Exploring Careers in Content Management Systems: Entry-Level Roles for Drupal Enthusiasts

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Excited Drupal enthusiast preparing for an entry-level role in Content Management System.

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Drupal, an open-source CMS used on 1.3% of global websites, offers entry-level roles like Drupal Developer and Content Strategist with a $71,000 average salary. Drupal specialists are in high demand, especially in sectors like government and enterprise, presenting a promising future in the CMS industry.

Drupal is this dope, free and open-source content management system (CMS) that lets you build and manage all kinds of sick websites and digital content.

It's modular AF, so you can mix and match different tech stacks and customize every feature to your liking. In 2023, Drupal powers over 1.3% of all websites worldwide, which is insane! It's super scalable, secure as hell, and you can tweak it however you want.

If you're looking for a career, mastering Drupal through bootcamps like Nucamp can land you gigs like Drupal Developer, Theming Specialist, or Content Strategist, with entry-level jobs paying around $71,000 per year on average according to Glassdoor.

Drupal's flexibility and its massive community backing make it a beast, especially compared to other CMS options. It's perfect for high-performance sectors like government and big corporations.

One industry expert said,

"Drupal's adaptability and strong global community establish it as a formidable CMS for those pursuing a tech career that adapts through the digital evolution."

This blog breaks down why CMS is so crucial these days and how you can get in on the booming Drupal scene.

Table of Contents

  • Understanding the Role of Content Management Systems
  • Entry-Level Roles for Drupal Enthusiasts
  • Building Your Career in Drupal
  • Conclusion: The Future of CMS and Drupal
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Understanding the Role of Content Management Systems


As businesses go digital, Content Management Systems (CMS) have become the real MVPs. They're no longer just for website maintenance but the key to slaying online marketing and e-commerce games.

Check out how Sitecore's CMS is leveling up – modern websites ain't static brochures anymore but dynamic platforms made for engagement.

Big companies are switching to dope Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems that handle capturing, storing, analyzing, and automating business content, tackling that content chaos like bosses.

  • Efficiency in creating content is on point with streamlined workflows defined by processes, tasks, and Thomas Miller that keep it relevant.
  • Personalized customer experiences are key for loyalty and conversions, made possible by integrated marketing tools like the CMS Enterprise Portal that consolidates info for consistent delivery.
  • Improved search engine rankings and audience reach with enhanced SEO capabilities and superior content organization.
  • Reduced management costs as non-techies can control content, just like the widespread use of the beginner-friendly WordPress.

In e-commerce, CMS-equipped businesses have seen sales conversions skyrocket, with some sites experiencing up to a 20% uptick after implementing solid CMS strategies.

The adoption trends of CMS show how crucial they are, as

"72% of leading digital businesses consider their CMS as a critical tool for their online operations,"

according to recent surveys.

A CMS can speed up content distribution by up to 68%, helping you adapt to market and customer needs lightning fast.

Integrating a CMS into digital businesses ain't optional anymore but mandatory.

As companies keep investing in CMS solutions, experts predict the CMS market will balloon to $123.5 billion by 2026, proving its vital role in the digital economy boom.

The epic efficiency of CMS in managing websites, the constant evolution of CMS tech, and the strategic alignment of content workflows make the CMS a must-have for companies trying to slay in the digital domain.

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Entry-Level Roles for Drupal Enthusiasts


Let me break it down for you about getting your foot in the door with Drupal. This badass CMS opens up a ton of entry-level gigs for techies like us.

Peep sites like Drupal Jobs – they've got listings for Drupal Devs, Web Designers, and Junior Software Devs, ranging from newbie to mid-senior levels, with remote and on-site options.

Big dogs like Jewelers Mutual Insurance Company and Reynolds and Reynolds are on the hunt for fresh talent, offering salaries starting at $70K and reaching up to $120K for some roles.

And that's not all. ZipRecruiter has got 24 entry-level Drupal openings listed, from Junior Devs to Web Designers.

Here's a taste of what you could be getting into as a Drupal rookie:

  • Drupal Site Builder - Building basic site structures without hardcore coding.
  • Junior Drupal Developer - Jumping into site building, modding themes, and configuring the CMS, like the gig UpRecruit has in Kirkland, WA.
  • Drupal Content Administrator - Managing and updating website content, keeping those digital platforms fresh and lit.
  • Drupal Quality Assurance Tester - Verifying site functionality across devices and browsers.
  • Support Technician for Drupal - Providing technical support and fixing issues for Drupal users.

As tech keeps evolving, Drupal's got your back with a wide range of entry-level opportunities to match your interests and skills.

These roles highlight the importance of mastering Drupal's admin interface as a key to success. And that's where Nucamp Coding Bootcamp comes in, prepping you with the front-end dev skills and more to crush it in a CMS-driven digital world.

With that solid foundation, you'll be ready to thrive and climb the ladder in the web dev game.

Building Your Career in Drupal


Wanna get into the Drupal game? It's a whole vibe, but you gotta be on point with your skills and your network. According to Vervoe, a Drupal dev needs to be a critical thinker, a problem solver, and a boss at PHP and the Drupal framework.

You also gotta know your way around front-end tech. Valuebound says knowing MySQL and JQuery is clutch for building custom modules.

And don't sleep on Git – version control is key for managing projects and keeping it tight.

But it's not just about the tech skills. You gotta be active in the Drupal community to level up your learning and connect with the right people.

Contributing to open-source projects on GitHub is a flex that shows you're about that life. And don't be afraid to troubleshoot and solve problems – that's what separates the real ones from the pretenders.

Keep grinding in the community, and you might just land a sick gig that ain't even on the job boards.

Being a Drupal pro is about more than just coding.

AddWeb Solution says you gotta stay on top of your game by learning and adapting to the constant changes in Drupal.

Post-launch maintenance and security are a must-have in your toolkit. And don't sleep on education – take courses, hit up workshops, and get certified to show you're a force to be reckoned with.

Your reputation in the Drupal world can be your golden ticket to the next level. Stay hungry, stay humble, and keep grinding.

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Conclusion: The Future of CMS and Drupal


Have you heard about Content Management Systems (CMS) lately? That stuff is getting crazy! Drupal, in particular, is still a major player in this ever-changing game.

The CMS market, with all its different systems like WCMSs, DAM, and CCM, is expected to hit a mind-blowing $44 billion by 2023. That's some serious cash flow! And guess what? This growth is creating a ton of opportunities for all you Drupal pros out there.

Drupal's open-source nature gives you unbeatable flexibility, and its advanced security features are crucial for digital businesses trying to stay on top of their game.

This growth is creating a ton of opportunities for all you Drupal pros out there.

With the release of Drupal 9 and the upcoming Drupal 10, which is supposed to have some features like automated updates, Drupal is positioning itself at the cutting edge of CMS innovation.

Talk about user-friendly!

  • Specialized Drupal roles, like Developer, Themer, and Site Builder, might see a 13% increase in demand by 2028, thanks to the integration of AI in CMS. That means more personalized content and increased efficiency for everyone!
  • Freelance and remote jobs are blowing up, with organizations looking for versatile talent. This is a major win for Drupal specialists who are up-to-date on the latest trends, like collaborative rich text editors and real-time content management.
  • Contributions to the awesome Drupal community are expected to grow, boosting career prospects for those who keep learning and expanding their networks.

As Drupal's founder Dries Buytaert said, the future of Drupal is all about "making the system easier to use." This vision is a double-edged sword, giving newcomers the chance to shape user experience while also building rewarding careers.

Drupal's growth isn't just about numbers; it's a dynamic ecosystem of innovation, calling out to all you tech enthusiasts to join an industry bursting with potential.

Whether you're a developer, designer, or strategist, the future of CMS, and Drupal in particular, is a playground of promise for professional growth and success.

Frequently Asked Questions


What entry-level roles are available for Drupal enthusiasts?

Entry-level roles for Drupal enthusiasts include positions like Drupal Developer, Web Designer, Junior Software Developer, Drupal Site Builder, Junior Drupal Developer, Drupal Content Administrator, Drupal Quality Assurance Tester, and Support Technician for Drupal.

What is the average salary for entry-level Drupal roles?

The average salary for entry-level Drupal roles is approximately $71,000 per year, with opportunities for growth and higher earnings as skills and experience develop.

Which sectors have high demand for Drupal specialists?

Sectors such as government and enterprise have high demand for Drupal specialists due to the platform's scalability, security features, and customizable nature, making Drupal a preferred choice for high-performance frameworks.

What are some essential skills needed to excel in a Drupal career?

Essential skills for excelling in a Drupal career include critical thinking, problem-solving, proficiency in PHP and the Drupal framework, expertise in front-end technologies, knowledge of MySQL and JQuery, familiarity with Git for version control, and understanding of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

How is the future outlook for Drupal professionals in the CMS industry?

The future outlook for Drupal professionals in the CMS industry is promising, with specialized Drupal roles expected to see a 13% increase in demand by 2028. Drupal's open-source nature, advanced security features, and continuous innovation position it as a valuable asset in the evolving digital landscape.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.