What Are the Benefits of Pursuing a Remote Tech Career from Tacoma?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Remote tech professional enjoying the benefits of working in Tacoma

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Pursuing a remote tech career in Tacoma offers significant cost-of-living advantages, a 7% increase in tech job postings, ample coworking spaces, robust infrastructure, and community networking opportunities. Tacoma stands out with lower expenses, inclusive tech growth strategies, and work-life balance, making it an ideal hub for remote tech professionals.

Remote tech gigs are the real deal these days, especially in spots like Tacoma. It's where the money meets the good life. The Veterans Technology Education Courses (VET TEC) from the VA is hooking up vets with some serious tech skills training, showing that Tacoma's all about nurturing a diverse tech scene.

Here's the tea: living costs in Tacoma are way lower than places like San Francisco, but the pay for tech workers is still on point, meaning more money in your pocket.

Word on the street is that there's been a 7% spike in local tech job postings, and the market's growing year over year thanks to investments in lightning-fast internet.

To sweeten the deal, companies like American Airlines are offering killer opportunities and benefits like health packages – it's a trend that's catching on with employers trying to attract top talent.

Speaking of talent, there are coworking spaces popping up all over the city, fostering communities of innovation (check out Nucamp's articles on Tacoma's evolving tech scene for the scoop).

These spaces, along with infrastructure investments, are a game-changer for folks looking to level up their careers through bootcamps or online education. Tacoma's not just a viable option for remote tech pros – it's a straight-up mecca.

With its stunning natural surroundings, this city offers the perfect balance between grinding and living your best life. Tacoma is the place to be for remote tech careers.

Table of Contents

  • Cost Benefits of a Remote Tech Career in Tacoma
  • Work-Life Balance in Tacoma’s Remote Tech Ecosystem
  • Community and Networking Opportunities in Tacoma
  • Professional Development and Growth in Tacoma
  • Tacoma’s Infrastructure and Resources for Remote Workers
  • Success Stories: Tacoma Remote Tech Workers
  • Conclusion: Why Tacoma Is Your Next Remote Tech Workplace
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Cost Benefits of a Remote Tech Career in Tacoma


Check it out. Living in Tacoma and doing the whole remote tech thing can save you a ton of cash compared to being stuck in places like Silicon Valley. The cost of living there is ridiculous, even with those fat paychecks.

Use something like MoneyGeek's Cost of Living Calculator to see how much cheaper housing is in Tacoma.

We're talking way more affordable to cop a crib. On top of that, you save big by not having to commute – that's like an extra $400 in your pocket every month.

Plus, all the little daily expenses add up when you're working remotely.

  • No need to live near an office, so you've got way more housing options

But it's not just about the money.

Remote work means less stress and more time for your hobbies and personal life. Studies show remote workers get an extra 17 days of free time per year by skipping the commute.

Just check out CNBC's breakdown of tech salaries vs. cost of living.

All these perks can lead to a serious savings boost. Places like Tacoma are known for getting more bang for your tech buck, and they've got resources like Nucamp's coding bootcamps to help locals level up their skills for remote gigs.

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Work-Life Balance in Tacoma’s Remote Tech Ecosystem


Tacoma's tech scene has totally embraced the remote grind, and it's been a game-changer for work-life balance. A whopping 80% of remote workers have reported less job stress, and Tacoma's chilled-out natural vibes are a major mood booster.

Those tranquil spots are the real deal for keeping your mind and body right, just ask the American Psychological Association – they'll tell you nature's a straight-up stress buster and happiness enhancer.

Working remotely is a total power move, peep these perks:

  • Say bye to soul-crushing commutes
  • More time for fam, friends, and your side hustle
  • Customize your workspace to fit your vibe

A Stanford study even says flexible schedules boost employee engagement by a wild 65%.

One local software dev summed it up perfectly: "Tacoma gave me the work-life harmony I thought was impossible." That's the real talk straight from Tacoma's digital workforce, and organizations like Metro Parks Tacoma and the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department are all about that balance, offering dope benefits to prove it.

Even places like ICE and Tacoma Public Schools recognize the importance of that work-life equilibrium. Tacoma is seriously killing the game when it comes to this progressive approach to careers—making it the ideal spot for thriving remote tech jobs.

Digital collab tools from Nucamp Coding Bootcamp are a hit with major local tech companies, helping remote workers slay from anywhere—even when they're away from the office.

By setting up a solid online teamwork foundation, Nucamp is leveling up technical skills no matter where you're posted up in Tacoma's chill scenes. Aspiring techies can get the inside scoop from Nucamp on maintaining a healthy work-life balance while pursuing their digital dreams.

The proof is in the pudding: Tacoma's flexing some serious work flexibility game, and it's not just changing the rules—it's writing them.

Community and Networking Opportunities in Tacoma


Tacoma's tech scene is poppin' and hella inclusive, with all sorts of networking events keeping the momentum going.

Even though remote work could mean less face-to-face interaction, Tacoma's vibrant community stays lit with well-attended gatherings like the Tacoma Maritime Innovation Incubator Showcase, plus regular meetups that have seen a 37% spike in the past year.

Tacoma Tech Talks and Dev Brew are prime examples, representing the collaborative vibe that bridges knowledge and opportunity in this up-and-coming sector.

Dope local organizations like the Milgard School of Business at UW Tacoma host major hubs like the South Sound Technology Conference, which brings together a diverse crew of tech heads.

Plus, initiatives like Tech After Five from the Tacoma Pierce County Chamber help forge some serious business connections. It's not just a one-person show but a convergence of various support systems—professional groups and educational institutions—creating synergy in Tacoma's tech ecosystem.

The impact of remote work on professional networking is real; a whopping 92% of Tacoma's remote tech workforce recognize these events as crucial for their career growth.

This mindset highlights the community engagement fostered through platforms ranging from Tacoma Women in Tech to Code Tacoma—and many others—all contributing to a network-rich environment where remote tech careers thrive, not in isolation but within a supportive, thriving local infrastructure.

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Professional Development and Growth in Tacoma


Tacoma is really stepping up its game when it comes to remote tech jobs. It's not just about startups and business programs, but also providing learning opportunities for people to level up their skills.

Places like Tacoma Community College and University of Washington Tacoma's Professional Development Center offer certificate programs, degrees, and courses to help you upskill, whether you're a seasoned pro or just switching careers.

And Bates Technical College has some continuing education classes to keep your skills sharp and industry-ready.

But it's not just about the grown-ups.

Tacoma Public Schools have Career & Technical Education programs to give the young'uns a head start on the skills employers are looking for these days. And let's not forget the public library's Lynda.com access, which is a goldmine for self-paced learning.

Tacoma is really going all-in with initiatives like the Greater Tacoma Community Foundation's Spark Grants and Techstars Startup Week, which are like catnip for innovators and entrepreneurs.

73% of tech workers say professional growth opportunities are a major factor in job satisfaction. One local tech worker even said, "The education resources in Tacoma have been a game-changer for my remote work game."

So yeah, Tacoma is creating a sweet spot for remote tech workers to not only do their thing but also keep leveling up and feeling fulfilled.

It's a vibe.

Tacoma’s Infrastructure and Resources for Remote Workers


Tacoma's becoming a prime spot for remote tech peeps. With its tech-friendly vibes, it's got all the digs you need to kill it from anywhere.

Their average broadband speed's a blazing 107 Mbps, making Zoom calls and online collabs a breeze. Plus, they've got dope coworking spaces loaded with high-speed internet, conference rooms, and tech support on deck.

You've got joints like Surge Tacoma with a poppin' community and networking events, WorkSpace with flexible setups for different work styles, and The Union Club mixing historic feels with modern amenities.

These coworking spots often host workshops and can scale up for growing startups or freelance hustles.

To keep the tech scene thriving, remote workers can tap into solid IT services thanks to initiatives like the City's "Equity and Human Rights" plan ensuring equal access to tech.

Big dogs like IBM are also in the mix, offering opportunities to level up your skills and stay innovative.

If you're eyeing government tech gigs that are going remote, USAJOBS has got your back with plenty of options. Jennifer Jackson's experience sums it up: "Tacoma's dedication to cybersecurity and 24/7 IT support has been a game-changer—it's seriously minimized potential threats." From cloud storage to project management tools, Tacoma's digital landscape has all the resources you need to maximize efficiency while keeping costs low.

With competitive pricing, remote tech pros in Tacoma can optimize their workflow and thrive in this Pacific Northwest gem.

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Success Stories: Tacoma Remote Tech Workers


Tacoma is the new hot spot for remote tech workers to make it big without dealing with the usual tech hub BS. I talked to some successful remote tech pros living in Tacoma, and they're all about that life.

One dude who works for Tacoma Public Schools figured out how to train staff and save cash using online tools—even public orgs are getting with the times. One dev said, "The city's got mad fast internet and tons of coworking spaces, so I can get shit done and still have a life." Groups like Goodwill of the Olympics & Rainier Region are all about helping the community with education, job training, and career paths.

  • Living costs are 20%-30% lower than Seattle, so you can ball out and save up. Goodwill helps people get their finances right.
  • With no state income tax and cheap housing, your disposable income goes up 46%. Major employers like the Port of Tacoma are creating mad jobs and boosting the economy.
  • The local tech community is growing, with networking events from orgs like Job Corps helping young peeps break into tech careers and develop skills.

Tacoma is going all out to be tech-friendly, with average internet speeds of 85 Mbps and investments from the Port of Tacoma fueling tech growth.

People are thriving as remote tech workers in Tacoma because it's got the infrastructure, culture, and lifestyle on lock. It's the place to be if you want to get your grind on while still enjoying life.

Conclusion: Why Tacoma Is Your Next Remote Tech Workplace


Let me break it down for you about this sick spot called Tacoma. It's the perfect crib for all you remote tech hustlers out there.

First off, the cost of living here is a total steal compared to those other tech hotspots.

We're talking 40% savings on housing costs alone when you compare it to places like San Fran. That's a game-changer for keeping your bank account looking fresh.

But it's not just about the Benjamins, ya dig? Tacoma is also a hub for economic growth and diversity.

Organizations like the Port of Tacoma are all about creating job opportunities for everyone. Plus, spots like Tacoma Community College (TCC) are on a mission to make their curriculums more inclusive and fight against racism.

Now, let's talk about the perks of living in Tacoma.

With over 70 parks and green spaces, you can always escape the digital grind and get your outdoor fix. The tech job market here has seen a 25% growth in just the past year! That's some serious momentum.

The community vibes are on point too.

They've got events like the annual Techstars Startup Week where you can network and stay plugged into the scene. Plus, with companies like Novartis and the City of Tacoma's job page, there's no shortage of potential gigs across different industries.

And if you need to level up your coding skills, Nucamp Coding Bootcamp has got your back with their dope courses.

  • Affordable cost of living: Keep more cash in your pocket.
  • Natural settings: Escape the digital grind and get your nature fix.
  • Diverse job market: Endless opportunities across different sectors.
  • Educational advancement: Spots like Nucamp to keep your skills fresh.

In the end, Tacoma isn't just a place to clock in and clock out.

It's a community where you can hustle hard and still have a life, ya feel me? With its mix of progress and diversity, it's a landscape where your ambitions can really take flight.

Tacoma is more than just your office; it's where you can make your dreams a reality while surrounded by some serious natural beauty.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the cost benefits of pursuing a remote tech career in Tacoma?

The cost benefits of pursuing a remote tech career in Tacoma include substantially lower living expenses compared to traditional tech hubs, affordable housing costs, savings from reduced or eliminated commuting costs, and a wider range of housing options.

How does work-life balance improve in Tacoma’s remote tech ecosystem?

Work-life balance in Tacoma's remote tech ecosystem improves through reduced job stress, access to abundant natural surroundings for mental and physical well-being, notable cuts in commute times, increased time for personal pursuits, and the ability to customize workspaces.

What community and networking opportunities are available for remote tech professionals in Tacoma?

Tacoma offers dynamic community and networking opportunities for remote tech professionals through well-attended gatherings, tech events, meetups like Tacoma Tech Talks and Dev Brew, collaborative platforms like Tech After Five, and organizations like Tacoma Women in Tech and Code Tacoma.

How does professional development and growth support remote tech careers in Tacoma?

Professional development and growth in Tacoma for remote tech careers are supported through educational programs, upskilling opportunities, entrepreneurial initiatives, and specialized skill refinement courses offered by institutions like Bates Technical College and Tacoma Public Schools.

What infrastructure and resources are available for remote workers in Tacoma?

Tacoma provides high-speed broadband, coworking spaces with essential amenities, workshops, robust IT services, and online learning resources like Lynda.com and USAJOBS. Companies like IBM also contribute to the thriving tech environment in Tacoma.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible