offering scalable and cost-effective computing solutions.

How does pricing work in AWS?

AWS pricing includes On-Demand, Spot, Reserved, Savings Plans, and Dedicated Hosts models, where users pay based on compute, storage, and database usage. Tools like the AWS Pricing Calculator and AWS Free Tier assist in cost management.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.