Top 10 Strategies to Land Your First Remote Tech Job from London

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

A map of London with symbols representing remote work tools like Zoom, Slack, and GitHub

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Remote tech jobs have risen in London, offering global career prospects and cost savings. Strategies include leveraging LinkedIn for networking, mastering GitHub portfolios, remote work tools, understanding London's tech scene, taking online courses, utilizing job boards, preparing for remote interviews, showcasing soft skills, contributing to open-source projects, and keeping up with tech trends.

Remote tech jobs – like working in IT from anywhere – are blowing up! According to a 2023 FlexJobs survey, the tech industry is leading the way in embracing remote work, and they expect a 30% increase in remote tech roles by the end of 2024.

This surge is happening thanks to all the digital communication and project management tools that make remote collaboration a breeze.

For you tech-savvy London peeps, landing a remote tech job is a game-changer.

Not only does it open up opportunities worldwide with top tech companies without having to move, but it also means you can work from wherever you want and create a sweet work-life balance.

Plus, you'll save a ton of cash by skipping the daily commute grind and avoiding London's sky-high living costs.

As Skillcrush explains, the rise of remote work is all about flexibility and finding that elusive work-life harmony.

We're just scratching the surface here, but stay tuned as we dive deeper into how to score a remote tech job from London, drawing insights from Nucamp on networking, skill-building, mastering remote work tools, and navigating London's unique tech scene.

Table of Contents

  • Leverage LinkedIn for Networking
  • Build a Strong Portfolio with GitHub
  • Master Remote Work Tools
  • Understand the London Tech Scene
  • Enhance Your Skills with Online Courses
  • Utilize Job Boards and Recruitment Agencies
  • Prepare for Remote Interviews
  • Showcase Soft Skills
  • Contribute to Open Source Projects
  • Keep Up with Tech Trends
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Leverage LinkedIn for Networking


In this digital era, your LinkedIn profile is like your personal billboard, shouting out your skills and experience to the world. If you're a Londoner looking to snag a remote tech gig, you gotta make that profile pop! With over 722 million members, LinkedIn is the place to be for professional networking, especially in the tech scene.

According to Carrus, 95% of recruiters use LinkedIn to scout talent, and an optimized profile makes you 40 times more likely to score job opportunities.

Let's start with the basics: a professional photo increases your profile views 21 times, and including your skills can lead to 13 times more views, based on LinkedIn data.

Here are some crucial steps to level up your LinkedIn game:

  • Customize your headline: Don't just list your job title. Add your specialties or achievements that make you stand out. The LinkedIn Talent Blog suggests using your headline to effectively market yourself and attract candidates.
  • Highlight tech-specific skills: Employers search for candidates using keywords, so make sure your skills section includes all your relevant tech proficiencies like Python, JavaScript, or cloud computing. EPAM Anywhere advises job seekers to use job-related keywords to get traction on LinkedIn.
  • Engage actively: Join LinkedIn groups dedicated to tech and remote work, and interact with industry pros. Share your insights and participate in discussions to seriously boost your visibility. According to a HubSpot survey, 85% of jobs are filled through networking.

But it's not just about making connections.

You gotta foster meaningful relationships. Engage with posts related to tech jobs, whether through comments or sharing your take, to show potential employers your enthusiasm and expertise.

Remember, networking is a two-way street; offer value to your connections, and you'll be a memorable candidate. As Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, said, "Your network is the people who want to help you, and you want to help them, and that's really powerful." By weaving these strategies into your LinkedIn activity, you're not only showcasing your tech skills but also your adaptability and eagerness to learn – traits that are valuable in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

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Build a Strong Portfolio with GitHub


In this ever-changing tech world, especially in London's lit tech scene, having a sick GitHub profile is crucial. GitHub ain't just a spot to store your code anymore, it's a whole vibe showcasing your coding skills.

If you're tryna land that first remote tech gig, you gotta know how to make your GitHub profile pop for potential employers.

Your GitHub portfolio is like a living, breathing resume that proves you got those coding chops and shows off the projects you've been slaying.

Organizing your GitHub repos is key, and the GitHub docs got you covered with these tips:

  • Give your repos clear, descriptive names so folks know what each project is about right off the bat.
  • README files are your BFFs – include summaries, installation guides, usage examples, and list your contributions to give a full overview of each project.
  • Tag and release updates to showcase your progress and show you know how to manage a project's lifecycle.

But it's not just about uploading code.

Showcasing your coding projects on GitHub is all about telling their story. Highlight the projects that show off your diverse skills or unique problem-solving abilities.

Employers dig it when you contribute to open-source projects or tackle real-world issues – it shows you got technical skills and a team player attitude.

Spicing up your profile with a custom readme can help you craft a unique narrative around your coding journey and career goals.

Remember, "Your GitHub profile is the resume that you don't have to write." So make sure it's not just organized but tells a story of growth, learning, and collaboration – that'll make you stand out in London's competitive remote tech job market.

Master Remote Work Tools


In today's world, being a remote work boss means mastering the right tools to stay connected and get shit done! We're talking about game-changers like Zoom for those virtual meetings, Slack for team communication, and Trello to keep your projects on track.

These tools are the real MVPs, as highlighted in an analysis of 46 essential remote work tools. According to Owl Labs, cloud computing, video conferencing, and communication tools are crucial for a smooth remote work experience.

And you know what? Employers are totally into candidates who can flex their skills with these tools, as mentioned in Authentic Jobs' guide on showcasing remote work skills during job interviews.

So, here's how you can show off your mad remote work skills and impress potential employers:

  • Portfolio Projects: Talk about how you used these tools to manage projects or keep the team connected in your portfolio descriptions.
  • Certifications: Got any certificates or courses from places like Coursera or Udemy related to Zoom, Slack, Trello, or other remote work tools? Flaunt 'em!
  • Real-world Examples: During interviews, share stories about how you used these tools to solve problems or make processes smoother.

As a hiring manager in the tech industry said, "Mastering tools like Zoom, Slack, and Trello shows you're not just ready for remote work but also keeping up with the latest tech." The key is to showcase these skills on your resume and LinkedIn profile.

Under your skills or experience section, mention how you've led a remote team using Slack or managed a project timeline using Trello.

In interviews, don't just say you're proficient; share a compelling story or stats (e.g., "Using Trello, I increased project delivery efficiency by 30%"). This approach not only shows off your technical skills but also your ability to use these tools to deliver real business results.

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Understand the London Tech Scene


London's tech scene is straight-up fire, a melting pot of hot innovations, diverse talents, and endless opportunities. It's the kind of place that doesn't just ride the tech wave but creates it.

London's been ranked as one of the top cities globally for tech innovation, and that's no small feat. The city's secret sauce lies in its support for both startups and tech giants, backed by some serious cash flow into tech ventures.

In 2023 alone, London tech firms attracted over £10 billion in venture capital funding, which is like a massive neon sign saying "Invest here!"

But it doesn't stop there.

The London tech ecosystem has been growing like crazy, making it the fourth-highest city globally for VC investment and home to three out of four of the UK's tech unicorns.

That's some serious bragging rights.

Now, if you're looking to level up your tech game in 2024, London's got some major events lined up that are gonna be straight fire:

  • The London Tech Week, an annual celebration where you can see the hottest tech innovations and make some dope connections.
  • AI Summit London, where the big brains in AI come together to discuss and discover the cutting-edge advancements that are gonna shake up industries.
  • Blockchain Expo Global, giving you the inside scoop on the future of enterprise tech and decentralized digital worlds. Seriously, it's like a glimpse into the Matrix.

But let's talk about how you can really get plugged into the London tech community and make some serious waves:

  1. Attend local meetups and conferences, but don't just be a wallflower. Volunteer, speak up, and make yourself visible.
  2. Use platforms like LinkedIn and to join London-based tech groups where you can share your knowledge and stay in the loop about upcoming events.
  3. Collaborate on projects with other tech enthusiasts in the city. It'll help you build a killer portfolio that'll make potential employers go "Damn, we need to hire this kid!"

As one tech industry legend put it:

"London's tech industry thrives on diversity and innovation, making it a global beacon for tech professionals and investors alike."

So if you want to land a remote tech job while living in this vibrant city, you gotta understand the ecosystem and make it your playground.

Enhance Your Skills with Online Courses


In this fast-paced tech world, upgrading your skills isn't just a choice; it's a must-do. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Codecademy are goldmines for tech geeks looking to level up their game, no matter where you're at, even if you're kicking it in London.

Coursera's got the hookup with over 200 top universities and companies, offering a massive range of courses from Python programming to AI, making sure you're learning the cutting-edge skills that employers are after.

Udemy's got a mind-blowing library of over 150,000 courses, giving you the flexibility to grow both personally and professionally in tech. And Codecademy's all about that hands-on learning vibe, perfect for those who learn best by doing.

The benefits of constantly leveling up your skills are off the charts:

  • Stay Competitive in the Job Market: Keep up with the latest trends and emerging tech.
  • Earn More Bread: Specialized skills often mean higher salaries.
  • Personal Growth: Learning new tech keeps your mind sharp and gives you a sense of satisfaction.

To show off your newfound skills on your resume, here are some pro tips:

  1. Create a Dedicated Section: Title it "Professional Development," "Certifications," or "Continuing Education".
  2. Be Specific: List the course name, platform (e.g., Coursera), and completion date to show your learning journey.
  3. Highlight Real-World Applications: Connect the courses to projects or tasks you've tackled, proving the value of your learning.

According to a LinkedIn Global Talent Trends report, candidates who showcase continuous learning are 10% more likely to land their dream gig.

This data proves that embracing online courses isn't just about skill-building; it's about showing potential employers that you're committed to staying ahead of the tech curve.

By doing so, you become more than just a candidate – you're a proactive learner and a valuable asset to any team.

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Utilize Job Boards and Recruitment Agencies


Lemme break it down for you on how to land a dope remote tech gig in London. First off, you gotta be strategic with them job boards and recruitment agencies. Sites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and are the holy trinity for finding a boatload of tech jobs in the UK. According to Indeed's 2022 report, tech job listings were up by a whopping 50%, so the market's poppin' right now.

Glassdoor isn't just about job listings though, they also got the inside scoop on companies and salaries, so you can make a solid choice. And They got over 25,000 tech job listings, so the demand for tech talent is through the roof.

You can take your search to the next level by checking out niche sites like WorkInStartups and

These sites are tailored for tech peeps like you, so you might just stumble upon some hidden gems. And if you wanna go all-out, TechRadar has a comprehensive list of job listings that'll make your head spin.

Now, when it comes to applying, you gotta listen to the experts.

EPAM says to use a proper header with your deets, a dope salutation, and detailed paragraphs showcasing your experience and interest in the role.

This way, your application will stand out like a sore thumb in the best way possible. And remember, personalization is key. "Your application is your personal brand.

Tailor it, showcase your achievements, and let your personality shine through," says Barbara Rodriguez, a legendary career coach. By aligning your applications with your professional story and adding some skill-centric flair, you'll be well on your way to scoring that remote tech job in London with style and substance.

Prepare for Remote Interviews


Let me break it down for you about crushing those remote job interviews. In today's work-from-home era, nailing video calls and phone convos is crucial, especially if you're gunning for those sweet tech gigs in London.

A whopping 78% of hiring bosses say video interviews are here to stay, even after this pandemic craziness is over.

So, here's the deal: For video interviews, make sure your setup is on point.

Find a chill, well-lit spot without any distractions. And when you're chatting with the interviewer, lock eyes with the camera, not the screen - it'll help you connect better.

Dress like you're going for an in-person meeting; looking sharp shows you mean business.

As for phone interviews, it's all about sounding confident and hyped.

Stand up during the call - it'll give your voice more oomph. And remember, they can't see your rad style, so you gotta bring the energy through your tone.

Now, here's the real key to slaying remote interviews: Show that you're passionate about the role and the tech they're working with.

Share some dope examples of your past wins or how you've tackled tough challenges. Ask smart questions about their tech stack or remote work culture - it'll prove you're genuinely interested in being part of the crew.

Employers want to see that you get what it takes to rock remote work, like solid communication skills and a healthy work-life balance.

So, do your homework on those topics - sites like Homerun have some great tips.

And don't forget to send a follow-up "thanks for the opportunity" message after the interview.

It'll make you stand out from the pack.

In the words of Sara Sutton, CEO of FlexJobs:

"Showing genuine enthusiasm and a clear understanding of your role in a remote environment is key to making a lasting impression in remote interviews."

Showcase Soft Skills


Let me break it down for you. In today's fast-paced tech world, especially with everyone working remotely, having dope soft skills like communication, teamwork, and being able to roll with the punches is crucial.

LinkedIn's 2022 Global Talent Trends report shows that 92% of hiring peeps agree that soft skills are just as important, if not more important, than technical know-how.

To really flex these skills during job applications and interviews, here's what you should do:

  • Show off your communication skills by giving real-life examples of how you've crushed it managing remote teams or projects, keeping everyone on the same page. Like that time you were part of a software dev project and your timely updates and feedback loops made it a success. Check out these proven project team communication strategies, like regular meetings and making sure everyone's included, to demonstrate your communication game is on point.
  • Highlight your teamwork skills by talking about times you collaborated with others, like contributing to open-source projects or leading a cross-functional team to tackle complex problems. Emphasize how your collaboration made the project a win, even with everyone working from different locations. Get tips on using facts and figures to back up your teamwork stories from The Non-Boring Way to Show Off Your Soft Skills.
  • Prove you're adaptable by sharing times you had to pivot strategies or learn new tech on the fly to deal with unexpected curveballs. Showing you can roll with the punches and keep learning will impress employers looking for flexible, resilient candidates. Check out Showcasing soft skills in your tech cover letter, like time management and problem-solving, to reinforce your adaptability cred.

As one hiring manager in the tech industry said, "Candidates who gave real examples of how their soft skills helped their team succeed really stood out.

It's not just about what tech skills you have, but how you use them and adapt to new situations." Including insights like this in your job applications and interviews, backed up with concrete outcomes, shows just how clutch these soft skills are.

Do this, and you'll seriously boost your chances of landing that remote tech gig in London.

Contribute to Open Source Projects


Contributing to open-source projects is not just a noble act; it's a total game-changer for showcasing your skills and dedication in the tech world. As the Benefits of Contributing to Open Source Projects article points out, getting involved in open-source work can seriously level up your networking game, allowing you to connect with devs from all over the globe.

This networking is not just about learning; it can also open doors for future collabs and job opportunities. Check this out: a 2016 GitHub survey revealed that a whopping 87% of devs got into open source to learn and sharpen their skills, while around 55% did it to boost their chances of professional growth.

That's a win-win – you get to level up your skills and your career at the same time. If you're a beginner trying to break into the remote tech job market from London, understanding how to leverage this avenue is clutch.

Here are some tips for finding and contributing to relevant projects:

  • Start by Exploring: Platforms like GitHub and GitLab are goldmines of open-source projects. Use their search and filter options to discover projects that vibe with your interests and skill level.
  • Read the Docs: Dive into the project's documentation to get the lowdown on its scope, contribution guidelines, and community vibes. This step is key to ensuring a smooth integration into the project's workflow.
  • Communicate: Get involved with the community through forums, chats, or mailing lists. Ask questions, share ideas, and seek out mentorship. Open source is all about collaboration, not just code.

As How to Contribute to Open Source states, contributing to open source offers a unique environment to practice not just coding, but also vital management skills like conflict resolution and prioritization.

This multifaceted learning experience will prep you for the complexities of remote tech positions. Plus, contributions to open source can extend beyond code, including documentation, design, and community support.

These non-coding contributions are instrumental in enhancing a project's accessibility and usability. Embracing the open-source ethos of collaboration and contribution can seriously amplify your visibility in the tech community, making it easier to transition into the remote job market.

As Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, famously said, "Talk is cheap. Show me the code." This captures the essence of contributing to open source – it's the tangible demonstration of your skills and commitment that can set you apart in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

Get out there and start contributing!

Keep Up with Tech Trends


Wanna stay on top of the tech game? With 2024 just around the corner, you gotta know about the hottest trends like AI, quantum computing, and the digital-physical mashup called phygital convergence.

These techs are shaking up industries left and right!

According to Deloitte, spatial computing and the industrial metaverse are revolutionizing how we work, while generative AI is the new hot thing for growth.

And don't forget Gartner's top trend: AI Trust, Risk, and Security Management (AI TRiSM) - businesses need to keep their AI game secure and optimized.

If you wanna land that remote tech job in London, you gotta show off your knowledge:

  1. Flaunt your sustainable tech or platform engineering projects and certs on your resume. Employers dig that stuff!
  2. In interviews, talk about how these techs can solve industry problems and boost business processes and security.
  3. Show your passion for continuous learning by dropping references to fresh articles on phygital convergence or generative AI, like those on Forbes.

To stay sharp, mix it up with Nucamp's career tips, Coursera, and Udemy courses.

As the experts say, "Knowing the latest tech trends and showing it off in your job hunt proves your skills and passion for tech." Keep up with the trends, and you'll be a sought-after candidate in London's competitive tech scene!

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I optimize my LinkedIn profile to land a remote tech job?

Customize your headline, highlight tech-specific skills, and actively engage with industry professionals on LinkedIn. Networking and offering value to connections can make you a memorable candidate.

Why is building a strong GitHub portfolio important for securing a remote tech job?

A well-organized GitHub portfolio showcases your programming capabilities, project involvement, and storytelling skills. Employers value contributions to open-source projects and real-world problem-solving abilities.

What tools should I master for remote work to impress potential employers?

Master tools like Zoom, Slack, and Trello for effective remote communication, project management, and team collaboration. Demonstrating proficiency with these tools showcases your commitment to staying current with technology.

How can I navigate and network within London's tech ecosystem?

Attend local tech events, engage actively on platforms like LinkedIn, and collaborate on projects with local tech enthusiasts. Contributing meaningfully and building a strong portfolio can enhance your visibility to potential employers in London.

How can I showcase continuous learning and skill enhancement to stand out in job applications?

Enhance your skills with online courses from platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Codecademy. Create a dedicated section on your resume, be specific about courses completed, and highlight practical applications of your learning to signal commitment to staying updated.

You may be interested in the following topics as well:

  • Maximize your project's visibility and collaboration potential by using GitHub, an essential platform for tech professionals in London.

  • Unlock your career potential by mastering Cloud Computing skills, highly sought after by London's top employers.

  • Explore the transformative impact of Participating in Coding Bootcamps and Workshops on your tech career trajectory in London.

  • Connect with like-minded professionals at WeWork, a coworking space pioneering networking through shared work environments.

  • Explore the cutting-edge of innovation at TechXLR8, where technology meets business in the heart of London.

  • Step into the gaming universe created by Improbable, where developers craft virtual worlds.<


Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible