Top 10 Universities in Tacoma for Pursuing a Computer Science Degree

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Map of Tacoma highlighting top 10 universities for a computer science degree

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Top 10 Universities in Tacoma for Computer Science: Tacoma hosts a robust tech scene with over 95% of Washington's tech impact. Universities like UW Tacoma offer accredited programs, faculty with industry experience, and strategic industry partnerships, driving graduate success rates and post-grad employment. Explore rankings and methodologies for selecting the right university.

The tech scene is blowing up these days, and Tacoma is where it's at. With the local economy going ham on tech, the job opportunities are off the chain for anyone trying to get their code game tight.

The Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue area is a straight-up tech hub, accounting for over 95% of the state's tech money moves. The tech jobs in this region are projected to rise by almost 4%, so the demand for skilled programmers and techies is through the roof.

If you're trying to level up your skills, check out the computer science programs at places like UW Tacoma.

They're not just accredited, but they also hook you up with real-world experience and connect you with the big dogs in the industry. It's all about prepping you for dope careers in hot fields like cybersecurity and data science.

But if you're looking for a faster track to the tech world, coding bootcamps like those in Tacoma are where it's at.

They're designed to get you industry-ready and help you cash in on the tech boom happening right here in the PNW. It's a whole new way to get your foot in the door and contribute to the economic fire that's burning bright in tech, both locally and worldwide.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology: How We Ranked Tacoma's Top Computer Science Universities
  • University of Washington Tacoma
  • Pacific Lutheran University
  • University of Puget Sound
  • Tacoma Community College
  • Green River College
  • Clover Park Technical College
  • Bates Technical College
  • Highline College
  • Pierce College
  • Renton Technical College
  • Conclusion: Choosing the Right University for Your Computer Science Aspirations
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology: How We Ranked Tacoma's Top Computer Science Universities


We got this dope way of ranking the best computer science schools in Tacoma, and it's all about keeping it real and accurate. We're not just winging it. We're analyzing all the data we can get our hands on to make sure we're on point.

So, here's the deal: We're looking at how the top programs are rated based on peer reviews and specialties like AI and cybersecurity.

That's not all, though. We're also checking out places like Gannon University where all their grads are landing jobs straight out of college.

That's what we call setting the bar high.

  • Graduation rates - We want to see if students are actually making it through.
  • Faculty cred - We're talking about profs who've been in the game, not just book smart.
  • Research and development game - Gotta make sure they're staying ahead of the curve.
  • Student-to-faculty ratio - Nobody wants to be just a number, you know what I'm saying?
  • Post-grad job rates - Because at the end of the day, it's all about getting that bread.

Regional accreditation is a big deal for us too.

We want to make sure these schools are legit, like the University of Houston's program that's got solid rankings.

It's all about keeping it real and making sure you're not getting played. We're using reliable sources like NCES and IPEDS, so you know we're not messing around.

Our rankings are the real deal, and they're gonna help you navigate the college scene and lock down that dream career in tech.

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University of Washington Tacoma


Check this out! The University of Washington Tacoma (UWT) is like a total boss when it comes to their Computer Science & Systems (CSS) programs.

They'll set you up for a sick career in the tech world. Their Bachelor of Science in CSS is all about embedded systems, which are like the foundation of everything connected these days.

You'll learn the nitty-gritty stuff like data structures and algorithms to really get your hands dirty.

If you're feeling extra ambitious, they've got a dope Master of Science in Computer Science & Systems (MSCSS) program where you can dive deep into the latest and greatest in computer science theory and applications.

You can even work on your own thesis or capstone project to really flex those brain muscles. And they've got a course catalog with everything from the basics to hardcore topics like machine learning and network security.

The professors aren't just book-smart either, they've got real industry experience and PhDs under their belts.

Plus, they're doing some seriously cool research that's raking in the big bucks. And UWT has connections with major tech companies, so you can score sweet internships and get a taste of the real deal.

UWT is like the ultimate launchpad for becoming a tech mogul.

They'll not only teach you the ropes but push you to be a total trendsetter in the world of technology.

Pacific Lutheran University


The Computer Science (CS) program at Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) is legit! It's designed to set you up for success in the tech industry or prep you for grad school.

They cover all the essential CS topics like algorithms, data structures, software engineering, and systems programming, so you'll be ready for both the theoretical and practical sides of the game.

PLU keeps things fresh by incorporating interdisciplinary learning, so you can combine your CS knowledge with other academic interests.

They offer study abroad programs where you can explore the tech scene in places like Germany and South Korea. Plus, they hook you up with internships at major companies like Microsoft and Boeing.

Over 75% of students score an internship before graduation, which is crazy!

The faculty are super hands-on too. They'll guide you through capstone projects that you can showcase at the annual Capstone Symposium.

And with PLU's strong industry connections and career services, 90% of grads land jobs or continue their education within six months of graduating. It's like they're setting you up for success!

PLU is constantly evolving their program to keep up with the latest tech trends.

They're actively recruiting faculty in areas like network security, databases, and data science, so you'll always be learning the most relevant stuff. Just check out their job postings.

PLU is the real deal!

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University of Puget Sound


Check it out! University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington is killing it with their computer science program. They've got a ton of dope classes that cover all the latest and greatest in tech, from the basics like Data Structures and Algorithms to the cutting-edge stuff like Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence.

They even have a class called Cyber Ethics that delves into the ethical side of tech, which is super important these days.

There's more! They've got this awesome program called REU in Spatial Models and Electoral Districting that they run with University of Washington Tacoma.

It's a hands-on thing where you get to see how computational techniques can impact society, which is pretty cool if you're into that kind of thing. And if you're more of a philosophical type, they've got an Interdisciplinary Humanities Emphasis that lets you mix computer science with deep thinking about ethics and stuff like that.

Plus, you can score internships or check out the killer Exercise Science resources at their library.

The real kicker is that Puget Sound doesn't just teach you the theory; they've got classes like User Experience Design that let you get your hands dirty with actual design methodologies.

And according to one of their computer science majors, the learning doesn't stop in the classroom – they've got tons of internship opportunities in Tacoma's booming tech scene.

So by the time you graduate, you won't just be a techie, you'll be an innovator ready to take on the ever-changing digital world.

Tacoma Community College


Check it out - Tacoma Community College (TCC) has got a killer program for all you computer geeks out there. Their associate degree programs in computer science are the real deal.

Not only will they teach you all the technical mumbo-jumbo, but they'll also set you up for a smooth transfer to some of the top universities in the game, like the University of Washington.

Over 65% of TCC's CS grads end up transferring to these fancy schools, often as juniors.

But it's not just a one-size-fits-all approach. TCC has three different associate degrees in computer science and computer engineering, so you can pick the one that fits your vibe and career goals best.

And they're not just about the theoretical stuff - you'll get to work on hands-on projects that'll give you the skills that companies are looking for.

TCC has got some solid industry connections, hooking you up with internships, co-op programs, and networking events with all the big tech companies in the area.

90% of their CS grads who decide to join the workforce land a job within six months of graduating. TCC is all about setting you up for success in the real world, not just giving you a fancy degree.

Plus, they're helping to keep Tacoma's tech scene thriving, so you'll be part of something bigger than just your own career. It's a win-win situation.

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Green River College


Green River College (GRC) is for anyone looking to get into tech! They've got Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) degrees in Computer Science fields like Software Development and Cybersecurity and Networking.

These programs are giving you the skills to in high-demand careers like software and web dev, quality assurance, and network architecture. GRC has solid connections with major tech companies, so over 90% of grads land jobs within six months of graduating.

But it's not just about the classes.

GRC hooks you up with resources like Advising and Career Services, tutoring for the tough tech stuff, career workshops, and internship/job opportunities.

They've got your back when things get intense, helping you navigate the computer science and making sure you're ready for the industry.

GRC keeps it real by mixing classroom theory with hands-on experience.

You'll collab on projects with local tech businesses, so the curriculum is literally "informed by industry, for industry," as one of the program coordinators put it.

This dynamic approach prepares you for the real world and opens doors in Tacoma's booming tech scene (check out their team profiles for the scoop).

GRC strikes the perfect balance between academic knowledge and practical skills, making sure you're ready from day one.

Clover Park Technical College


Tech is like, the oxygen that keeps us breathing these days, right? That's why Clover Park Technical College's Computer Programming Program is dropping some serious knowledge on you.

They're serving up an Associate of Applied Technology (AAT) degree that'll prep you for gigs like computer programming and network support. But here's the real flex: they're not just churning out code monkeys.

They're making sure you're locked and loaded with the communication and teamwork skills that employers are craving for.

Over six quarters, you'll be hitting the grind with project-based assignments that'll make you a pro with all the industry-standard software tools.

And it's not just solo missions, either. CPTC is all about those collaborative workshops in their sick lab facilities, helping you level up your team-building skills for when you're out there in the tech trenches.

But that's not even the best part.

These guys are packing their program with the real deal, like data structures and troubleshooting, plus certifications that'll have you ready to crush it in the tech world straight outta the gate.

Recent students have been dropping some serious heat at end-of-quarter presentations, like Noah Hebert who developed a fire mobile app. Proof that CPTC isn't just about hitting the books – they're keeping it real with hands-on projects that'll have you ready to take on the world.

Speaking of keeping it real, Hebert's journey from intern to president of Club OOPS at CPTC is a prime example of how this college helps you map out your career path.

And he's not the only one spitting truth – other alumni are straight-up saying CPTC had them prepped for the job market.

By staying locked in with industry demands and fostering tight partnerships with the real players, Clover Park Technical College is making sure you're ready to slay in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Bates Technical College


You know how Bates Technical College is really excelling in Tacoma's education game? Well, their computer tech programs are exceptional! They've got stuff like Information Technology Specialist and Computer Networking Systems Technician courses that combine some serious book-smarts with hands-on experience that the tech industry is all about.

Additionally, Bates has this partnership with local tech companies, so you get to do internships where you can work on real-life projects under the guidance of industry pros.

It's like a two-for-one deal—you're learning and working at the same time, sharpening those skills that employers appreciate.

And when it comes to landing a job after graduation, Bates has got your back.

They've got some solid connections in the industry, and their stats speak for themselves—78% of their computer science grads score a relevant job within six months of graduating.

That's what I call a successful track record.

One of their alumni even said, "Bates was a game-changer for me. The internships they provided through their partnerships gave me the real-world experience I needed to hit the ground running." At Bates, it's not just about acing your classes; they've got this whole supportive network thing going on to help you build a career in tech.

It's like they're really invested in your success.

Highline College


Check it out! Highline College has some dope computer science programs that'll get you ready for the tech world. They've got associate's degrees that you can use to transfer to places like UW, or more hands-on programs to help you land a job straight away.

One of their standout offerings is the Bachelor's in Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics.

Cybersecurity is a huge deal these days, with job growth projected at 31% between 2019 and 2029. It's also a pretty diverse field, with 59% of their STEM grads coming from underrepresented groups.

They've got programs like Women in STEM to encourage more ladies to get into tech.

But it's not just about the academics. Highline has your back with advising, career services, and internship opportunities.

They believe that every student has potential, and they'll help you unlock it, no matter where you're coming from. Their computer science programs are legit gateways to some seriously cool tech careers.

Pierce College


At Pierce College, the Computer Science program is like a superhighway to the future of tech careers.

They've got some next-level teaching methods and hands-on experience that'll blow your mind. Being a major player in Tacoma, Pierce offers degrees like an Associate of Science in Computer Engineering and Systems, which you can map out using their Program Mapper tool – talk about making your education crystal clear!

You'll learn the ins and outs of programming languages like C++ in their CS courses, plus other dope stuff like computer architecture and data analytics.

This cutting-edge knowledge will prep you for any tech job out there, whether it's IT support or Networking and Cybersecurity certificates. The college has these sick computing labs where you can get your hands dirty with industry-standard software, and their IT support services create a truly immersive tech ecosystem.

Pierce has partnerships with big names like CSUN or UCLA, so you know you're getting top-notch training to not just meet but straight up shape the future of technology.

Student support services are off the charts at Pierce, and alumni swear by the personalized attention they get.

They've got academic advising, tutoring specifically for computer science students – that's what sets Pierce apart. All these resources come together to create a seriously proactive and motivated student body.

One recent grad summed it up perfectly: "Engaging with professors and having access to state-of-the-art resources made us stand out." That's the kind of visionary thinking that'll make you a tech rock star!

Renton Technical College


Have you checked out the sick Computer Science program at Renton Technical College (RTC)? They've got this rad Application Development Program that'll teach you everything you need to know about:

  • Designing and building client-server apps
  • Creating web apps
  • Mastering advanced database systems
  • Coding in all the hottest programming languages

But it's not just about coding.

RTC will hook you up with skills in full-stack development and cloud computing too. They've even got connections with major tech companies, so you'll get to attend guest lectures and work on collaborative projects.

That's why 85% of their computer science grads land jobs within six months of finishing the program!

RTC has a bunch of other Information Technology programs, like Cybersecurity Analyst training.

They're all about making sure you're ready for whatever the tech world throws at you. With RTC on your side, you'll be a tech superstar in no time!

Conclusion: Choosing the Right University for Your Computer Science Aspirations


Let's talk about choosing the right uni for computer science - it's a big deal that can impact your whole future. With the gender gap in STEM being a real issue, we gotta keep diversity and inclusivity in mind too.

Here are some key factors to consider:

  • A solid computer science curriculum that's not just about theory, but also gives you practical skills to take into the workforce. Look for an inclusive culture that values diversity, like the programs at Nucamp's coding bootcamps in Tacoma.
  • Strong industry partnerships that hook you up with internships and job opportunities after graduation. Bootcamps like TechSmart, mentioned in Nucamp's article on industry collabs, have got you covered on that front.
  • Support services that boost confidence, especially for women entering the field. Places like Monash Malaysia are doing it right with their equitable encouragement.
  • Solid employment rates after graduation, showing the uni sets you up for success in tech careers. Check out salary outcomes and career guides when choosing your major or specialization.

But at the end of the day, it's all about finding the right fit for you.

As Natalie Portman said, learning should be beautiful, not just rote studying. Use resources like College Navigator, go on campus visits, and engage with faculty and students to really get a feel for the vibe.

Picking a computer science program isn't just about rankings - it's about finding a close-knit community where you can thrive and be part of the cutting-edge tech world.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the significance of computer science in Tacoma's economy?

Tacoma hosts a vibrant tech scene that contributes over 95% of tech's economic impact in Washington. The demand for technology experts is high, presenting ample opportunities for computer science professionals.

What are the key factors in selecting a top computer science university in Tacoma?

Factors include accreditation, graduate success rates, faculty industry experience, strategic industry partnerships, graduation rates, research investment, student-to-faculty ratio, and post-graduation employment rates.

How are top universities in Tacoma for computer science evaluated?

Universities in Tacoma are evaluated based on peer assessment scores, specialty nominations in areas like artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, as well as objective metrics like placement rates, graduation rates, faculty credentials, and investment in research and development.

What distinguishes University of Washington Tacoma's computer science program?

UWT offers a comprehensive curriculum, accreditation from ABET, industry partnerships with companies like Boeing and T-Mobile, faculty with industry experience and PhDs, and a focus on embedded systems, data structures, algorithms, and rigorous coursework.

How does Tacoma Community College prepare students for computer science careers?

TCC offers diverse associate degrees in computer science and computer engineering, ensures credit transferability to top universities, provides hands-on projects relevant to industry needs, and fosters industry partnerships offering internships, co-op programs, and networking events.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible