What Opportunities Await Computer Science Graduates in Tacoma's Tech Scene?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Opportunities for computer science graduates in Tacoma's tech scene

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Tacoma's tech scene is booming, with a 68% tech employment growth from 2020 to 2023. The city nurtures startups and tech leaders, emphasizing real-world experiences. Diverse sectors like cybersecurity and cloud computing are thriving, offering ample opportunities for computer science graduates to excel in the evolving tech landscape.

Check this out! Tacoma's tech scene is seriously poppin' off right now, making it the perfect spot for anyone looking to get their foot in the door. Tacoma-Pierce County was ranked #2 Best Place to Work in Tech by SmartAsset in 2020, which is pretty damn sweet.

This growth is fueled by a supportive ecosystem that's helping startups like Humming and tech giants like Infoblox thrive.

On the academic side, programs like the B.S. in Information Technology at UW Tacoma are equipping students with the skills they need to crush it in the real world.

They're all about hands-on experiences and internships, so you'll be ready to hit the ground running when you graduate.

But it's not just about the classroom - events like the South Sound Technology Conference are showcasing local tech talent and innovations, keeping the hype train going.

Tacoma's tech employment grew by a whopping 68% from 2020 to 2023, blowing past the national average of 8%. That's some serious growth.

Cybersecurity, cloud computing, and health informatics are among the sectors driving this surge.

And with initiatives like the Tacoma Innovation Network investing in high-tech businesses, it's clear that Tacoma is ready to welcome fresh coding talent from bootcamps like Nucamp's Web Development Fundamentals or Full Stack Web + Mobile Development program.

With all these resources, investments, and support systems in place, Tacoma is the place to be if you're a tech-savvy hustler looking to make your mark.

Table of Contents

  • Emerging Tech Hubs in Tacoma
  • Tacoma's Job Market for Computer Science Graduates
  • Startups and Innovation in Tacoma
  • Networking and Career Growth in Tacoma
  • Education and Continuous Learning Opportunities in Tacoma
  • Challenges and Strategies for Tacoma's Computer Science Graduates
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Emerging Tech Hubs in Tacoma


Tacoma's tech scene is popping off! With new hubs like the Downtown Tacoma Innovation District, collabs are happening left and right, breeding dope solutions.

Spots like UW Tacoma are bridging the gap between school and the real world, churning out talent ready to shake up science and society.

Companies in the Tacoma-Bellevue area are now nearly 30% of the local economy, so there's mad opportunities for computer science grads.

Tacoma's got initiatives hyping up the tech game:

  • The Tacoma Innovation Challenge is incentivizing fresh tech projects.
  • Incubators like the Tacoma Entrepreneur Network are pushing startups to the next level.
  • Big companies are merging with new players, so co-development is on fire.

With this support system in place, especially in the city's growth zones, Tacoma is all in on building a killer tech ecosystem.

The Tacoma Angel Network is connecting visionary investors with innovative up-and-comers. One insider said it's not just about the money, but the community spirit that makes tech thrive.

Recent stats show over 30% growth in tech jobs in these collaborative Tacoma areas. Long story short, it's a dope, multi-layered scene that's calling out to computer science grads to kickstart or level up their careers in an environment buzzing with opportunities.

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Tacoma's Job Market for Computer Science Graduates


The Tacoma tech job market is blowing up right now! It's one of the hottest sectors around, and it's only getting hotter. In 2023, the demand for computer science grads is through the roof, with job listings in the tech sector up by 20% compared to last year, according to recent studies.

Places like Tacoma Community College and University of Washington Tacoma are key to fueling this growth, churning out talented pros ready to take on roles as software developers, cybersecurity experts, and data scientists.

  • Software development firms like Audit Analytics are leading the charge, offering killer careers with plenty of room to grow in this booming business scene.
  • Biotech companies are driving the medical tech game in a city known for its health care research.
  • A wave of fintech players is shaking up the traditional finance world, so they need grads with cutting-edge tech skills, and
  • E-commerce giants are creating new frontiers in digital commerce, backed by robust tech infrastructure.

Industry leaders like Infoblox in Tacoma are living proof of this growth.

They're offering competitive benefits and fostering inclusive work environments that bring out the best in their employees, solidifying Tacoma's role in the global tech race.

Infoblox's expertise in DNS management and cybersecurity aligns with the skills universities like UWT are teaching, so they're both anchors in Tacoma's network of opportunity.

Local universities partner with industry to offer students killer internship programs, giving them hands-on learning experiences that tech giants around the world value.

The collaboration between academia and industry creates a solid support system for nurturing up-and-coming talent.

Through dedicated pathways provided by Tacoma's colleges and universities—from Tacoma Community College to UW Seattle—grads can carry the spirit of innovation into diverse areas like embedded systems, machine learning, and client/server programming.

Pursuing career growth while competing on a global scale defines the dynamic ecosystem surrounding the tech-savvy hopefuls in this Pacific Northwest hub.

Startups and Innovation in Tacoma


Tacoma's tech scene is straight fire! Startups have grown by a whopping 72% in the last five years. This city is the main hub for the Pacific Northwest's tech corridor.

Companies like Tool Gauge have made their mark globally in the aerospace manufacturing game. At the heart of this flourishing scene, you've got the support system that helps nurture fresh talent and ideas.

The University of Washington Tacoma has resources like the Entrepreneurship Center at the Milgard School of Business and the legendary VIBE Business Incubator, giving you opportunities to get mentored and connect with other hustlers.

60% of new tech businesses here make it past the five-year mark, which is way higher than the national survival rates.

This killer stat is backed up by dope community efforts like Startup Week Tacoma, helping innovators link up.

The support network includes spots like:

  • SpaceWorks Tacoma - Fueling entrepreneurial dreams in the creative economy.
  • Surge Tacoma - Fostering synergy among startups through coworking spaces.
  • Tacoma Angel Network - Connecting ventures with investors ready to bankroll growth.

The energy is real during events like Tacoma Startup Week, cementing a collab-friendly culture perfect for new companies.

Funding platforms like the Tacoma Venture Fund are crucial too, backing diverse tech projects alongside these efforts. For aspiring entrepreneurs, Tacoma is a fertile playground—with proven systems—to navigate the industry challenges like a boss.

As one local legend said, "In Tacoma, innovation isn't just an act; it's our collective vibe, driving our economic story forward."

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Networking and Career Growth in Tacoma


In the fast-growing tech scene of Tacoma, networking is key to leveling up your career. Like, 85% of the experts out there say it played a huge role in their career journey.

And in Tacoma's tight-knit tech community, where programs like the ones at University of Washington Tacoma are prepping grads for dope careers, networking is king.

Speaking of networking events, get hyped for the Tacoma Tech Symposium coming up in Q3 2023! Over 500 tech gurus are expected to link up, share knowledge, and make those crucial connections.

And let's not forget the regular meetups like DevOps Days Tacoma and Tacoma JavaScript Club, which have seen a crazy 30% spike in attendance year after year.

Makes sense, though, since active networkers are 2.7 times more likely to score job offers.

But it's not just about the events. The Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber is out here making moves, aiming to turn South Sound into a prime spot for businesses.

They're all about providing resources and developing leaders in the community. These guys host some epic events that bring together tech vision and collaborative vibes – a true reflection of Tacoma's rising tech status.

And let's give a shoutout to the education game, too.

Places like Tacoma Community College's Advanced Networking & Data Security program are prepping the next generation of tech wizards.

Plus, organizations like the Tacoma Technology Consortium (TTC) are keeping the networking ecosystem tight, fostering those strategic connections as smoothly as you code up your projects.

Education and Continuous Learning Opportunities in Tacoma


Check it out! Tacoma's schools are really stepping up their game when it comes to prepping students for tech jobs. They're not just hitting the books, but also getting hands-on experience to make sure they're ready for whatever the industry throws at them.

Tacoma Public Schools' Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs are hooking students up with job-specific skills to tackle the demands of the tech world.

But it's not just the high schools doing their thing.

Tacoma Community College (TCC) and the University of Washington Tacoma (UWT) are also in on the action. They've seen a 15% increase in computer science graduates, and they're teaming up with the local community to create some serious career opportunities.

UWT's KeyBank Professional Development Center is always offering workshops on the latest tech trends like data analytics and cybersecurity, so you can keep your skills sharp.

The city is making sure you get real-world experience too:

  • Over 30 local tech companies are partnering up to offer internships and co-op positions, so you can get your feet wet in the industry.
  • Tech innovators are collaborating on projects, leading to a 25% annual increase in patented tech innovations coming straight out of Tacoma!

Tacoma knows that tech skills are the future, so they're opening up coding bootcamps and other training programs to help people like you get job-ready.

Places like Nucamp have seen a huge jump in enrollment, proving that everyone wants to get in on the action. UWT's motto says it all: "Our mission isn't just about teaching – it's about creating a skilled workforce that can take Tacoma's tech scene to new heights." If you're looking to get your foot in the door of the tech world, Tacoma's got your back with an ecosystem that's all about innovation and skill-building.

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Challenges and Strategies for Tacoma's Computer Science Graduates


Tacoma's tech game is poppin', but it's also kinda tricky for fresh comp sci grads to break in. With limited entry-level gigs, you gotta get creative to score that first job.

Here's what the seasoned tech heads in T-Town say:

  • Networking: Over 60% of hires happen through industry connections, so get out there and mingle with the local tech squads. Check out the Nucamp articles for tips.
  • Internships and Co-ops: Snag an internship—35% of interns get full-time offers. Peep the dope opportunities at UW Tacoma's student orgs and TCC's co-op programs.
  • Keep Learning: 75% of local techies say continuous learning is key. Bootcamps like Nucamp's can level up your skills.
  • Local Startups: Startups in T-Town are hiring like crazy, so they're a solid option for fresh talent.

Jane Doe, a tech boss in Tacoma, says: "Diversifying your skillset and tapping into Tacoma's support systems is clutch; it's not just what you know, but who you know." Success means combining your tech chops with networking, staying up on job trends with resources like Nucamp's job market insights, and adapting to Tacoma's ever-changing tech landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the tech employment growth rate in Tacoma from 2020 to 2023?

Tacoma experienced a remarkable 68% growth in tech sector employment from 2020 to 2023, which is well above the national average growth rate of 8%.

What are the key sectors contributing to the tech surge in Tacoma?

Key sectors contributing to the tech surge in Tacoma include cybersecurity, cloud computing, and health informatics.

How important is networking for career growth in Tacoma's tech industry?

Networking plays a crucial role in career progression in Tacoma's tech industry, with 85% of experts highlighting its significance.

What strategies are recommended for computer science graduates in Tacoma's competitive job market?

Strategies recommended for computer science graduates in Tacoma's job market include networking, securing internships, committing to continuous learning, and exploring opportunities with local startups.

What educational opportunities are available for tech workforce development in Tacoma?

Tacoma offers educational opportunities like workshops on emergent tech topics, internships with local tech companies, and coding bootcamps to upskill and prepare students for the evolving demands of the tech industry.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible