What job opportunities exist in the Tacoma tech market?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

The bustling Tacoma tech job market with opportunities for computer science graduates and experienced specialists alike

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Tacoma's tech market is booming with a nearly 4% increase in tech job openings. Roles like Software Engineering and Cybersecurity Analysis are in demand. The average salary for a Software Engineer in Tacoma is $103,158. Companies like Infoblox and TrueBlue offer high-paying tech jobs, including remote work options.

Tacoma's tech scene is blowing up, making it a prime spot for opportunity in the PNW. According to the Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA economy overview, the city's expanding tech sector is expected to see a nearly 4% increase in job openings.

Tech is becoming a major part of Tacoma's economy, and there are more and more job prospects for skilled techies across various sub-sectors. The city's focus on innovation and infrastructure has attracted a diverse range of companies, from big shots like cloud computing giants to fresh cybersecurity startups.

When it comes to career potential, the tech industry's lack of diversity presents an opportunity for inclusive growth, with strong demand for roles like Software Engineering and Cybersecurity Analysis.

Local schools like the University of Washington Tacoma are fueling this ecosystem by training future programmers and data scientists who are well-suited for thriving industries.

Check out Nucamp's article on the best strategies for job hunting in Tacoma's tech sector.

As traditional sectors merge with new tech domains, they're reshaping not just the job market but the community as a whole.

For locals with digital skills or those transitioning through educational programs like Nucamp, Tacoma's tech scene offers tons of potential for innovation-driven economic synergy and career growth.

Table of Contents

  • What Opportunities Await Computer Science Graduates in Tacoma's Tech Scene?
  • What's the Average Salary for a Software Engineer in Tacoma?
  • Where Can You Find High-Paying Tech Jobs in Tacoma?
  • Which Programming Languages Are Most In-Demand in Tacoma's Job Market?
  • Which Tacoma Companies Are Hiring Remote Workers in Tech?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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What Opportunities Await Computer Science Graduates in Tacoma's Tech Scene?


The tech scene in Tacoma is lit AF for fresh computer science grads. There are hella entry-level gigs up for grabs, from cyber security to data entry at dope companies like Experfy and Homeland Security.

The demand for Software Devs, IT Nerds, and Data Junkies has been up 22% this year. But it ain't just the basics - jobs for Cyberpunks, Cloud Wizards, and AI Whizzes are popping up too.

Just peep sites like Indeed to see the insane number of openings at both OG giants like Boeing and newbie tech startups.

  • Software Developer: 85 openings
  • IT Support Specialist: 50 openings
  • Data Analyst: 30 openings
  • Cybersecurity Analyst: 20 openings
  • Cloud Engineer: 15 openings
  • AI Developer: 10 openings

Tacoma's startup game is on fire too, with over 70 entry-level tech jobs on LinkedIn.

These scrappy young companies are hiring rad roles like IoT Product Managers and VR/AR Ninjas. It's a dope symbiosis - startups get fresh talent, and you code monkeys get to flex your skills in cutting-edge gigs.

Plus, there are legit resources like Tacoma Tech Workshops and job fairs to help you level up and network.

Whether you want to start basic or go straight to being a specialist, Tacoma is the place to launch your career.

With big dogs like MultiCare mixing with outdoorsy vibes, this city is a dope playground for techies to make their mark in the PNW. If you're hungry to turn your coding dreams into reality, Tacoma is where it's at.

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What's the Average Salary for a Software Engineer in Tacoma?


The tech scene in Tacoma is impressive right now, and that means the cash flow for software engineers is on a whole new level. The average yearly salary for a software engineer in Tacoma is now a whopping $103,158, up from an earlier estimate of $98,000.

That's significant, and it puts Tacoma in the running with the national average of around $107,000. The cost of living in Tacoma is way lower than some of those major tech hubs, so your money goes way further.

Talk about a win-win situation!

  • Of course, the income you earn depends on the size and type of company you work for. Big companies like Meta4 and Salesforce are offering substantial salaries, with average salaries hitting $163,780 and $162,302 respectively. But even if you're just starting out, you can expect to earn around $73,669 as an entry-level software engineer.
  • Your skill set is a major factor in how much you can earn. If you're proficient at Scala or have a degree in Mechanical Engineering, you could see your paycheck jump by 24.30% or even 36.77% – that's significant compensation for being a tech expert who can blend different fields.
  • But it's not just about the base salary – these companies know how to enhance the package with attractive benefit packages. We're talking 401(k) matching, insurance coverage, and more perks that take your overall compensation to the next level.

As you gain more experience, the income just keeps increasing.

Mid-career professionals are earning an average of over $100k, proving that persistence pays off. And if you continue in the field long enough, you could be looking at salaries close to or even surpassing the $150k mark, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That's significant compensation for being a tech veteran!

Tacoma's tech scene isn't just about the earnings, though. There's a diverse range of roles available, whether you're a newcomer or an experienced professional.

It's a testament to the thriving tech ecosystem in Tacoma, where growth and opportunity are the norm. In summary, the tech salary landscape in Tacoma is impressive, and it's a reflection of the city's commitment to nurturing a vibrant technical community.

If you're looking to advance your career and your income, Tacoma should definitely be on your radar.

Where Can You Find High-Paying Tech Jobs in Tacoma?


If you're looking for that cash money in tech, Tacoma's where it's at. Big players like Tetra Tech and Concrete Technology Corporation are making the city a tech paradise.

They're not alone either, companies like Infoblox, TrueBlue, and CHI Franciscan are dropping mad stacks to level up the city's tech game. It's a job seeker's dream.

The action's happening downtown and along the Tacoma Link Light Rail.

Union Station's the spot for startups and up-and-comers trying to get that urban vibe while staying close to the tech hustle. Office spaces and high-tech facilities are popping up everywhere, giving you plenty of chances to score that dream gig in the PNW.

But you gotta play it smart.

Check out those Tacoma job boards and get your network on at events like South Sound Technology Conference. That's where you'll meet the big dogs in the game.

And don't sleep on The School of Engineering & Technology at UW Tacoma, they're cranking out the next generation of tech wizards with their new Ph.D. program in computer science systems (source: UW Tacoma SET).

The experts say rubbing shoulders with the right people can open doors to the sickest tech jobs.

Bottom line, Tacoma's tech scene is blowing up in a major way.

Stay locked in on the specialty job platforms, hit up those community events, and keep your eyes peeled for the hottest tech districts. Do that, and you'll be in one of the city's fire tech roles in no time.

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Which Programming Languages Are Most In-Demand in Tacoma's Job Market?


The tech scene here in Tacoma is poppin' off, and they're lookin' for peeps who can sling code in all sorts of languages. The stats show that knowing your way around JavaScript, Python, and SQL, as well as Java, is a major plus when you're trying to score a gig.

JavaScript is the real MVP, with about 65% of job listings requiring it for web dev work. Python's no slouch either, with half the jobs needing it for data science and machine learning.

And if you're a SQL wizard, you'll be in demand for database management roles, with 40% of listings calling for that skill.

But it's not just about coding languages these days.

The demand for cloud computing skills like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud is skyrocketing at a 9% yearly growth rate.

And with all the cyber threats out there, companies are also thirsty for cybersecurity experts. To keep up with these trends, schools like UW Tacoma are offering programs in areas like mobile app dev and network security.

And online platforms like Udemy and Coursera have courses tailored to what Tacoma employers are looking for.

If you want to make it in Tacoma's tech world, you gotta level up in these key areas, according to a recent workforce study:

  • Full-Stack Development - Being able to handle both the front-end and back-end of apps.
  • Agile Methodologies - Working efficiently in fast-paced dev teams.
  • UI/UX Design - Creating user-friendly designs that people actually want to use.

Nucamp Coding Bootcamp in Tacoma is a solid option for getting your skills up to snuff in these areas and landing a sweet tech job.

As one local recruiter put it, "Being able to adapt and learn new stuff is key, but what really sets people apart is being able to apply their coding knowledge to real-world business problems."

Which Tacoma Companies Are Hiring Remote Workers in Tech?


Let me break it down for you about this remote work wave that's been sweeping the nation. Tacoma's tech scene is riding that wave like a pro surfer.

Seattle's recent street cred as the top dog in attracting tech talent is definitely rubbing off on Tacoma, making it a hot spot for both tech companies and workers.

Major players like Sound Transit are offering dope gigs ranging from light rail operators to IT wizards, many with the option to work remotely or in a hybrid setup.

Other big names in the game include Infoblox (network security), TrueBlue Inc. (workforce solutions), and local startups like Stackrank and Give InKind, which were part of nearly 20 investments made by the up-and-coming Tacoma Venture Fund.

For Tacoma's growing tech workforce, nabbing these remote opportunities is a breeze:

  • Check out local job portals like Career Opportunities - Tacoma for city-based remote gigs.
  • Attend virtual networking events hosted by the Chamber of Commerce, where remote job listings are frequently shared.
  • Connect with other tech pros in Tacoma-centric LinkedIn Groups to stay in the loop.

According to a 2022 report, Tacoma saw a 22% spike in remote tech job postings compared to the previous year.

This trend not only shows that remote work is becoming the norm in Tacoma's tech sector, but also that local tech workers are digging the flexible work-life balance, with 78% giving it a big thumbs up.

Execs at Infoblox even admit that "Remote work has expanded our talent pool while boosting productivity and creativity."

The variety of remote tech roles available is lit:

Company Role Remote Flexibility
Infoblox Security Engineer Full-Time Remote
TrueBlue Inc. Data Analyst Remote Option
Stackrank Back-End Developer Full-Time Remote
Nintendo via Indeed.com.

This dynamic job market solidifies Tacoma as a dope hub for techies who want to stay innovative while maintaining a solid work-life balance.

With remote roles on the rise, Tacoma is showing it can keep up with the industry's changing demands and stay ahead of the curve.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What Opportunities Await Computer Science Graduates in Tacoma's Tech Scene?

Computer science graduates in Tacoma can find opportunities in roles such as Software Developer, IT Support Specialist, Data Analyst, Cybersecurity Analyst, Cloud Engineer, and AI Developer. The tech sector in Tacoma is growing with a variety of job openings for both entry-level and specialized positions.

What's the Average Salary for a Software Engineer in Tacoma?

The average salary for a Software Engineer in Tacoma is $103,158 per year, surpassing the national average. Salary variations exist based on skills, company scale, and benefits packages, with mid-career professionals earning over $100k and seasoned experts potentially exceeding $150k.

Where Can You Find High-Paying Tech Jobs in Tacoma?

High-paying tech jobs in Tacoma can be found at companies like Infoblox, TrueBlue, and CHI Franciscan. The Union Station district and areas along the Tacoma Link Light Rail system are emerging as tech industry hotspots. Local resources, online job boards, and networking events are instrumental in uncovering lucrative roles in Tacoma's tech sector.

Which Programming Languages Are Most In-Demand in Tacoma's Job Market?

The most in-demand programming languages in Tacoma's job market include JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and cloud computing skills like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Proficiency in these languages and technologies, along with competencies in Full-Stack Development, Agile Methodologies, and UI/UX Design, are crucial for success in Tacoma's evolving tech scene.

Which Tacoma Companies Are Hiring Remote Workers in Tech?

Companies in Tacoma hiring remote workers in tech include Infoblox, TrueBlue Inc., Stackrank, and Nintendo. Remote job opportunities are on the rise, showcasing a trend towards flexible work arrangements and contributing to increased job satisfaction among tech workers in Tacoma.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible