The Path to Becoming a Shopify Developer: Opportunities for Beginners

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Image depicting a beginner's guide to becoming a Shopify Developer

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Embarking on a career in Shopify Development offers vast opportunities in e-commerce. Shopify powers over 1.7 million merchants across 175 countries, generating $307 billion in economic activity. To succeed, developers need skills like theme customization, app integration, and API usage to tap into the market projected to capture 21.8% of e-commerce retail sales by 2024.

If you're looking to get into Shopify development, you're about to enter a world of e-commerce. As a Shopify dev, you'll be crafting and enhancing online stores using their platform.

Your job is to make those shops engaging, with excellent functionality, and sales that are impressive. Shopify isn't playing around, either – they've got over 1.7 million merchants across 175 countries, and they contributed a whopping $307 billion to the global economy in 2020 alone (Shopify Impact Report).

That's some serious impact!

But it's not just about building stores. Shopify development is like a whole spectrum of skills, from customizing themes and integrating apps, to mastering their APIs.

And with e-commerce retail sales projected to snag 21.8% of the total market by 2024 (eMarketer), you'll be riding the wave of the future.

If you want to be successful in this field, you gotta position yourself at the forefront of digital retail.

That's where our series comes in, starting with a guide to building e-commerce websites.

But it's not just about making stores. Shopify devs get to flex their muscles by creating custom commerce experiences for all kinds of brands and getting involved in the platform's evolution.

This is just the beginning. We're about to dive deep into the benefits, the skills, the pathways, and the career opportunities in the Shopify development field.

Get ready!

Table of Contents

  • Why Choose Shopify Development as a Career Path
  • What Skills are Needed to Become a Shopify Developer
  • How to Gain Experience as a Beginner Shopify Developer
  • Career Opportunities for Shopify Developers
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Why Choose Shopify Development as a Career Path


Choosing a career as a Shopify developer could be the move for all you tech geeks out there. This platform is blowing up with over 1.7 million businesses running on Shopify, which means it's got a massive piece of the US retail e-commerce pie - like 10.3% in 2021.

That's a crazy amount of demand for skilled devs to build dope e-commerce sites and apps, and Shopify has already contributed a whopping $319 billion to the economy from 2016 to 2019.

Insane, right?

  • Sustained Growth: The need for Shopify devs is legit, thanks to the platform's growth. There are a ton of freelance gigs and full-time jobs up for grabs. Plus, ambitious coders can get recognized through Shopify's "Built for Shopify" program, which celebrates top-notch app development.
  • Lucrative Income: On average, Shopify devs rake in salaries ranging from $52,000 to $110,000 per year, with the top earners and freelancers scoring up to $173,000 - now that's some serious cash flow.
  • Diverse Specializations: Whether you're into front-end, back-end, or full-stack development, Shopify offers versatile career paths, including app and theme dev, and even remote work options for the digital nomads out there.

Compared to other e-commerce platforms, focusing on Shopify is a real game-changer.

A user-friendly interface, solid documentation, and an awesome developer community mean you'll have all the tools to slay it.

Success stories are all over the forums, with devs shouting out how Shopify's scalability has leveled up their careers. One dev said,

"Shopify has been a game-changer; it keeps my skills sharp and in demand."

Whether you're crafting custom themes, building innovative apps, or optimizing stores for maximum sales, Shopify development is where it's at for anyone stoked about e-commerce innovation.

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What Skills are Needed to Become a Shopify Developer


Check this out! To be a dope Shopify Developer, you gotta be a coding ninja AND have some mad people skills. You'll need to know Shopify's Liquid, that special language they use for building sick themes and slick storefronts.

But that's not all. HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery are like the building blocks you need to create fire user experiences. Like, 65% of job listings for Shopify gigs call for those skills.

You gotta be a master of Git for version control, and know how to make APIs play nice with RESTful and GraphQL. That way, you can hook up third-party services like a pro.

And if you wanna be a full-stack badass, you might need to learn Ruby, Python, or PHP too.

Now, don't think it's all just coding, though. You gotta have some serious communication and problem-solving game.

Understanding the eCommerce world, like online sales, marketing tactics, and how people buy stuff, is key to making customers happy. A Shopify Developer has to be all about those customer-focused solutions.

Here's the real deal, though: this is always evolving, so you gotta keep learning and adapting.

Formal education is cool, but hands-on experience, bootcamps, and online resources are where it's at to get started in the Shopify game. It's a journey of constant growth, but that's what makes it dope.

If you got the skills, a career in Shopify Development is like stepping into a world where you can flex your creative muscles and your analytical brain.

It's a path where lifelong learning is the key to success. You ready for this?

How to Gain Experience as a Beginner Shopify Developer


As a newbie Shopify dev tryna break into the game, your journey starts with solid education and hands-on practice. It's crucial to get down with free and paid online resources that cover the basics of Shopify dev, like understanding the unique vibes of its Liquid template language, HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

A survey by Stack Overflow showed that 69.7% of devs believe practical experience is the way to learn coding. Embrace this by taking on Shopify dev projects for beginners, like building a simple storefront or creating a custom theme, to gain real-world experience and understanding.

Building a custom Shopify theme or an app requires the right resources; luckily, there's a ton of tutorials and docs out there, like guides by experienced devs, and using tools like Shopify Theme Kit and Shopify App CLI can level up your learning.

At the same time, scout for internships and entry-level jobs focused on Shopify dev to open doors to early career opportunities. The Shopify community itself shows the demand for devs with practical experience, offering internships and job openings aimed at nurturing new talent.

To take advantage of these chances, beginners should:

  • Regularly check job boards and Shopify's own career page, keeping an eye out for postings that match your growing skill set.
  • Participate in Shopify-sponsored hackathons or dev challenges, which are often used for talent scouting.

Networking and community involvement are equally important.

As Helen Keller said, "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much," which captures the essence of community in facilitating learning and growth. Get involved with forums like the Shopify Community and attend online workshops to uncover mentorship opportunities and potential job offers.

Additionally, engaging in Shopify's forums enables collaboration with experienced devs, providing a solid foundation for professional development.

By tapping into the collective expertise at Shopify's partner and developer events, you'll gain insight and forge relationships instrumental for career progression.

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Career Opportunities for Shopify Developers


The Shopify Developer scene is straight-up poppin' right now. With e-commerce blazing up, there's a ton of dope careers to chase after. Check this - the average hourly rate for a Shopify Dev in the US is a cool $52.84, and you could be raking in anywhere from $17.07 to $81.73 per hour.

That's some serious cash! Here's the lowdown on the career paths:

  • Tech Company Gigs: Shopify Devs can land jobs at companies that specialize in e-commerce solutions, scoring fat paychecks 'cause the market is fire.
  • Freelance Hustle: There's a massive community of over 900,000 merchants and partners on sites like Upwork, making it a goldmine for freelance Shopify Devs. If you're a seasoned pro with a killer portfolio, you can charge premium rates.
  • Shopify App Dev: The Shopify App Store is where it's at for devs who can cook up custom solutions for all sorts of e-commerce needs. The earning potential is off the charts.
  • Agency Grind: Junior devs can start at digital agencies that offer a range of web services, including bespoke e-commerce platforms. Gain mad experience and level up to high-paying roles.

The future for Shopify Devs is straight-up fire.

Entry-level Shopify Dev roles are the gateway to the game, focusing on theme customization, maintenance, and app integration. As you gain skills, freelancing becomes a solid option for that sweet autonomy and serious income.

If you're just starting out, Nucamp's beginner guides can school you on the skills you need to crush it.

With so many career paths and a booming job market, the future for Shopify Devs is straight-up fire.



Listen up! So, you're thinking about getting into Shopify dev, right? Well, let me break it down for you. It's not just some boring 9-5 gig. This is a career that's gonna keep you on your toes and let you flex your coding muscles like a boss.

Check it out, Shopify is the real deal.

They got over 1.75 million businesses worldwide using their platform, so you know there's a crazy demand for developers who can make those online stores pop. And the best part? Shopify devs are actually digging their jobs.

Surveys show mad satisfaction 'cause you get to work on dope projects and play around with the latest tech.

But there's more. Some devs out there are straight-up ballin'! Like, there are Shopify app creators who've made over a milli in revenue.

Imagine that! Apps like Order Printer and PushOwl are bringing in the big bucks, and you could be the next one to strike gold. It's all about finding that sweet spot between what customers need and offering killer support.

And don't sleep on resources like Nucamp's web dev guide.

They'll hook you up with the 411 on making it in this game.

Now, 2023 is about to be lit for Shopify devs. More businesses are realizing they need to get their online hustle on, so the demand for custom Shopify solutions is gonna be off the charts.

And if you play your cards right and grind like a true dev ninja, you could be the next David Martinez, rollin' in that expert status cheddar.

It's no wonder this OG Shopify dev, Richard Johnson, said it best: "Shopify dev ain't just a job, it's a whole career that keeps evolving and getting more fire." So, if you're ready to take that leap, now's the time.

Keep grinding, keep learning (peep Nucamp's entry-level guide), and your next big success story could be just around the corner.

Believe that!

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Frequently Asked Questions


Why Choose Shopify Development as a Career Path

Choosing a career as a Shopify developer offers numerous benefits and opens doors to promising opportunities for tech enthusiasts. The platform's growth is exponential with over 1.7 million businesses powered by Shopify, indicative of the increasing market share which stood at 10.3% of the US retail e-commerce market in 2021.

What Skills are Needed to Become a Shopify Developer

Becoming a proficient Shopify Developer means honing both in-demand technical abilities and soft skills. Essential for this role is understanding Liquid, the proprietary templating language integral for customizing themes and crafting dynamic storefronts. Additionally, a firm grasp of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and knowledge of jQuery is indispensable, as these are the building blocks for developing engaging user interfaces.

How to Gain Experience as a Beginner Shopify Developer

As a beginner Shopify Developer eager to break into the field, your journey starts with solid education and hands-on practice. Engage with free and paid online resources that cover the fundamentals of Shopify development. Undertake Shopify development projects for beginners, build custom themes, and explore tutorials and documentation to enhance your learning trajectory.

Career Opportunities for Shopify Developers

The landscape for Shopify Developers is teeming with diverse and lucrative career paths as the ecommerce sector continues to thrive. Opportunities include employment in tech companies, freelance work, Shopify app development, and specialized agency roles. Entry-level roles focus on theme customization, maintenance, and app integration, while freelancing offers autonomy and higher earning potential.


Embarking on a career in Shopify development promises not just the satisfaction of creating impactful e-commerce solutions, but also a robust professional future. With Shopify's market share growing and powering over 1.75 million businesses worldwide, the platform offers a blend of technical challenge and creativity, leading to high job satisfaction among developers.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.